Reasoning for selection Sample Clauses

Reasoning for selection. Slovakia belongs to the group of the so-called moderate innovators with the second lowest innovation performance within the group260. In order to meet the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, Slovakia must put in place quality infrastructure and an efficient system for RD&I and human resources development, as well as efficient tools for innovation and support for innovation projects in line with RIS3261, the results of which are marketable. In line with the countryspecific recommendations of the Council 262 it is necessary to improve the quality of higher education and the cooperation between the business sector, research community and educational institutions to help develop a well-functioning “knowledge triangle” and increase the performance of the RD&I system, as well as to stimulate private investment in RD&I in order to enhance the innovation capacity of the Slovak economy. It is necessary to devise tools for the creation of a functional system from excellent research to innovation in line with RIS3. It is necessary to support high- quality RD&I because it is a necessary precondition for technologically advanced innovations. It is also necessary to continue building up a quality RD&I infrastructure, train and develop human resources, create an attractive and stimulating environment for the tertiary level of education and subsequent placement of young researchers in RD&I entities. In the light of the objectives contained in the NRP, it is necessary to increase expenditures on R&D by the year 2020 to 1.2 % of GDP. In order to meet the RIS3 objectives, it is necessary to anchor the key industrial sectors which increase value added, namely through cooperation of local supply chains, and support their mutual networking, creating a dynamic, open and inclusive innovative society. It is also necessary to reform RD&I system in order to streamline the institutional setup of the public R&I base. It is equally important to support effective transfer of know-how and scientific knowledge from public institutions to private sector, as well as the introduction of various types of innovations into practice and the building of R&I capacities in Slovak companies. Also essential is to create ample conditions for cooperation between the private sector or non-profit sector and public research organisations, support the setting up of new start-ups, spin-offs and clusters through administrative support for the transfer of technologies from public institutions and the lin...
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Reasoning for selection. The goal is to support the building of the 4th pillar of the NRP strategy which will contribute to increasing the quality of life in Slovakia because good condition of road and railway networks is important for improving the accessibility of economic centres and for increasing Slovakia’s competitiveness. In terms of environmental efficiency of traffic with respect to road and railway infrastructure, it is necessary to focus primarily on the implementation of projects designed to support sustainable regional and urban mobility. The greening of the public passenger transport fleet and the building of infrastructure for integrated urban transport systems could contribute to the priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the share of alternative energy sources, and improving energy efficiency of the transport system in Slovakia. The Strategic Plan for Transport Infrastructure Development in the SR until 2020 represents a strategic basis for the implementation of activities and projects and identifies the key bottlenecks in Slovakia’s transport system while proposing measures to remove them. The implementation of these measures will considerably contribute to improving the current state of play from the viewpoint of transport, economy or the environment. The Strategic Plan for the Development and Maintenance of Roads at Regional Level represents a strategic basis for investments in regional roads. Slovakia needs to build and modernise transport infrastructure along the approved routes of multi-modal corridors (the TEN-T network) and to complete the transport infrastructure of international importance in order to connect the Slovak infrastructure to the European transport network and to make Slovak regions more accessible. As part of increasing the accessibility of regions and ensuring economic, social and territorial cohesion of regions, it is necessary to modernise and encourage measures aimed at increasing the safety of regional roads, i.e., 2nd and 3rd class roads, in the context of improving connectivity to the TEN- T network and centres of economic importance. Interventions will primarily focus on the modernisation and development of 2nd class roads. 3rd class roads will only be supported in exceptional and duly reasoned cases where, in the absence of higher-category road infrastructure in the given territory, 3rd class roads will provide connection to the TEN-T network or centres of economic importance. In Slov...
