Assessments and Intervention. DECA PREP will use the Northwest Education Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and state-mandated assessments. Staff will examine MAP scores to draw comparisons to state and national performance. DECA PREP will define clear formative and summative assessment strategies. More importantly, it will focus on the efficacy of instruction based on the data. Cumulative, end-of- year exams and capstone projects will be introduced to fourth graders. Seventh- and eighth-grade expansion Academic assessment tools The metrics to assess the K–8 program in literacy and STEM content are grounded in the Ohio content standards and the Common Core. DECA’s commitment to ACT end-of-course exams set the long-term exit standards; tracking college graduations makes the final product transparent. This process must begin, at the latest, in Kindergarten—with clear instructional focus and the expectation that all students will meet or exceed grade-level benchmarks. Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA) Ohio State Tests, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), are the specific academic assessments that will be used. DECA has committed considerable resources to addressing test-taking strategies and reviewing test content outside the school day. Programs such as Saturday OAA Boot Camp and intensive language-arts study groups have positively impacted scores. However, the strongest interventions have resulted from consistent use of diagnostic data to inform the next day’s tutorials in DECA classrooms. The K–8 school will define clear formative and summative assessment strategies. More importantly, it will focus on the efficacy of instruction based on the data. Lessons learned from the 7–12 model will be adapted to young learners with the same level of intensity. Promotion policy DECA PREP will not engage in social promotion. Students will be promoted when they have demonstrated mastery of academic standards and exit goals for each grade level. The use of summer intervention will afford struggling students additional time to meet the standards, as will tutoring and home reinforcement. Strict attendance policies have worked at DECA and will be emulated at DECA PREP. Make-up time requirements have served to hold students and their parents accountable for missed instructional time. Multiple layers of student and family support will be available for all students; however, students who do not demonstrate readiness will not be promoted.
Assessments and Intervention. The school uses two primary modes of internal assessments: i-Ready and curriculum-based assessments (formative and summative).
Assessments and Intervention. Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning process. Assessment helps teachers make instructional decisions and should reflect and enhance the active nature of learning. A variety of assessments are encouraged, including keeping anecdotal records such as conference sheets or daily observations, checklists, portfolios, videotapes/audio tapes, demonstrations and performances, and self-evaluations and reflective writings. In addition, informal reading inventories and benchmark assessments are administered at each grade level. The Literacy Framework (balanced literacy concept) and other appropriate intervention programs provide further support for students needing more time and opportunity to learn. Benchmark assessments K–8 and item banks (Thinkgate, NWEA , LINKIT) for short-cycle assessments (PI tests) provide teachers with information about students’ mastery of the New Ohio Learning Standards (Common Core). The use of portfolios is encouraged, as well as a variety of teacher-created assessment opportunities. Description of assessments ASSESSMENT WHY SELECTED USAGE Alignment with curriculum, school goals, and/or school climate OAA assessments Science and social studies Grades 4 and 6 Required Annual benchmark measure of student growth. The OAA is grounded in a student’s ability to perform at high levels of thinking which aligns with school’s mission, curricular focus, and climate of accountability and achievement. OAA assessments Reading and math Grades 5 and 8 Required Annual benchmark measure of student growth. The OAA is grounded in a student’s ability to perform at high levels of thinking, which aligns with school’s mission, curricular focus, and climate of accountability and achievement. Terra Nova Grades K–2 Local Annual benchmark measure of student growth. The Terra Nova offers multiple assessments to measure important higher-order thinking skills which aligns with school’s mission, curricular focus, and climate of accountability and achievement. NWEA assessment database Grades K–8 Aligned with Ohio’s New Learning Standards (Common Core) and Ohio revised standards Quarterly benchmark measure of student growth. Benchmark test based on students’ ability to perform at high levels of thinking, which aligns with school’s mission, curricular focus, and climate of accountability, achievement, and higher-order thinking. STAR Reading Grades K–8 Aligned with Ohio’s New Learning Standards (Common Core) and Ohio revised standards Diagnostic and evaluat...
Assessments and Intervention. Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning process. Assessment helps teachers make instructional decisions and should reflect and enhance the active nature of learning. A variety of assessments are encouraged that include keeping anecdotal records, such as conference sheets or daily observations, checklists, portfolios, videotapes/audio tapes, demonstrations, and performances, as well as self-evaluations and reflective writings. In addition, informal reading inventories and benchmark assessments are administered at each grade level. The Literacy Framework (balanced literacy concept) and other appropriate intervention programs provide further support for students needing more time and opportunity to learn. Benchmark assessments K–8 and item banks (Thinkgate, NWEA, LINKIT) for short-cycle Assessments (PI tests) provide teachers with information about students’ mastery of the New Ohio Learning Standards (Common Core). The use of portfolios is encouraged, as well as a variety of teacher-created assessment opportunities.
