UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Effective January 11, 2009, Universal Leave was implemented and replaced the accrual of vacation, sick, floating holidays, and management leaves. All accrued leave time on the books as of January 10, 2009 shall remain on the books under existing usage and cash out policies. Universal Leave will accrue as follows:
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. The parties agree to establish a joint labor/management committee to further explore the option of creating a universal leave program to consolidate a variety of leaves (i.e. floaters, sick, vacation, etc).
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. 1. Employees shall be granted four (4) days of absence annually. Any universal leave not used during the year will be converted to sick leave for the following year.
2. An online application for universal leave shall be made to the immediate supervisor in advance of taking the leave. If possible, the leave request shall be made at least one (1) day in advance. During Fridays and/or Mondays in May, universal leave days may be taken on the ratio of 1:10 elementary and middle schools and 1:15 high schools, with some latitude for extreme emergencies at the discretion of the immediate supervisor.
3. Universal leave days may not be taken during the first or last ten (10) days of school, on days when final examinations are scheduled, on the first working day preceding or following a district recognized vacation or holiday. No more than two (2) days shall be taken consecutively. Exceptions to this shall include times when an employee or immediate family, as defined herein, is personally involved in a court case, graduation exercises or an honor convocation, religious holidays, or other times as approved by the Director of Human Resources. Approval does not constitute a precedent.
E. Short-Term Leave without Pay Employees may request unpaid leave days once every five (5) years subject to the following conditions: such absences must be requested from the immediate supervisor by the employee, in writing, ten (10) days prior to the absence. Unpaid leave absences must be taken in whole-day allotments. If the employee has accumulated universal day(s), no more than two (2) universal days may be used with the unpaid leave. Clear reasons for the absence must be stated. As stated in Article X.D.2, ratios apply to unpaid leaves as well. The leave request shall be acted upon within five (5) days of receipt by the Human Resources after receiving advice from the employee's immediate supervisor. In administering this provision, the immediate supervisor of the building program involved and the Human Resources must consider the individual circumstances involved in each request, to include length of service in the District, previous request(s) and length of absence; however, situations not limited to the following will be considered:
a. trips won as special recognition of employee, spouse or domestic partner;
b. trips or special meetings involving services of community organizations in which the employee holds office;
c. important business conferences of the spouse or domestic part...
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Effective January 11, 2009, Universal Leave will be implemented and will replace vacation, sick, floating holidays, and management leaves. Effective January 11, 2009, the following language replaces Article V, Section A, Section B.3., Article VI, Section A. through J, and Article VII, Section G except for use/pay out provisions of existing vacation, sick, floating and management leave on the books. Effective January 11, 2009, Universal Leave will be implemented. All current leave time on the books shall remain under current cash out policies. However, employees may elect to convert their existing balances up to a maximum of 500 hours to Universal Leave between July 12, 2009 and September 5, 2009. Sick leave may be part of this conversion. However, sick leave will only be converted at 50% value after all vacation has been converted. Effective January 11, 2009 sick, vacation, management, and floating holiday leave will stop accruing as separate balances for group members. Universal leave will accrue as follows:
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. At the beginning of each work year, each twelve month bargaining unit member, transportation and secretarial shall be credited with fifteen (15) universal leave days, and each school year bargaining unit member shall be credited with ten (10) days of universal leave. Each day will be equal in hours to the members normally scheduled hours, the unused portion of which shall accumulate from year to year and be capped at one hundred twenty (120) days. The Employer shall furnish each bargaining unit member with a written statement at the beginning of each school calendar year setting forth the total accumulated universal leave credit for said bargaining unit member. If the employee does not complete the school calendar year of work days earned for that school calendar year will be pro-rated. Any additional days that were used, which were not earned, will be deducted from the employee’s last paycheck. Members may use leave days during Christmas Break. Staff may donate up to two (2) universal leave days per year based on employee need. Employees may use leave days during any unpaid days off. Upon severance from the District employees with five (5) or more years of service shall be compensated for any unused universal leave days at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of their daily rate.
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Section 19.1 Policy Universal Leave includes all forms of leave except assault leave. Employees will accrue Universal Leave in amounts set forth in this Article and such leave will be available for any purpose. This leave may be taken for vacation purposes. Each employee may schedule at least one (1) block of time of vacation equal to the employee’s number of hours scheduled in a week during the January work schedule selection. Staff may schedule more than one (1) block of time on consecutive weeks. This scheduling will be done by seniority by shift within the unit. At no time will leave be granted in an amount less than thirty (30) minutes.
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. On the first day of orientation, each teacher shall be credited with thirteen (13) days of “universal leave” with full pay. Universal leave includes days that were formerly termed sick leave or personal leave. Other than an illness, any universal leave time of three or more consecutive days must be pre-approved by administration. If universal leave is due to illness three or more consecutive days, administration may request doctor’s verification of the illness. Incremental use of leave days may be taken in one (1) hour increments. Teachers may accumulate leave previously referred to as sick days from year to year to a maximum of 60 days. At the end of each school year, any unused universal leave days will be added to accumulated universal leave to a the maximum of 60 days. District will buy back any leave time after 9 days (i.e. days 10, 11, 12, & 13) of the current school year at the rate of $100 per day. If days are accumulated beyond 60 days, no buyback compensation will be provided. Employees not returning to the district will be compensated at a rate of $50 per day up to 4 days of the current school year.Grandfather clause: Employees that have more than the maximum of 30 days may fall under ‘grandfather clause’ and may cash in at the end of the school year or at the time the teacher leaves the district at a rate of $35.00 per day for any days past the 30-day maximum.This clause only applies to employees hired before August 1, 2008.
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Thirteen (13) days per year universal leave is granted. Universal leave days may be used for any purpose at the discretion of the teacher. Universal leave days are cumulative.
1. A leave day shall not be granted for the last scheduled day of the school year unless the school calendar has been extended.
2. Not more than six (6) teachers may be granted leave for the same days excluding personal or family illness. The date a leave request is received in the Superintendent’s office shall determine priority for leave with pay. Additional persons may be granted leave under this provision at the discretion of the superintendent.
3. Unused universal leave days in excess of ninety (90) days shall be returned to the teacher at the end of the current school year on the basis of forty-five ($45.00) dollars per day for any remaining sick leave credited to the teacher on the last day of employment.
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Universal leave shall be granted at the rate of ten (10) days per year for teachers employed consecutively for 1-5 years, eleven
UNIVERSAL LEAVE. Universal leave shall be granted at the rate of ten (10) days per year for teachers employed consecutively for 1-5 years, eleven (11) days for teachers employed consecutively for 6-10 years, and twelve (12) days for teachers employed consecutively for 11+ years, accumulating to forty (40) days, with the use of the additional ten, eleven, or twelve days allowed for those with maximum accumulation of leave. Universal leave includes days previously termed sick, personal, and flex leave. Teachers using one (1) or fewer universal leave days during the school year will receive a bonus of $100. Payment for non-used universal leave is based on a minimum accumulation of twenty (20) days to become eligible for payment. Payment to the individual or estate to be made upon retirement, reduction in force, resignation (prior to June 1 of contract year), death, or long-term disability. The payment rate is based on 100% of accumulated days, at the rate of $50.00 per day. Use of universal leave is discouraged and subject to administrative approval during staff development days, the first ten (10) contract days, the last five (5) teacher contract days, and days immediately before and after periods of student non- attendance.