SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. 21.01 Employees who incur travel and subsistence expenses in the performance of authorized Employer business shall be reimbursed for those expenses in accordance with the Employer’s Travel Policy.
21.02 The Employer agrees to consult with the Union prior to the alteration of travel and subsistence rates contained in the Travel Policy.
35.1 An Employee who incurs travel and subsistence expenses in the performance of authorized Employer business shall be reimbursed for those expenses in accordance with the Employer’s Travel Expense Policy.
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. No traveling time shall be paid before or after working hours for traveling to or from any job in the jurisdiction of the Union when workers are ordered to report on the job. (b). The Employer shall pay time for travel and furnish transportation from shop to job, job to job, and job to shop within the jurisdiction of the Union. On work outside the jurisdiction of the Union, the Employer shall furnish transportation, traveling time, room and board, and all other necessary expenses. All subsistence and travel rates shall be calculated using the U.S. GSA rates which can be found using the following link. xxxxx://
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. 11:01 During the term of this Agreement, no travel allowance, mileage or pay for travel time will be paid to any Employee covered by the terms of this Agreement, except as provided in 11:04. Local residents as defined by Article 11:03 shall not be eligible for initial or terminal transportation expense.
(a) The Employer will provide the Employee subsistence allowance toward the expense of their board and lodgings in the amount of one hundred and thirty-five ($135.00) per day worked. Subsistence shall be paid for recognized holidays which fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday provided the employee works the day prior to and the day following the recognized holiday. The subsistence allowance will be reviewed after three years. The review will take into consideration the relevant market factors to determine if a change needs to be made and is subject to the client’s approval.
(b) Any subsistence request for days not worked is subject to client approval and proof of payment receipt that follows CRA guidelines.
(c) In unique circumstances where an Employee works an excessively long shift and the shift is the Employee’s last shift prior to lay off, the Employer may provide one (1) additional day’s subsistence allowance. The additional day’s subsistence allowance is intended to provide the Employee the opportunity to rest after the last shift prior to returning home. Employees accepting the allowance are expected to use it to acquire appropriate rest.
11:03 Subsistence allowance will not be paid to local residents as defined below:
(a) A local resident is a person who resides within eighty (80) road kilometers of the project.
(b) An Employee's residence is the place where s/he permanently maintains a self- contained domestic establishment (a dwelling place, apartment, or similar place of residence where a person generally sleeps and eats) in which the person resides. Original documents (not photocopies) are required for proof of residence. These will be verified by the Employer, copied and returned. Two (2) of the following are acceptable: ▪ Income Tax Assessment ▪ Property Tax Assessment ▪ Unemployment Insurance ▪ Utilities Receipt Subsistence allowance will not be paid to any Employee when s/he is absent from work or leaves work without written permission of the Foreperson and Supervisor, but it will be paid when work is delayed due to inclement weather or other emergency. The above forfeiture of subsistence allowance shall be waived when the employee’s abse...
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. Employees engaged in work covered by this agreement whose temporary work location is changed throughout the District will be eligible for a minimum subsistence allowance of 95% of the CONUS rate for meals, incidentals and hotel based on the DOL, GSA rates. These can be found at xxxxx://‐book/per‐diem‐rates (no receipt will be required) for each night when the xxxxxxx/supervisor determines that the temporary work location is more than 55 miles from the employee’s permanent residence. In determining mileage, each contractor will utilize the agreed upon preferred online program which currently is Map Quest ( The xxxxxxx/ supervisor will determine, to the best of his/her knowledge, the employee did utilize temporary lodging. Employees will be eligible for payment of the travel subsistence allowance if pay is received for productive work on the day following the night of being in travel status and who utilize temporary accommodations. The employee and xxxxxxx/supervisor will sign the timesheet certifying that all eligibility requirements are met for the travel subsistence. At any time, the contractor specifies that overnight lodging is required, the employee will be paid the subsistence allowance for each night lodging is obtained and occupied while working on that assignment regardless of distance to permanent residence. Employers will provide transportation and pay for time traveling when working out of town under this agreement. If employee is required to utilize his/her own vehicle, then they shall be paid for all miles driven from job to job, site to site and from town to town at the current IRS Rate.
