Association Leave Bank Sample Clauses
Association Leave Bank. The CITY and ASSOCIATION agree to establish a mechanism for unit members to donate paid leave into a bank to be utilized by Association members for Association business.
Association Leave Bank. (a) There is hereby created an Association Leave Bank which shall be administered by the Employer with a quarterly report of the balance and withdrawals provided to the Association. Annual transfers of five (5) hours of paid time off from each full-time member and two (2) hours of paid time off from part-time and full-time seasonal members shall occur with the first payroll period after the start of each fiscal year at the request of the union. All new members shall be assessed two (2) hours of paid time off when the member's balance is at least one (1) day or more and such leave shall be transferred to the Bank
(b) When an employee wishes to attend scheduled events approved by the association for use of Association Leave, the employee shall first fill out a Status Change form indicating the purpose of the Association Leave and obtain the signature of an authorized Association Official authorizing the use of Association Leave. In addition, the Employee Representative must obtain approval from the Department Head to take time off prior to the use of such leave. Approval will be granted so long as business permits. Leave approval shall be considered final after the Personnel Officer confirms that there are a sufficient number of hours available in the Leave Bank for use by the employee.
(c) If insufficient hours remain in the Association Leave Bank, the Employer shall be reimbursed the cost of salary and benefits incurred by Employee Representatives, Association Officers, or other Bargaining Unit Members while engaging in Association activities.
(d) The Association Leave Bank will be for purposes of contract negotiations, executive meetings, dealing with grievances, training sponsored by the Association, attendance at arbitration hearings as witnesses for the Association, and other purposes as may be authorized by the Association. Withdrawals from the Association Leave Bank shall be made only by the Association by application to the Department Head on the Employer's standard Status Change form and shall be approved by the Association Chair. Approval may not be unreasonably withheld. All paid time off transferred to the Association Leave Bank is final and not recoverable for credit to an individual's paid time off account. Attendance at Labor/Management Committee meetings and Committee assigned follow-up work shall not require the use of Association Leave.
Association Leave Bank. The Board will provide up to fifteen (15) days release time per year, without loss of pay or benefits, for the Association President and/or his/her designee(s), to a maximum of two (2) on
Association Leave Bank. There is hereby created an Association Leave Bank for the sole and exclusive use of the Association. The Bank shall be administered and managed solely by the Employer and subject to periodic audits by the Association. Each audit shall be preceded by written notice, at least forty–eight (48) hours prior to the audit. Audits shall not be more frequent than twice each calendar year. The first (1st) day of accrued personal leave of all new bargaining unit members shall be transferred to the Association Leave Bank. Upon request from the President of the Public Safety Member’s Association, Soldotna Chapter, the Employer shall transfer from one (1) hour to one (1) day from each bargaining unit member’s personal leave account to the Association Leave Bank. Such deductions do not reduce the amount of personal leave use required by Section 1 of this Article. The Association agrees that it will not use the Leave Bank for any purpose other than bona fide Association business. The Association further agrees that the Leave Bank balance is not returnable to personal leave accounts, not transferable to successor bargaining agents and has no cash value upon decertification. Requests for absences from duty for business leave shall be made by the President and addressed to the appropriate management level as designated in writing by the Employer. Each request will state specifically the purpose of the absence. Requests for absences for Association business shall not be unreasonably denied.
Association Leave Bank. There is hereby created an Association Leave Bank for the sole and exclusive use of the Association. The Bank shall be administered and managed solely by the Association and subject to periodic audits by the Employer. Each audit shall be preceded by written notice, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the audit. Audits shall not be more frequent than twice each calendar year. The first (1st) day of accrued personal leave of all new bargaining unit members shall be transferred to the Association Leave Bank. Upon request from the APFO Chapter President of the Public Safety Employees Association, the Employer shall transfer from one (1) hour to one (1) day from each bargaining unit member's personal leave account to the Association Leave Bank. Such deductions do not reduce the amount of personal leave use required by 14.01 (D). The Association agrees that it shall not use the Leave Bank for any purpose other than bona fide Association business. Association business conducted outside of regularly scheduled work hours shall be eligible for reimbursement from the Leave Bank. The Association further agrees that the Leave Bank balance is not returnable to personal leave accounts, not transferable to successor bargaining agents and has no cash value upon de-certification. Notification of absences from duty for business leave shall be made to the appropriate management level as designated in writing by the Employer. Each request shall state specifically the purpose of the absence. Requests for absences for Association business shall not be unreasonably denied.
Association Leave Bank. 4.6.1 There is hereby created an Association Leave Bank for the sole and exclusive use of the Association.
4.6.2 Any employee desiring to may donate leave to the Association leave bank; said leave will be transferred from the employee's annual leave accrual by signed authorization of the employee.
4.6.3 All leave will be in hourly increments.
4.6.4 Requests by the Association for use of leave from the Association's leave bank for absences from duty for Association business shall be made to the Sheriff by the president of the Association.
A) Upon approval, the "REQUEST FOR LEAVE "slip shall be completed using the "OTHER" category provided on the slip. The Sheriff and Association president shall then sign the request.
B) The "REQUEST FOR LEAVE" slip shall be attached to the employee's time sheet.
C) When leave is used from the Association's leave bank, the employee's time sheet shall reflect the hours as "Other".
Association Leave Bank.
13.01 (F). The Association agrees that it shall not use the Leave Bank for any purpose other than bona fide Association business. Association business conducted outside of regularly scheduled work hours shall be eligible for reimbursement from the Leave Bank. The Association further agrees that the Leave Bank balance is not returnable to personal leave accounts, not transferable to successor bargaining agents and has no cash value upon de-certification. Notification of absences from duty for business leave shall be made to the appropriate
Association Leave Bank. Section 1. There is hereby created an Association Leave Bank ("Bank") that shall be administered by the Employer and subject to periodic audits by the Association. Each audit shall be preceded by written notice at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the audit. Audits shall not be more frequent than twice each calendar year.
Section 2. The first four (4) hours of accrued personal leave of all new bargaining unit employees shall be transferred to the Bank Upon request by the Association, the Employer shall transfer from one (1) hour to eight (8) hours from each bargaining unit employee's personal leave account to the Bank.
Section 3. Association leave shall be given a cash value by multiplying the number of hours deducted from employees' accrued personal leave by the regular hourly pay rate of the donor. This cash value shall then be divided by the regular hourly pay rate of the recipient to establish its value in hours as Bank business lave.
Section 4. When an employee wishes to attend Association-related events, the employee shall first fill out a leave form indicating the purpose of the Association leave and obtain approval from the Chief of Police, or in his/her absence, the City Manager or his/her designee: (a) prior to the use of such leave; and (b) with reasonable advanced notice, Requests for leave for Association business will be granted so long as business permits.
Section 5. The Association agrees that it shall only use the Bank for bona fide Association business.
Section 6. The Association agrees the Bank balance: (a) is not returnable to personal leave accounts; (b) is not transferable to successor bargaining agents; and (c) has no cash value in the event of decertification.
Association Leave Bank. The City will continue to maintain an Association Leave Bank. The purpose of this leave bank is to allow Association board and committee members to attend official scheduled OFA functions, board meetings and to meet their obligations as officers of the Association without having to utilize their accrued leave time. OFA members utilizing this leave bank are required to obtain the authorization for time off as established by departmental policy. It is the responsibility of the employee utilizing the leave bank to obtain a qualified replacement to work his/her schedule work period. The stand by personnel (i.e. the person substituting for the OFA officer or board member utilizing the leave bank) must have the necessary commensurate skills and training, and must be approved by the appropriate department supervisor. Employees working for Association board and committee members must record their time on the time sheet using the pay code provided established by the Finance Department. This leave bank may be utilized by Association board and committee members and must be approved by either the president or designated OFA board member. If an officer or board member other than the president is authorized to approve leave bank usage, such designation must be provided to the Human Resources Director in writing. Association members may voluntarily relinquish their vacation or holiday time to be used for this leave bank. It is understood that the hours will only be transferred on an “as needed” basis and that no additional notification, to the employee, regarding the actual transfer of hours will occur. The Human Resources Department will maintain and administer this leave bank. Effective the first full pay period in January 2007, and annually thereafter, the City agrees to transfer six (6) holiday hours from each bargaining unit employee to this leave bank.
Association Leave Bank. 41.1 Effective the first full pay period ending in July of each year, each active PSOA- represented employee will contribute to the PSOA Leave Bank by donating 0.5 hour (1/2 hour) of his/her accrued vacation leave. The contribution will be deducted from each employee’s accrued vacation leave, and the total hours credited to the PSOA Leave Bank for use by the Association President or his/her Executive Board designee.
41.2 However, if at the end of the fiscal year, the PSOA Leave Bank has a balance of more than 200 hours, the exchange of hours described above will not occur.
41.3 If an employee has no vacation leave available, no deduction will occur nor will a deduction occur at any time prior to the next annual leave bank cycle. In addition, employees hired during the year will have no deduction until the following annual leave bank cycle. Employees separating employment during the year will receive no credit for or return of the hours contributed to the Leave Bank.
41.4 If there are any unused hours in the PSOA Leave Bank at the end of the year, these hours will carry over to the following year.
41.5 To access usage of leave from the Association Leave Bank, the Association President will use a specified pay component on his/her timecard.
41.6 Whenever possible, the Association President or his/her Executive Board designee will schedule such leave time so as not to create overtime costs for the Department of Public Safety. The President will give as much advance notice as possible.
41.7 The Department of Human Resources shall provide a report to the Association and to the Department of Public Safety on a quarterly basis indicating the hours used during the year as well as the remaining balance.
41.8 The City assumes no responsibility for how the leave time is used.
41.9 Use by the Executive Board designee of the Association President will be allowed as soon as administratively possible, but no later than April 1, 2007.