Casual Work Sample Clauses
Casual Work a) The term ‘Casual Work’ as used in this Agreement shall apply only to work performed on Saturday and/or Sunday by either laid-off regular employees or other persons hereinafter referred to as ‘Casual Employees’.
b) Casual Employees on maintenance, repair or preparatory work shall be paid straight- time rates, and those on production shall be paid rate and one-half for all work performed on Saturday and Sunday.
c) Casual work on maintenance, repair and preparatory work will be paid at straight- time job rate.
d) Regular laid-off employees shall not be classified as Casual Employees, and shall have preference for available work over the said casual employees.
e) The employer agrees to keep a separate seniority list of casual employees who have worked at least ten (10) working days, exclusively for recall purposes and, subject to clause d), further agrees to recall casual employees in accordance with their seniority as set forth in this list.
Casual Work. The Employer shall offer casual work to Employees who are laid off, and on re-employment, and who have indicated an availability for casual work before offering work to a casual Employee. Orientation and training for certifiable skills shall be provided for the Employee to a maximum of three (3) Units or work areas in which she has indicated an availability for casual work and the Employer has determined there is sufficient work available. An Employee not able to secure an adequate number of casual hours through her selected Unit(s) shall be afforded orientation and training to an additional Unit. The amount of casual work offered to an Employee shall not exceed the hours the Employee was guaranteed prior to layoff, in accordance with letters of appointment for OTFT Employees, or the Employee's full-time status. An Employee being called to work for a casual assignment shall be notified by telephone. It shall be the responsibility of the Employee to keep the Employer advised of her current telephone number. If the Employee fails to do so, the Employer shall not be responsible for failure to notify the Employee of the casual work assignment. Prior to hiring any new casual Employee(s), the Employer shall offer casual employment to SUN members from the Regional Health Authority on re- employment.
Casual Work. (a) The term "casual work" as used in this Agreement shall apply only to work performed on Saturday and/or Sunday by either laid-off regular employees or other persons hereinafter referred to as "casual employees".
(b) Casual work on production will be paid for at one and one-half times job rate.
(c) Casual work on maintenance, repair and preparatory work will be paid for at straight-time job rate.
(d) (i) Weekend work performed by casual employees, laid-off regular employees and part-time employees will be paid for at straight-time job rate except as provided in (ii) herein.
Casual Work. (i) Monthly, the Employer will create a list of all regular part-time employees and incorporate that list into a list of all casual employees which will become the callout list from which casual work is assigned.
(ii) Casual work will be assigned to the most senior employee on the callout list who is available and qualified for the assignment.
(iii) An employee wishing to be removed from the callout list must notify the Employer verbally if such removal is for less than two consecutive weeks, otherwise the employee must notify the Employer in writing.
(iv) A casual employee who is removed from the callout list pursuant to (iii) above will be deemed to have been granted special leave and the provisions of Article 24(d) will apply.
(v) A casual employee who works less than ten (10) days during any twelve
Casual Work. A casual employee (day to day reliever) is engaged on an ’as and when required’ basis in accordance with their letter of offer. Each period of casual employment will be treated as a discrete and separate engagement, with no guarantee of regular hours or ongoing engagements. The following clauses in this agreement do not apply to casual employees:
Casual Work. The term 'Casual Work' as used in this Agreement shall apply only to work performed on Saturday and/or Sunday by either laid-off regular employees or other persons hereinafter referred to as "Casual Employees'. Casual employees on maintenance, repair, or preparatory work and production shall be paid straight time rates for all straight time work performed on Saturday and Sunday. Regular employees shall not be classified as Casual Employees, and shall have preference for available work over the said casual employees. The employer agrees to keep a separate seniority list of casual employees who have worked at least ten (10) days, exclusively for recall purposes and, subject to clause further agrees to recall casual employees in accordancewith their seniority as set forth in this list.
Casual Work. 19.1 For the purposes of assigning casual work the Employer will create a casual list. The number of casual Employees on the list shall be at the Employer’s discretion and need not be hired through the posting procedure. Casual work will be assigned on the basis of seniority. The probationary period for a casual Employee shall be 6 calendar months.
19.2 Provided sufficient work is offered, casual Employees who do not work a minimum of 10 days per 12-month period may have their employment relationship terminated.
19.3 A casual employee who is hired to do similar work for more than three (3) terms of sixty (60) days worked each time in one calendar year will become a term employee.
19.4 Work of 60 (sixty) consecutive days or more must be posted as a term position. 20. Seniority
20.1 Seniority for full-time employees will be measured in days using the calculation of regular hours of paid work divided by seven (7). Seniority for permanent part-time employees will be measured in days using the calculation of regular hours of paid work divided by seven (7), plus a percentage bonus that is applied continuously throughout employment. In the first and second year of employment the part-time seniority bonus applied shall be ten percent (10%). In the third and fourth years of employment the bonus applied shall be fifteen percent (15%). In the fifth and all subsequent years of employment the bonus applied shall be twenty percent (20%). In no case will this formula for part time workers result in more than 5 days seniority per week.
20.2 For all Employees time on authorized unpaid leave shall be considered equivalent to paid time for the purposes of determining seniority. For greater clarity, overtime work shall not be included in determining seniority. Seniority shall determine, within the Bargaining unit, priority for appointments to vacant and new positions, layoff and recall, vacation scheduling and other rights or benefits to which seniority applies in this agreement.
20.3 Seniority shall terminate when the Employee voluntarily resigns, retires, when term employment ends and there is a break in employment of (6) months or more, or is discharged and not reinstated through the grievance procedure or arbitration. Seniority shall also terminate where an Employee fails to return from an authorized leave of absence without sufficient explanation, or fails to return to work from layoff within seven (7) working days of a recall notice.
20.4 In the event of a lay-off the E...
Casual Work. 19.1 For the purposes of assigning casual work the Employer will create a casual list. The number of casual Employees on the list shall be at the Employer’s discretion and need not be hired through the posting procedure. Casual work will be assigned on the basis of seniority. The probationary period for a casual Employee shall be 6 calendar months.
19.2 Provided sufficient work is offered, casual Employees who do not work a minimum of 10 days per 12-month period may have their employment relationship terminated.
19.3 A casual employee who is hired to do similar work for more than three (3) terms of sixty (60) days each time in one calendar year will become a term employee.
19.4 Work of 60 (sixty) consecutive days or more must be posted as a term position.
Casual Work. (a) The term "casual employees" as used in this Agreement shall apply only to work performed on Saturday and/or Sunday by either laid-off regular employees or other persons hereinafter referred to as "casual employees".
(b) Casual work, except in (c) below, will be paid for at one and one-half (1½) times job rate.
(c) Casual work on maintenance, repair and preparatory work will be paid for at straight-time job rate.
(d) Regular laid-off employees shall not be classified as casual employees, and shall have preference for available work over said casual employees.
(e) The Employer agrees to keep a separate seniority list of casual employees who have worked at least ten (10) working days, exclusively for recall purposes and subject to Clause (d), further agrees to recall casual employees in accordance with their seniority as set forth in this list.
Casual Work. The Employer may call in casual employees to perform work for the following reasons:
(a) Relief work in vacancies created by the absence of a regular full-time or regular part-time employee.
(b) Emergency relief.
(c) Unanticipated or irregular relief work.