Reasoning for selection. In accordance with the Specific Recommendation of the Council for the SR277, it is necessary to improve access to and the quality of child care institutions, in particular for children aged three years and less, and to step up efforts aimed at improving access to high-quality and inclusive schooling and pre-school education for marginalised communities, including Roma. At the same time, pre-primary education represents a preventive element against the misplacement of pupils without special educational needs into special-needs schools and classes, because one of the reasons why children without mental disorders are placed in special-needs classes or schools probably lies in insufficient diagnostics during enrolment, insufficient knowledge of the state language, as well as the fact that Roma language is not used in the tests or other expert activities carried out during the diagnostic process278. With an increase in the school attendance rate of children, in particular those from MRC, there will be less children and pupils placed in special-needs schools and classes. Simultaneously, it is necessary to adopt measures conducive to the reconciliation of family and work life, in particular as regards the provision of childcare services for children below three years. In terms of social exclusion and poverty and in line with the Europe 2020 strategy and the NRP, the risk of poverty or social exclusion target of 17.2 % should be met by 2020. At the same time, it is necessary to change the welfare system in terms of social services and other measures applicable to social inclusion279 and increase the availability of housing for vulnerable xxxxxx000.Xx combating poverty and social exclusion, special attention should be paid to the integration of marginalised Roma communities281. By supporting community centres for vulnerable groups, it is necessary to improve access to job opportunities and encourage the development of communities and community-based services. Social economy entities282 seem to represent a very suitable instrument to support the employment of the MRC. Rather than generating profit, their primary purpose is to bring non-market social benefits, such as increasing employment of jobseekers from disadvantaged groups, integration of marginalised individuals and communities with the broader society, the development of backward regions, etc. Given the fact that social economy entities represent business entities, this type of support for social objectives i...
Reasoning for selection. Pursuant to the Specific Recommendation of the Council for the SR276, it is necessary to adopt measures to enhance the capacity of the provision of public employment services to jobseekers through more individualised services and to strengthen the link between activation measures and social assistance. At the same time, it is necessary to address long-term unemployment by means of activation measures and individualised training. The provision of care services for children, in particular those aged three years and less, must be improved as well. Furthermore, effort should be stepped up in addressing high youth unemployment, for instance, through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, as well as in addressing the long-term unemployment rate of the members of Roma communities. In connection with the Europe 2020 strategy and the NRP, it is necessary to implement measures to promote employment and labour mobility in order to meet, until 2020, the 72 % employment rate target among individuals aged 20 to 64 and the 3 % long-term unemployment target. It is also inevitable to support the capacities in the area of social dialogue which effectively contribute – through their suggestions for the implementation of 276Council Recommendation on the National Reform Programme 2013 of Slovakia and delivering a Council opinion on the Stability Programme of Slovakia, 2012 – 2016 (recommendation No. 3 and No. 4) measures – to the implementation of policies aimed at supporting entrepreneurship, employment and identifying unemployment. In order to balance supply and demand in the reconciliation of work and family life, support should focus on building and developing facilities providing care for children below three years (social service) and the provision of child care allowance to parents. Under TO8, ESI funds will be used to support activities for building and developing child care facilities and the provision of child care allowance. Under TO9, ERDF funds will be earmarked to support the construction and reconstruction of buildings for the purposes of establishing and enlarging child care facilities (community-based social service). By adopting legislative framework through an amendment to the Act on Social Services, the rules for the financing of child care facilities for children below 3 years will be established. Under programmes supporting employment, efficient instruments for increasing employment and employability and reducing unemployment should be created with a ...
Reasoning for selection. Pursuant to the Specific Recommendation of the Council for the SR288 , it is necessary to improve energy efficiency particularly in buildings and the industry.
Reasoning for selection. In line with the Europe 2020 strategy targets, it is necessary to reduce the school drop-out rate in the relevant target groups (marginalised Roma communities in particular) by intensifying the application of an inclusive education model, and to increase the share of individuals aged 30 to 34 with tertiary educational attainment from 31% to at least 40%. According to the national target, early school leaving rate should be reduced to 6 % by 2020 and the proportion of 30- to 34-year-olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40%. As regards country-specific recommendations of the Council for Slovakia, vocational education should include a greater share of practical training directly in companies, higher education should see the launch of programmes more oriented at the labour market, and it is also necessary to encourage the exchange of knowledge through cooperation between universities, research community and the business sector. In all areas and stages of education, the focus will also be on high-quality inclusive education. In the above area, inclusive education at regional schools (primary and secondary education) will be linked to measures implemented during the 2007 - 2013 programming period which represent an efficient instrument of support for the educational needs of pupils with special needs, in particular pupils from socially disadvantaged background, including marginalised communities such as Roma. Implementation of an inclusive education model at schools, e.g., by means of inclusive instruments such as whole-day education, participation of pedagogical assistants and expert staff in the teaching process, constitutes an inclusive element in the education system. This type of support also has a positive impact on reducing the placement of pupils from socially disadvantaged background, including MRC, to special-needs schools and special-needs classes at primary schools and also separate classes in standard primary schools. Pre-primary education286as the first stage of education will be supported under TO9 and TO10 through ESF and ERDF interventions. In the case of TO9, this involves, for the most part, support for children from MRCs. TO10 will support ERDF investments focusing on strengthening the capacity of pre-primary schools and ESF funds will be used to support pedagogical and expert staff at pre-primary schools. In relation to the Specific Recommendation of the Council for the SR287 and the Position Paper of the EC, Slovakia...
