Teacher Assignments Sample Clauses

Teacher Assignments. 6.10.1 Non-probationary teachers will be given the opportunity to indicate in writing their preference as to subject and grade assignment for the next school year. A teacher who desires a change of assignment within a school shall submit a Preference Form to the School Director. The preference will be considered when making assignments. 6.10.2 No later than May 15 of each school year, except for emergencies, teachers shall be notified of the following matters concerning their tentative assignment for the succeeding year. If classes change at semester, teachers will be notified as soon as possible concerning their assignment for the following semester. Subjects and grade levels to be taught. Special or unusual classes and grade levels to be taught.
Teacher Assignments. The provisions of Article 9, Teacher Assignments, are supplemented by the following. Arts Education Teachers hired by the Xxxxxxx Center for Arts Education may be hired as either licensed or unlicensed teachers.
Teacher Assignments. A. The best interests of children in the district are served by having the most outstanding teachers available employed. Therefore, the following should be recognized by all teachers: 1. Non-tenured track teachers should report to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or designee, all teacher candidates of their acquaintance who they feel would make a favorable addition to the professional staff. 2. Non-tenured track teachers who are leaving the district, contemplating leaving the district, or requesting a leave of absence for any reason have a moral responsibility to report this to their immediate supervisor at the earliest possible date. This early reporting will enable the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, or designee, to acquire the best possible replacement for the following year. B. Every effort shall be made to limit the amount of inter-school travel of non-tenured track teachers who are assigned to more than one building. Travel time of these non-tenured track teachers shall be considered as if they were teaching. Non-tenured track teachers who are assigned to more than one building will be paid the current IRS rate for the travel between buildings. In addition to those non- tenured track teachers who are regularly assigned to more than one building, the above stipend for mileage in the district will be paid to: Speech and Language Teachers Social Workers Psychologists These teachers will be asked to file a monthly mileage report with their immediate supervisor. Mileage vouchers will be paid twice a year (at the end of each semester). Out-of-the-district travel mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate. Non-tenured track teacher s who lose preparation or lunchtime due to travel shall be compensated at their hourly per diem rate (salary divided by the number of teacher days +3 divided by 7 = hourly rate). C. All teachers, other than newly appointed teachers, shall be given written notice of their tentative teaching assignment including grade, subject, and building for the forthcoming school year no later than the last day of school for teachers. In the event changes in said assignment are proposed, all teachers affected shall be notified promptly and given the reasons for the change. Non-tenured track teachers so affected shall be given an opportunity to discuss the situation with their immediate supervisor and to suggest other possible alternatives. Final decision will rest with the supervisor. No Walled Lake non-tenu...
Teacher Assignments. All employed teachers members will be given written notice of their class and/or subject assignment, building assignment(s), and room assignments for the forthcoming year not later than July 1. A. In the event conditions require changes in assignments after said date, the District agrees to provide such teacher member with up to three (3) paid days in addition to scheduled inservice days prior to assuming the new assignment. These extra days may only be waived at the request of the affected teacher. B. Because the pupil-teacher member ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that each teacher’s member’s student instructional contacts ideally should be no higher than the following optimum workloads*: Kindergarten 23 Grade 1 25 Grades 6-12 180* GPFLEX Grades K-2 40 GPFLEX Grades 3-5 50 GPFLEX Secondary 100 with a maximum student contact load of 180 55 daily student contact load, 225 student contact for the purpose of issuing grades *No limit on Band, Music, Choir, Orchestra, and Physical Education. The LMC will meet to review resolutions/assistance options to address class size issues based on current student/program needs. Workload for GPFLEX Secondary will be discussed and reviewed by LMC by November 17, 2021. Teacher’s Member’s Student Assistants shall not count toward the 180. C. In the event the optimum work load is exceeded, beginning with the enrollment figures of the 11th school day, impact assistance to the teacher member will be provided, as set out below. This assistance will be provided within 10 days of exceeding these work load limits and will continue to be provided through the current grading period or until the work load is reduced to the optimum work load level, at the discretion of the principal. Assistance must be requested by the teacher member. The teacher member and the principal will use best efforts to work collaboratively to schedule assistance during core instruction time. D. Impact assistance will be provided as follows: 1. As requested by the teacher member, grades K-5 educational assistance up to 5 hours a week per student over the optimum work load. The teacher member and the principal will work collaboratively to schedule the assistance. 2. Grades 6-12: teachers members may seek resolution with building administration to include a request for more equitable balancing of work load, release time from assigned non-instructional duties for the duration of time over 180 students, and one o...
