Cumulative Sick Leave Sample Clauses

Cumulative Sick Leave. The normal cumulative sick leave allowance each year shall be ten (10) days for employees on thirty-eight (38) through forty-two (42) week assignments. Teachers on eleven (11) and twelve (12) month assignments shall receive one (1) day per month up to a maximum of twelve (12) days each year. A teacher shall be permitted to carry forward the unused portion of sick leave without limit. The balance of accumulated sick leave shall be printed on the teacher's bi-weekly statement of earnings.
Cumulative Sick Leave. Sick leave shall accumulate from year to year for as long as the employee's employment continues with the employer so that any sick leave which has not been allowed in any year may be claimed as Sick Leave by the employee and shall be allowed by the Company, subject to the conditions prescribed in respect of that year.
Cumulative Sick Leave. 16.1 Employees covered by this collective agreement will carry forward their accumulated sick leave days from the predecessor school boards to a maximum of 280 days. Effective September 1, 1999 employees (other than temporary employees) shall be credited with 2 days of sick leave for each month of active full time service to a yearly maximum of 24 days for twelve month employees. Effective September 1, 2003, 100% of the unused days each year are accumulated, to a possible sick leave total of three hundred (300) days. Sick leave days will be pro-rated for part-time employment. (a) A Retirement and Sick Leave Gratuity has been approved for employees based on unused Cumulative Sick Leave Credits, up to a maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) days, to be based on the following formula: A retiring employee may request that such payment be scheduled over an extended period save that payment must commence within one year of retirement and be completed within three years of retirement. (b) This plan will apply to those employees: A (i) Who are compelled to retire because of a complete disability to engage in any employment with the Board, as certified to by a duly qualified physician or surgeon. OR B (i) Who are retiring on a pension, payment of which will commence within twelve months from the day of such retirement, and B (ii) Who have been employed on the staff of the Board for a period of ten (10) years or more of continuous service. (c) In the event of the death of a retired employee, any allowance or benefit for which they are eligible under the Retirement Gratuity Plan and which remains unpaid shall be paid to the employee’s designated beneficiary. (d) In the event of the death of an employee, a sick leave credit gratuity payment equivalent to the applicable formula of Section 16.2(a) will be paid to his/her designated beneficiary. This provision will apply to all employees who have had a minimum of ten (10) years’ service with the Board.
Cumulative Sick Leave. Pursuant to law, all members of the bargaining unit shall accrue sick leave at the rate of one and one-quarter (1 ¼) days per month of service. Such sick leave is to accumulate to a maximum 326 days. No member shall receive credit for more than fifteen (15) days of sick leave in any one year. Members shall be notified by the treasurer of the Board of the total accumulated days of sick leave at the end of each school year.
Cumulative Sick Leave. (i) Sick leave shall be calculated on the basis of twenty (20) days per year. For the purpose of computing sick leave for a fraction of a year, two hundred (200) days shall be considered to be the number of school days in a year. (ii) Unused sick leave in any calendar year may be accumulated and carried forward to the next year up to the maximum of one hundred and forty-five (145) days (including twenty (20) days allowed for the year in which the illness occurred) subject to the following conditions: (a) Upon commencement of duties in the first year, a teacher is entitled to twenty (20) teaching days. (b) Upon commencement of duties in the second year, a teacher is entitled to twenty (20) teaching days and any unused sick leave from the first year. (c) At the beginning of each succeeding year, a teacher is entitled to twenty (20) teaching days and any previously unused sick leave. (iii) Employees shall be entitled to use up to an overall maximum of three (3) days of accumulated sick leave per school year to attend to the illness or injury of that teacher’s spouse, common-law partner, children, parents, brother or sister whether the family member is natural, in-law, step or xxxxxx. Where such cases occur, entitlement under this article may not be accessed concurrently by both caregivers who are employees within the scope of this agreement. Employees may be required to provide medical evidence that such leave was required. Such days shall be pro-rated based upon full-time equivalency for part-time employees. Section 7.1.1 is to be deleted from Appendix B re: Policy GCBD. (iv) Absence for illness due to pregnancy shall be considered to be sick leave up to the day the teacher was last present for duty. (v) No sick leave shall be granted during a period of leave of absence or sabbatical leave, and no days shall be added to the accumulated sick leave for such periods. (vi) Deduction for full salary (one two-hundredth [1/200th] of annual salary rate for each day) shall be made when illness extends beyond the period provided for. (vii) A teacher on extended sick leave, who advises the Division that the sick leave will be continuing for more than ten (10) consecutive days shall be advised by the Division of the following: (a) the sick leave benefits which may be claimed under the Collective Agreement, and (b) to contact The Winnipeg Teachers’ Association regarding services and benefits. A copy of the Cumulative Sick Leave Article shall be provided to the teacher. (...
Cumulative Sick Leave. Unused sick leave days may accumulate to a maximum credit of 360 days per teacher. Part-time teachers may accumulate sick leave days up to a maximum in the same proportion as the number of days they work is to the number of days a full-time teacher works.
Cumulative Sick Leave. (a) Any regular part-time employee described in Article 18.04 (b) or (c) will accumulate and continue to accumulate sick leave credits on the basis of one and one-half (1 ½) days per month prorated to hours worked in addition to existing sick leave to their credit and will continue to accumulate sick leave credits for as long as they maintain their permanent status in their current position. Notwithstanding, if such an employee is displaced from his current position, he shall have the option of continuing to be grandparented with the entitlements under this and other related provisions. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, Articles 13.01 (c) (4), 13.01 (h), 13.03 and L.11.4 as herein amended shall apply to all employees described in this paragraph. (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, when an employee who has sick leave to his credit transfers or is transferred from another status to full-time status on a permanent basis, Article 13.01 and L.11.4 as herein amended shall apply to such employee(s). (c) Except as provided in paragraph (b) above and notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, when an employee described in paragraph (a) above transfers from one status or position to another an employee’s existing sick leave credits shall be converted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, Articles 13.01(c) (4) and L.
Cumulative Sick Leave. Every Employee shall be entitled to one and one-half (1½) days leave with full pay for every completed month of service from the time of his or her appointment on account of sickness or accident not occasioned by or suffered in the performance of his or her duty. The unused portions of such leave of absence shall be cumulative.
Cumulative Sick Leave. (a) Sick leave for twelve-month full-time Employees shall be based on an allowance of two (2) days per month and the unused portion shall accumulate to a maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) days. Sick leave for twelve-month part-time Employees shall be based on an allowance of two (2) days per month and the unused portion shall accumulate to a maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) days. (b) Sick leave for ten-month full-time Employees shall be based on an allowance of two
Cumulative Sick Leave a. Employee’s cumulative sick leave shall be credited with any unused portion of their current sick leave as the first contract day worked. b. It is understood that all sick leave benefits are immediately and automatically cancelled upon termination of employment by resignation or discharge by the District.