Hiring Provisions. 7.01 The Parties agree that creating a sustainable and flexible workforce will benefit the Council of Unions and ensure there is a significant workforce in Newfoundland and Labrador with the ability to obtain workers from Atlantic Canada and other parts of Canada to support Project construction
7.02 The Parties agree to ensure compliance with the Gender Equity and Diversity obligations regarding hiring of females and persons from underrepresented groups as specified by the Benefits Strategy or any employment equity plan that may be applicable to the hiring of qualified Labrador Innu, to be hired or referred in the following order of priority:
i) Qualified Labrador Innu;
ii) Qualified residents of Labrador; and
iii) Qualified residents of Newfoundland.
7.03 In order to meet the obligations applicable to the hiring and retention of qualified Labrador Innu and obligations contained within the Benefits Strategy, the Parties agree that all Project partners, including the Association, its Contractor members, the Council of Unions and its Union members will work proactively and progressively to advance the participation and integration in the areas of employment, training and apprenticeship for all employees/groups under Article 7.02 above.
7.04 After employment priority is given with the obligations contained in Articles 7.02 and 7.03, the Parties are committed to work cooperatively to identify, recruit, refer and hire workers in the following order of priority:
a) Qualified Canadian workers who are members of affiliated Unions;
b) Qualified Canadian workers;
c) Qualified legal residents of the United States of America, who are members of Unions affiliated with the Council of Unions and who are authorized to enter and work in Canada; and
d) Other qualified non-Canadian workers who are authorized to enter and work in Canada.
7.05 The Parties agree that should Temporary Foreign Workers be required for employment on the Project, the following will apply:
a) Temporary Foreign Workers employed by Contractor(s) on Site shall be permitted mobility from one Contractor on Site to another Contractor on Site should another Contractor on Site require the services of such Temporary Foreign Worker, provided there are no qualified Newfoundland and Labradorian workers or qualified Canadian workers available at the time of hire or transfer.
b) Temporary Foreign Workers, if required, will be initially accessed from affiliate American unions, and if such unions cannot supply Tempo...
Hiring Provisions. The Board of Education, at their discretion, may grant credit for salary placement purposes for all or part of the actual teaching experience of a teacher who has not been employed in the Lennox School District 41-4 during the preceding school year. Upon determination of the total years of experience, degree status, and educational advancement to be brought into the system, the teacher shall receive the same salary as existing lowest paid employees with the same experience, degree status, and educational advancement per the below salary/hiring schedule. Additionally, each year all teachers will be compared to the salary/hiring schedule and will be increased to the same salary listed on the salary/hiring schedule equivalent to their total years of teaching experience and education level if their salary does not at least equal or exceed the stated amount. Increment After Year 10 $200.00 BA+ Increment $500.00 MA Increment $1,900.00 MA + $75.00 per credit hour Specialist Increment $2,000.00 1 $43,400.00 $ 43,900.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 46,300.00 $ 50,550.00 2 $43,400.00 $ 43,900.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 46,300.00 $ 50,550.00 3 $43,400.00 $ 43,900.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 46,300.00 $ 50,550.00 4 $43,400.00 $ 43,900.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 46,300.00 $ 50,550.00 5 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 6 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 7 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 8 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 9 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 10 $44,400.00 $ 44,900.00 $ 45,400.00 $ 47,300.00 $ 51,550.00 11 $44,600.00 $ 45,100.00 $ 45,600.00 $ 47,500.00 $ 51,750.00 12 $44,800.00 $ 45,300.00 $ 45,800.00 $ 47,700.00 $ 51,950.00 13 $45,000.00 $ 45,500.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 47,900.00 $ 52,150.00 14 $45,200.00 $ 45,700.00 $ 46,200.00 $ 48,100.00 $ 52,350.00 15 $45,400.00 $ 45,900.00 $ 46,400.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 52,550.00 16 $45,600.00 $ 45,100.00 $ 46,600.00 $ 48,500.00 $ 52,750.00 17 $45,800.00 $ 45,300.00 $ 46,800.00 $ 48,700.00 $ 52,950.00 18 $46,000.00 $ 45,500.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 48,900.00 $ 53,150.00 19 $46,200.00 $ 45,700.00 $ 47,200.00 $ 49,100.00 $ 53,350.00 20 $46,400.00 $ 45,900.00 $ 47,400.00 $ 49,300.00 $ 53,550.00 21 $200.00 increments thereafter The Board of Education reserves the right to offer increased compensation for vacant positions that are difficult to fill. Additionally, the Board of Education will make an effort to use a hiring bonus as the initial offer of increase...
Hiring Provisions. (a) All new permanently appointed Academic Librarians and Archivists will be hired on a one (1) year initial appointment. This will be followed by an initial performance review using the Performance Review Form in Appendix H-(i). The Review Committee will designate one of the following:
i) Satisfactory - the Member will be granted a continuing appointment;
ii) Probationary - the Member will be granted a second probationary appointment of the same duration with explicit instructions for improvements as needed; or
iii) Unsatisfactory - the Member’s employment will be terminated.
(b) All current Members designated Academic Librarians or Archivists as May 1, 2019, will be grand-parented as having continuing appointments.