Reasoning for selection. In order to meet the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and of the NRP, Slovakia needs to develop services supported by the opportunities introduced by new technologies (social networks, smart mobile equipment, open and interlinked data, etc.). One of the objectives is to reduce public expenditure and ensure a much higher standard of eGovernment services. In line with the Digital Agenda265 it is necessary to stimulate private investment in R&I and introduce broadband Internet solutions so that ICT can be used across all industrial sectors with particular focus on standard and open platforms for new products and services. It is necessary to develop a common infrastructure for ICT research and innovation clusters in order to enhance the electronic infrastructure, in particular between public administration, business sector and scientific sector. At the same time, it is necessary to support the priorities and objectives in line with the Strategic Document for Growth of Digital Services and Infrastructure of a New-Generation Access Network266 focusing on improved services to citizens and businesses in the development of e-services, use of open data sources, the support for businesses in eEconomy and support of eInclusion. One of the main prerequisites for the functioning of a modern information society is the development of broadband Internet infrastructure and its comprehensive territorial coverage enabling data transfer at the speed of least 30 Mbit/s. The broadband internet infrastructure will be built fully in line with the Strategic Document for Growth of Digital Services and Infrastructure of a New-Generation Access Network (2014 - 2020)267. In connection with country-specific recommendations of the Council for Slovakia268, in order to increase the cost-effectiveness of the health-care sector, investments should also be routed to eHealth269. It will also be necessary to focus 265 Digital Agenda for Europe xxxx://xxx-xxx.xxxxxx.xx/LexUriServ/XxxXxxXxxx.xx?uri=COM:2010:0245:FIN:SK:PDF 266 Draft strategic document for the growth of digital services and infrastructure of a new generation access network, xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23177 267 Strategic Document for Growth of Digital Services and Infrastructure of a New-Generation Access Network (2014 - 2020), xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23177 268 Council Recommendation on the National Reform Programme 2013 of Slovakia and del...
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Reasoning for selection. In order to meet the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, including the 1st and 3rd pillar of the NRP, it is necessary to improve business environment, i.e. improve Slovakia’s position in the Doing Business chart by at least 15 places by 2025 and continue reducing the administrative burden to ensure that Slovakia, measured by the OECD’s Product Market Regulation Indicator, reaches the OECD average (1.45). It is also necessary to improve Slovakia’s standing in the SBA which is, in almost all areas monitored, either below or near the EU average273. With a view to meeting the RIS3 objectives, potential exists mainly on the SME categories (above 10 employees). It is therefore necessary to overcome the systemic barriers to SME development and focus on improving business start-up conditions and expanding business activities. It is also necessary to eliminate the lack of information in the SME community. This can be addressed through the introduction of comprehensive advisory institutions (one-stop-shops). Only in this way it will be possible to stimulate the growth of micro-enterprises and create the potential necessary to induce innovation, including non-technological innovation, in the services sector, enhance the energy efficiency and utilisation of the RES; the same applies to the R&I sector in the area of new technologies facilitating the climate change adaptation. At the same time, conditions must be put in place to increase the innovation performance of SMEs. For aquaculture and fish processing, it is essential to xxxxxx competitiveness through modernisation of production processes, increase value added, build new aquacultural facilities, introduce innovations and develop additional activities as part of the diversification effort. Equally important is to enhance consumer awareness and improve the image of the products of aquaculture and of the entire sector. In the agricultural sector, it is necessary to enhance – in line with Commission Communication COM(2012)60 on a Bioeconomy for Europe - the efficiency of all production factors and increase the value added generated by agricultural holdings, including the diversification of their activities. It is also necessary to support easier access to the sector for small agricultural companies and young farmers who have a better potential of innovation, as well as new ways of marketing and diversifying their activities in primary 272 In the case of EAFRD, the term emergencies affected by climate change cover...

