FURLOUGH PROGRAM. Both the City of San Xxxxxx and SEIU 1021 recognize the unpredictable changes in funding that affect City finances. Through this recognition and in a cooperative spirit the City of San Xxxxxx and SEIU 1021 have worked expeditiously on the development of a Furlough Program. This Agreement does not mean the City will necessarily implement furloughs; but in the event it is necessary to implement due to continued economic problems in the City of San Xxxxxx, the City shall meet and consult with the Union at least 60 days prior to implementation of the Furlough Program. The procedures for this Furlough Program shall provide for both Voluntary Time Off (herein described as VTO) and Mandatory Time Off (herein described as MTO).
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. The employees of this Association endorse the Furlough Program described in Exhibit “B” attached to this Memorandum of Understanding.
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. Both the City of San Xxxxxx and the WCE recognize the current economic condition of the State of California and the City of San Xxxxxx. Through this recognition and in a cooperative spirit, the City of San Xxxxxx and the WCE have worked expeditiously on the development of a Furlough Program. This Agreement does not mean the City will necessarily implement furloughs, however, in the event it is necessary to implement due to continued economic problems in the City of San Xxxxxx, the procedures for this Furlough Program shall provide for both Voluntary Time Off (herein described as VTO) and Mandatory Time Off (herein described as MTO).
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. (a) Fluctuations in patient census and/or financial constraints may lead to an occasional need to reduce staffing in the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) or San Xxxxxxx General Hospital (SJGH). (b) When the County determines the need for furloughs due to fiscal concerns in the DHCS or SJGH, it will inform the Union in writing of how many furlough days are necessary. The County will develop a plan to maximize the number of furlough hours taken on a voluntary basis, both within SJGH and in the Mental Health, Public Health, Substance Abuse and Correctional Health divisions of the DHCS. Such plan shall include the following provisions, to the extent allowed by patient care needs and skill levels of personnel, as determined by the Director of Health Care Services or the CEO of SJGH (department heads) or their designee). 1. Voluntary furlough hours may be utilized to offset the number of mandatory furlough hours required under provisions of (c) below. 2. Regular employees who are subject to mandatory furloughs under the provisions of (c) below may volunteer to accept additional mandatory furlough hours on behalf of a designated fellow employee in the same job classification and work unit (unless otherwise determined by the department heads or designee). Those additional mandatory furlough hours will be credited to the designated employee, and the volunteer will be treated under the provisions of (c) below. 3. Employees who volunteer for furloughs shall be treated for payroll purposes in accordance with section (c) below, subsections (8), (9) and (10). 4. By means and manner approved by the department heads or designee, volunteers for furlough will be solicited by County and Union representatives.
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. (a) Fluctuations in patient census and/or financial constraints may lead to an occasional need to reduce staffing in the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) or San Xxxxxxx General Hospital (SJGH). In the case of SJGH, the call off order for the affected SJGH department(s): 1. Travelers, contractors/registry, and staff without the necessary skills and/or credentials for the applicable shift’s(s’) needs 2. Voluntary furlough staff 3. Staff immediately eligible to receive overtime
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. (a) The furlough program shall terminate commencing the first full pay period after the mutual ratification/adoption of the above-noted section. (b) For those employees who have accrued “furlough leave time” remaining, each will be accorded the ability to use such time in accordance with the previous furlough language within the month of its accrual.
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. The Temporary Furlough Program that began August 2010 ends November 1, 2010 for SEIU- represented employees. Effective November 2, 2010, all SEIU employees (including employee’s previously excluded from the furlough program) will be credited with PLP 2010 credit on the first day of each pay period for 12 consecutive pay periods in the manner outlined below: Full-time employees shall have a reduction in pay equal to 4.62% and eight (8) hours of leave will be credited to the employee’s PLP 2010 leave balance. Part-time employees shall be subject to the same conditions as full-time employees, on a pro-rated bases. The pro-ration shall be determined based on the employee’s time base consistent with the chart below. Time Base PLP 2010 Credit in Hours 1/8 1 1/5 2 1/4 2 3/10 3 3/8 3 2/5 4 1/2 4 3/5 5 5/8 5 7/10 6 3/4 6 4/5 7 7/8 7 9/10 Permanent Intermittent 8 Permanent Intermittent employees shall be subject to the pro-ration of salary and PLP 2010 credits pursuant to the chart below. 11 to 30.9 1 31 to 50.9 2 51 to 70.9 3 71 to 90.9 4 91 to 110.9 5 111 to 130.9 6 131 to 150.9 7 151 or over 8 PLP 2010 credits shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave and in accordance with departmental policies. All PLP 2010 credits earned must be used prior to June 30, 2013. PLP 2010 shall have no cash value and may not be cashed out. Employees may elect to use PLP 2010 credits in lieu of sick leave. To allow more flexibility on the usage of PLP and Furlough, employees may use PLP or Furlough before any other leave type. However, this does not mean that they must use PLP within the pay period it is earned. Keep in mind that employees must use their PLP credits by June 30, 2013 and their Furlough credits prior to separation from State service. Employees on NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Worker’s Compensation for the entire monthly pay period are excluded from the PLP 2010 Program for that pay period. Employees off for partial months shall receive PLP 2010 credits based on the intermittent chart above. During the PLP 2010 period, the State will not be subject to furloughs. Seasonal and temporary employees are not subject to the PLP 2010. Employees newly hired on or after November 2, 2010 into a SEIU-represented classification while the PLP 2010 is in effect will be subject to this program for its duration. Participation in the PLP 2010 will be based on the classification an employee moves to when transferring between classifications/BUs tha...
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. The second paragraph of section 14.8 of the MOU, FURLOUGH PROGRAM, is hereby amended to read as follows: No permanent or probationary employee may be furloughed more than one day or shift per pay period and no permanent or probationary employee may be furloughed more than fifteen (15) days in a given fiscal year, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the employee and department head or in the case of office closure, in conjunction with a "smoothing effect on payroll."
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. ‌ (a) The City agrees to meet and confer over the re-instatement of the furlough program as a precursor to the City implementing layoffs.
FURLOUGH PROGRAM. The Association and County have agreed on an employee Furlough Program. Under this Program, the County may send employees home in a given fiscal year on a no pay status due to lack of sufficient funds from all available budgetary sources as determined by the Board of Supervisors to maintain normal operations in any department under the following conditions: No permanent or probationary employee may be furloughed more than one day or shift per pay period and no permanent or probationary employee may be furloughed more than fifteen (15) days in a given fiscal year. Employees shall be furloughed in inverse order of seniority in the following order: A. Employees who agree to be furloughed on a voluntary basis B. Relief employees C. Probationary employees D. Permanent part-time employees E. Permanent employees Permanent and probationary employees placed on a no pay status in the Furlough Program shall continue to accrue and maintain all employee benefits. Participation in the Furlough Program shall not affect a permanent or probationary employee's anniversary date. The County shall not contract with outside firms or persons for work currently performed by County employees who have been placed on a no pay status under the Furlough Program.