STANDBY AND CALL BACK. 24.01 An employee who is required by the employer to be on standby duty shall be issued a telecommunications device at the Hospital’s expense for the duration of the stand-by duty. If called, such an employee must report for work as quickly as possible.
24.02 An employee on standby duty shall be compensated at a rate of two dollars and twenty-five cents ($2.25) per hour for each hour of scheduled standby duty. This rate shall increase with each scheduled General Economic increase contained in the wage schedule (Appendix B and B-1).
24.03 An employee who is called to work while on standby duty and who reports for work shall be paid in accordance with Article 24.04. In addition, he shall receive standby duty pay in accordance with Article 24.02.
24.04 When an employee who has left the hospital is called back to work, or when an employee is on standby duty and is called back to work, he shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours pay to a maximum of eight (8) hours pay at the overtime rate (as per Article 23.05) during any eight (8) hour period.
24.05 An employee who is called back to work shall be paid an allowance to assist in defraying the cost of transportation as follows:
(a) reimbursement for actual taxi fare paid by the employee for travel from his place of residence to the hospital and return, but not to exceed $11.00 for the round trip; or
(b) an amount that is equal to the actual taxi fare from his place of residence to the hospital and return, for the use of a privately-owned vehicle, but not to exceed $11.00 for the round trip.
24.06 Article 24.05 does not apply when transportation is provided or arranged by the hospital.
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. 10.1 The EMPLOYER will establish a seven (7) day rotating schedule of standby assignments. The employee on standby status will be available during that period for call back and the EMPLOYER will call that employee first should any call back be necessary. The employee will be paid one (1) hour at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for that employee for standby on weekdays. The employee will be paid two (2) hours at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for that employee for standby on weekends and observed holidays.
10.2 At the discretion of the EMPLOYER, an employee may receive compensatory time off in lieu of standby pay or be paid on the basis of one and one-half (1-1/ 2) hours compensatory time off for each twenty-four (24) hour period on standby status Monday through Friday; three (3) hours compensatory time off for each twenty-four (24) hour period on standby status on weekends and those dates recognized by the EMPLOYER as observed holidays. Such compensatory time accumulation shall be part of the maximum allowed under Section 9.4.
10.3 An employee called in for work at a time other than the employee's normal scheduled shift will be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours' pay at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's base pay rate, or two times the base rate on the actual holiday. Special weekend and holiday schedules for lift checking shall be treated as call backs.
10.4 Special weekend and holiday schedules for lift station checking shall be treated as a call back.
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. 16.01 An Employee may be required to be on Stand-By. An Employee assigned to be on standby shall receive thirteen dollars and fifty cents ($13.50) for each Stand- By period of eight (8) hours or less. The Employer shall pay an Employee who is on Stand-By on a named holiday twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) for each Stand- By period of eight (8) hours or less. The Employer will provide pagers or other communication devices for Employees assigned to be on Stand-By.
(a) An Employee required to report back to the workplace after leaving the premises of the Employer following the completion of a shift but before the commencement of the Employee’s next scheduled shift or is called back on a day the Employee is not working (“Call Back”) shall be compensated with a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the employee’s regular hourly rate or overtime for the hours worked in accordance with Article 9.06, whichever is greater. Call Back premiums do not apply to Additional or Relief Shifts. Call Back premiums do not apply to Casual Employees not in Temporary positions except when they are called back while on Standby.
(b) For Employees on Stand-By, the minimum four (4) hour payment shall apply once during each eight (8) hour standby period. Subsequent calls during the same eight (8) hour period shall be paid at time and one-half (1.5 X) for the actual time worked with a minimum of one hour pay at the rate of time and one-half.
(c) When an Employee has been called back and the time worked is continuous with the Employee’s scheduled hours of work, the Employee shall receive overtime in accordance with Article 9.06 for the hours in excess of the regular scheduled shift.
(d) Employees called back to work in accordance with Article 16.02
(a) shall be paid a transportation allowance of twelve dollars ($12.00) per Call Back.
16.03 An employee shall be entitled to a rest interval of six (6) hours between the time an employee on Stand-by, working a Call Back, completes a period of Call Back and the commencement of the employee’s next scheduled shift except when the first Call Back is within two (2) hours of the commencement of the next scheduled shift in which case the employee shall not be entitled to a six (6) hour rest interval. The rest interval shall not cause a loss of regular pay for the hours not worked on the previously scheduled shift. If mutually agreeable between the employee and the Employer, arrangements in variance to the foregoing will be acceptable and will not constitu...
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. (a) Where a nurse is assigned to be on standby, she shall be paid a standby rate of two dollars and ten cents ($2.10) for each hour of standby.
(b) A nurse who is called into work from standby shall receive time and one- half (1.5) her regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked with a minimum guarantee of four (4) hours’ pay at regular rate.
