P ersonal Leave. At the beginning of every school year, each employee shall be credited with two (2) days to be used for the employee’s personal use. A personal day may be used for any purpose at the discretion of the employee. An employee planning to use a personal leave day shall notify the principal or supervisor in writing at least five (5) days in advance, except in cases of emergency. Leave requests for the day before or for the day following a holiday or vacation period, or during the first or last five (5) days of school may be granted by the superintendent. If more than two (2) employees in one building shall request personal leave on the same day, the third and subsequent request shall be granted providing substitutes can be secured. At the end of the school year a certified staff member can carry over two days of personal leave. Certified staff members may use a maximum of four (4) personal days per year. Any additional unused personal days may be transferred to emergency days. A maximum of five (5) days emergency leave days can be accumulated in the bank. One (1) personal day may be bought out for $100.00 as wages. Only whole days of personal leave may be converted or bought out. In September a form will be provided for the certified employee to choose how to convert or buy out his/her unused personal leave. If the form is not returned to Central Office by October 1st, the days will be lost.
P ersonal Leave. All full-time and part-time employees shall be granted three (3) days of personal leave per year without pay upon request, providing such leave does not adversely affect patient care or departmental needs.
P ersonal Leave. A bargaining unit member shall be entitled to three (3) days, non- accumulated, personal leave per school year. Personal leave may not be used to pursue other employment (including self-employment), unless the member has been notified that his/her contract will be suspended as part of a reduction in force under Article XIII of this Agreement. Personal leave may not be used to accompany a spouse on a trip, or for vacation, leisure, or recreational purposes.
P ersonal Leave. 1. Three (3) days of paid Personal Leave per school year shall be granted to all professional employees in the District. Personal Leave may be taken as full or half days. Personal leave should be for the purpose of transacting or attending to personal business that requires absence during the school hours. This leave is at no expense to the employee. Professional employees should provide no less than a 48-hour notice of the intent to use personal leave unless the notice is not possible. Submitting a request for personal leave via Skyward Financial will satisfy the professional employee’s 48 hour notice requirement. When an employee submits less than 48 hours of notice, the building administrator may deny the request for leave should there be a lack of substitute teachers or pursuant to paragraph 2, below. The following options are available for unused personal leave:
a. Can be reimbursed at the rate of $100 per day.
b. Up to two (2) days may transfer for use the following year.
c. The maximum number of personal days that a certificated employee may accrue is five (5) days.
2. Professional employees employed on a part-time basis or for part of a school year receive a prorated portion of personal leave.
3. With building administrator approval, personal leave may be used immediately preceding or following vacation periods, during the first or last week of a semester, during parent/teacher conferences or the two weeks prior to and including the last day of school. Without Building Administrator pre-authorization, personal leave may not be taken during these time periods. In order to seek building administrator pre- authorization will require a five (5) day notice via Skyward Financial.
4. Professional employees are not required to notify the District of the employee’s intent to roll over days or to seek compensation for unused personal days until May 1st; payment will be made in the June payroll.
P ersonal Leave. Employees under this Agreement may be granted unpaid personal leaves of absence, as specified herein, upon prior request, and subject to approval of the Fire Chief. Personal leaves shall not be granted for less than thirty calendar days, or more than twelve (12) months under any circumstances. Requests for unpaid personal leaves shall be in writing, to the Fire Chief or his/her designee, stating the date the leave is to begin and the date the employee is to return to work. Written request shall be submitted at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the requested start date of the leave. An employee granted a personal leave shall be restored to active duty upon return from said leave, however, accrual of seniority shall not exceed the first ninety (90) days of the leave. An employee who returns from a personal leave must work ninety (90) days before becoming eligible for a subsequent personal leave. Seniority and employment shall end if the employee fails to return to work after the end of an approved personal leave.
P ersonal Leave. Upon completion of their probationary period, all full-time and part-time employees are entitled to three (3) personal days in a calendar year. It is understood, however, that a newly hired employee who completes her probationary period after June 30 will only be entitled to one personal day in the calendar year of her hire. The scheduling of the days will be subject to Employer approval. It is understood that these days are not eligible for carryover. Where an employee leaves the employment of the Library prior to April 1 of any calendar year, the entitlement to personal days will be pro-rated.
P ersonal Leave. At the beginning of every school year each teacher shall be credited with three (3) paid personal leave days. A teacher planning to use a personal leave day or days shall notify his/her principal as early as possible. A personal leave day will not normally be granted for the day preceding or the day following holidays or vacation, and the first and last days of the school year. If a teacher requests personal leave time for the day preceding or the day following holidays or vacation, or the first or last days of the school year, the teacher may be asked to explain the reasons for the personal leave request. Only one (1) personal leave day may be used after May 1st each year. In special circumstances, requests to use additional personal days after May 1st should be made to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Unused personal leave days at the end of the school year will be rolled over into a teacher’s accumulated sick leave.
P ersonal Leave. 1. Full-time Employees will be eligible for personal leave based on an Employee’s average weekly hours. Employees are entitled to four (4) days of personal leave annually for family or personal business reasons. Newly hired full-time Employees will receive four (4) days on a pro-rata basis during the initial year of employment. After five (5) years of uninterrupted service, full-time Employees will be eligible for five (5) days annually. Part-time employees shall earn personal leave at half the rate of full-time Employees.
2. Written requests for personal leave must be received by the appropriate supervisor prior to use of personal leave. This provision may be waived by the Employer in the event of an emergency or in the event of the death of a relative.
3. Personal leave will be granted if the above conditions are met and the granting of personal leave would not interfere with the operations of the Employer.
4. Personal leave may be taken in minimum blocks of time of fifteen (15) minutes.
5. Personal leave may not be accumulated. Unused personal days will be lost/forfeited, except that if the Employer allows payout for all other employees for unused personal days, unused personal days shall be paid out in January of the following year in which the personal days are accrued.
P ersonal Leave. The Superintendent shall be entitled to three (3) personal days, to attend to personal business during the school day, with full pay during the work year. Personal days may be taken during the school year with the prior permission of the Board President. As much advance notice as possible of the request to take personal time will be given. Personal day usage shall be reflected on time-off slips filed with the Board Secretary. Personal days are non-cumulative and non-reimbursable.
P ersonal Leave. The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate personal reasons, provided the employee can be spared, having due regard for the proper operation of the Employer s undertaking and operation. Such requests shall be made in writing to the Executive Director as far in advance as possible, and in any event, not less than two (2) weeks prior to the proposed date of commencement of such leave of absence, except in cases of emergency. An employee will maintain her accumulated seniority and will be credited with seniority during unpaid leave of absence up to a maximum of one (1) month. An employee returning from personal leave will be scheduled for the same number of hours as prior to the leave.