Hiring and Termination Sample Clauses
Hiring and Termination. (a) When upon commencing employment on a job, employees are required to travel to the job, they shall receive from the Employer the cost of transportation from the transportation terminal nearest to the employee's domicile, including meals, travelling time and a sleeper if night travel is necessary.
(b) If an employee voluntarily quits when having been on the job less than fifteen (15) calendar days, the cost of transportation to the job shall be deducted by the Employer.
(i) If an employee is terminated (not for cause), takes sick, is injured or leaves the job for authentic compassionate grounds, cost of return transportation, meals and a sleeper if night travel is necessary and travel time shall be paid by the Employer.
Hiring and Termination. (a) When upon commencing employment on a job, employees are required to travel to the job, they shall receive from the Employer the cost of transportation from the transportation terminal nearest to the employee's domicile, including meals, travelling time and a sleeper if night travel is necessary.
(b) If an employee voluntarily quits when having been on the job less than fifteen
Hiring and Termination. Section 4.1 (a) Solid Ground is committed to a diverse workforce that reflects the communities it serves. Solid Ground is committed to hiring and promotion practices that empower historically marginalized people, especially Black, Indigenous and People of Color in their career advancement. The Employer is committed to developing Employees who are reflective of the clients served and continues to work to increase the diversity of leaders at Solid Ground. All hiring and promotion practices will be carried out with the overriding goal of hiring employees with the highest level of lived experience, work experience and relevant education and/or training from the most diverse group of candidates possible. The Employer will work to ensure diversity on its interview panels.
Hiring and Termination. Section 3.1 In employing new workers or replacing workers, the Employer must place an order with the Union stating what the work will consist of, so the Union will be able to furnish the most competent help available.
Section 3.2 It is agreed that the Employer will pay charges incident to the hiring of employees which are incurred due to the requirement of the Employer as follows: Medical examinations, bonding. The Employer agrees not to use employment agencies where fees are required.
Section 3.3 It is further agreed that the Employer has the final choice as to whom is hired and shall notify the Union within seventy-two (72) hours of hire of a new employee, Saturday, Sunday and holidays excepted. The Employer shall notify the Union in writing within seventy- two (72) hours after a new employee is put to work, giving the name, address, social security number, classification, rate of pay and the date the employee was put to work.
Section 3.4 Regular full-time and regular part-time employees shall be hired on a probationary period for the first ninety (90) calendar days. Termination or discipline during this period will not be subject to review by the Union.
Section 3.5 No employee shall be disciplined or discharged except for just cause. Upon termination, an employee, upon request, shall receive written notice from the Employer or their agents stating the true cause of termination.
Hiring and Termination. PROBATION Regular full-time and regular part-time employees shall be hired on a probationary period for the first ninety (90) calendar days of employment. If an employee’s performance does not meet job expectations, the employer may extend the probationary period for up to an additional forty- five (45) days and will notify the employee of areas of improvement. Termination or discipline during this period will not be subject to review by the Union. Promotions are subject to the probationary period. In the event the promoted employee does not successfully pass the probationary period in the new job classification, such employee shall be given their former position without loss of FTE and former pay including pay increases. If there is no vacancy in the employee’s former job classification, employees will be offered relief hours until they can be placed in the first open position in their former job classification.
Hiring and Termination. The Employer shall notify the Union Office when he requires additional employees and agrees that no United Association member shall be hired without a work referral slip from the Union Office or designated Union official and the Union agrees to give a Union referral slip to anyone hired under the terms of this Agreement. The work referral slip shall contain the permanent address of the employee. The Employer, when requiring men, shall consult with the Local Union with respect to union members available to work. The Employer may select anyone he desires subject only to Article of this Agreement. The parties agree that members, not requiring board or travel allowance will be considered in hiring for a project. When the Employer has made his selection he shall contact the Union Office who shall immediately contact the man to ask him to report to work as per the Employer’s instructions. However, for projects which are not considered to be new residential construction or service work, where the Employer has employed five (5) Union members the remaining shall be hired on the basis of one selected by the Union and one (1) selected by the Employer until all employees are hired. Notwithstanding the above hiring procedure, nothing shall prohibit the Employer from transferring currently employed employees to meet manpower requirements for these projects.
