DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. In keeping with Occupational Health and Safety requirements, it has been agreed to by the parties to this Agreement that they will work towards an acceptable procedure for counselling employees reasonably suspected of drug or alcohol abuse where such abuse may contribute toward workplace safety.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. Members of the bargaining unit may be required to submit to a drug or alcohol test under certain circumstances as described herein. The appropriate use of prescribed drugs that are legal under both State and Federal law and non-prescription medications are not prohibited. The misuse or abuse of prescription and/or non-prescription drugs while performing job duties is prohibited and the use of these drugs must adversely affect an employee’s ability to perform required work. The failure, refusal, or tampering with a drug or alcohol test may result in discipline, up to and including dismissal. 24.5.1 Random Testing for Safety Sensitive Positions NMHU will maintain a list of the safety sensitive positions and will provide the Association a copy upon written request. Members of the bargaining unit in safety sensitive positions are expected to refrain from the illegal use of drugs and alcohol on and off duty. Safety Sensitive positions include but are not limited to employees who operate, repair, and maintain passenger-carrying motor vehicles; employees who work with machinery, tools, 6ft ladders, and lifts; and drivers of commercial vehicles, bus drivers, or other employees who operate vehicles, which transport students, or employees. Human Resources may designate additional safety sensitive positions. Each bargaining unit member in safety sensitive positions will acknowledge in writing that the employee has received and read a notice that the employee’s position has been designated for random drug and alcohol testing and that the refusal to submit to testing shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. If the employee refuses to sign the acknowledgement form, the employee’s supervisor will document on the acknowledgement form that the employee received the notice but refused to sign. The acknowledgement will be forwarded to Human Resources and the failure to sign the notice will not preclude employee testing under this agreement.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. 20 Section 18.1 General Statement of Policy 20 Section 18.2 Definitions 21 Section 18.3 Prohibitions 21 Section 18.4 Drug and Alcohol Testing Upon Reasonable Suspicion. 21 Section 18.5 Pre-Employment Drug and Alcohol Testing 22 Section 18.6 Test to be Conducted 22 Section 18.7 Positive Test Results 23 Section 18.8 Confidentiality of Test Results 23 Section 18.9 Voluntary Employee Assistance 23 Section 18.10 Right to Contest 24 ARTICLE XIX TERM OF AGREEMENT AND LEGALITY CLAUSES 24 Section 19.1 Complete Agreement 24 Section 19.2 Savings Clause 25 Section 19.3 Term of Agreement 25 APPENDIX A DUES AUTHORIZATION FORM 26 APPENDIX B 27 PREAMBLE‌ This Agreement entered into by the Village of Itasca, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the “Village” or the “Employer”), and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, representing sworn officers of Itasca Lodge No. 53 (hereinafter referred to as the “Council” or “Lodge”), has as its basic purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the Employer and the Lodge; the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; and the establishment of an entire agreement covering rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment applicable to bargaining unit employees. In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and Agreement contained herein, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives and/or agents, do mutually covenant and agree as follows:
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. 5.4.1 Where there is a reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty, the supervisor shall have a representative of Airport management and a Union Representative observe the employee in question. If the suspicion is confirmed, the employee shall be required to take a drug and/or alcohol test. 5.4.2 An employee who tests .04 or greater on a breath alcohol test or who tests positive for a controlled substance shall not be permitted to return to work until he/she has been evaluated and complied with any rehabilitation recommended by a qualified substance abuse professional. A list of names will be provided by the Human Resources Department. There shall be a pre-disciplinary hearing convened to determine the appropriate course of action. Also before returning to work, the employee must have a negative result on a return to duty alcohol and/or drug test (depending upon which was failed), and must sign a return to work contract with the Airport for a period of time not less than two (2) years nor more than five (5) years. If there should be a further violation during the contract period, the initial violation that gave rise to the contract will be coupled with the second violation, and the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge for the two (2) violations. Conversely, if the employee completes the program and there is no further violation within two (2) years of the end of the contract, there shall be no record kept of the offense giving rise to the pre-disciplinary hearing. 5.4.3 An employee who has a breath alcohol reading greater than .00 but less than .04 shall not be permitted to return to work until the supervisor contacts a representative of Airport management and the employee's Union Representative to determine the employee's appropriate duty status during the upcoming hours. If the decision of the supervisor is to return the employee to work, the employee must not operate vehicles or power equipment. 5.4.4 No employee shall deliberately adulterate a urine sample, refuse to take a directed alcohol or drug test or refuse to provide urine. If the employee should refuse to take an alcohol test, there will be a presumption that the employee has a positive reading of .04 or greater alcohol concentration. If the employee should refuse to take a drug test or to provide urine, or if the employee deliberately adulterates a urine sample, there shall be a presumption that the em...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. The Employer shall have the right with probable cause to have any transportation employee tested for the use of any controlled substance in accordance with the provisions of federal and state statutes and regulations. Drivers will be paid a minimum of one (1) hour each time that they are directed to have a drug and alcohol test performed at their regular rate of pay as set forth in Appendix B.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF EMPLOYEES. 26 Section 20.1 General Policy Regarding Drugs and Alcohol 26 Section 20.2 Definitions 27 Section 20.3 Pre-Employment 28 Section 20.4 Prohibitions 28 Section 20.5 Administration of Tests 29 Section 20.6 Testing Procedures 30 Section 20.7 Positive Test Results 31 Section 20.8 Voluntary Request for Assistance and Rehabilitation 31 ARTICLE 21 SAVINGS CLAUSE 32 ARTICLE 22 WORKING CONDITIONS, SAFETY AND HEALTH 32 Section 22.1 Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment 32 Section 22.2 Safety 32 ARTICLE 23 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 33 ARTICLE 24 TERM OF AGREEMENT 33 APPENDIX A - PAY SCHEDULES 34


  • DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING Employees may be tested for drugs and/or alcohol pursuant to the provisions of the Employer's Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as if more fully set forth herein.

  • DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE 20.1 All employees must report to work in a condition fit to perform their assigned duties unimpaired by alcohol or drugs.

  • DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING Section 33.1 Drug testing may be conducted on employees during their duty hours upon reasonable suspicion or randomly by computer selection. Alcohol testing will be conducted only upon reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion that an employee used or is using a controlled substance or alcohol in an unlawful or abusive manner may be based upon, but not limited to: A. Observable phenomena, such as direct observation of drug or alcohol use or possession and/or the physical symptoms of being under the influence of a drug or alcohol; B. A pattern or abnormal conduct or erratic behavior, including abnormal leave patterns; C. Arrest or conviction for a drug or alcohol-related offense, or the identification of an employee as the focus of a criminal investigation into illegal drug or alcohol possession, use, or trafficking; D. Information provided either by reliable and credible sources or independently corroborated; E. Evidence that an employee has tampered with a previous drug test; F. Facts or circumstances developed in the course of an authorized investigation of an accident or unsafe working practices. Section 33.2 Drug/alcohol testing shall be conducted solely for administrative purposes and the results obtained shall not be used in criminal proceedings. Under no circumstances may the results of drug/alcohol screening or testing be released to a third party for use in a criminal prosecution against the affected employee. The following procedure shall not preclude the Employer from other administrative action but such actions shall not be based solely upon the initial reagent testing results alone. Section 33.3 All drug screening tests shall be conducted by laboratories meeting the standards of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. No test shall be considered positive until it has been confirmed by a Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. The procedures utilized by the Employer and testing laboratory shall include an evidentiary chain of custody control and split sample testing. All procedures shall be outlined in writing and this outline shall be followed in all situations arising under this article. Section 33.4 Alcohol testing shall be done in accordance with the law of the State of Ohio to detect drivers operating a motor vehicle under the influence. A positive result shall entitle the Employer to proceed with sanctions as set forth in this Article. Section 33.5 The results of the testing shall be delivered to a specified employee of the Employer with command responsibility and the employee tested. An employee whose confirmatory test result is positive shall have the right to request a certified copy of the testing results in which the vendor shall affirm that the test results were obtained using the approved protocol methods. The employee shall provide a signed release for disclosure of the testing results to the Employer. A representative for the bargaining unit shall have a right of access to the results upon request to the Employer, with the employee’s written consent. Refusal to submit to the testing provided for under this Agreement may be grounds for discipline. A. If a drug screening test is positive, a confirmatory test shall be conducted utilizing the fluid from the primary sample. B. In the event that any confirmation drug test results are positive, the employee is entitled to have the split sample tested by another DHHS-certified lab in the manner prescribed above at the employee’s expense. The employee must request the split sample test within seventy-two (72) hours of being notified of a positive result. The results of this test, whether positive or negative, shall be determinative. Section 33.7 A list of three (3) testing laboratories shall be maintained by the Employer. These laboratories shall conduct any testing directed by the Employer. The Employer shall obtain the approval of the bargaining unit representative as to any laboratories put on this list, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 33.8 If after the testing required above has produced a positive result the Employer may require the employee to participate in any rehabilitation or detoxification program that is covered by the employee’s health insurance. Discipline allowed by the positive findings provided for above shall be deferred pending rehabilitation of the employee within a reasonable period. An employee who participates in a rehabilitation or detoxification program shall be allowed to use sick time and vacation leave for the period of the rehabilitation or detoxification program. If no such leave credits are available, the employee shall be placed on medical leave of absence without pay for the period of the rehabilitation or detoxification program. Upon completion of such program and upon receiving results from a retest demonstrating that the employee is no longer abusing a controlled substance/alcohol, the employee shall be returned to his/her former position. Such employee may be subject to periodic retesting upon his/her return to his/her position for a period of one (1) year from the date of his/her return to work. Any employee in a rehabilitation or detoxification program in accordance with this Article will not lose any seniority or benefits, should it be necessary for the employee to be placed on medical leave of absence without pay, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. Section 33.9 If the employee refuses to undergo rehabilitation or detoxification, or if he/she tests positive during a retesting within one (1) year after his/her return to work from such a program, the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action, including removal from his/her position and termination of his/her employment. Section 33.10 Costs of all drug screening tests and confirmatory tests shall be borne by the Employer except that any test initiated at the request of the employee shall be at the employee’s expense. Section 33.11 The Employer may conduct four (4) tests of an employee during the one (1) year period after the employee has completed a rehabilitation or detoxification program as provided above. Section 33.12 The provisions of this Article shall not require the Employer to offer a rehabilitation/detoxification program to any employee more than once.

