DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. Fire Watch Service consists of at least one (1) person who:
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. Fire Watch Service consists of at least one (1) person who:
i. Is constantly on duty for three (3) hours after all power-operated equipment has been shut down for the day.
ii. Visually observes the operating area where Purchaser’s Operations occurred during the day.
iii. Has adequate equipment for transportation and communications to summon fire- fighting assistance in a timely manner; and
iv. Immediately responds to fires as required in B7.3 Fire Control, and to initiate such fire suppression actions to suppress the fire within the scope of their knowledge, kills and abilities.
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing HVIP.
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing CORE. CARB is responsible for the following:
a. Selecting the Grantee.
b. Providing policy direction and reviewing/approving proposed drafts of the Implementation Manual in consultation with the Grantee.
c. Approving the Implementation Manual in a form and with content acceptable to CARB.
d. Reviewing and approving work product such as solicitations for funding, technical Grant Agreements: Low Carbon Transportation (LCT) Funding Plan elements, presentations, reports, papers, and other needed work product during the administration of the Program.
e. Evaluating and approving vehicles and equipment for CORE eligibility. CARB is responsible for working closely with vehicle and equipment manufacturers to determine vehicle and equipment eligibility.
f. Determining equipment voucher amounts and providing this information to the Grantee.
g. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss the Project administration, refinements and to guide implementation.
h. Reviewing and approving project elements provided by the Grantee, such as the CORE vouchers webpage, voucher payment verification, and progress reports.
i. Reviewing, approving, denying, or returning all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (Form MSCD/ISB-90).
j. Facilitating payments to Grantee after CARB approval of the Grant Disbursement Request Forms (Form MSCD/ISB-90).
k. Providing project oversight and holding Grantee accountable (in conjunction with the Grantee).
l. Verifying that applicant is in compliance with all applicable regulations when the applicant is unable to present a DOORS certificate or additional compliance checks. The Grantee is responsible for implementation of the Program as approved by the Board as part of the FY 2022-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives (Funding Plan). The Grantee’s responsibilities encompass three phases to ensure the efficient execution of the mission and proper distribution of CORE vouchers for eligible equipment: project development, project implementation, and project reporting. These phases are to be completed in a manner directed by CARB and on a timeframe as stated in the Grant Agreement. The Grantee shall meet and comply with all applicable requirements of statutes and regulations, Funding Plans, CARB’s Funding Guidelines, the solicitation for this Grant, and the Implementation Manual, including any future updates and/or revisions issu...
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project. All vehicles in the project that will be operated on California roadways must be compliant with all applicable State requirements, including, but not limited to: applicable CARB engine or vehicle approval or certification, Department of Motor Vehicles licensing, and California Highway Patrol (CHP) safety certification for school buses. New vehicles must also have a manufacturer’s certification showing that the vehicle model complies with all applicable federal safety standards for new motor vehicles and new motor vehicle equipment issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.2
1. The California Air Resources Board’s Role CARB is responsible for the following:
a. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss program refinements and guide program implementation
b. Reviewing and approving all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (MSCD/ISB-90) and distributing grant funds to the Grantee
c. Reviewing and approving project outreach and education elements provided by Grantee, such as outreach and education materials, webpage, initial participant survey, quarterly reports, and final report
d. Reviewing and approving data collection plan
e. Providing program oversight and accountability (in conjunction with the Grantee)
2. The Grantee’s Tasks At a minimum, program duties and requirements include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:
a. Xxxxxxx’s key project personnel will participate in meetings with CARB staff. Grantee may be asked to schedule additional meetings at the sole discretion of the CARB Project Liaison. Meetings may be conducted by phone if deemed appropriate by the CARB Project Liaison.
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing CORE.
1. The California Air Resources Board is responsible for:
a. Approving the CORE Implementation Manual once developed by the Grantee.
b. Updating and finalizing the CORE Eligibility Application including process in the CORE Implementation Manual Framework, Exhibit C.
c. Evaluating and approving pieces of off-road equipment for CORE eligibility, and providing the Grantee an up-to-date list of eligible equipment. CARB is responsible for working closely with off-road equipment manufacturers in order to determine equipment eligibility.
d. Determining equipment voucher amounts with support from the Grantee.
e. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss project refinements and guide project implementation.
f. Reviewing and approving project elements provided by the Grantee, such as the CORE webpage, voucher payment verifications, and progress reports.
g. Reviewing and approving Grant Disbursement Request Forms (Form MSCD/ISB-90).
h. Distributing project funds to the Grantee.
i. Providing project oversight and ensuring accountability (in conjunction with the Grantee).