Hiring and Termination. (1) When upon commencing employment on a job men are required to travel to the job, they shall receive from the Employer the cost of transportation from the transportation terminal nearest to the employee's domicile, including meals, travelling time and a sleeper if night travel is necessary.
(2) If an employee voluntarily quits when having been on the job less than fifteen (15) calendar days, the cost of transportation to the job shall be deducted by the Employer.
(3) If an employee is terminated (not for cause), takes sick, is injured, or leaves the job for authentic compassionate grounds, cost of return transportation, meals and a sleeper if night travel is necessary and travel time shall be paid by the Employer.
(4) If an employee quits or is discharged when having been on the job for thirty (30) calendar days, return transportation, meals, travelling time, and a sleeper, if night travel is necessary, shall be paid by the Employer. Travel time shall be paid in accordance with Paragraph 5.
(5) Subject to the same conditions as govern transportation, eight (8) hours pay at straight time will be paid each calendar day or portion thereof travelling or waiting for transportation. When the time required to travel to the job, check in and receive accommodation is less than eight (8) hours, the employee may be required to work until eight (8) hours have elapsed since his departure from his place of domicile. In the event of delayed transportation, accommodation and meals (receipts required) shall be paid by the Employer where such is not provided by the transportation company.
(6) If the Employer fails to provide work and requires an employee to stand by for more than two (2) consecutive shifts, the employee, at his option, shall be deemed to have been laid off, and the cost of return transportation, meals and a sleeper, if night travel is necessary, and travel time shall be paid by the Employer. Call-out time without work does not constitute work provided.
(7) Men dispatched to jobs before jobs are ready will be paid waiting time at the regular rate until the job starts, or have their transportation paid return.
(8) In case of death in the immediate family, the employee affected shall be granted compassionate leave of absence with pay for eight (8) hours at straight time. Immediate family means: wife, mother, father, brother, sister, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandparents. (Clause not applicable to Dependent Contractors.)
Hiring and Termination. The employer or his representative shall not contact a member at home for employment. The employer the union out-of-work list as the source of members for employment. On hiring, the employer shall contact the busi- ness manager’s office and specify the num men required and/or if any special skills required. If after three working days his request for men or men having special skills has not been filled by the union, the employer has the right to hire such qualified members where available. When a member is hired with a special skill request the employer shall ensure the employee is immediately engaged in the work requiring special skills. If during the life of this agreement a local union opts to change the hiring policy after discussions between the union and the respective employer’s association the same shall be implemented for that particular area only. The employer agrees that no United Associa- tion member shall be hired without a work referral slip from the union office or designated union official and the union agrees to give a work referral slip to anyone hired under the terms of this agreement. The work referral slip shall con- tain the permanent address of the employee. An employee who has been referred as a welder shall not be employed as a pipefitter or visa-versa unless he is qualified and prior approval of the business agent is obtained. SAINT XXXX XXXXX ONLY All apprentices shall be employed in ac- cordance with the provisions of the New Xxxxx- xxxx Industrial Training and Certification Act and/or the The employer shall make every effort to employ apprentices when available in the ratio outlined in Clause The business manager when receiving calls at the union office for more than five journeymen shall dispatch an apprentice for employment when available. Apprentices when employed will be under the instruction of a journeyman pipefitter or plumber at all times, except a fourth year apprentice.
Hiring and Termination. When upon commencing employment on a job, employees are required t o travel to the job, they shall receive from the the cost of transportation from point of hire, meals and a sleeper i f night travel is necessary. If an employee voluntarily quits when having been on the job less than fifteen calendar days, the cost of transportation to the job shall be deducted by the Employer. If an employee is terminated (not for cause), takes sick, is injured or leaves the job for authentic compassionate grounds cost of return transportation shall be paid by the Employer. If an employee quits or is discharged when having been on the job forty- five (45) calendar days, return transportation shall be paid by the Employer.