Employee Work Day Sample Clauses
Employee Work Day. The terms and conditions of this section are part of the regular employee contract, unless identified otherwise.
Employee Work Day. On normal student attendance days, the employee workday will be from 8:00 a.m. until 3:25 p.m. However, to accommodate early supervision of elementary students, the administration may require one (1) or two (2) teachers to arrive fifteen (15) minutes early, and be released fifteen (15) minutes early at the end of the day. Volunteers will be sought for this early supervision. Teachers may be required to attend one (1) faculty meeting per month, as scheduled by administration from 7:40 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.. Meetings scheduled will be posted at the beginning of each semester. Teachers will remain later for extra curricular activities, teacher meetings, scheduled parent teacher conferences, special education meetings and staffings, teacher required detention, and unforeseen emergencies. Supervisory duties will be equitably distributed among faculty, however, this shall not mean exactly equal distribution of supervision assignments.
Employee Work Day. The length of the normal employee day shall be eight hours on Monday through Thursday, and seven and one-half hours on Friday and on the day prior to Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Breaks, if scheduled. Time at the end of an employee’s work day when the employee does not have direct responsibility for students in a classroom will be spent by the employee performing other duties and assignments inherent to the profession, including, but not limited to, preparing lessons, grading, compiling or processing data, conferring with administrators or other teachers on issues, meeting with students and/or parents, performing IEP-related functions, etc. While the normal employee day shall be eight hours on Monday through Thursday, the length of the student day will not increase from the current levels of 6 hours and 45 minutes in the Elementary Schools, 6 hours and 40 minutes in the Middle Schools, and 6 hours and 50 minutes in the High School, provided that the District retains the right to change the start and end times of the employee and/or student day. The following Table is set forth solely to illustrate the start and end times currently in effect in the District: Employee Start Time Student Start Time Student End of Day Employee End of Day High School 7:05 AM 7:30 AM 2:20 PM 3:05 PM Elementary 7:30 AM 7:55 AM 2:40 PM 3:30 PM Middle School 7:55 AM 8:35 AM 3:15 PM 3:55 PM The regular scheduled workday for all full-time employees will be scheduled between 7:00
a. m. and 5:00 p.m. and the workday will run continuously, without a split shift, from the scheduled starting time. (This does not restrict the scheduling of other time, without extra pay, outside of these times, for example for faculty meetings, open houses, meeting with parents.) The majority of full-time regular classroom employees working in the same building will work the same schedule, i.e., starting and ending times, although different buildings may have different schedules, as may persons working in more than one building. The School District has the right to schedule employees to work schedules between 7:00
a. m. and 5:00 p.m. with different starting and ending times from the majority of other employees in the building and to establish and change starting times. If an employee is scheduled in a school to work outside the normal school day, normal administrative or staff support will be provided in the District.
Employee Work Day. The administration shall be responsible to the Board of Education for the equitable distribution among the members of the staff in the following areas of work: classroom teaching, extra-curricular, and supervisory duties. The usual school day for all teachers shall begin one-half (1/2) hour before classes begin and end one-half (1/2) hour after classes end and teachers shall be subject to assignments within this period without compensation, but in no event shall the school day exceed eight (8) hours. The work shall be divided into eight sections for the purpose of determining substitute pay early dismissals. Teachers may leave at the time of student dismissal on Staff Meeting days, Fridays, and the day before holidays. Teachers are expected to be in their rooms one-half (1/2) hour before classes begin and remain one-half (1/2) hour after dismissal unless extra-curricular assignments or professional or departmental meetings conflict. Rural teachers must always remain at school until all students have departed. Teachers may leave the school during their lunch period when they do not have scheduled duties.
Employee Work Day. Each employee shall be in his/her building fifteen (15) minutes before the beginning of the students' school day, tending to professional obligations, except for those assigned supervisory duties. The employee's workday shall end when he/she feels that his/her professional obligations have been met but no earlier than fifteen (15) minutes after the final student class dismissal. Teachers will remain a reasonable period of time after dismissal for parent conferences, provided that the parents schedule the conference with the teacher in advance. Meetings or conferences required by the Principal or Superintendent will be called only when necessary, and every effort will be made by the administration and the employee to limit those meetings or conferences to forty-five (45) minutes.