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing STEP.
1. CARB’s Role CARB is responsible for the following:
a. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss program refinements and guide program implementation
b. Reviewing and approving all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (MSCD/ISB-90) and distributing grant funds to the Grantee
c. Reviewing and approving community engagement, outreach, and education materials provided by the Grantee, such as outreach and education materials, webpages, initial participant surveys, quarterly reports, and the final report
d. Reviewing and approving the data collection plan
e. Providing program oversight and accountability (in conjunction with the Grantee)
2. The Grantee’s Tasks At a minimum, the Grantee’s program duties and requirements include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:
a. The Grantee’s key project personnel will participate in meetings with CARB staff. The Grantee may be asked to schedule additional meetings at the sole discretion of the CARB Project Liaison. Meetings may be conducted by phone if deemed appropriate by the CARB Project Liaison.
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee in implementing the Diesel Filter Replacement Program. For Definitions refer to Appendix B, Sample Implementation Manual.
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of ARB and the Grantee in implementing CVRP.
1. Air Resources Board
a. Updating and finalizing the Implementation Manual in consultation with the Grantee.
b. Evaluating and approving vehicles for the CVRP List of Eligible Vehicle Models and providing the Grantee an up-to-date list. ARB is responsible for working closely with vehicle manufacturers in order to determine vehicle eligibility.
c. Determining vehicle rebate amounts and providing this information to the Grantee.
d. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss project refinements and guide project implementation.
e. Reviewing and approving project elements provided by the Grantee, such as the CVRP webpage, rebate payment verification, and progress reports.
f. Review and approve all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (MSCD/ISB-90) and distribute ARB vehicle rebate funds to the Grantee.
g. Prepare and approve all AQIP Grant Disbursement Request Forms (MSCD/ISB-90).
h. Providing project oversight and accountability (in conjunction with the Grantee).
i. Verifying vehicle ownership through checking vehicle identification numbers (VIN) with the California DMV.
j. Pursuing remedies to recoup prorated rebate funds from rebate recipients who break the CVRP vehicle ownership requirements without prior ARB approval.
k. Meeting applicable requirements of statutes, the AB 118 AQIP Guidelines (AQIP Guidelines) and Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017 Funding Plan for the Air Quality Improvement Program and Low Carbon Transportation Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Investments (FY 2016-17 Funding Plan), and the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Grant Solicitation Air Quality Improvement Program Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP solicitation), this Grant Agreement with the Grantee, and the current Implementation Manual and any future updates and/or revisions to the Implementation Manual issued during the grant term. The Guidelines and Funding Plan are available at: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/xxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx.xxx.
2. The Grantee
a. Throughout the grant term and in consultation with ARB, update and finalize the both the CVRP Terms and Conditions and the Implementation Manual.
b. Prepare outreach and educational materials in consultation with ARB and conduct the statewide public outreach necessary for the project to be successful. The Grantee shall clearly identify an outreach plan that contains, at minimum:
i. The types of outreach planned (e.g., printed materials, web-based, an...
DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS. This section defines the respective duties and requirements of the Grantee and CARB in implementing the Project and Program under this Grant Agreement in the FY 21-22 Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Project Solicitation. More detailed duties and responsibilities are set out in other Sections of this Grant Agreement.
6.1 The Grantee’s Tasks: Xxxxxxx is responsible for the following: Xxxxxxx’s key Project personnel will administer the various tasks of the Project including participation in meetings with CARB staff; development and implementation of Project plans; record-keeping procedures; reporting procedures; financial tracking and disbursements. Xxxxxxx’s responsibilities include all Project development, press events, project administration, and Project reporting. A comprehensive description of task and responsibilities is included in Exhibit B (Statement of Work) which contains the budget and task details, Project schedule, and list of key personnel.