(c) A nurse on standby who is required to do telephone assessments and documentation from her home shall receive payment at her straight time hourly rate for all time spent on telephone calls which exceeds fifteen (15) minutes accumulated on any standby shift, with a minimum guarantee of one (1) hours pay at straight time rates per standby shift. Such telephone calls will not be considered call-back nor be used to calculate hours of work earned toward overtime in the day/pay period. Nurses must document the telephone services provided and submit this documentation to the appropriate Manager or Supervisor as per operating procedures.
(d) Where a nurse works both days of a weekend she will be granted on request up to two (2) days LOA without pay during the following week.
(e) The hours of standby are as follows: Nights 2300 –0700 Weekends and Statutory Holidays 0700 – 2100
(f) Standby nurses during the hours of 2300 – 0700 must be available to provide telephone support to clients but are not normally expected to be called back to work, except in emergency situations.
(g) Standby nurses during the hours 0700 – 2100 on the weekend and statutory holidays must be available for potential call-back. Standby nurses for weekends, and statutory holidays that fall on a Friday or Monday, will be scheduled to cover the whole weekend (except Christmas and New Year’s). Nurses will cover their area and the adjoining area. These areas to be determined by the parties at Labour Management. Nurses will be scheduled on a rotational basis and will not be scheduled on their vacation time.
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. 16.01 A minimum of three (3) hours pay at the applicable overtime rate will be paid to an employee who is called back to work after the completion of his regular shift, but if this period extends into the employee's regular shift, the regular rate of pay will not be paid for the same hours but will commence only after the expiry of the call back minimum.
16.02 Additional or successive call backs commencing and concluding within the three (3) hour period shall be regarded as part of the original call back.
16.03 Continuous extension of a call back beyond the three (3) hour period shall be paid for at overtime rate for the actual hours worked, up to the commencement of the employee's regularly scheduled shift, at which point the employee's straight-time rate will prevail.
16.04 An employee designated to standby duty during other than normal hours of work will receive twenty-seven dollars ($27) per day standby pay. Employee designated first call shall receive lead hand premium for hours worked. Effective June 29, 2011 this amount shall increase to $30.00.
16.05 On extended overtime outside the normal working hours, meals will be paid for on the basis of one meal after the first two (2) hours of overtime, provided that the overtime period is expected to last at least four (4) hours, and one meal approximately every four (4) hours thereafter.
16.06 An employee who is on standby and performs regional business while on standby but is not called back to work after having left the premises will receive two (2) times the employee’s normal hourly rate for all work performed. The employee is required to formally log all work performed including telephone calls.
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. 10.1 The EMPLOYER will establish a seven (7) day rotating schedule of standby assignments. The employee on standby status will be available during that period for call back and the EMPLOYER will call that employee first should any call back be necessary. The employee will be paid one (1) hour at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for that employee for standby on weekdays. The employee will be paid two
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. Relief employees may be placed on standby at a manager’s discretion and subject to call back. Relief employees shall be compensated for standby and call back as provided to full-time and part-time employees in the department in which they are working. Any call back shifts worked as a result of standby shifts included when the schedule is posted will count toward their minimum shifts.
36.01 Where NAV CANADA requires an employee to be available on standby during off-duty hours, an employee shall be entitled to a standby payment of one hour's pay at the straight time rate for each eight (8) consecutive hours or portion thereof that they are on standby.
36.02 An employee designated by letter or by list for standby duty shall be available during their period of standby at a known telephone number and be readily available to return for duty. In designating employees for standby, NAV CANADA will endeavour to provide for the equitable distribution of standby duties.
36.03 No standby payment shall be granted if an employee is unable to report for duty when required.
36.04 An employee on standby who is required to report to a NAV CANADA workplace shall be paid, in addition to the standby pay, the greater of:
(a) the applicable overtime rate for the time worked,
(b) the minimum three (3) hours’ pay at the applicable overtime rate
36.05 An employee on standby who is called to work and is not required to return to a NAV CANADA workplace to complete the work will be compensated by one and one-half (1 ½) hours’ pay at the straight time rate. Where the call or the work exceeds one hour, they shall be entitled to the compensation in accordance with Article 36.04
STANDBY AND CALL BACK. Nurses placed on standby status, off Hospital premises, shall be compensated at the hourly rate as specified in Appendix A or B. Standby duty will not be counted as hours worked for purposes of computing overtime or eligibility for longevity increments or fringe benefits. Whenever the nurse is called in to work from standby status, time and one-half (1 1/2) will be paid. All other legal overtime rules will apply. When a nurse is called in from standby status on a holiday, double time (2x) will be paid. When requested to be in-house, in-house standby will be paid at the hourly rate of $8.00. In-house standby will occur only by mutual agreement between the nurse involved and the nursing supervisor. Nurses, when called in, will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours with the provision that call in pay shall be a maximum of eight (8) hours per eight (8) hour shift. Paging devices will be provided for all nurses on-call whenever possible.