Effects of Layoff. 15.6.1 Upon request of the Association within five (5) working days, the parties shall meet and negotiate upon the specific impact of such layoff upon bargaining unit members to the extent that such matters are within the lawful scope of representation, and is not specified within this Agreement. It is agreed and understood that the District has the right to implement layoffs pursuant to this Article even though the parties may not have concluded the above bargaining concerning the impact of such layoffs. Nothing in this article shall preclude either party from requesting and commencing negotiations on any effects of layoff.
15.6.2 The District shall not transfer work of the bargaining unit to certificated, confidential, management or supervisory employees, or to volunteers, prisoners, or substitute employees or to other bargaining unit employees in different classifications or sub contract out the bargaining unit work performed by laid off employees or employees who have suffered a reduction in hours/work year.
15.6.3 Any extra hours that become available in a classification that has suffered a layoff, causing an employee to return to a lower classification or reduction in hours due to layoff, shall be given to any employee within that classification who has suffered such layoff or reduction in hours. Awarded hours will be rotated between all affected employees based on seniority until made whole, after which, extra hours will be given on the normal seniority rotation.
15.6.4 The District shall not increase the current and existing workload of remaining bargaining unit employees. This does not preclude the changes to assignments within the classification.
15.6.5 The District may use volunteers and/or students to enhance its educational program but not permit displacements of classified employees nor to allow the District to utilize volunteers in lieu of regular employees during an actual layoff.
15.6.6 Benefited employees who are laid off or who are reduced in hours/work year shall be offered the opportunity to purchase health and welfare benefits subject to carrier rules and/or COBRA in the event of a layoff if the layoff would make them ineligible for health and welfare benefits. This information will be provided by insurance carrier.
15.6.7 Employees placed on the 60 day layoff notice may use available paid personal leave to seek alternative employment.
15.6.8 In the event of the layoff of bus drivers, the District agrees to allow laid off drivers to p...
Effects of Layoff. Workers who are laid off shall be entitled to the following:
11.16.1 Paid medical benefits for 3 months for workers and their eligible dependents;
11.16.2 Preference for workers whose work year or hours have been reduced in filling temporary jobs that would ordinarily be filled by short-term workers;
11.16.3 Reasonable paid release time for the purpose of seeking employment for workers who are subject to termination because of layoff;
11.16.4 Payment of accrued vacation hours for workers with fewer than six (6) months of service;
11.16.5 Priority registration privileges for workers who have been terminated because of layoff;
11.16.6 Eligibility to apply for Educational Assistance funds in accordance with the terms of this agreement during the first six months of layoff. Applications for funds shall be submitted to the Director of Human Resources who shall sign in lieu of the worker’s former administrator;
11.16.7 Career counseling and job placement assistance for workers who have been terminated because of layoff; This article expresses the entire understanding between the parties regarding the effects of layoff and each party waives the right to meet and negotiate on the effects of layoff for the life of this Agreement except as to those effects that the parties mutually agree to negotiate.
Effects of Layoff. If during the leave the Employer implements a layoff and the employee would have lost a position had the employee not been on a leave pursuant to the contract, the employee is not entitled to reinstatement in the former position. In such circumstances, the employee retains all rights under layoff and recall under this contract as if the employee had not taken the leave.
Effects of Layoff. During the period of time that non-probationary employees have recall rights as specified above, the following provisions shall be applicable to any non- probationary employees who are laid off by the City:
1. An employee shall be paid for any earned but unused vacation days.
2. An employee shall have the right to maintain insurance coverage by paying in advance the full applicable monthly premium for single and, if desired, family coverage.
3. If an employee is recalled, the amount of accumulated, noncompensated sick leave days that the employee had as of the effective date of the layoff shall be restored.
4. Upon recall, the employee’s seniority shall be adjusted by the length of the layoff.
Effects of Layoff. 23.1 The provision of this article shall deal with reduction in force actions the District may initiate pursuant to Education Code § 44955 and 44955.
