SHARED SICK LEAVE. All employees covered by this contract may donate accrued, 6 earned sick leave to his or her spouse (person to whom the donor employee is legally married at 7 the time of donation), child (natural or adopted, but not step-child), parent (mother or father of the 8 donor employee), or sibling (brother or sister of the donor employee, but not step-sister or step-
SHARED SICK LEAVE. A shared sick leave policy will be established for the benefit of those professional employees whose accumulated sick leave for illness becomes exhausted. Any teacher wishing to contribute sick leave to a recipient teacher must make their request in writing to the Sick Leave Committee. Any employee who has accumulated more than ten days of sick leave is eligible to share days with another employee. An employee may not donate more leave than he or she could earn in one year. Additionally, the amount donated must not reduce the donor’s sick leave balance below one-half of what that person can earn in the year. Any teacher requesting shared leave must submit a written request to the Sick Leave Committee including a doctor’s statement indicating the nature of the illness and the projected amount of time needed for sick leave. The recipient teacher must have exhausted all available sick leave and have been absent for at least five consecutive days. Five-day period may be waived by Sick Leave Committee. This leave may be used by the teacher or for their care of their child, stepchild, or minor child for whom the teacher has legal guardianship and is living within the household. If it is to care for one of the above mentioned people, the teacher must have taught in the district for three (3) or more years. The sick bank will be administered by a committee of three members of the association appointed by the president. This committee will promptly notify the office of the superintendent in writing of any benefits duly approved by the committee, such days will be deducted from the contributing employee and added to the recipient’s number of sick days. The superintendent may reject the request for shared sick leave and return the request to the committee if the request does not comply with the tenets of this article. Shared leave may not exceed 90 days.
SHARED SICK LEAVE. Under the shared sick leave program, full-time covered employees may voluntarily donate unused sick leave to eligible full-time covered employees who have been granted unpaid leave of absences due to a serious illness or injury for which there is no paid leave benefits or salary replacement income or benefits available. Shared leave cannot be used for common, minor, or chronic medical conditions, a job-related illness or injury that is covered by workers’ compensation, or for a health condition in which the employee is receiving disability benefits. CCSNH faculty and staff shall be allowed to share sick leave in accordance with the provision so long as both of the separate bargaining units agree to do so. Acquiescence by both bargaining units shall be evidenced by a memorandum of agreement between the two groups. If at any time, either bargaining unit wishes to end the shared sick leave arrangement, it may do so. 21.11.1 A full-time covered employee is eligible to receive sick leave donations provided he/she has completed one year of service, has exhausted all forms of paid leave prior to receiving the additional sick leave, and is on an approved unpaid leave of absence due to a serious health condition qualified under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). Paid leave includes sick leave, annual leave, fiscal year personal days, and compensatory time. 21.11.2 A full-time covered employee is eligible to donate sick leave provided he/she has completed one year of service. Leave donations may be made in full-day increments only. Sick leave donations on behalf of eligible employees shall not be authorized until solicited. Solicitation may not take place until after an approval has been issued by the CCSNH Labor Management Committee or a LMC sub-committee thereof. Each donation must be directed to a specified recipient. 21.11.3 To receive donated sick leave a full-time covered employee must meet the criteria set forth in 21.11.1 above and complete an application for donated sick leave, which shall include the amount of leave requested, the reason(s) for the request, and medical certification of the need. The completed application shall be forwarded to the CCSNH Director of Human Resources. 21.11.4 Requests for donated sick leave shall be reviewed by the CCSNH Labor Management or LMC sub-committee thereof, who shall approve or deny the request. Upon approval the Committee shall determine the amount of donated sick leave to be granted. The maximum amount of...
SHARED SICK LEAVEEmployees may share unused accrued sick leave with other employees as allowed by law.
SHARED SICK LEAVE. Upon written request by PSO, the parties shall have five (5) days to set a meeting. PSO and the Association agree to meet to discuss how sick leave benefits may be transferred from employees to an employee who has exhausted sick leave and has a catastrophic/chronic illness and/or debilitating injuries or illnesses.
SHARED SICK LEAVEThe District will permit leave sharing in accordance with RCW 28A.400.380, Chapter 392-136A WAC and District policy.
SHARED SICK LEAVEIn lieu of a cash-out, an employee with leave accumulated over thirty-six (36) days may donate days of sick leave to another employee with a serious illness or injury or to an employee whose family member, living in the same household, who requires the care of the employee. The receiving employee will receive sick leave pay at their own rate of pay. A donor employee must maintain a minimum of 120 hours of sick leave in their sick leave bank. Sick leave may be used for employee illness or injury, illness of an employee children, spouse or dependent parents and newborn child leave. When appointments cannot be scheduled outside of normal work hours, an employee may use sick leave. The Employer may require a physician’s statement or other medical statements to verify or authorize the use of sick leave in excess of three (3) days or more or if it is prearranged in excess of three (3) days.
SHARED SICK LEAVE. 42 Employees may share accrued leave with other employees on a voluntary basis according to School 43 Board policy and state law (RCW 41.04.665). 44 45 Section 8.12. Leave Without Pay (LWOP). 46 An employee may request LWOP for personal or professional reasons by written request to the 47 building principal. In order to request LWOP, all other leaves must be exhausted, excluding sick 1 leave. Requests for LWOP may be denied if it is determined that the length and/or frequency of 2 requests is deemed to cause a disruption of the educational program of the District. 5 A R T I C L E I X 7 PROBATION, SENIORITY, AND LAYOFF PROCEDURES 8
SHARED SICK LEAVE. Teachers may “share” their sick leave with other District teachers under certain conditions. This article shall permit teachers to donate one or more of their accumulated sick leave days to a fellow teacher who is suffering from (or has a close relative suffering from) severe illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition which is causing or may cause the teacher to lose all wage benefits.
SHARED SICK LEAVEEmployees may give other Employees sick leave to help them out in extreme circumstances on an hour for hour basis only what is needed for the current pay period. Xxxx leave transfer can be accepted/used only after the Employee has depleted or will shortly deplete his or her total accrued leave balances. Any donated unused sick leave for the specific event or illness will not be processed or deducted from the donor. Employees who donate sick leave must maintain a minimum of eighty (80) hours of accrued sick leave. An Employee may not receive more than a total of one hundred thirty-one (131) days or one thousand forty-eight (1048) hours of shared leave throughout the Employees employment. Exceptions to the 131-day limit may be considered and /or approved by the City Administrator or designee.