Fitness for Duty When question exists related to appropriate leave administration or work safety to individuals, co-workers or others, the EMPLOYER may require employees to undergo a medical evaluation that will enable the EMPLOYER to determine the employee’s fitness for performance of his/her duties. When the EMPLOYER requires an evaluation or report from a medical authority, either the employee’s personal or treating authority or the medical authority of the EMPLOYER’s selection, the EMPLOYER shall:
Fitness for Work 6.2.1 The parties to this Agreement agree that the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment will be enhanced by adopting a pro-active approach to addressing fitness for work issues, including the misuse of drugs and alcohol in the workplace, workplace stress and fatigue. The management of these occupational health and safety issues will assist to eliminate a contributing factor to workplace injuries and accidents.
TEACHER EVALUATIONS The School Board and the Association recognize that evaluation of the staff is a vital function of the District. A Teacher Evaluation Review Committee consisting of six teachers, including two elementary, two middle school, and two high school teachers appointed by the Twin Falls Education Association; an elementary administrator, a middle school administrator, and an high school administrator appointed by the Twin Falls School District Administration; and three district office administrators to include the Elementary Director, the Secondary Director and the Director of Support Services. The appointment of the members of the committee will be made on or before October 1st of each year. An administrator from the district and a member appointed by the Association will co-chair the committee. The committee will meet at the call of the co-chairs. The Professional Practice portion of the evaluation will be conducted by a member of the building administrative team. The building administrator will meet individually with the teacher before the end of first quarter to discuss goals and the evaluation tool. The evaluation shall include a minimum of two (2) documented observations annually, with at least one (1) observation being completed by January 1 of each year. Teachers on the professional/advanced professional rung of the career ladder will have at least one
Student Evaluations Student evaluations shall be completed by the end of the 12th week of the Fall semester.