TEACHER TRANSFERS. A transfer is defined as a change of building assignment.
A. When increases in professional personnel due to increased student enrollment, expansion of programs, or opening of new buildings, or when reduction in professional personnel due to reduced student enrollment, curtailment of programs, and closing of buildings, voluntary requests for transfer shall be given first priority on the basis of seniority provided the teacher is certified. All other voluntary or involuntary transfers not defined in the above paragraph, shall be on the basis of seniority provided the teacher is certified.
B. When requested, a meeting with the Director of Human Resources shall be scheduled to discuss the reasons for the transfer.
C. Teachers shall be given an opportunity to apply, without giving reasons, for transfer to be effective the next school year if the application is made by April 15 on a form provided by the Human Resources Department.
D. Teachers may apply for transfers to be effective during the school term in which application is made, provided that in such cases, the teacher states the reason for the transfer request.
E. 1) Except as provided in paragraph two below, there shall be one posting per year. By April 10, the Board shall post a list of known vacancies arising since the last posting in all school buildings. The April 10 date may be adjusted by agreement if necessitated by holiday recess. Teachers may make application for such vacancies no later than April 15, the transfer to take effect the following school year. A successful bidder must respond to the District in writing or by email no later than three working days after notification of being awarded a position. All vacancies arising between the posting dates, including those created by bids on posted vacancies, will be filled as the District deems appropriate until posted. Posting will not be required unless the position still exists and has not been eliminated by the District. If bargaining unit members apply except as provided in (3) below, positions will be awarded to the most senior certified applicants.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 1. Transfers shall not be used as a disciplinary measure.
2. a. If the Superintendent is considering the possibility of recommending to the Board that a teacher be transferred, the Superintendent and/or Administrative Officers shall discuss the possibility with that teacher informally.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 1. Transfers shall be made for sound administrative and educational reasons, and not for capricious or arbitrary reasons. Transfers will normally take effect at the beginning of the school year.
a. A board official intending to transfer a teacher from one school to another shall meet with the teacher at least ten working days prior to the recommendation being placed before the Board. The nature of the transfer and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the teacher. The teacher may be accompanied at the meeting by a member of the CCTA. The teacher shall have the opportunity to consider the matter and reply, in the period before the recommendation is placed before the Board.
b. Transfers of teachers to or from outer schools initiated by the Board shall require the consent of the teacher. In such cases, reasonable moving expenses shall be paid by the Board.
c. Insofar as is practicable, all Board initiated transfers shall be initiated by May 1st and completed by June 18th, except when necessitated by circumstances which were not reasonably known by the Board.
d. The school or work site to which the employee is transferred shall be as mutually agreed between the local and the employer.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 1. Teacher initiated transfers:
a. Continuing Teachers who wish to apply for a transfer shall forward a written application to the Superintendent by March 15 indicating their preferences as to schools, levels and courses.
b. Teachers shall be advised of the status of their transfer request not later than June 1.
c. If a request for transfer is not granted, a Teacher shall not be reassigned as a result of applying for a transfer.
2. District initiated transfers:
a. The Superintendent or designate intending to recommend a transfer of a Teacher shall meet with and inform the Teacher of the nature of the proposed transfer and the reasons for it, at least seven (7) days prior to the recommendation being placed before the Board. The Teacher shall have the right to be accompanied by a member of the Association.
b. Within seven (7) days of being notified that the decision to recommend a transfer is confirmed the Teacher shall have the right to meet with the Board with an Association representative present.
c. A Teacher may agree to waive the time lines mentioned in items 2a. and 2b.
d. Transfers initiated by the District shall be completed no later than June 15 in a school year for the next school year, as far as practicable.
e. Where the District initiated the transfer of a Teacher to an assignment involving a significantly different grade level subject area or specialty, the District shall provide adequate support, commensurate with the degree of change of assignment.
f. If a District initiated transfer results from the reduction of a teaching position in a school the transfer shall be effected in reverse order of District seniority of the Teachers in that school consistent with the terms of Article C.2 Seniority and Article C.5
TEACHER TRANSFERS. Requests by teachers for transfers shall be made in the following manner:
A. The district shall notify all personnel of existing known vacancies by way of two separate bid lists, with the first occurring no later than April 1st and the second occurring no later than May 15th. A teacher who seeks a transfer will receive written notice of the resolution of his/her transfer request by June 15th.