Teacher Assignments. 1. a. Prior to April 30th in each school year a committee of administration and interested staff shall be established to develop recommendations for consideration of the Administrative Officer and the Board regarding the design of timetables, courses to be taught, staffing and assignments. This committee shall meet regularly and shall be provided with all relevant information as to District funding, program initiatives and Board priorities.
Teacher Assignments. 17.1 A teaching position is a designation to a school, or schools, or circuit, or to the regional support level by the Centre for Education. 17.2 The Strait Regional Centre for Education, through the Regional Executive Director of Education, determines the teaching position(s). (a) New teachers shall be given a teaching position upon signing the original contract with the Centre for Education. (b) Any teacher who is to be declared displaced from a teaching position, shall be notified not later than May 7th but prior to the posting for the first round of voluntary transfers. A list of names of teachers who are not being retained on school staff will be provided to the Union. (c) Teachers already in the employ of the Centre for Education who are not declared displaced shall be deemed not to have any change to their existing teaching positions. 17.4 (a) School(s) teaching assignment(s) is the specific teaching responsibility consisting of factors such as classes, course loads and grade levels for a school year or semester.
Teacher Assignments. A. All teachers shall be given written tentative notice of their building assignments, room assignments, class and/or subject assignments, for the forthcoming year not later than the last teacher work day of the school year (in those cases where no change in assignment is planned, the teacher will be notified in a generic statement to that effect.) B. No changes in the teacher’s assignment may be made later than August 1 unless it is by the teacher’s request or such change is necessitated by emergency. In the case of such request a position must be available and the teacher must be qualified for the position pursuant to the provisions of State certification and State Board of Education Document 1. Assignments pursuant to such request shall be at the discretion of the Employer and shall not be unreasonably denied. In the case of an assignment change necessitated by an emergency, the teacher shall be notified as soon as possible. If the change is unacceptable to the teacher, the teacher shall be permitted to resign immediately with no penalty and shall be given a favorable written recommendation. C. When it is necessary for a building administrator to make the following assignments: ticket seller, concession supervisor, class sponsor, organizational supervisor, it shall be first offered on a voluntary basis. If the administration is unable to fill said assignment on a volunteer basis, they retain the right to assign said duties. These involuntary assignments will be rotated on a fair and equitable basis. No teacher shall be required to assume such an assignment for more than the remainder of the then current school year without his/her approval. Any other extra duty assignments, excluding coaching assignments which are unacceptable to the teacher should be reported to the building supervisor and if it is possible to rotate that duty it should be treated in the same manner as the aforementioned assignments in Article X, C.
Teacher Assignments. A. General Provisions 1) A teacher availability and preference form shall be issued to all middle and high school teachers prior to April 1 of the current school year. On such form the teacher shall indicate his/her preference as to assignment subject(s) or grade level(s). 2) Each teacher will be informed of his/her tentative assignment for the ensuing school year prior to the close of the current school year. a) If an alteration is made (secondary-different subject matter, elementary-different grade level) in a teacher's tentative assignment, the administrator will inform the affected teacher within a reasonable time and provide him/her an opportunity, at his/her request, to discuss the matter. b) Reasons for change of assignment shall be placed in writing at option of the affected teacher.
Teacher Assignments. Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, the assignment of personnel shall be made at the Board's sole discretion on the basis of the best interests of the school system and the maximum utilization of the abilities of all personnel. All teachers shall be given notice of their class and/or subject assignment by June 15. Where possible, extra-duty assignments and coaching assignments for the fall of the forthcoming school year will be given by June 15 as well. Subsequent changes are at the discretion of the principal, athletic director and Central Office after consultation with the teacher. In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments are proposed after June 15, the teacher affected shall be notified promptly. Supervisors or principals shall consult with teachers for their recommendations on all schedules that affect their schools. Special area teachers will meet with principals/supervisors to develop the master schedule. This will occur prior to June 15.
Teacher Assignments. 17.1 A teaching position is a designation to a school, or schools, or circuit, or to the regional support level by the School Board. 17.2 The Strait Regional School Board, through the Superintendent, determines the teaching position(s). 17.3 (a) New teachers shall be given a teaching position upon signing the original contract with the Board.