(c) Any non-permanent Academic Librarian or Archivist hired to temporarily replace an Academic Librarian or Archivist on leave, for ten (10) months or more will be entitled to group benefits.
Hiring Provisions. All initial appointments for permanent Service Course Instructors will be probationary. The appointment will be followed by an initial performance review using the Performance Review Form in Appendix H. The Review Committee will designate one of the following:
(a) Satisfactory – the Member may be granted a continuing appointment;
Hiring Provisions. 3.01 When the Company requires additional or replacement Pressmen or Bindery employees, the Union office shall be notified. Candidates provided by the Union shall be considered along with other candidates.
Hiring Provisions. 5.01 When the Employer requires additional help, he shall contact the Union office to hire members of the Union in good standing to cover any position which this Agreement contemplates. The Union undertakes to provide sufficient and competent help. Should the Union be unable to provide competent and satisfactory help, the Employer may secure such help from any source, after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted to obtain Union help in which event the persons so employed, if not already a member of the Union, will secure from the Union a thirty (30) day working permit, following which, pending a report from the Employer as to his competency, he will make application to the Union for membership (It is understood and agreed that this thirty (30) day period may be extended only with the consent of the Union).
5.02 Each new Employee will be allowed to join the Union in the classification for which his work qualifies him, subject to a favourable report from the Employer as to his competency, and on the payment of regular initiation fees and regular dues.
5.03 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may immediately employ Joggers from any source after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted to obtain Union help. It is further agreed that new Joggers will be required to secure from the Chapel Chairperson, a ninety (90) day work permit. It is further agreed that Joggers will not be required to make application for membership in the Union until a probationary period of ninety (90) calendar days has been completed, following which application for membership will be made forthwith.
5.04 The Union agrees that when additional Joggers are required to fill positions that cannot be filled from within the full time jogger pool, Bindery or Temporary Agency personnel may be used as temporary help, as outlined in Schedule C.
5.05 Union dues will be deducted weekly.
Hiring Provisions. 301 In the employment of workmen for all work covered by this Agreement, the following provisions shall govern:
301.1 Each local Union shall establish and maintain open and non-discriminatory employment lists for use of workmen desiring employment on work covered by this Agreement within the area of the Local Union. Any xxxxxxx who so requests shall have his name placed on the dispatch list. Workmen’s names shall be entered on said list in the order in which they present themselves for registration on the list.
301.2 After each xxxxxxx’x name is entered on such list, there shall be entered a designation corresponding to the type or types of work in which the xxxxxxx certifies he has had experience and is best qualified to perform. Such designations shall refer to the following classifications: Cement Xxxxx Journeyman, including but not restricted to the following: Cellular Cement Masons, chipping; patching; grinding, setting all concrete forms and perimeter forms, including catch basin structures and drain inlets, setting curb forms and planks, setting of lines, stakes and grades; setting screeds, which includes screed pins; cutting, scoring and sawing new concrete; plugging, filling Shee-Bolt holes; dry packing concrete and EMBECO; tending material hose of slabs, floors and decks, tending mixer-truck chute on slabs, floors, and decks; xxxx hammering; patching and sacking; rodding, tamping, bid well and similar types of rodding machines, bull floating. Cement Masons (magnesite-terrazzo and mastic composition, Epoxy, Dex-O-Tex, Urethanes and Exotic Coatings), floating and troweling machines, curb and gutter machines. Xxxxx and similar types of screed machines, grinding machines (all types), Xxxxxxx vibratory, Texas Screed, and similar type, screed machines, scoring machines. 301.3 Whenever a Contractor requires Cement Xxxxx employees, he shall first call upon the Local Union in the area in which the job is being performed and shall request the Local Union to furnish workmen to him and the Local Union shall do so strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (See also Paragraph 307, this Article.)
Hiring Provisions. All initial appointments for permanent Full-time Instructors will be probationary. The appointment will be followed by an initial performance review using the Performance Review Form in Appendix H. The Review Committee will designate one of the following:
(a) Satisfactory – the Member may be granted a continuing appointment;
Hiring Provisions. 3 3 Hours of Work and Related Conditions .....................................................12 9
Hiring Provisions. 7.1 The Parties agree that creating a sustainable and flexible workforce will ensure there is a significant workforce in Newfoundland and Labrador with the ability to obtain workers from Atlantic Canada and other parts of Canada to support Project construction. The Parties agree to work cooperatively to ensure compliance with the gender equity and diversity obligations regarding hiring of females and persons from underrepresented groups, as specified by the Benefits Strategy for this Project or any employment equity plan applicable to the Project and as defined by the Owner/Client for the defined scope of Work for the Project.
7.2 The Parties are committed to working cooperatively to identify, recruit and employ workers in the following order of priority for work on the Site and as defined by the Benefits Strategy:
a) Qualified Provincial Residents who are members of the Unions and who will be represented by the Council;
b) Qualified Provincial Residents who are members of other construction trade unions and who will be represented by the Council;
c) Females and persons from underrepresented groups who are Provincial Residents and who have the necessary skill, ability and qualifications to perform the work, regardless of union membership;