  • Drug and Alcohol Policy 67.1 The Parties agree to apply the Drug and Alcohol Management Program (as amended from time to time) contained in Appendix G. 67.2 The Employer may refer an Employee affected by drugs or alcohol to the services provided by Incolink.

  • Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.

  • Alcohol Testing Alcohol testing will be conducted by using an evidential breath testing device (EBT) approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Non-EBT devices may be used for initial screening tests. A screening test will be conducted first. If the result is an alcohol concentration level of less than 0.02, the test is considered a negative test. If the alcohol concentration level is 0.02 or more, a second confirmation test will be conducted. Levels of .04 or greater on the confirmation test will be considered positive.

  • List of Employees The Union shall be provided quarterly via compact disc a current list of names, employee numbers, classifications, addresses, home telephone numbers, work locations, hourly rate, status (regular, substitute, temporary) and social security numbers of all employees covered by this Agreement. This list will also include all employees newly hired into the bargaining unit during the preceding quarter and all bargaining unit employees who have separated from the District during the preceding quarter.

  • Drug-Free Workplace Contractor represents and warrants that it shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. §701 et seq.) and maintain a drug-free work environment.

  • TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 9.1 The Employer and the Union recognize the value and benefit of education and training designed to enhance an employee’s ability to perform their job duties. Training and employee development opportunities will be provided to employees in accordance with Employer policies and available resources. 9.2 Attendance at employer-required training will be considered time worked. The Employer will make reasonable attempts to schedule employer-required training during an employee’s regular work shift. The Employer will pay the registration and associated travel costs in accordance with Article 23, Travel, for employer-required training.

  • Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace City reserves the right to deny access to, or require Contractor to remove from, City facilities personnel of any Contractor or subcontractor who City has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in alcohol abuse or illegal drug activity which in any way impairs City's ability to maintain safe work facilities or to protect the health and well-being of City employees and the general public. City shall have the right of final approval for the entry or re-entry of any such person previously denied access to, or removed from, City facilities. Illegal drug activity means possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, purchasing, using or being under the influence of illegal drugs or other controlled substances for which the individual lacks a valid prescription. Alcohol abuse means possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, or using alcoholic beverages, or being under the influence of alcohol.