Health and Welfare Benefit Plan Sample Clauses
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. The sum of $5.23, May 1, 2019 per paid hour. To include 8% R.S.T. with remittance;
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. The Company agrees that the following plans will be maintained for the life of this Agreement, provided such plans continue to be available. Should any of the plans listed below cease to continue to be available, the Company shall provide coverage of equal or greater benefit through another plan, provided such coverage is available at a reasonable cost. It is further agreed by the Parties that the plans and their administration shall not become a subject of this Agreement. The cost of such plan shall be shared as indicated below. It is further understood that the Company shall have the right to choose carriers, based on maintaining the most reasonably competent companies and coverage possible. The Company agrees the change of carriers shall not reduce the level of the benefits currently enjoyed by the employees.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. 15.01 The Employer agrees to pay the full cost of providing the benefits set out below for any employee who has elected or in the future may elect to be covered by the Plans; provided that such employee completes the probationary period pursuant to Article 7.01 (a) and works a minimum of twenty-five (25) hours per week.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. 24.01 The Company agrees that the following plans will be maintained for the life of this Agreement, provided such plans continue to be available. Should any of the plans listed below cease to continue to be available, the Company shall provide coverage of equal or greater benefit through another plan, provided such coverage is available at a reasonable cost. It is further agreed by the Parties that the plans and their administration shall not become a subject of this Agreement. The cost of such plan shall be shared as indicated below. It is further understood that the Company shall have the right to choose carriers, based on maintaining the most reasonably competent companies and coverage possible. The Company agrees the change of carriers shall not reduce the level of the benefits currently enjoyed by the employees.
1) Employer Health Tax… 100% Premium Cost
2) Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (Minimum $25,000 coverage) 2 x Annual Earnings… 100% Premium Cost
3) Weekly Indemnity – 70% of your weekly earnings, up to 70% of the current Employment Insurance maximum insurable earnings, for a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks. Benefits shall commence on the 1st day accident, 1st day hospital (including day surgery that results in the employee being released from the hospital on the same day of the surgery), and 4th day of illness……………………………………………… 100% Premium Cost
4) Extended Health Care: Effective January 1, 2001, drug card $1.00 deductible per prescription. Including semi-private hospital coverage…………………………………..……… 100% Premium Cost The dispensing fee cap is currently $9.50. Any costs incurred by the employee above that amount shall be reimbursed by the Company upon proof of payment. Reimbursement of dispensing fees shall be made through internal xxxxx cash effective December 1st, 2012. Reimbursement shall be made within two (2) weeks of the employee submitting their receipts. The maximum reimbursement per submission shall be forty ($40.00) dollars.
5) Effective January 1, 2000, a Dental Plan, Blue Cross #7 or its equivalent, will be provided. 80% of the premium cost will be paid by the Employer and 20% by the Employee. Effective January 1, 2001 100% premium Company paid. The rate schedule will be maintained at the previous year ODA schedule effective January 1st each year. Dental coverage for new employees will be $100.00 for the first year per person per dependent.
6) Group Registered Retirement Saving Plan Company contributions p...
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. Employer agrees to participate in and contribute to the Alaska Electrical Health and Welfare Fund (“Fund”) for the purpose of providing certain health and welfare benefits to those employees covered under Medical Plan #553, Vision Plan #701, Dental Plan #601, Disability Plan #801, and Life Insurance Plan #903. The Employer will pay Health and Welfare premiums as provided in the 2016-2019 ML&P Agreement. (As of April 1, 2018, the total monthly premium per employee is $2,006.00, of which the Employer pays $1688.66 on behalf of each employee. The employee pays the remaining $317.84 of the premium. These totals are subject to change April 1st of each year.) Any increase in the health and welfare premium on April 1 of 2019, and 2020 will be paid sixty percent (60%) by the Employer and paid forty percent (40%) by the employee. Effective April 1, 2021 the split in the total health and welfare premium will be paid ninety percent (90%) by the Employer and paid ten percent (10%) by the employee. The split in the total health and welfare premium will remain and be paid ninety percent (90%) by the Employer and paid ten percent (10%) by the employee for the remainder of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. ML&P employees transferred as of the Effective Date into the Chugach Bargaining Units will refer to the transition agreement in Appendix D to see the employee health and welfare premium cost. For new employees, the payment shall not be made during the first month of employment unless their employment began before the 15th of that month, which payments will entitle such employees to receive the health and welfare benefits including, extended dental, vision, and orthodontic coverage provided under the terms and conditions lawfully adopted for the administration and management of such Fund. Employer agrees to enter into such further agreements, and to execute such instruments as may be legally required or convenient to its full participation in the foregoing Fund for, and on behalf of, its said employees.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. Employer agrees to participate in and contribute to the Alaska Electrical Health and Welfare Fund (“Fund”) for the purpose of providing certain health and welfare benefits to those employees covered under Plan 311. The Employer shall pay 95% for each employee and each employee shall pay 5% of the current monthly premium of $1,028.00 (Base amount). Upon the earlier of the first premium change after the effective date of this Agreement or September 1 the employee shall pay 5% of the health & welfare premium, and the Employer shall pay 95% of the health & welfare premium. In the event of subsequent premium changes, the Employer/employee premium allocation shall be determined as follows: For premium changes in excess of 10% per year the first year and 10% per year on average for subsequent years over the contract period the employee shall pay 25% above 110% of the Base Amount premium ($1028.00) and 5% of the base amount of $1028.00. Premium increases for less than a full twelve months will be weighted to calculate the annual percentage increase. The cumulative annual weighted average shall be for a plan year and shall be recalculated at each premium change and at the end of the plan year. The plan year (12 months) shall begin upon the earlier of the date of implementation of the first premium change or September 1st For multiple increases within one (1) plan year the average increase shall be the weighted average based on individual months. For new employees, the payment shall not be made during the first month of employment unless their employment began before the 15th of that month, which payments will entitle such employees to receive the health and welfare benefits including, extended dental, vision, and orthodontic coverage provided under the terms and conditions lawfully adopted for the administration and management of such Fund. Employer agrees to enter into such further agreements, and to execute such instruments as may be legally required or convenient to its full participation in the foregoing Fund for, and on behalf of, its said employees.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. 24.01 The Plan shall be financed by contributions from the Employees.
