Sick Leave Administration. (a) All sick leave granted must be signed by the employee, specifying the nature of the illness and certifying an inability to perform the employee’s duties, in a format prescribed by the Employer.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 23.09 and 23.14(a), if an employee does not wish to disclose the nature of their illness on the sick leave application form, the Employing Authority will accept a separate written statement as to the nature of the illness enclosed in a sealed envelope attached to the leave form. Such statements shall be treated as confidential and will be placed in the employee's personnel file until the end of the fiscal year following the fiscal year during which the statement was submitted.
(c) The Employing Authority shall refer eligible employees to the Group Insurance Plan Administrator for information relating to long term disability prior to the end of the four (4) months of continuous total disability.
Sick Leave Administration. Charges against accumulated sick leave shall be made as actual time used, calculated in 15-minute increments.
Sick Leave Administration a. Sick Leave will be administered in a manner that is consistent with the Civil Service Rules and any applicable collective bargaining agreement. Sick leave administration should also be fair and nondiscriminatory. No employee should be subject to retaliation or discrimination for the existence of a medical condition for themselves or one of their family members.
b. Any sickness or injury for which an employee desires to take sick leave shall be reported at least 10 days in advance, or as early as practicable. If an employee is not able to report for the start of his/her regular shift due to illness or injury, notification must be made prior to the beginning of that work shift. If the employee is incapacitated or physically unable to contact his or her supervisor, the employee will contact his or her supervisor as expeditiously as possible.
c. Supervisors shall inform their employees of the manner in which the employees are to report their absences. Employees shall report their absences in the manner directed by their supervisor. If the supervisor requires personal contact and the supervisor is not available, employees shall contact the on duty supervisor or the lieutenant. Supervisors may expect the employee to report the anticipated length of absence, if known.
d. The employee will need to repeat this notification for each day that they are ill, unless otherwise directed by the supervisor. If the employee has a physician's release-from-duty, the employee will not need to repeat the notification for the duration of the release. Early return from an extended absence requires personal notification. For absences longer than three
Sick Leave Administration. PAO management is responsible for the proper
Sick Leave Administration. Employees absent on account of sickness must, and as soon as possible, notify the Department Manager, or other authorized person in that Department, and in particular before the commencement of their working hours, in order to permit the Hospital to obtain a replacement. Employees failing to report as herein provided will be treated as absent without leave unless excused by the Hospital. Any regular full-time employees sent off duty by the Hospital will be eligible for sick pay benefits. The Hospital reserves the right to have such employees medically examined by a physician appointed by the employee. Any employee may be required to produce a certificate from a duly qualified practitioner for any illness and at the discretion of the Hospital provided that such discretion is exercised in a reasonable manner. The certificate must state that such employee is unable to carry out his/her regular duties due to illness. When a regular full-time employee is given leave of absence without pay for any reason or is laid off on account of lack of work and returns to work upon expiration of such leave of absence or layoff, he shall not receive sick leave credit for the period of such absence, but shall retain his cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave or layoff. If a regular full-time employee claims sick pay for any day prior to, or subsequent to a statutory holiday, or for any day prior to, or subsequent to his normal day off, his sick leave pay will not be granted, unless satisfactory proof is presented by way of a doctor’s certificate, provided however, that any other evidence of such sickness satisfactory to the Hospital may be accepted in lieu of such Certificate. In the event that an employee shall wrongly claim sick pay credits or abuse sick leave privileges, he shall be deemed to have been absent without leave, and all rights, if any, to sick pay shall be cancelled. Such conduct shall be considered grounds for discharge and in such event the Union shall receive notification of such conduct.
Sick Leave Administration. (a) When sick leave is requested, the Employee upon return to work shall provide the Employer with a self-verifying proof of illness form as prescribed by the Employer.
(b) The Employer may request proof of illness from a legally qualified health care practitioner for extended absences due to illness or where the Employer has concerns regarding the pattern of sick leave usage. Where the Employer has reason to believe an Employee is misusing sick leave privileges, the Employer may issue to the Employee a standing directive that requires the Employee to submit a medical certificate for any period of absence for which sick leave is claimed.
(c) Employees are obliged to adhere to treatment plans to validate the need for paid sick leave and to support the earliest return to work and the Employer may make reasonable enquiries to confirm that the Employee is sick and that he/she is complying with reasonable treatment plans to support his/her earliest possible return to work.
(d) The Employee may be required to provide information to the Executive Director regarding the nature of the illness or injury and the duration or expected duration of the absence, the fitness of the Employee to return to work, any limitations associated with the fitness of the Employee to return to work, and whether the illness or injury is bona fide. Where the Employer requires a Fitness to Work assessment and report the associated costs will be paid by the Employer.
(e) The Employer may require that the Employee be examined by a health practitioner of the Employer’s choice. The Employer shall be responsible for paying the cost of the examination and/or health report provided to the Employer, if said cost is not covered by the Nova Scotia Medical Services Insurance (MSI) programs or the Employer’s group insurance plan.
(f) If such documentation is not completed and produced the time absent from work shall be deducted from the Employee’s pay.
Sick Leave Administration. Employees absent due to illness must notify the Hospital Supervisor or designate as soon as possible before the commencement of their scheduled shift in order to permit the Hospital to obtain a replacement. Employees failing to report as herein provided will be treated as absent without leave unless excused by the Hospital. Any regular full-time employees sent off duty by the Hospital will be eligible for sick pay benefits. The Hospital reserves the right to have such employees medically examined by a physician appointed by the employee. Any employee may be required to provide proof of total disability that is satisfactory to the Hospital for any illness and at the discretion of the Hospital provided that such discretion is exercised in a reasonable manner. The documentation must provide evidence that the employee is unable to carry out his regular duties due to illness. If a regular full-time employee claims sick pay for any day prior to, or subsequent to a statutory holiday, or for any day prior to, or subsequent to his normal day off, his sick leave pay will not be granted unless proof of total disability is provided satisfactory to the Hospital. In the event that an employee shall wrongly claim sick pay credits or abuse sick leave privileges, he shall be deemed to have been absent without leave, and all rights, if any, to sick pay shall be cancelled. Such conduct shall be considered grounds for discharge and in such event the Union shall receive notification of such conduct. For employees on retirement and/or termination, after completing five (5) years of service, termination pay allowance equal to one-half the number of accumulated sick leave days standing in his credit will be paid.
Sick Leave Administration a. The Association and the Superintendent of Schools shall appoint a Sick Leave Bank Committee to administer the sick leave bank. The committee will be composed of four (4) members. The Association shall appoint three (3) teachers and the Superintendent shall appoint one (1) person representing the administration.
b. Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled before the next meeting by the appropriate personnel.
c. The Committee shall meet during the school year as needed.
d. The Committee shall have the full responsibility in granting, denying, or suspending grants of sick leave days from the Bank.
e. If appeal of any Committee decision becomes necessary, the final appeal will be to the entire current membership of the Bank.
f. The Association’s secretary shall prepare an annual report in conjunction with the Corporation’s payroll clerk regarding days contributed by each teacher, days used, days accumulated, and days paid back. This report will be distributed to the President of the Association, the Superintendent, and made available to the Committee.
g. Requests for use of the Bank and requests to donate days shall be made on forms developed mutually by the Association, the Corporation, and members of the Committee.
Sick Leave Administration. In administering the sick leave policy, the district will follow all state laws in effect and applicable at the time.
Sick Leave Administration. Sick leave shall be administered as follows: