Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). A. Changes to the CWSs currently in use at any field office may only be changed through use of the provisions of Article 8 of this Agreement.
B. Subject to the provisions of applicable law and regulations, and DAO 202-610, and in recognition of the need to increase the awareness of family needs and to encourage increased diversity, Management and the NWSEO agree to establish and implement trial CWSs at WFOs, RFCs, CWSUs, and other operational elements with rotational shift operations. All CWSs established through this Article are subject to review and approval of the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services or his/her designee.
C. CWSs for rotating shift workers allowed in field offices under this agreement must be consistent with the work requirements of the NWS. Proposed CWS’s will be considered by the LOT in accordance with Article 8.
D. Any approved, and successfully tested Compressed Work Schedule may be used at other offices with the same staffing profile. For example, a 5 person Senior Forecaster CWS may be adopted for use at other offices with a 5 person Senior Forecaster staff.
E. Neither party is agreeing to waive their rights under the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982.
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). A fixed scheduled tour of duty in which the employee’s biweekly basic work requirement is satisfied in less than ten (10) workdays.
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). A. Authorized Compressed Work Schedules
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). (1) These schedules require a fixed start time between 6:00 A.M. and 9:30 A.M. and a fixed end time between 2:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. These times must be consistent for each workday. Employees must account for their scheduled tour of duty with work hours and/or approved absence each day.
(2) A 5/4/9 compressed work schedule consists of one (1) five (5) day workweek and one
(1) four (4) day workweek, totaling 80 work hours in each biweekly pay period. The work schedule will consist of eight (8) nine (9) hour days, one eight (8) hour day and a designated day off in each pay period. To be established, employees request, and supervisors must preapprove, fixed arrival and departure times and one fixed non- workday each pay period.
(3) A 4/10 compressed work schedule consists of four (4) ten (10) hour days each week of the bi-weekly pay period totaling 80 hours with a designated day off each week. To be established, employees request, and supervisors must preapprove, fixed arrival and departure times and two fixed non-workdays, one day each week. The fixed non- workdays must be the same day of each administrative work week and must not be consecutive.
(4) Employees may request to change their compressed day off prior to the commencement of the pay period, subject to supervisory approval. A scheduled compressed day off, as part of the schedule, normally should not be changed once a pay period begins.
(5) Credit hours are not authorized for employees on these schedules.
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). 6.10.1 Compressed work schedule is a system whereby a full-time employee works 80 hours in a pay period in fewer than 10 workdays. The type of CWS that employees may work at NRC is a 5-4/9 or, under specified circumstances, an “expanded compressed work schedule.”
6.10.2 Those employees working a 5-4/9 CWS will work a fixed schedule for a minimum period of 3 months unless otherwise approved by the supervisor. Except as below, for full-time employees, the employee will work in a pay period eight 9-hour days, one 8-hour day and 1 day will be scheduled as the CWS day off. Employees on the 5-4/9 CWS may request to begin their workday as early as 6:45 a.m. or as late as 8:15 a.m. in 15 minute increments. Thus, for example, employees who are allowed to begin their normal 9-hour/8-hour workday at 6:45 a.m. would end at 4:30 p.m./3:30 p.m. respectively; those beginning their normal 9-hour/8-hour workday at 8:15 a.m. would end at 6:00 p.m./5:00 p.m. respectively. Employees on CWS may request Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as the day off in a pay period. As long as an employee is granted either a Monday or Friday as the day off and a Monday or Friday as the day the 8-hour day is worked in a pay period, the decision as to the day off and the day the 8-hour day is worked is nongrievable and nonarbitrable. Part time employees on CWS must have their schedules set within the days and times stated above. (In order to establish eligibility for leave under the law a portion of the part-time employee’s work schedule must be regularly scheduled. As little as 1 hour of scheduled work time in each week of the pay period is sufficient to meet this requirement.) Except as below, if the 5-4/9 CWS which was previously approved is to be terminated, the supervisor shall inform the employee on or before the first workday of a pay period; the termination will become effective the first workday of the following pay period. Such decision shall be based upon the criteria set forth in Sections 6.4 and 6.5 of this Article. However, the supervisor may temporarily terminate a 5-4/9 schedule effective at the beginning of a pay period to accommodate training or travel needs, and notify the employee not later than the last workday of the previous pay period.
6.10.3 Expanded-Compressed Work Schedule in accordance with Yellow Announcement 2003- 032 Dated May 7, 2003. This is a type of short-term compressed work schedule (CWS) that deviates from the agency’s standard 5-4/9 C...
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). 6.8.1 A full-time compressed work schedule has an 80-hour, biweekly basic work requirement that is fixed and scheduled for fewer than 10 basic workdays. The type of CWS that employees may work at NRC is a 5-4/9, a part-time CWS, or under specified circumstances an “expanded compressed work schedule.”