23.2 The Federation and the District agree that the collective bargaining agreement presently in effect shall so continue as presented in said agreement, including all articles and side letters.
23.3 The Federation and the District understand the legal provisions of the Education Code regarding reduction in force actions by the District and nothing contained herein shall be construed to impede any possible District implementation of said legal provisions, or the assignment of professional bargaining unit services related thereto; nor shall it be construed to remove the reduction in force protection of the Education Code for unit members.
23.4 The District and the Federation agree that all Education Code procedural requirements and provisions for layoff of unit members shall be observed if the District determines that reductions in force are necessary.
23.5 For the purpose of prioritizing those employees who have received a layoff notice and who have been determined to have the same day of first service, the criteria for prioritization shall be determined by the District and shall be based upon the needs of the District and the students thereof.
Effects of Layoff. Upon request, the CSEA shall have the right to negotiate the effects of the proposed layoff.
Effects of Layoff. When the Board of Trustees deems that a layoff of classified bargaining unit personnel is to be implemented, the following procedures and rights will be followed:
Effects of Layoff. “Layoff for lack of funds or layoff for lack of work” includes any reduction in hours of employment or assignment to a class or grade lower than that in which the employee has permanence, voluntarily consented to by the employee in order to avoid interruption of employment by layoff.
1. Any employee whose hours are reduced as a result of layoff and who is required to work a minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day in excess of the regular assignment for a period of twenty (20) consecutive working days shall receive pro-rated sick leave, vacation, and applicable holiday benefits for all additional hours worked.
2. Employees on layoff shall be afforded the opportunity to request to be placed on the substitute list for any Classified position for which they are qualified. Said employees will be given first consideration for employment as a substitute on an as needed basis as determined by the District.
3. The District shall provide each full-time employee subject to layoff with a total of a maximum of twelve (12) hours, subject to review, paid release time for the purpose of seeking employment or training. Part-time unit members shall be entitled to such prorated released time in the same ratio as his/her regular hours of work per week bear to 40 hours. Such release time shall be subject to at least twenty-four (24) hours prior notification and shall conform to all other provisions of the article on Leaves of Absence in the Agreement between the Ontario-Montclair School District and California School Employees Association, Chapter #108.
4. Employees laid-off or reduced in hours, at the end of the school year may elect to continue their current level of health and welfare benefits for ninety (90) days beyond the effective date of lay off. Those employees who have been employed by the district for less than one year may elect to continue their current level of health and welfare benefits for thirty (30) days beyond the effective date of layoff.
5. Any increase in health and welfare benefits for members of CSEA, Chapter #108, shall also be afforded to employees who are on layoff and still receiving benefits in accordance with Preferential Reemployment Procedures D.4 above.
6. Work normally and customarily performed on a regular basis exclusively by classified employees would only be contracted out in accordance with Government Code, Education Code, and any other related legal regulation.
7. The District shall notify the Association of its intent to layoff, reduce ...
Effects of Layoff. The City will place employees in other departments if comparable vacant positions exist for which the employee is eligible and qualified and in the event that none exist, will contact other employers in order to help employees find other jobs if possible. The City will also provide referrals for job and career counseling, training and job fairs. The City will maintain its level of contributions to all health and welfare benefits for laid off employees for three (3) months following the effective date of the layoff or until the employee is employed elsewhere, whichever occurs first. This Article satisfies the City’s obligation to meet and confer in connection with layoffs and the effects of layoff, except as provided below. Upon request, the City shall meet with the Union to discuss alternatives to such layoff. Such discussion will not delay implementation of the layoff unless the City agrees so.
Effects of Layoff. The district shall not transfer the work of bargaining unit members to other employees (certificated, confidential, management, limited-term, short-term, or substitute), volunteers, prisoners or students. However, volunteers may maintain the level of services provided prior to the layoff.