Health and Safety Management Sample Clauses

Health and Safety Management. The Employer's safety officer may at any time enter the premises or site to carry out safety inspections. The safety officer will notify the Contractor or his duly appointed representative of any safety hazards that he may find. The Contractor is required to comply with the Construction Regulations and the Health and Safety Specification included in this document. An item has been included in the Schedule of Rates to cover this work. In carrying out its obligations to the Employer in terms of this contract; in providing the Works; in using Plant, Materials and Equipment; and while at the Site for any reason, the Contractor complies and procures and ensures the compliance by its employees, agents, Subcontractors and mandatories with: • the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (as amended) and all regulations in force from time to time in terms of that Act (“the OHSA”); and • the Eskom “Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements for Contractors” document attached to the Works Information (as amended from time to time) and such other Eskom Safety Regulations as are applicable to the Works and are provided in writing to the Contractor (collectively “the Eskom Regulations”). The Eskom Regulations may be amended from time to time by the Employer and all amendments will be provided in writing to the Contractor. The Contractor complies with the provisions of the latest written version of the Eskom Regulations with which it has been provided; and • the health and safety plan prepared by the Contractor in accordance with the SHEQ Requirements. • (The OHSA and the Eskom Regulations are collectively referred to as the “SHEQ Requirements”.) • The Contractor, at all times, considers itself to be the “Employer” for the purposes of the OHSA and shall not consider itself under the supervision or management of the Employer with regard to compliance with the SHEQ Requirements, the Contractor shall furthermore not consider itself to be a subordinate or under the supervision of the Employer in respect of these matters. The Contractor is at all times responsible for the supervision of its employees, agents, Subcontractors and mandatories and takes full responsibility and accountability for ensuring they are competent, aware of the SHEQ Requirements and execute the Works in accordance with the SHEQ Requirements. The Contractor ensures that all statutory appointments and appointments required by any Eskom Regulations are made and that all appointees ...
Health and Safety Management. 27.1.1. The Concessionaire, [its directors, management and staff] shall, subject to the RSR Act, be wholly responsible and accountable for the following – developing and implementing an effective Safety Management System which establishes and maintains safe operating and maintenance standards and procedures and ensures that safety-critical and safety-related posts are staffed by suitably qualified, trained and experienced persons in accordance with the provisions and the objectives of its Safety Management System Report; ensuring that all safety-related operational and maintenance information is promptly distributed and that personnel and sub-contractors are adequately briefed to ensure the safe operation of the Railway Services; the safe provision, control and operation of the Infrastructure Services; the safe provision and performance of Rail Freight and Passenger Service; ensuring that the Concession Assets are maintained in a safe condition in accordance with its obligations under this Agreement; complying with the lawful directions of the Safety Regulator, any Responsible Authority and, subject to this Agreement, of Transnet; and discharging the Concessionaire’s statutory health and safety duties and obligations under any Law and Applicable Requirements. 27.1.2. The Concessionaire shall implement at its own cost all alterations and improvements to the Railway Services and the Concession Assets which are required by any Applicable Requirements relating to health and safety and shall revise the Safety Management System and/or Safety Management System Report as may be required (at its own cost) by the Safety Regulator. The Concessionaire shall notify Transnet of any proposed change prior to the implementation of such change.
Health and Safety ManagementThe Contractor shall comply with: o The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 o The Health and Safety Requirements of the Employer more fully set out in Transmission Standards DISPVABF3 (The Contractor will sign the attached pages of the specification as acknowledgement of receipt and adherence) and SCSPVABN2.
Health and Safety Management. 12.1.1 The Provider shall ensure that all health and safety matters concerning the Agreement are dealt in accordance with: the Health and Safety Policy; and the Health and Safety at Work etc Xxx 0000 and all other Laws pertaining to health and safety of employees and other affected persons. 12.1.2 The Provider shall: conduct the Services so as to eliminate or minimise so far as is reasonably practicable any health and safety risks to members of the public, the Customer‟s Representatives and the Provider‟s Staff; and accept full responsibility for the day-to-day operational aspects of health and safety while performing the Services. inform the Customer immediately of any breaches in health and safety law and regulation; Co-operate fully with the Customer in its monitoring of health and safety standards; and inform the Customer immediately of any health and safety issues relating to the Authorities‟ health and safety responsibilities, pertaining to the Contract 12.1.3 The Customer and the Provider shall throughout the Term conduct regular monitoring, reviews and audits of the Health and Safety Policy and the arrangements in place for complying with the policy. PAYMENT PROVISIONS
Health and Safety Management. The Company is committed to ensuring that the working environment and conditions are conducive to safe, productive operations. It is the responsibility of all Company personnel to prevent accidents, and to take proper precautions such as wearing appropriate protective boots, safety helmets, clothing, etc, which will be supplied by the Company. Faulty equipment, unsafe work practices or sites must be reported promptly to site management. A Subcontractor Safety Pack (S Pack) has been prepared by YORK FORTER AUSTRALASIA, to highlight specific safety measures to be implemented on the site by the Project / Safety Manager.
