Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 1. No Employee shall engage in any Union activity, including the distribution of literature, which could interfere with the performance of work during his/her working time or in working areas of the Employer at any time, except as provided in Article 30.
2. A representative of the Union shall have reasonable access to the appropriate University departments for the purpose of conferring with the delegates of the Union and/or Employee covered by this Agreement and for the purposes of administering this Agreement. Where the Union representative finds it necessary to enter a department of the University for this purpose, he/she shall first advise the personnel office or the head of the department or his/her designee in person, as the Employer shall state. A delegate intending to go to a department other than the one he/she represents shall follow the above procedure. Such visits shall not interfere with the operation of the University's departments.
3. The Employer shall provide Bulletin Board(s) which shall be used for the purpose of posting proper Union notice. Such Bulletin Board(s) shall be placed conspicuously and at places readily accessible to Employees in the course of employment.
4. Delegates of the Union shall be released for a maximum of two (2) hours each month to attend delegate meetings. There shall be a maximum of two (2) such meetings per month, upon twenty-four (24) hour notice at a mutually convenient time. The unused time shall not accrue from month to month.
5. The Union shall submit a current list of Union delegates to the Employer every six (6) months.
6. Employees shall be released with pay to attend Executive Council meetings.
7. Employees shall be entitled to attend two (2) Union meetings per year for up to one (1) hour each without loss of pay, on dates and at times agreed upon by the Union and the University. Necessary employees whose positions must be covered will not be excused for the purpose of attending these meetings. Employees working at 0000 Xxxxxxxx will be released one-half hour early (extra – for travel time) to attend the meetings.
8. As part of cost savings referred to in this Agreement, the parties recognize that the Union’s delegates will play a pivotal role in educating the Union membership in understanding the cost savings programs, in helping to prevent fraud and abuse in the Funds, and in understanding the Agreement and collective bargaining process. In this regard, the Delegates will be released for up to five (5)...
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. A. No employee shall engage in any Union activity, including the distribution of literature, that interferes with the performance of work during work time or in work areas of the Hospital. Solicitation of memberships or dues, campaigning for internal Union office, or other internal Union business shall be conducted only during the non-duty hours of the employees concerned and in areas other than the employees’ workstations.
B. The District President of the Union or designee shall notify the Administrator for Human Resources or designee in writing of the Union representatives or designees authorized to visit the Hospital on behalf of the Union. When a representative is away from work for a week or longer, the Union may notify the Administrator of Human Resources or designee of a replacement.
C. Representatives of the Union shall have reasonable access to the Hospital for the purpose of monitoring the administration of this Agreement and shall not interfere with patient care or Hospital operations. Visits shall be of reasonable duration and frequency. When warranted by special or unusual circumstances, arrangements may be made with the approval of the Administrator for Human Resources or designee for additional visits and/or time during the week. Union Representatives staff the table in the 2ACC elevator lobby Mondays and Thursday from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Other Union staff and/or officers may visit the Hospital on occasion when given prior approval by the Administrator for Human Resources or designee.
D. Where a Union representative finds it necessary to enter a department or unit of the Hospital for purposes of monitoring this contract or redressing grievances, the representative during normal business hours (8am-5pm) shall first advise the Administrator for Human Resources or designee in advance. For any approved visit outside normal business hours, the representative shall follow the same procedure by reporting to the Hospital’s RN On-Duty House Administrator and in his/her absence the Administrator on Call. The RN On-Duty House Administrator may be contacted through the Hospital operator (272-2111). Under no circumstance is the representative to enter any work area of the Hospital without reporting as provided herein and identifying self with 1199NM ID badge. When Union representatives visit off-site clinics, they will check in with the manager on duty at the clinic identifying self with 1199NM ID badge.
E. Upon entering any work area of the Hospital, th...
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 1. Upon reasonable notification to a management representative on the premises, a non-employee representative of the Union may have access to the Employer's premises for the purpose of conferring with Management, delegates of the Union and/or employees for the purpose of administering this Agreement, providing that the Employer's operation shall not be impaired. This request shall not be unreasonably denied.
2. The Employer shall provide bulletin boards which shall be used for the purpose of posting proper Union notices, including official Union publications or official communications. Such bulletin boards shall be placed conspicuously in the Communications Office. Any Union notices other than above which are considered inflammatory, political or devoted to Union organizing or grievance matters other than stated above are not permissible for posting on City bulletin boards or property and shall be removed by Management.
3. No insignia which has not been authorized by the Employer shall be worn on employee uniforms.
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 1. No Employee shall engage in any Union activity, including the distribution of literature, which could interfere with the perfor- xxxxx of work during his/her working time or in working areas of the Employer at any time, except as provided in Article XXXI
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. A. No employee shall engage in any Union activity, including the distribution of literature that interferes with the performance of work during work time or in working areas of the Hospital. Solicitation of memberships, dues, or other internal Union business shall be conducted only during the non-duty hours of the employees concerned in non-work areas. Solicitation includes electioneering of any kind.