B. A list of all vacancies shall be maintained by school system showing the date that the position appeared on a bid list and the successful bidder for each position. Such list shall be made available to the EAW.
C. No new appointments may be made until pending transfer requests for existing openings have been considered.
D. As used in this section, “consideration” of a transfer request shall mean the following:
1. Except on the conditions otherwise set forth in this subsection, each appropriately certified individual who is a Teacher with Professional Teacher Status in the Worcester Public Schools and who has requested a transfer to a position that will be vacant in the next school year, shall be interviewed by the building principal or other pertinent administrator. The principal will convene an interview committee consisting of teachers and/or other building staff as well as district staff;
2. No principal or administrator shall be required to interview more than five (5) such teachers in order to comply with the requirements of this subsection, although nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit a principal or other pertinent administrator from interviewing as many internal candidates for a vacancy as she/he deems necessary.
3. Once the bid list deadline has passed, the Human Resources office shall provide to the principal a list of all transfer applicants for each of his/her positions. The list shall be arranged by seniority, with the most senior applicant listed first. Principals shall be required to consider the top five applicants, and may consider additional applicants. If a principal chooses to consider additional applicants, then s/he shall follow the seniority ranking in order. Seniority shall mean length of service as a member of Unit A with the Worcester Public Schools.
4. The decision to hire a teacher from the transfer list shall reside entirely with the building principal or administrator charged with making the hiring decision.
E. Employees may seek transfers outside of their current discipline if licensed in the transfer area.
F. All vacancies th...
TEACHER TRANSFERS. For the purpose of this section, transfer means a change in position from one school to another operated by an Employer after first having been employed by the Employer for the applicable School Year. School buildings within Administrative Consolidations shall be considered as individual schools for purposes of this section.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 17.1 The Board supports the principle that teaching and administrative transfers be designed to best utilize the professional strengths of the teacher, best serve the needs of the students within the Sun West School Division, and remain cognizant of and sensitive to the individual needs of the teacher involved.
17.2 In the event of a transfer initiated by the Division where the teacher is transferred at least 50 kilometers from the current school or office base, the Board will reimburse the teacher for reasonable and necessary moving expenses incurred in the transfer up to a maximum of $2000.
17.3 Receipts for moving expenses shall be forwarded to the Division prior to reimbursement of expenses and no later than May 1 of the school year immediately following the division-initiated transfer.
17.4 In the event of transfer as a result of excess or redundant staff situations, within a school or within positions established to provide support to teachers and/or division students, 17.2 above shall not apply.
17.5 In the event of a teacher-initiated transfer, 17.2 shall not apply.
17.6 In the event of a division-initiated transfer, the teacher being transferred may request a meeting with the Director of Education and the Human Resources Manager to appeal the division-initiated transfer.
17.7 In the event the teacher is unsatisfied following the attendance at the meeting outlined in 17.6, the teacher being transferred will have an appeal process available to them, which will include a meeting between the teacher and Sun West School Division Board.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. A. Teacher transfers shall be defined as the voluntary or involuntary placement of a teacher into another program level for which the teacher is certified. The current organizational pattern of the school system defines these levels as Primary (pre- kindergarten – 2), Intermediate (3 - 5), Middle (6 – 8), and High School (9 – 12). It is the intent of the parties that changes in the organizational pattern will be reflected in the grade level designations in this article. The Board will notify the Association of a change in program level sixty (60) days prior to the implementation of the change.
B. Transfers shall be subject to the following rules: When a reduction in the number of teachers in a school is necessary, volunteers shall be transferred first. When all other things are equal, seniority in the system shall be considered in selecting a volunteer. When involuntary transfers are necessary, a teacher with the least seniority among those with substantially equal qualifications for the position shall be transferred first.
C. An involuntary transfer shall be made only after a meeting between the teacher involved and the Superintendent or his designee, at which time the teacher shall be notified of the reasons for the transfer.
D. Teachers who desire to transfer to another building shall file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent no later than January 1 of each year or within ten
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 18.09.1 Any transfer which is mutually agreeable to the Teacher and the Director of Education or designate may be arranged at any time.
TEACHER TRANSFERS. 8.1 New Positions and Vacancies All staff members shall be informed by e-mail of all vacancies as they occur. Vacancies on the certificated/licensed professional staff which are to be filled for September shall be posted online as they occur. A compilation of all vacancies, including administrative vacancies, shall be posted online as they occur. Revisions of said list shall be posted weekly thereafter as needed.