Length of School Day and School Year Sample Clauses
Length of School Day and School Year. 1. The regular term of all day schools shall constitute not more than 180 instructional days and two (2) additional non-instructional days for staff development purposes. The first staff development day shall be the Tuesday after Labor Day (September 2, 2013, September 1, 2014, September 7, 2015). Students will report to school the Wednesday after Labor Day and continuing into the month of June until the school term is completed. The second staff development day shall be scheduled between the first day of student attendance and the last day of student attendance. During the school year 2016-2017, school will be suspended on Saturdays and Sundays; October 10, 2016; November 11, 2016; Noon prior to Thanksgiving (November 24, 2016) until the following Monday; Noon on December 23, 2016 through Monday, January 2, 2017; January 16, 2017; February 20-24, 2017; Friday, April 14, 2017; April 17-21, 2017; May 29, 2017. During the school year 2017-2018, school will be suspended on Saturdays and Sundays; October 9, 2017; November 10, 2017; Noon prior to Thanksgiving (November 23, 2017) until the following Monday; Monday, December 25, 2017 through Monday, January 1, 2018; January 15, 2018; February 19-23, 2018; Friday, March 30, 2018; April 16-20, 2018; May 28, 2018.
2. The school day for teachers shall be defined as a six (6) hour fifteen (15) minute day for elementary schools and a seven (7) hour day for secondary schools. Teachers shall be at their assignment at least fifteen (15) minutes before the start of school and shall remain at their assignment fifteen (15) minutes beyond the end of the school session.
3. The Committee may adjust the hours of the school day provided the number of hours are not increased and no regular school session begins before 7:45 a.m. or extends after 3:00 p.m. If it becomes necessary to begin any regular school session before 7:45 a.m. or extend it after 3:00 p.m., this will not be done without consultation with and agreement of the Union.
4. Teachers may leave the building during the school day with the approval of the school principal, provided however, that teachers may leave the building during their lunch period, giving notice to the office upon leaving, and upon return.
Length of School Day and School Year. The work year for Paraprofessionals shall be one hundred and eighty-one (181) days including the student school year, attendance at the Opening Day Meeting held to start the school year, and one (1) full-day professional development day. Paraprofessionals required to work beyond the normal work year shall be paid their per-diem (daily) rate for all days worked. The normal work week for General Paraprofessionals (Category A), and Digital Learning Paraprofessionals (Category B) shall be thirty-six and three quarter (36.75) hours (7 hrs 21 mins/day). The normal work week for Special Education Paraprofessionals (Category C) shall be thirty three and three quarter (33.75) hours (6 hrs 45 mins/day). The work day shall include a paid lunch of at least twenty (20) minutes. Paraprofessionals required to work beyond the normal work day shall be paid their regular hourly rate for all hours worked, and time and-one-half of their regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a given work week.
Length of School Day and School Year. 1. The work year for professional employees shall consist of one hundred eighty-eight (188) days. The eight contractual days beyond the student school year will include at least one (1) day prior to the start of the school year and one (1) day following the last day with students at the end of the school year as teacher work days to adequately prepare and pack up classrooms, and one day for student placement.
2. Professional Employees are expected to arrive at school thirty (30) minutes before school begins and shall stay thirty
Length of School Day and School Year. 33.1 Length of School Year and Length of School Day
33.1.1 The length of the instructional day shall not exceed 300 minutes unless mandated by the Ministry of Education.
33.1.2 The school year shall not exceed 194 days unless mandated by the Ministry of Education.
Length of School Day and School Year. 1. The regular term of all day schools shall constitute the 180 minimum mandated by the Board of Education beginning on the Wednesday following Labor Day and entering into the month of June until the 180th day has been attained. To the extent permitted by law and regulation of the State Board of Education, the School Committee reserves the right to grant early dismissal to first grade students during the first three days of the school year.