Related to Reasoning for selection

  • REPORTING FOR WORK The Parties are committed to delivering value for paid time. Accordingly, (a) Unless some other reporting location is designated by the Employer, employees shall be in attendance at their work station and prepared to commence work at the scheduled starting time for their respective shifts. (b) Employees shall be diligent in respecting start times, shift completion times, lunch periods and rest break periods.

  • Arbitrator Selection The arbitrator will be appointed by the Administrator in accordance with the rules of the Administrator. However, unless the parties agree otherwise, the arbitrator must be a retired or former judge or a lawyer with at least ten (10) years of experience.

  • ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES The COUNTY shall determine eligibility for receiving services under this agreement.

  • Compensation for Services You may be eligible to receive compensation for providing certain services in respect of Shares of the Funds if you meet the requirements of and enter into a Bank Services Agreement with American Funds Service Company.

  • Fee for Services Recipient agrees to pay to Contran $530,000 quarterly on the first business day of each quarter, commencing as of January 1, 2003, pursuant to this Agreement.

  • Credit for Service Purchaser shall cause each benefit plan, severance plan and time-off program maintained, sponsored, adopted or contributed to by Purchaser or its Affiliates in which Transferred Employees are eligible to participate (collectively, the “Purchaser Benefit Plans”), to take into account for all purposes under Purchaser Benefit Plans (but not for purposes of defined benefit pension accruals under any defined benefit plan) the service of such employees with Seller or its Affiliates prior to the Transfer Date to the same extent as such service was credited for the applicable purpose by Seller or the applicable Affiliate. In addition, Purchaser shall cause each Transferred Employee to be immediately eligible to participate, without any waiting time, in any and all Purchaser Benefit Plans.

  • Contract for Services The parties intend this Agreement to be a contract for the provision of services and not a contract for the sale of goods. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA), the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and any substantially similar legislation as may be enacted, shall not apply to this Agreement.

  • Compensation for Services Provided As compensation for providing portfolio supervisory services in its capacity as Portfolio Supervisor, evaluation services in its capacity as Evaluator, and for providing bookkeeping and other administrative services to the Trust of a character described in Section 26(a)(2)(C) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, and to the extent that such services are in addition to, and do not duplicate, the services to be provided hereunder by the Trustee, First Trust Advisors L.P. shall receive, in arrears, against a statement or statements therefor submitted to the Trustee monthly or annually an aggregate annual fee in the per Unit amount set forth in Part II of the Trust Agreement for the Trust, calculated based on the largest number of Units outstanding during the calendar year, except during the initial offering period as determined in Section 4.01 of this Indenture, in which case the fee is calculated based on the largest number of Units outstanding during the period for which the compensation is paid (such annual fee to be pro rated for any calendar year in which First Trust Advisors L.P. provides services described herein during less than the whole of such year). Such fee may exceed the actual cost of providing such services for the Trust, but at no time will the total amount received for such services rendered to unit investment trusts of which the Depositor is the sponsor in any calendar year exceed the aggregate cost to First Trust Advisors L.P. of supplying such services in such year. Such compensation may, from time to time, be adjusted provided that the total adjustment upward does not, at the time of such adjustment, exceed the percentage of the total increase after the date hereof in consumer prices for services as measured by the United States Department of Labor Consumer Price Index entitled "All Services Less Rent of Shelter" or similar index, if such index should no longer be published. The consent or concurrence of any Unit holder hereunder shall not be required for any such adjustment or increase. Such compensation shall be paid by the Trustee, upon receipt of an invoice therefor from First Trust Advisors L.P., which shall constitute the representation by First Trust Advisors L.P. that the bookkeeping and administrative services for which compensation is claimed are properly compensable hereunder and that the aggregate cost incurred by First Trust Advisors L.P. of providing portfolio supervisory, evaluation and bookkeeping and administrative services hereunder was not less than the compensation claimed, upon which representation the Trustee may conclusively rely. Such compensation shall be charged against the Income and/or Capital Accounts in accordance with Section 3.05. If the cash balance in the Income and Capital Accounts shall be insufficient to provide for amounts payable pursuant to this Section 4.03, the Trustee shall have the power to sell (i) Securities from the current list of Securities designated to be sold pursuant to Section 5.02 hereof, or (ii) if no such Securities have been so designated, such Securities as the Trustee may see fit to sell in its own discretion, and to apply the proceeds of any such sale in payment of the amounts payable pursuant to this Section 4.03. Any moneys payable to First Trust Advisors L.P. pursuant to this Section 4.03 shall be secured by a lien on the Trust prior to the interest of Unit holders, but no such lien shall be prior to any lien in favor of the Trustee under the provisions of Section 6.04 herein.