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. A. Within ninety (90) road miles from the Local Union at Wilmington California, to the center of the construction jobsite and/or sites on the project or ninety
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. A. Divers and tenders while traveling outside the Bay Area shall receive travel expense equivalent to their actual traveling time at straight time wages, including the day of departure and the day of their return; plus transportation for persons and equipment to and from the job, plus reasonable room and board, or payment in lieu of room and board, by mutual agreement between the Individual Employee and the Individual Employer with written notification to the Union by the Individual Employer within five work days of the Individual Employee’s employment on the job in question. For the purpose of this Section, the Bay Area is defined as that area within the outer line zone on Exhibit A of the Pile Drivers Agreement. Within the outer line, divers and tenders shall receive the same travel expenses provided for in the Pile Driving Agreement for Pile Drivers.
B. Employees living aboard floating or other offshore quarters provided by the Employer located at the work site:
1. And who are ready and available for work at the start of their regular shift Monday through Friday shall receive a minimum of eight (8) hours pay at their applicable hourly rate of pay.
2. And who are required by the Employer to stand by on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, but not put to work, shall receive a minimum of eight (8) hours pay at the applicable overtime rate of pay.
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. A. Divers and tenders while traveling outside the Bay Area shall receive travel expense equivalent to their actual traveling time at straight time wages, including the day of departure and the day of their return; plus transportation for persons and equipment to and from the job, plus reasonable room and board, or payment in lieu of room and board, by mutual agreement between the Individual Employee and the Individual Employer with written notification to the Union by the Individual Employer within five work days of the Individual Employee's employment on the job in question. For the purpose of this Section, the Bay Area is defined as that area within the outer line zone on Exhibit A of the Pile Drivers Agreement. Within the outer line, divers and tenders shall receive the same travel expenses provided for in the Pile Driving Agreement for Pile Drivers.
B. Employees living aboard floating or other offshore quarters provided by the Employer located at the work site:
1. And who are ready and available for work at the start of their regular shift Monday through Friday shall receive a minimum of eight (8) hour's pay at their applicable hourly rate of pay.
2. And who are required by the Employer to stand by on Saturday, Sunday and holidays, but not put to work, shall receive a minimum of eight (8) hours pay at the applicable overtime rate of pay.
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. 11:01 During the term of this Agreement, no travel allowance, mileage or pay for travel time will be paid to any Employee covered by the terms of this Agreement, except as provided in 11:04. Local residents as defined by Article 11:03 shall not be eligible for initial or terminal transportation expense.
(a) The Employer will provide the Employee subsistence allowance toward the expense of their board and lodgings in the amount of one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) per day worked. In the event that this amount is changed in the Provincial Construction Agreement(s), such adjusted amount shall apply to this Agreement as of the effective date of the adjustment. Subsistence shall be paid for recognized holidays which fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday provided the employee works the day prior to and the day following the recognized holiday.
(b) When working the four (4) Day Work Week Schedule employees who work the four
SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL. Given the central London location of the Bridge Theatre, a musician who declares London to be his/her normal centre of employment shall not be due subsistence or travel payments irrespective of their contractual address. Where a musician travels from outside London, the following weekly travel payments shall be made: • 15-25 miles: £20 • 25-40 miles: £45 • >40 miles: £100 Where a musician is based more than 40 miles from London and relocates to London for the engagement, they shall be entitled to a relocation/subsistence allowance at a weekly rate of £250 for the duration of the engagement. Technical calls are any rehearsal calls which take place within fourteen days of the first paid performance on stage with the cast and at which there is full technical support. These may last for a maximum of four hours and shall be paid at the pro rata hourly rate at single time subject to no more than two, four-hour calls being scheduled in any 24-hour period (and such four-hour calls being paid pro rata at the hourly rate). For the avoidance of doubt, such technical calls may be scheduled in addition to any band calls at which the cast is not present; and any four-hour calls may include preparatory work with the band provided that this leads to work with full technical support within the same call. One call of 3 hours 15 minutes length can be made during the preview period for no extra payment for the purpose of giving musical notes. The 15 minutes shall be at the beginning of the call time. LTC will give 48 hours notice for each of these calls and accepts that a Musician may be unavailable should less notice be given. LTC is entitled to schedule short/early rehearsals immediately preceding or following a performance. Such rehearsals shall not exceed two hours and shall be subject to a minimum payment for 60 minutes at the pro rata hourly rate at single time (any time in excess of 60 minutes is paid in 15-minute units at single time pro rata). Short rehearsals are restricted to numbers for the current Production.Deputies LTC recognise the usefulness of a well-managed deputies procedure. Rules for deputising must be reasonable and developed between all parties (including the MU where necessary). LTC will appoint a Deputies Supervisor to take responsibility for co-ordinating the use of Deputies. Depending on music and production requirements, once a production has settled there could be flexibility on the number of deputies within a band and the percentage of shows tha...