2. The work year for Unit personnel shall be as follows: ALL Unit B employees shall have a work year of 209 days. Unit B employees are expected to work 185 days on the school calendar (student days plus professional development) as well as five (5) working days immediately preceding and five work days following the last day for students. The remaining fourteen (14) contract days must be completed on non school days between July 1st and June 30th of the following year with the approval of the employees supervisor. Employees will be expected to share with their supervisor their proposed 14 work days by June 30th of the prior year. It is expected/recognized that occasional work days will be required during the summer months in order to prepare for August professional development and/or assistance with major district initiatives. The length of a work day will be the equivalent of a full contractual day. Effective with the 2022.2023 school year, Unit B employees may utilize up to two (2) remote work days as part of their remaining fourteen (14) contractual days described in the paragraph above. Remote days can be used on non-student days and must be approved by the supervisor and will consist of a minimum of five (5) working hours. Employees using a remote work day will be available by phone/computer during regular work hours. Remote work days beyond the days described will not be allowed. The year round responsibility of the Director of Continuing Education shall be unaffected by this collective bargaining agreement.
3. Effective September 1, 2016, the work year will be reduced by one day. Also effective on September 1, 2016, administrators will be required to attend eight (8) hours, (two four hour sessions) of professional development outside of the work day but during the work week. No less than two weeks of notice of such professional development will be provided to the administrators. This required eights (8) hours (2 four hour sessions) of professional development shall not be scheduled on a weekend or during school va...
Length of School Day and School Year. 14.01 Staff meetings, detention duty, curriculum meetings, etc. shall be kept to a minimum and shall be included within the work day to the extent possible. The teacher work day shall be seven (7) hours and thirty-five (35) minutes.
14.02 Extensions of the teacher work day or preempting a planning period shall be kept to a minimum.
14.03 The teacher work year shall be one hundred eighty-three (183) days. On the weekday immediately preceding the first student day there shall be one in- service/orientation/work day for staff, one-half of which shall be a student and meeting-free workday for staff. Teachers will complete the equivalent of one other student and meeting free work day at the school building during the calendar year. Teachers may choose when the hours will be completed, which may occur between August 1 and the first designated teacher in-service day prior to the start of the school year, or a designated teacher flex day. Teachers will submit documentation to their building principal. Additionally, students shall be dismissed early at least three (3) days during the school year. The calendar committee will make a recommendation about placement/utilization of early dismissal days.
14.04 Principals shall have the discretion to assign guidance counselors and school psychologists up to five (5) or more extended days to be worked prior to the start of or after the end of the school year. The member assigned such extended days may elect to be paid for such days at his/her daily rate of pay or take off (flex) the day(s) during the school year. The Principal shall notify the member before the end of the school year if the Principal anticipates assigning extended days to the member.
14.05 Calamity Days Each school year, employees shall not be required to report to work during a school- called calamity day, when students are not present, for the first five (5) calamity days. Afterwards, on day six (6) through day ten (10) employees shall not be required to report to work during a calamity day. However, employees may be required to make up these days during the first five (5) work days after the end of the school year. In the event that an employee has a personal day remaining, they can choose to use it on make-up calamity day 6-10, provided no students are in attendance on the make-up day.
Length of School Day and School Year. The duties, functions and qualifications for the Paraprofessional, Paraprofessional (Bilingual Aide), Parent Liaison, Physical Education Assistant/Athletic Trainer (PEA/AT), School Security, and Lead School Security positions are contained in the Job Descriptions negotiated with the Union and attached as part of Appendix C. The salary range for these positions shall be in accordance with Appendix A) and placement upon the Salary Schedule will be based on qualifications, education and experience. Paraprofessional, Paraprofessional (Bilingual Aide), Parent Liaison, Physical Education Assistant/Athletic Trainer (PEA/AT), School Security, and Lead Security employees receive all benefits provided under this agreement. Any employee required to work beyond the end of his/her scheduled work day/work week shall be compensated at his/her regular hourly rate of pay and for all hours worked or any portion thereof, and in addition will be compensated at his/her overtime hourly rate of pay for all hours worked or any portion thereof in excess of forty (40) hours per week. PARAPROFESSIONALS: Effective July 1, 2012, the Paraprofessional's work year will consist of one hundred and eighty three (183) days. The work year will include the professional development days prior to Labor Day and will continue until all state attendance requirements are met. It is agreed that if state attendance requirements are changed, the parties will renegotiate provisions of this Article VII, H. Paraprofessionals will be paid for thirty-three and three- quarters (33¾) hours/week which will be scheduled as follows, including one half (½) hour for lunch: Monday - Tuesday - Thursday 7:40 A.M. - 2:55 P.M. Wednesday 7:40 A.M. - 3:15 P.M. Friday 7:40 A.M. - 2:35 P.M.
