School Year and School Day Sample Clauses

School Year and School Day. The school year and the school day shall be as provided in the Contract.
School Year and School Day. 12.1 The Chief School Administrator shall prepare a school calendar, and shall, after considering the view of the Association and such other individuals and organizations within the school system and community, as he/she may see fit, recommend a school calendar to the Board. The ultimate determination of the school calendar and any subsequent changes therein, shall be the decision of the Board and shall be final and binding. It is agreed that the school calendar is a non-negotiable item and same is appended hereto for reference purposes only. 12.2 The administration shall endeavor, within the constraints of the curriculum, physical plant, student population and schedule, to not assign teaching department Directors/Supervisors to more than three different rooms per day.
School Year and School Day. A. School Year 1. Number of Teacher Days The school year consists of 183 professional days (exclusive of extended service), and shall include up to 5 calamity days when approved by the Board. Student calamity days in excess of five (5) must be made up by bargaining unit members, without additional pay, by using flex time, extended student day, or Blizzard Bags prior to the end of the school year. Up to 178 Student Days (some may be scheduled as professional development days) 2 Parent-Teacher Conference Days or the equivalent thereof 1 Orientation day scheduled prior to the first student day that will include up to two
School Year and School Day. The standard teacher’s contract shall consist of 188 days. These days shall consist of the following: (a) One hundred eighty (180) days in session; (b) Two (2) or three (3) work days depending upon whether the school calendar encompasses five (5) or six (6) legal holidays as provided in state statutes. The length of the school day for each teacher shall be seven and one-half (7.5) hours exclusive of a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch and inclusive of an uninterrupted preparation period of sixty (60) minutes to be taken in the morning unless approved by the Superintendent.
School Year and School Day. A. The length of the work year (days of service) and the hours of the school day for nurses, shall be the same as that designated for teachers on the teachers’ school calendar. B. Each school nurse will be expected to attend regular and additional faculty meetings as scheduled by the building principal. C. Each school nurse will be expected to attend regular and additional nurses’ meetings as scheduled by the Superintendent or his/her designee. X. Xx uninterrupted daily duty free lunch period, except in the event of an emergency, shall be scheduled for each school nurse by the building principal. School nurses may leave their assigned building during their lunch period after signing out with their building principal, except in the event of an emergency. E. A list of Registered Professional Nurses who are available as substitutes, will be maintained by the Administration Office. This list will be available to all nurses through their Association. X. Xxxxxxx as possible, Registered Nurses shall not be assigned to tasks outside of the scope of their basic position. The District maintains the right to assign any additional tasks in emergency situations at the discretion of the building administrator. G. Employees shall be required to wear a District supplied photo ID badge during all work hours, and not during non-work hours. H. The Board will accept financial responsibility for medical courses when they directly relate to the health and welfare of students and faculty, provided the nurse first obtains the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. The decision of the Superintendent shall be final and not reviewable under the grievance provisions of this contract.
School Year and School Day. The school year and the school day schedule shall be approved by the Board as required under the Charter.
School Year and School Day. Contractor shall establish the calendar for the school year and the school day, subject to the requirements under law and as determined annually by the Board.
School Year and School Day. The school year and the school day shall be as pro- vided in the Charter Contract and as defined annually by the Board.
School Year and School Day. 10 Section 1 School Year 10 Section 2 Work Day 12 Section 3 Duty Free Lunch 14 Section 4 Meetings 15 Section 5 Compensation for Time 16 ARTICLE VIII LEAVES 18 Section 1 Sick & Personal Leaves 18 Section 2 Maternity Leave 19 Section 3 Military Leave 20 Section 4 Existing Leave 20 Section 5 Maintenance of Rights & Benefits 21 Section 6 Notice of Retirement/Resignation 21 Section 7 Association Leaves 24 Section 8 Reporting Absences 26 Section 9 Family Leave Act and Family and Medical Leave Act 26 ARTICLE IX ASSOCIATION RIGHTS 27 Section 1 Negotiations on School Time 27 Section 2 School Visitations By Association Representatives 27 Section 3 Advisory Board Agenda 27 Section 4 Leave for Association Conventions 28 ARTICLE X GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 28 Representation 29 Times for Meetings or Hearings 29 Step 1 Informal Conference 29 Step 2 Written Grievance 29 Step 3 Labor Relations 30 Step 4 Arbitration 30 General Provisions 31 ARTICLE XI EMPLOYEE PROTECTION 33 Section A Statutory 33 Section B Job Action 33 ARTICLE XII PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT Section 1 Professional Development 34 Section 2 Tuition Reimbursement Improvement 35 ARTICLE XIII SPONSOR FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES 37 ARTICLE XIV ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER 38 Section 1 Voluntary Transfer 38 Section 2 School Assignments 38 ARTICLE XV PROMOTIONAL POSTING 39 Section 1 New Positions 39 Section 2 Applications 39 Section 3 Nurse Practitioner 39 ARTICLE XVI MISCELLANEOUS 40 Section 1 Statement of Sick Leave 40 Section 2 Protection of Records 40 Section 3 Child Study Team 40 Section 4 Discretionary Fund 40 Section 5 Nurse’s Records 40 Section 6 Office Space 41 Section 7 Equipment 41 Section 8 Supply Delivery 41 Section 9 Travel Reimbursement 42 Section 10 Labor Management Committee 42 Section 11 Personnel File 42 Section 12 Field Trip Assignments 42 ARTICLE XVII MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 42 ARTICLE XVIII CONFORMITY TO LAW AND SAVINGS CLAUSE 43 ARTICLE XIX DUES DEDUCTION AND AGENCY SHOP FEES 43 Section 1 Dues Deduction 43 Section 2 Agency Shop 43 ARTICLE XX WORKER’S COMPENSATION 44 ARTICLE XXI EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 44 ARTICLE XXII DURATION 44
School Year and School Day. A. School Calendars - The 2009-010 and 2010- 2011 school years shall be determined in accordance with the school calendars in Appendix A.