and Recall. In the event of lay-off, the Hospital shall lay off employees in the reverse order of their seniority within their classification, providing that there remain on the job employees who then have the ability to perform the work. An employee who is subject to lay-off shall have the right to either: accept the lay-off; or
and Recall. In the event of lay-off, the Hospital shall lay off employees in the reverse order of their seniority within their classification, providing that there remain on the job employees who then have the ability to perform the work. An employee who is subject to lay-off shall have the right to either: accept the lay-off; or displace an employee who has lesser bargaining-unit seniority and who is the least senior employee in a lower or identical paying classification in the bargaining unit if the employee originally subject to lay-off can perform the duties of the lower or identical classification without training other than orientation. Such employee so displaced shall be laid off.
and Recall. For the purpose of this agreement, a lay-off shall be defined as an action taken by the Employer which results in a temporary cessation of employment, except during normal annual facility maintenance in pools which shall not exceed three weeks per year and seasonal programme breaks, excluding pools, which shall not exceed four weeks per year, or on a permanent closing of a facility which results in the cessation of The Employer will notify employees one week prior to a lay-off, provided that the employee has completed his/her probationary period. An employee who has not completed the probationary period will not be entitled to notice of lay-off under the of this Agreement. the scope of this Agreement, no new employees will be hired until those employees who have been laid-off have been given an opportunity of and Recall In the event of a lay-off, employees will be laid-off in the reverse order of their seniority, within their own classification. In the event of a lay-off, employees will be given the opportunity, within the bargaining unit, to bump any employee with less seniority either within their program or within their own facility providing they are able to perform the work available. Employees so bumped may similarly exercise their rights as set out above. Employees on lay-off shall be recalled in the order of their seniority within classification, facility or former program on a bargaining unit wide basis, providing they able to perform the work available. It is the responsibility of every employee to notify the Employer promptly of address and telephone number. If an employee fails to make this notification to the Employer, the Employer shall not be responsible for the failure of notice of recall to the employee. Normally, upon being laid-off, an employee shall be notified of his/her date of recall, In the event that this date is moved forward, the employee(s) shall be notified by registered mail with copies sent to the Union.
and Recall. Employees may be laid off due to lack of work. The Joint Union Management Representative Workforce Committee will be assembled prior to any lay off proceedings to determine what impact, if any, these proceeding will have on the units’ representative workforce. When the determines that the proceedings will impact the units’ representative workforce in a negative manner, the members agree to consult with their principals to discuss alternate workforce adjustment plans to ensure a representative workforce is maintained. Employees who are laid off may exercise their seniority to retain employment by bumping junior employees providing they have the necessary knowledge, skills and ability to do the job being bumped into and providing Article has not been enacted. Employees will have a time period of two (2) days to decide whether they want to exercise this right. Employees so displaced may exercise their seniority to retain employment by bumping junior employees providing they have the necessary knowledge, skills and ability to do the job being bumped into and providing Article has not been enacted. Employees will have a time period of two (2) days to decide whether they want to exercise this right. Where an employee has been in the continuous service of the employer for at least three (3) consecutive months, the employer shall not layoff the employee without giving the employee at least the following notice or pay in lieu thereof: one week’s written notice where period of employment is more than three months but less than one year; two weeks’ written notice where period of employment is one year or more but less than three years; four weeks’ written notice where period of employment is three years or more but less than five; six weeks’ written notice where period of employment is five years or more but less than ten years; eight weeks’ written notice where period is ten years plus. When recalling employees, the same shall be done on the basis of seniority within an employee’s classification. If the employer recalls all available employees within the classification and still has vacancies, the employer shall recall laid off employees from other classifications if they possess the necessary knowledge, skills and ability to do the job. When the employer recalls an employee who has been laid off; the employer shall attempt to notify the employee by phone. If contact cannot be made by telephone, the employer shall notify the employee by registered letter addressed t...