Assessments and Intervention. The SEA Assessment Plan/Schedule is below. Tier 1 = everyone; Tier 2 = small group, specialized instruction for at-risk students; Tier 3 = intensive, specialized instruction for students most at risk Grade K Tier(s) Data Used Frequency Who I–III ESI Pre-registration K Teacher KRA By November 1 K Teacher ODE Reading Diagnostic Screener Within 30 Days K Teacher, Aides, Reading Specialist Progress Report Assessments/Report Cards Every 9 Weeks (as taught) K Teacher, Aides, Intervention Specialists Classroom Observations Daily K Teacher Spelling Inventory Pre-year and K Teacher Diagnostic Screener (new students) Within 30 Days of Arrival K Teacher STAR Early Literacy Quarterly Technology Teacher Terra Nova Language Arts and Math Post K Teacher II/III Progress Report, Phonemic Awareness Aassessment Intervention Weekly, Biweekly K Teacher, Intervention Specialists III Multifactored Evaluations Progress Reports As Identified Intervention Staff 1st Grade I–III Kindergarten Data Pre (analysis only) 1st Grade Teacher and Intervention Teacher Terra Nova Language Arts and Math Post 1st Grade Teacher Phonemic Awareness Assessment Pre/Post 1st Grade Teacher, Intervention Specialists Spelling Inventory Pre/Mid/Post 1st Grade Teacher Reading/Math ODE Screener Diagnostic Assessments 1x Per Year 1st. Grade Teacher Progress Reports/Report Cards Each 9 Weeks 1st Grade Teacher, Aides, Intervention Specialists ODE Reading Diagnostic Screener (new students) Within 30 Days of Arrival 1st Grade Teacher Diagnostics—Writing Only (state- required) Third 9 Weeks 1st Grade Teacher II/III Phonemic Awareness Assessment Weekly/Biweekly (specific to student’s needs) 1st Grade Teacher/Interventi on Teacher III Multifactored Evaluations Progress Reports As Identified Intervention Staff I STAR Early Literacy STAR Testing Quarterly Technology Teacher 2nd Grade I–III 1st Grade Data Pre (analysis only) 2nd Grade Teacher and Intervention Teacher Terra Nova Language Arts and Math Post 2nd Grade Teacher Phonemic Awareness Assessment Assess New Students, or At Teacher Recommendation 2nd Grade Teacher, Intervention Specialists Spelling Inventory 4x Per Year 2nd Grade Teacher ODE Reading/Math Screener Diagnostic 1x Per Year 2nd Grade Teacher Short-Cycle Skill-Based Reading/Math Assessments Weekly, Teacher Discretion 2nd Grade Teachers, Intervention Teachers Progress Reports/Report Cards Every 9 Weeks 2nd Grade Teacher, Aides, Intervention Specialists ODE Reading Diagnostic Screener (new students) Withi...
Assessments and Intervention iReady (an ODE-approved alternative assessment) assesses reading and math for students in grades one and two. It is administered four times each year: September, December, March, and May. iReady is used to inform instruction in the classroom and enable teachers to differentiate their instruction based on the strengths and weaknesses of their students. ODE Diagnostic Assessments are administered in writing for students in grades one and two. The assessments are given in the spring to measure student progress over the course of the school year. They align with DLA’s curriculum and provides data on student strengths and weaknesses. Each of these assessments was chosen based on the recommendation or requirement of ODE, and all align with the Ohio Improvement Process. EXHIBIT 2: FINANCIAL PLAN
Assessments and Intervention. Assessments are multifaceted within the CLA schools. Although the required state tests are a definite focus, they are certainly not the only focus in the assessment arena. In addition to state tests in the spring, CLA and CLAE will use MAP or SLO assessment three times each year and unit assessment at the end of each unit or case study in each subject (from six to eight weeks). As stated elsewhere in this application, CLA curriculum uses backward design to work from state standards in each academic subject. End-of-year assessments aligned to state tests cover all standards and use the rigor of questioning, the language, and the question blueprint of the state tests. Unit assessments also use the rigor of questioning and the language; between January and state tests, they also use the state test blueprint. Beyond and above state testing, CLA believes in meeting all scholars at their level and moving them forward. To do this effectively, the school relies on normative-based MAP testing to determine realistic goals for our scholars and measure their growth throughout the school year. MAP testing takes place three times during the school year and allows all invested stakeholders (students, faculty, administration, and families) to reflect on where students begin, how they are progressing, and what has been accomplished at the end of the year. MAP testing is adaptive to a student’s knowledge level and self-adjusts as the test progresses. Students earn a score along a RIT point scale that correlates to their understanding and mastery for the content tested. MAP testing is completed for English and mathematics in all grades and in science in grade 8. Teachers use this data to help students approach learning at their own levels when using online resources as well as for data triangulation. MAP is one of the statistics CLA teachers look at to determine if a student is thriving and needs a push or to identify specific areas of concern as the year progresses. For nontested subjects, the DCIs create SLO assessments that students take at the beginning, middle, and end of the year to track student academic growth in each subject and in social studies and science in grades 6 and 7. Unit assessments cover the standards covered during each unit and review previously covered standards. DCIs create the assessments but provide teachers with the map of standards, language, and question rigor, as well as any rubrics that will be used on the summative assessment. Teachers work b...
Assessments and Intervention. At XXXX Xxxxxxxx, we value the educational journey of all students. We are committed to creating opportunities for students across the region to learn and grow. We value student equity, which we define as “reducing the predictability of who succeeds and who fails, interrupting reproductive practices that negatively impact students, and cultivating the gifts and talents of every student.”11
Assessments and Intervention. CWC Cincinnati aims to meaningfully integrate standards across the curriculum and to implement multiple and varied measures of assessment in order to ensure that school leaders have a holistic picture of academic proficiency and progress. In addition, CWC Cincinnati will use social-emotional learning assessments. CWC Cincinnati defines assessment as the systematic and ongoing process of collecting, describing, and analyzing information about student progress and achievement in relation to curriculum expectations. We believe assessment serves a dual purpose:
Assessments and Intervention. DECA PREP will use the Northwest Education Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and state-mandated assessments. Staff will examine MAP scores to draw comparisons to state and national performance. DECA PREP will define clear formative and summative assessment strategies. More importantly, it will focus on the efficacy of instruction based on the data. Cumulative, end-of- year exams and capstone projects will be introduced to fourth graders.