  • Consideration for Stock In case any shares of Common Stock or any Common Stock Equivalents shall be issued or sold: (1) in connection with any merger or consolidation in which the Maker is the surviving corporation (other than any consolidation or merger in which the previously outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Maker shall be changed to or exchanged for the stock or other securities of another corporation), the amount of consideration therefor shall be, deemed to be the fair value, as determined reasonably and in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Maker, of such portion of the assets and business of the nonsurviving corporation as such Board may determine to be attributable to such shares of Common Stock, Convertible Securities, rights or warrants or options, as the case may be; or (2) in the event of any consolidation or merger of the Maker in which the Maker is not the surviving corporation or in which the previously outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Maker shall be changed into or exchanged for the stock or other securities of another corporation, or in the event of any sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Maker for stock or other securities of any corporation, the Maker shall be deemed to have issued a number of shares of its Common Stock for stock or securities or other property of the other corporation computed on the basis of the actual exchange ratio on which the transaction was predicated, and for a consideration equal to the fair market value on the date of such transaction of all such stock or securities or other property of the other corporation. If any such calculation results in adjustment of the applicable Conversion Price, or the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes, the determination of the applicable Conversion Price or the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or sale, shall be made after giving effect to such adjustment of the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes. In the event Common Stock is issued with other shares or securities or other assets of the Maker for consideration which covers both, the consideration computed as provided in this Section 3.6(viii) shall be allocated among such securities and assets as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Maker.

  • Shift Selection Employee assignments within the Patrol Bureau will occur between approximately April 1-15 and shall be awarded based upon seniority. Approximately three (3) months before then the Department will publish a call for written requests on shift assignment. Employees will make their first three (3) choices known. Employees will learn of the assignment, including days off associated with their assignment, immediately after the bidding process is completed. Assignments will take effect on the schedule immediately following July 1st. Residence Hall assignments will be made prior to all others. No officer will be required to work a Residence Hall assignment in consecutive years. Assignment of the remaining officers will begin with selection(s) for day and night shifts. The bid for assignments will continue until all positions are filled. The following general rules apply to assignments: 1. During the term of this Agreement, no employee will be reassigned to a different shift other than the shift awarded by seniority except in situations where the University cannot continue to provide police services. In the event a shift reassignment must occur, it will be offered to volunteers based on seniority. If there are no volunteers it will be assigned to the least senior officer in the department. 2. Shift selection shall be an appropriate subject for the Joint Labor/Management Committee. 3. If a shift becomes available as a result of trainees being released for duty, and if there is at least four (4) months until the next shift change, the shift will be posted and awarded by seniority. The new trainee released for duty will take the senior officers shift. If no employee desires the shift, the trainee scheduled for assignment will be assigned that shift. The parties recognize that for the betterment of the Department it may be necessary to assign a trainee to a specific shift. 4. Voluntary shift trades will be allowed as long as overtime costs are not incurred. 5. Except in a bona fide emergency, no employee shall be assigned to work more than sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period, provided however employees may volunteer to work up to eighteen (18) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period.

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