Employee Work Day. The Employee work day shall begin at 7:50 am. Employees may leave school at 3:30 p.m., except on days when faculty meetings are scheduled. Faculty meetings will be scheduled on the yearly calendar. Faculty meetings will begin at 3:30 p.m. Teachers will not be required to stay later than 4:05 pm. There will be no more than one (1) required faculty meeting after school per month, unless there is a need for an emergency meeting for the health, welfare, and safety of the student body. When students are dismissed early, employees may leave five (5) minutes after the students are dismissed except on calendar scheduled workshop days, parent-teacher conferences, and one (1) open house or freshman orientation. There shall be 2:00 pm dismissals on the last work-day prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break and the last day of student attendance. For the purpose of administering this agreement: Full day = 7:50 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Half day A.M. = 7:50 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Half day P.M. = 11:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Employee Work Day. Overtime should be paid at one and one-half times regular pay only on actual hours worked over 40-hour week. Vacation, holiday time, time off without pay, and personal days are not considered “hours worked.” A member of management must authorize overtime. The normal work day shall be as follows:
Employee Work Day. The employee work day for all certificated employees will be seven and one-half consecutive hours (7:40 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.) Monday through Friday including a continuous thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. Staff in-service early outs will conclude at 3:10 p.m. Per diem rates will be figured on a seven and one-half (7 ½) hour day. By agreement of the Building Administrator and two-thirds (2/3) of the building staff, the seven and one half (7 ½) hour work day may be shifted forward or back one-half (1/2) hour. In the case of an emergency or in other circumstances, with the Building Administrator’s prior approval, a teacher shall be dismissed early. In regard to delayed opening and/or early dismissal days, the work day for certificated employees may begin thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled student starting time and may end thirty (30) minutes after the scheduled student dismissal time on that day. Secondary employees will be provided a continuous forty-five (45) minute duty-free preparation period during the student school day. If the district is unable to provide a substitute for an employee absence, the employee requested or approved by the building administrator to cover the class for the absent employee shall be paid for lost planning time at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25) per planning period. Coverage less than ten (10) minutes shall not be compensated. However, coverage beyond ten (10) minutes in duration shall be compensated retroactive to the start of the coverage. Elementary employees will be provided with two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes per week of duty-free preparation time and such preparation time will, to the fullest extent possible, be during the student school day and in continuous blocks of time on a daily basis. It is understood that the District can continue to utilize recess time and specialist time to help implement this provision. Elementary employees will be provided a continuous forty-five (45) minute duty-free preparation period during the student day provided all of the following are in place:
A. Successful passage of the Maintenance and Operations levy.
B. The K-3 Funding Formula is in operation at the current level.
C. The Small School Funding Formula is in operation at the current level.
D. The School District is able to utilize sufficient staff provided by the Small School Funding Formula to ensure the forty-five (45) minutes preparation period.
Employee Work Day. On normal student attendance days, the employee work day will be from 8:00 a.m. until 3:25 p.m. On the final work day of each week, teachers will be allowed to leave at 3:15 pm or after buses depart. However, to accommodate early supervision of elementary students, the administration may require one (1) or two
Employee Work Day. Teachers shall be on duty as scheduled. During this workday they shall have a 30 minute duty-free lunch period. Individual teacher work schedules will be developed by the building principal or principals involved. Teachers will be required to attend scheduled faculty meetings and special education staffings unless otherwise excused by the building principal. The Teacher’s professional workday will be 7 hours and 45 minutes not to include the above-mentioned meetings. Teachers may have flexibility of their scheduled work hours as long as changes do not prohibit Teachers from attending scheduled meetings and/or other professional obligations. The Board agrees that it is desirable to provide a daily duty-free preparation period for each teacher. The Board will attempt to provide a daily duty-free preparation period of at least 30 minutes during the hours of student instruction. If that 30-minute preparation period cannot be met, the teacher will have no extra duties that day. The Board will provide a minimum of 300 minutes of duty-free preparation time per 5-day week for each Teacher during the Teacher's professional workday.