SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. (a) An employee shall acquire seniority as of his date of employment with the company provided he has completed six (6) months continuous employment. (b) A seniority list will be compiled by the Company and will be revised annually. Such list will show names, positions, and date of last entry into service in positions covered by this Agreement. (c) A copy of the seniority list shall be forwarded to the Union, and shall also be posted on each vessel for all to see, annually, no more than fifteen (15) days after it is compiled. (d) It is agreed that in layoffs and rehires, preference will be given to employees with the greatest length of service with the company and that for placements within the bargaining unit, where skill and efficiency are relatively equal, preference will be given to the employee with the greatest length of service with the Company. (e) An employee who has been laid off will retain his seniority and the right to be recalled for a period of eighteen (18) months, provided he reports to the company when recalled. An employee who is given reasonable notice and fails to report for work upon recall is subject to discharge from service. An employee on leave of absence for any reason including medical leave or lay off shall be responsible to maintain required Union dues and failure to do so may, at the Union's direction, result in loss of seniority. (f) When an employee is physically unable to work in his present classification he shall have the right to retrain for a different classification within the bargaining unit and shall maintain full seniority within the company. (g) Where the Company promotes an Unlicensed employee to Officer status on board its vessels, the following shall apply: (i) When a Company is making initial temporary promotions, candidates possessing the necessary certification and successfully passing the normal pre-promotion assessment, will receive fair and equitable consideration for such promotion from the company. It is intended that any problems over the interpretation of this section (i) will be resolved by discussion between the affected parties concerned, not by recourse to the grievance procedure.
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS a) For the purpose of this Agreement, the Employer will recognize the existing seniority ranking and hours worked of the former Employer’s employees for the purposes of wage rate and vacation. b) Strict seniority will prevail at all times, subject to the particular employee(s) being qualified for any work which is to be done. Seniority shall be based from the first day on payroll at the Lethbridge Airport. c) Should two or more persons have the same start date, the seniority ranking for that group of employees shall be by random draw. d) Any employee promoted to any position outside the bargaining unit, and at a later date proves to be unsatisfactory for any such position, or there is a reduction in staff of the department, or if the employee wishes not to accept such position, may be reinstated to his/her former position without loss of seniority, or accrued seniority, provided this occurs within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the promotion, providing they continue paying dues. Any persons who use this clause to return to the bargaining unit, for whatever reason, will be restricted from bidding positions outside the unit for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days. e) The Employer will provide the Local Union Office with a separate seniority list for full-time and part- time employees, giving the names of employees and dates they commenced employment, immediately after the signing of this agreement and each four (4) months after that, and will also post a copy of the seniority list at the site. The Employer shall add any new employees and delete those whose employment is terminated. f) Any employee wishing to protest seniority must do so within thirty (30) calendar days of the posting of the seniority lists. g) Part-time seniority will not be credited towards full-time seniority.
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. 14.1 A probationary period of sixty-six (66) working days on the payroll shall apply in the case of each new employee, during which time seniority shall not apply and an employee during that time may be laid off without reference to seniority and the University shall not be obligated to rehire such an employee. 14.2 Seniority shall be determined as of the date the employee commenced with the University on a continuing basis, or from the date of employment where an employee transfers to continuing status from full-time temporary status where there has been no break in service of greater than eight (8)
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. For the purpose of this Agreement, will recognize the existing seniority ranking of the former employees as set out on the official Seniority List dated March Strict prevail at all times, subject to the being capable and having the appropriate qualification for any work which is to be done. Seniority shall be based from the first day on pay roll. Seniority shall cease and employment shall be terminated for any of the following reasons: if an employee quits; if an employee is absent from the workplace for three (3) or more consecutive days without having notified the Employer and received permission to be absent in advance where that is possible; is laid off and not recalled for a continuous period in excess of twelve (12) months or; where an employee has been employed for a period of less than twelve (12) months, the length of the recall period will be limited to the length of the employee’s employment; fails to notify the Employer of intention to return to work within seven (7) calendar days of being given notice of recall or fails to return to work on the date of recall as set out in the notice of recall; works for a direct competitor of the Employer at any of the Airports covered by this agreement; For employees hired on or after May 20th should two or more persons have the same start date, the seniority ranking for that group of employees shall be by random draw witnessed by a Shop Xxxxxxx. Any alleged breach of this clause shall be the basis of a grievance. When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force, the last person hired shall be laid off first, and when the force is again increased, employees are to be returned to work in reverse order in which they are laid off during the layoff process, subject to qualifications. Full-time employees shall be given preference over part-time employees for available work, and no part-time employee will be given work unless all regular full-time are working.