Health and Safety ManagementThe Consultant shall comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Regulations and with Employer’s Health and Safety Specification 240-146140396-14. The Consultant shall comply with all Acts including the following: Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act National Water Act Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations National Environmental Management Act National Road Traffic Act Basic Conditions of Employment Act National Veld and Forest Fire Act and Regulations Environmental Conservation Act and Regulations SACPCMP Act Radiation Protection Act COVID-19 Occupational Health And Safety Measures In Workplaces COVID-19 (C19 OHS) This shall be done prior to them being allowed or given access to start work on site. The Consultant is required to compile a SHE File to comply with the Employer’s SHE specification, which includes but not limited to the following; Safety, Health and Environmental Plan (SHE Plan) SHE organization within the Company-Responsibility & Accountability OHS Incident management Procedure (32-95) Planning of conduct of work activities including planning for changes and emergency work (Operational Plan) Management of PPE- Personal Protective Equipment (Procedure with the matrix) Emergency planning and Fire Risk management Vehicle and Driver Behaviour Safety (Competency, Traffic Management, etc.) Key Personnel Competency, Training, Appointments Communication and Awareness Plan Management Commitment and Visible Felt Leadership (32-407) Employer’s Baseline SHE Risk Assessment (BRA). Consultant’s Baseline Risk Assessment in line with the Employer’s BRA (Identification, Assessment and Management of Safety, Health and Environmental Risks related to the Scope of Work. The methodology used for the risk assessment must be provided together with the BRA.) Valid Letter of Good Standing (COIDA or equivalent) SHE policy signed by CEO/ MD- Comply to OHS Act Section 7 or OHSAS 18001 Occupational Hygiene and Health Risk Assessment Medical surveillance
Health and Safety Management. In addition to the obligations and warranties set out in clause 3 above, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that: a) the Team Member is entitled to undertake a job safety analysis before the commencement of any work to assess the health and safety risk at the Premises; b) the Team Member may, either before or during the provision of the Service not provide or cease the provision of the Service where carrying out the Service presents, in the absolute discretion of the Team Member, a risk to health and safety; c) the Team Member may use their absolute discretion to determine if any specific tasks, jobs or activities represent a risk to the health and safety of either themselves, nearby people or animals, and decide if those specific tasks, jobs or activities should be completed. When making any determinations, the Team Member may take into account the real or perceived presence of, but not limited, any human or animal excrement, blood, blood splattering / spots or human or animal vomit. In most instances, where these items exist, Team Members will work around such items and will not clean them.
Health and Safety ManagementSECTION 4: HOURS OF WORK
Health and Safety Management. The PMP shall describe (where applicable, by reference to organisational plans, management systems and procedures) how the Contractor will ensure that the work performed under the Contract will meet the work health and safety requirements of the Contract and relevant legislative and regulatory requirements (including the WHS Legislation).
Health and Safety ManagementThe Contractor shall ensure adherence to Eskom Life Saving Rules at all times. RULE 1: OPEN, ISOLATE, TEST, EARTH, BOND AND/OR INSULATE BEFORE TOUCH No person may work on any electrical network unless:  He / she is trained and authorised as competent for the task to be done.  A pre-task risk assessment to identify all risks and hazards must be conducted prior to any work commencing.  An equi-potential zone is created for each worker on the job site by earthing, bonding and/or insulating according to approved divisional procedures.  All conducting material is connected together, all staff onsite wear electrical safety shoes and insulating techniques are applied according to standards.  The authorised person (Team leader) has certified and shown all team members that the apparatus is safe to work on. He / she is trained and authorised as competent for the task to be done.  Contractor to take precautionary measures when working in close proximity to other power lines.  Jumper covering is provided to serve as an overhead jumper protection covering above solid cut- outs to reduce bird electrocutions