6.8.2 A 5-4/9 CWS has nine basic workdays, eight of which are 9-hour workdays and one of which is an 8-hour workday. Mondays through Fridays normally are the only permissible basic workdays; however, each office and region, at its sole discretion, may permit Saturday basic workdays subject to work requirements. All of the 9-hour basic workdays must have the same clock hours, may begin as early as 6:00 a.m. (would end at 3:45 p.m.), may end as late as 6:00 p.m. (would begin at 8:15 a.m.), and must start and end on a 15-minute increment. A part-time CWS has a biweekly basic work requirement that is fixed, comprised normally of 32 to 64 hours (see exceptions in Management Directive (MD) 10.13), scheduled on fewer than 10 basic workdays, has at least one basic workday comprised of more than 8 hours, and has workdays and work clock hours set within the days and times stated above.
6.8.3 Expanded-Compressed Work Schedule This is a type of compressed work schedule (CWS), normally es- tablished on a short-term basis, that deviates from the agency’s standard 5-4/9 CWS. The schedule may be appropriate, for example, for emergency response work, or for inspections, hearings, or other work asso- ciated with licensee-site-area visits. The schedule is not appropri- ate for work performed at an employee’s official duty station (with the exception of emergency response work); during attendance at a conference or training; while on international travel; while on travel to Regional Offices or Headquarters; or in situations which involve brief work periods for which other more appropriate work schedule/compensation mechanisms exist (e.g., overtime, or compensatory time off). This work schedule has the following characteristics: The days and hours of work must be predictable yet not conform with an employee’s existing work schedule; A full-time employee may, with supervisory approval, compress more than eight or nine regular (nonovertime) hours into a work- day and fewer than nine workdays into a pay period (part-time employees may participate as well). For example, an employee might be scheduled to work eight 10-hour workdays in a given pay period; There a...
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). A. Compressed work Schedules are fixed schedules that allow employees to complete the basic work requirement in fewer than ten days in a pay period. Arrival and departure times must be specified in advance and constant each biweek, but they need not be the same each day. Work must be completed during the hours of 5:30 a.m. and 11:59 p.m., Monday through Friday local time.
B. There are two options under this work schedule, both requiring an unpaid 30-minute meal break. These are:
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). CWS are fixed work schedules with a fixed day off and fixed start and stop times (i.e., CWS may not have different fixed starting and ending times on different days) but enable BU Employees to complete the basic eighty (80) hour biweekly work requirement in less than ten (10) workdays.
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). Compressed Work Schedules, a variation of Flexi- Time, are schedules that provide flexibility in the number of days an employee is scheduled to work each week. CWS is subject to the same rules and conditions as FlexiTime. A non-exempt employee’s work schedule may be compressed into nine days over a two-week period by working a sufficient number of additional hours each day to complete a 40-hour workweek the first week, and a thirty-five-hour workweek the second week. Exempt employees, while not held to specific hour requirements, may modify their schedules in a similar manner. Time taken for lunch will be in addition to the regular workweek requirement. Exempt employees will continue to be expected to work the number of hours it takes to get the job done regardless of whether they are on a regular or flexible schedule. All employees who participate in CWS will be expected to be present during the designated core hours Monday through Thursday. A lunch period of not less than thirty minutes, up to one hour, also should be scheduled during core hours. As noted above, time scheduled for lunch will be in addition to the CWS work requirement for each week. To simplify the scheduling of compressed workweeks and assure that all staff are present at least four full days a week, Friday is designated as the official CWS day off for all employees participating in CWS. Any exceptions require the approval of the President or Inspector General, or their respective designee. Office directors are responsible for approving the participation of employees in CWS, as appropriate, and will be held accountable for assuring and maintaining full coverage for their respective offices. CWS decisions are not subject to grievance. Two compressed work schedules, Schedule A and Schedule B, providing for alternate Fridays off, will be utilized to assist supervisors in staggering the CWS day off and assuring appropriate coverage of their respective offices. Before beginning to work a compressed work schedule, the employee and supervisor must complete the CWS Agreement (See eWeb – Resources/Forms/OHR Forms/LSC Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) Agreement) and submit it to the Director of HR for approval. In determining the appropriateness of CWS for each employee, the supervisor must consider the responsibilities of each position; the specific employee’s desire to work a compressed work schedule; as well as the needs of the office and the ability of the employee to maintain the longer hours of...
Compressed Work Schedules (CWS). Fixed work schedules in which an employee’s basic work requirement of 80 hours in a biweekly pay period is scheduled in less than 10 workdays. There are two CWS schedules available. Rules governing CWS are contained within Article 26 Section 5b of the CBA. Employees on a CWS may work overtime, when approved, on their Regular Day Off (RDO). Employees on a CWS are not eligible to glide. See Appendix D for CWS arrival and departure times. See Appendix E for CWS cycle information. • 5/4 – 9 Plan - A fixed schedule in which a full-time employee must work eight 9- hour days and one 8-hour day for a total of 80 hours in a biweekly pay period. The 8-hour day will be pay day for all employees unless payday is their RDO, in which case, the 8-hour day with be the preceding day. • 4-day work week - A fixed schedule in which a full-time employee must work 10 hours per day for 4 days in a workweek for a total of 40 hours per week, and 80 hours per biweekly pay period.