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. Where two or more persons of equal qualifications and abilities apply for a position, seniority will apply in the appointment of the new job or vacancy. The Company reserves the right to determine and apply standards for the qualifying process. Point Leaders, who remain such for a ninety (90) calendar day period, five hundred and twenty hours (520) may not be demoted in rank or in pay unless for just cause and such Point Leader has had recourse to the Grievance Procedure. Any alleged breach of this clause shall be the basis of a grievance. When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force, the last person hired shall be laid off first, and when the force is again increased, employees are to be returned to work in reverse order in which they are laid off during a layoff process. Permanent employees shall be given preference over Casual employees for available work, and no Casual employee will be given work unless all regular permanent employees are working, or permanent employees, when called to cover a vacant shift are unable to do so. Any employee promoted to any position outside of the bargaining unit who at a later date proves to be unsatisfactory for any such position or there is a reduction in staff of the department may be reinstated to his former position without loss of his seniority, provided this occurs within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the promotion. The Employer shall provide the Union with a separate seniority list for permanent and casual employees (2 lists) giving names of employees and date they commenced employment, (first day of training) immediately after signing of this Agreement and each four (4) months after that, and shall also post a copy of the seniority list in the ready room and add any new employees and delete those that leave. Any employee wishing to protest seniority must do so within thirty (30) days of the posting of the seniority lists. GARDA Staff transferring in to a base will assume the last seniority position in the base. Their base seniority will begin on their first day on the job. They will retain their original date of hire for vacation accrual (but not bidding) and wage progression. The Company agrees that when a Base Administrator, or Point Lead, who has a permanent assignment leaves the employ of the Company, all employees then payroll shall be informed by a notice posted at the work location that there is a vacancy. Any employee then on the payroll shall have the right to apply within (72) hou...
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS a) For the purpose of this Agreement, Garda Security Screening Inc. will recognize the existing seniority/hours worked of the former Executive Security employees. Any pay increase due to these employees will be explained in full and paid to the employee by a separate deposit. b) Strict seniority shall prevail at all times, subject to the particular employee(s) being capable for work which is to be done. Seniority shall be based from the first day of actual time for which wages are paid or the first day of classroom training whichever comes first. c) Should two or more persons have the same start date, the seniority ranking for that group of employees shall be by random draw. d) Any alleged breach of this clause shall be the basis of a grievance. When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force, the last person hired shall be laid off first, and when the force is again increased, employees are to be returned to work in reverse order in which they are laid off during the layoff process, subject to qualifications. Laid off full or part time employees shall have the right to be placed on the On Call Casual list. However they shall not suffer a loss of seniority or benefits, and will whenever possible be allowed the minimum number of days worked required to maintain their CATSA certification. In the event the layoff is to be permanent the employee shall be so notified and paid severance in accordance with the Canada Labor Code. e) Any employee promoted to any position outside the bargaining unit, and at a later date proves to be unsatisfactory for any such position, or there is a cut-down in staff of the department, may be reinstated to his/her former position without loss of seniority, or accrued seniority, provided this occurs within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the promotion. f) The Employer shall provide the Union with a separate seniority list for full-time, part time, and On Call Casual employees, giving the names of employees and dates they commenced employment, immediately after the signing of this agreement and each four
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS a) Strict seniority shall prevail at all times, subject to the particular employee(s) being capable and having the appropriate CATSA Certification for any work which is to be done. Base Seniority shall be based from the first day on payroll at the Fort XxXxxxxx Airport.
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. A seniority list showing the Engineer’s seniority in his classification be compiled by the Company with revisions at the closing of each season and copies shall be mailed to each Engineer and the Union. Such list will show names, classifications and the date of last entry into service in positions covered by this Agreement, from which date seniority will accumulate. Engineers will receive notice of their annual appointment to a vessel of the Company by February but no later than March 15th of each year. After completing his probation period, the of the newly employed marine Engineer Officer shall be on the seniority list immediately. In the case of promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff and recall after layoff, the most senior employee with sufficient qualifications shall be entitled to preference where ability and physical fitness are relatively equal. It is agreed that all promotions will be given with a ninety (90) running day trial period. This ninety (90) day trial period is to allow the Company enough time to evaluate the promoted Engineer’s ability in his new position. If the Engineer Officer in the promoted position over a ninety (90) running day trial period, he shall be in that position and his name will be registered as such on a seniority roster as of the first day he took that promotion. However, should the Engineer promoted not be confirmed in his promotion, he shall revert to his old position. All Engineers called to replace a newly promoted Engineer shall be called on the basis of a relief job until of the promotion. In the case of temporary promotions due to sickness or injury to another Engineer, the above conditions will not apply.
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. 16.1. The principle of seniority shall be maintained in the reduction and restoration of the work force, providing the senior person is capable of performing the remaining job. 16.2. Strict seniority (as defined in Article No 1.8 & 1.9) shall prevail at all times, subject to the particular employee(s) being capable and having the appropriate qualification for any work which is to be done. Seniority shall be based from the last date of hire with the Company. Seniority shall cease and employment shall be terminated for any of the following reasons: • if an employee quits; • if an employee fails to report for their scheduled shift without notifying the employer in advance of the reason for their absence, and subsequently does not make contact directly with the employer (messages are not sufficient) within seventy-two (72) hours of start of their scheduled shift. • is laid off and not recalled for a continuous period in excess of twelve
SENIORITY AND PROMOTIONS. The following provisions replace Article 12 of the Office Clerical Operational Supplement (“Seniority, Layoff & Recall”) in its entirety. (A) Seniority for employees governed by this Agreement shall be defined as the period of employment with the Employer in the work covered by this Agreement at the terminal within the jurisdiction of the Local Union. It shall be deemed to include any seniority presently held by an employee through agreement between the Employer and the Union prior to this Agreement. (B) All new employees shall be hired on a thirty (30) calendar days' trial basis and shall work under the provisions of this Agreement, within which they may be dismissed without protest by the Union. However, the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminating against Union members. After thirty