B. Designated Union Officials and/or designated Union and Local Union Representatives shall have reasonable access to the Hospital to confer with the Human Resources Department, Union officials, and individual employees and to monitor the administration of this Agreement. When the Union official or representative finds it necessary to enter the Hospital, he/she shall give prior notice to the Human Resources Administrator or designee, specifying the purpose of the visit. Such visits shall be of reasonable duration and frequency consistent with the Union’s obligation and shall not interfere with patient care or Hospital operations. Meetings with Union officials and employees in work areas shall be conducted in a location designated by the supervisor. Activities of the Union official or representative shall be limited to those provided herein.
C. The Union office shall notify the Human Resources Administrator, in writing, of the designated Union and Local Union representatives of the Communications Workers of America who will be conducting business with the Employer. Upon entering the Hospital, the representative shall report to the designated Human Resources Department representative. Under no circumstances is the representative to enter any working area of the Hospital without reporting as provided herein, when conducting Union business.
D. Upon entering any work area of the Hospital, the Local Union representative shall notify the Supervisor on duty and inform him/her of the purpose of the visit.
E. Under no circumstances shall the representative enter nursing stations, medication rooms, patient rooms or wards, patient treatment areas or other areas where patient care is delivered.
F. While in any work area, the representative's contacts shall be restricted to members of the bargaining unit except as may otherwise be provided.
G. While in the Hospital, the representative shall abide by Hospital policies, rules and regulations in effect for any other member of the public or in accordance with this Agreement.
H. The Hospital will provide for the Union five (5) ...
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 1. A representative of the Union shall have reasonable access to the Center for the purpose of conferring with the Employer, delegates of the Union and/or, Employees, and for the purpose of administering this Agreement, Where the Union representative finds it necessary to enter a department of the Center for this purpose, he/she shall first advise the personnel office or the head of the department of his/her designee in person, as the Employer shall state. A delegate intending to go to a department other than the one he/she represents shall follow the above procedure. Such visits shall not interfere with the operation of the Center.
2. The Employer shall provide Bulletin Board(s) which shall be used for the purpose of posting proper Union notices. Such Bulletin Board(s) shall be placed conspicuously and at places readily accessible to workers in the course of employment.
3. The work schedules of Employees elected as Union Delegates shall be adjusted to permit attendance at regular delegate assembly meetings providing Employer operations shall be not impaired.
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. Section 1. Upon reasonable notification to the Police Chief or his Designee, a representative of the Union shall have access to the Employer's premises for the purpose of conferring with management, delegates of the Union and/or Employees for the purpose of administering this Agreement and providing that the Employer's operation shall not be impaired.
Section 2. The Employer shall provide a bulletin board which shall be used for the purpose of posting proper Union notices. Such bulletin board shall be placed conspicuously in an area accessible to all affected employees.
Section 3. No insignia which has not been authorized by the Employer shall be worn on Employee uniforms.
Section 4. No Union business may be conducted during work time without the prior approval of the Employer.
Section 5. The Employer shall endeavor to allow Union representatives to utilize available paid time off (holidays, compensatory time, or vacation time) to attend to Union business, seminars, conferences, conventions or meetings.
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 1. Upon reasonable notification to a Management representative on the premises, a nonemployee representative of the Union may have access to the Employer’s premises for the purpose of conferring with Management, delegates of the Union, or Employees for the purpose of administering this Agreement, provided that the Employer’s operation shall not be impaired. Union related business shall not be conducted, when clients are present or when Employees are working except as provided below.
2. The Employer shall provide one bulletin board, not less than four (4) feet by four
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. 5.1 Union staff representatives shall have access to the Employer's premises as necessary for the purpose of administering the bargaining unit, after announcing their presence to the Administrator. Staff representatives will not unduly interfere with the operations of the facility.
5.2 Delegates shall have the right to investigate and otherwise prepare and process grievances and to be present at all disciplinary proceedings on their own time when feasible and on work time when necessary.
5.3 The Employer shall try to provide appropriate meeting space upon request of the Union. The Union shall endeavor to make such request adequately in advance.
5.4 The Employer shall provide one (1) locked enclosed bulletin board for the exclusive use of the Union. Such bulletin board shall be located in a place readily accessible to Employees in the course of their employment, next to the time clock.
5.5 The Employer will schedule delegates so as not to interfere with regularly-scheduled Delegate Assembly Meetings of which the Employer has notice, without loss of pay.
5.6 The Employer shall pay delegates of the Union an aggregate of one hundred twenty (120) hours per contract year to attend to Union business away from the facility. Unused hours shall be carried over to the next year. Advanced notice shall be provided to the Employer.
Union Activity, Visitation and Bulletin Boards. A Union representative shall have reasonable access to the Employer's premise. Nothing in this provision shall be interpreted to allow a Union representative to interfere with any work-related activity of any employee. The employer shall determine whether interference has occurred. The Employer will make available at each location to the Union space for a reasonably- sized standard bulletin board for the Union's use, provided that the use of such bulletin board shall be restricted to the posting of Union notices, Union meetings, Union elections and the results thereof, and social or recreational events of the Union.