24.02 Every Employee shall, as a condition of employment, authorize the deduction from earnings of the amount certified by the Union from time to time to be the required contribution from the Employee pursuant to the UFCW 2000 Prince Rupert Shoreworkers and Clerks' Health and Welfare Benefit Plan.
24.03 Contributions required from the Employees for the previous calendar month shall be forwarded to the Plan Administrator not later than the fifteenth (15) of each month, accompanied by a list of the names of Employees; beside and in line with each Employee's name shall be detailed in the total number of straight time hours worked by the Employee during the month for which the contribution has been made and the dollar amount of the Employee's monthly premium or contribution.
24.04 Upon request, the Employer agrees to provide the Union with written verification of the gross weekly earnings which an Employee, who is absent due to illness or accident, would have earned as well as the weekly hours which the Employee would have worked were it not for the illness or accident.
24.05 A copy of the Health and Welfare Benefit Plan pamphlet is available from the Union.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan a) Effective January 1, 2015, the Employer shall provide a Health and Welfare Benefit Plan and contribute two dollars and eighteen cents ($2.18) per hour earned by all Employees working under the terms of this Collective Agreement to the Millworkers’ Health and Welfare Plan — by a single payment made by the fifteenth (15th) of the month following that which payment covers. This contribution shall be made together with a list of the names, social insurance numbers and the monthly hours of the Employees on whose behalf the contributions are being made.
b) Deductions from the employees, if any, shall be as per written instructions received from the Millworkers’ Health and Welfare Plan and shall be provided to the Employer at least one month in advance of such deductions commencing.
c) All contributions are due and payable for each Employee covered by this agreement on or before the fifteenth day of the calendar month following the month in which the obligation arose.
d) The Employer shall make payment based on actual earned hours to the Health and Welfare Plant and to the COPE Union Pension Plan..
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. Employer agrees to participate in and contribute to the Alaska Electrical Health and Welfare Fund (“Fund”) for the purpose of providing certain health and welfare benefits to those employees covered under Medical Plan #553, Vision Plan #701, Dental Plan #601, Disability Plan #801, and Life Insurance Plan #903. The Employer will pay Health and Welfare premiums as provided in the 2016-2019 ML&P Agreement. (As of April 1, 2020, the total monthly premium per employee is $2,167.00, of which the Employer pays $1,784.76 on behalf of each employee. The employee pays the remaining $382.24 of the premium. These totals are subject to change April 1st of each year.) Effective April 1, 2021 the split in the total health and welfare premium will be paid ninety percent (90%) by the Employer and paid ten percent (10%) by the employee. The split in the total health and welfare premium will remain and be paid ninety percent (90%) by the Employer and paid ten percent (10%) by the employee for the remainder of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. ML&P employees transferred as of the Effective Date into the Chugach Bargaining Units will refer to the Transition Agreement in Appendix G to see the employee health and welfare premium cost. For new employees, the payment shall not be made during the first month of employment unless their employment began before the 15th of that month, which payments will entitle such employees to receive the health and welfare benefits including, extended dental, vision, and orthodontic coverage provided under the terms and conditions lawfully adopted for the administration and management of such Fund. Employer agrees to enter into such further agreements, and to execute such instruments as may be legally required or convenient to its full participation in the foregoing Fund for, and on behalf of, its said employees.
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. 6. Casual employees shall accumulate seniority on the basis of the number of hours worked.
7. The Employer shall maintain a master casual seniority list, which shall include all casual employees employed by the Employer listed in descending order of their seniority.
8. The manner in which casual employees shall be called to work shall be as follows:
(a) The Employer shall call, by telephone, casual employees at a number provided by the employee. The number must be provided in writing, and be current, accurate and functional in providing direct contact to the employee. The Employer shall commence by calling the most senior qualified employee. Only one (1) call need be made to any one (1) casual employee, provided that the telephone shall be permitted to ring a minimum of eight (8) times. In the event of a busy signal, the employee shall be recalled after two (2) minutes and if it is still busy, the next qualified person on the list shall be called. In the event of a call going to voice mail, the Employer will state the date and time of the call, and indicate that because there was no answer, the next qualified person on the list shall be called.
(b) All such calls shall be recorded in a log book maintained for the purpose which shall show the name of the employee called, the time that the call was made, the job required to be done, whether the employee accepts or declines the invitation to work, or fails to answer the telephone and the signature of the person who made the call. In the event of a dispute, the Union shall have reasonable access to the log book and shall be entitled to make copies.
(c) If the casual employee who is being called fails to answer or declines the invitation to work or is unable to work, the Employer shall then call the next most senior qualified employee and so on until a casual employee is found who is ready, willing and able to work.
(d) A casual employee who accepts an assignment shall be deemed to have the same obligation to fulfil the assignment as a regular employee.
(e) Casuals shall be given 48 hours notice of cancellation of shifts that are scheduled up to thirty (30) days in advance for medical reasons. Unscheduled shifts (i.e. call-ins) require notice as early as possible.
9. Casual employees may be laid off from the casual list in the inverse order of their seniority where it becomes necessary to reduce the work force due to economic circumstances. Laid- off casual employees shall retain their seniority for six (6) mon...