Length of School Day and School Year. 1. The regular term of all day schools shall constitute the 180 minimum mandated by the Board of Education beginning on the Wednesday following Labor Day and entering into the month of June until the 180th day has been attained. To the extent permitted by law and regulation of the State Board of Education, the School Committee reserves the right to grant early dismissal to first grade students during the first three days of the school year.
2. The work year for Unit personnel shall be as follows: All Unit personnel shall be on duty one week before and one week after the closing school. Administrators may fulfill their work year obligation by working during school vacation periods or during the summer upon mutual agreement with the Superintendent or his/her designee to do so. The year round responsibility of the Director of Continuing Education shall be unaffected by this collective bargaining agreement.
3. All other replacements positions in Clusters 1, 2, 3 & 4 shall have a work year of 209 days, without added compensation. Positions in Cluster 5 shall continue to have a work year of 194 days.
4. Effective September 1, 2016, the work year will be reduced by one day. Also effective on September 1, 2016, administrators will be required to attend eight (8) hours, (two four hour sessions) of professional development outside of the work day but during the work week. No less than two weeks of notice of such professional development will be provided to the administrators. This required eights (8) hours (2 four hour sessions) of professional development shall not be scheduled on a weekend or during school vacation week. In addition, the District will continue to provide professional development during work days prior to the opening of the school year. The professional development content and schedule will be jointly developed by the District and the Association. The parties agree to annually and mutually determine and post a professional development schedule for the following school year on or before August 1. The schedule will be developed after seeking input from administrators and evaluating previous professional development opportunities within and outside the district. The parties further agree that meaningful professional development is a shared interest and that the professional development schedule is subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
Length of School Day and School Year. The work year for Paraprofessionals shall be one hundred and eighty-one (181) days including the student school year, attendance at the Opening Day Meeting held to start the school year, and one (1) full-day professional development day. Paraprofessionals required to work beyond the normal work year shall be paid their per-diem (daily) rate for all days worked. Prior to July 1, 2024, the normal work week for General Paraprofessionals (Category A), and Digital Learning Paraprofessionals (Category B) shall be thirty-six and three quarter (36.75) hours (7 hrs 21 mins/day). The normal work week for Special Education Paraprofessionals (Category C) shall be thirty-three and three quarter (33.75) hours (6 hrs 45 mins/day). Effective July 1, 2024, the normal work week for all Paraprofessionals will be thirty-five (35) hours (7 hours/day). General Paraprofessionals and Digital Learning Paraprofessionals hired prior to January 1, 2024 will be provided the option of continuing to work thirty-six and three quarter (36.75) hours per week or reducing their schedule to thirty-five (35) hours per week. General Paraprofessionals and Digital Learning Paraprofessionals wanting to permanently move to thirty-five (35) hours per week must submit the request in writing to the Superintendent by February 1st in the year prior to the school year in which the update would take effect. The work day shall include a paid lunch of at least twenty (20) minutes. Paraprofessionals required to work beyond the normal work day shall be paid their regular hourly rate for all hours worked, and time and-one-half of their regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a given work week.
Length of School Day and School Year. The Board hereby agrees that the length of the School Day and the length of the School Year will remain unchanged from current practice during the term of the Collective Agreement.