and Recall. In the event of a proposed layoff of a permanent or long-term nature, the Home will provide the Union with at least eight (8) weeks notice. This notice is not in addition to required notice for individual employees. In the event of a layoff of a permanent or long-term nature, the Home will provide affected employees with notice in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. However, the Employment Standards will be deemed to be amended to provide notice to the affected employee as follows: if her service is greater than years weeks notice if her service is greater than years weeks notice if her service is greater than years Iweeks notice if her service is greater than years weeks notice
and Recall. Layoff probationary employees and employees shall be determined on the basis of seniority provided that the concerned have relatively the same ability to do the work in the classification in which the cutback or layoff occurs. Where an entire is eliminated, similar criteria for layoff shall apply; that is, when some employees am retained for jobs, seniority shall govern, provided the in question have relatively the same ability to do the jobs for which they being retrained. Recalls shall be in order of layoffs providingthe employee is to do the work. No temporary employee be employed a permanent full time or permanent part time employee, who is capable and available to the work is on layoff or short time. The agrees to inform the Union of any changes in the performances of services supplied by the Board one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance of the proposed change being implemented. Employees affected by changes that result in a or reduction in hours or shall be notified and providedwith the opportunity to retrained to any the bargaining unit. Any desiring leave of absence shall apply for same to the Librarian. in of such applicationshould be made in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of commencement of the leave of absence. Should such be refused the shall have right to appeal to the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final and shall be communicated to the and the Union inwriting. Leave of may be granted only insofar as the operation of the Library will and tho periodof absence shall not three (3) months, in special Any who is appointedas a delegateto any convention held in connection with any affairs of Union, or any other Union activity, where the Board does not absorb cost of same, shall be granted leave of absence and his pay shall carry on In the usual manner. The Union shall be billed the amount of pay so by the employem for his leave of absence, and at the Board's discretion, such fringe costs as may appropriate. Payment will be made by the Union upon will be limitedto one employee at a time, not to exceed one (1) An employee shall be granted leave of absence in the event of sickness extending his or total of accumulated sick days and vacation entitlement; such leave shall be without pay. Sickness allowance, vacation and seniority shall be suspended during the of leave. For the six months of such leave of absence the Board will pay the full amount of premiums required to ensure continuation of coverage for all...
and Recall. In the event of a proposed layoff of a permanent or nature, the Home will provide the Union with at least eight (8) weeks notice. This notice is not in addition to required notice for individual employees. In the event of a layoff of a permanent or long-term nature, the Home will provide affected employees with notice in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. However, the Employment Standards will be deemed to be amended to provide notice to the affected employee as follows: if her service is greater than years weeks notice if her service is greater than years weeks notice if her service is greater than years weeks notice if her service is greater than years weeks notice
(a) In the event of lay-off, the Employer shall first lay-off employees in the reverse order of their seniority within their classification, provided that there remain on the job employees who have the skills to perform the work. An employee who is subject to lay-off shall have the right to either: accept the lay-off; or first bump an employee with less bargaining unit seniority within his or her bargaining unit (full-time or part-time) in a lower or identical paying classification for which they are qualified, as required by law and can perform the duties of the lower or identical paying classification without training other than orientation. Chain bumping will be allowed with the understanding that an employee subject to layoff who chooses to bump, must bump the employee with less seniority who has scheduled hours equal to or less than the employee laid off, subject to paragraph (vi) below. Consistent with the opportunity to chain bump, all employees who are potentially impacted will be given notice of lay off at the outset of the process. An identical paying classification shall include any classification where the straight time hourly wage rate at the level of service corresponding to that of the laid off employee is within one percent (1%) of the laid off employees straight time hourly wage rate. In the event that there are no employees within the laid off employee’s classification in either bargaining unit with lesser seniority who have scheduled hours equal to, or less than the employee being laid off, such employee may bump a less senior employee with greater regularly scheduled hours within of the laid off employee’s regularly scheduled hours within her classification. When an employee subject to layoff chooses to bump and there are no employees with less seniority within h...
and Recall. (Licensed Unit Members)
and Recall. When the number of employees must be reduced, Craft seniority shall govern. The employees with the least Craft Seniority by classification, by station in the affected Bid Area will be reduced.