WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. 17.01 The standard work week shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week, normally 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, including an unpaid lunch hour and two fifteen (15) minute rest periods each day. Where the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate requires an employee to work beyond the normal working hours, the employee shall be entitled to receive compensation at one and a half times ( 1 ½ x ) their hourly rate, either in time off or pay. Time off shall be taken at a time mutually arranged between the employee and the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate. The overtime worked and manner in which it will be paid out (i.e. time off or pay) shall be mutually agreed to by the employee and the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate.
17.02 The work year shall be the School Year as established by the Ministry of Education and the District School Board of Niagara.
17.03 The Board does not guarantee the above hours of work or work year but before any permanent change is made, there will be prior notice to, and if so requested discussion with the Association.
17.04 An employee may request that the regular hours of work be changed from full-time to an arrangement of less than full-time by submitting a request to the appropriate Superintendent. In the event that the Employer approves the change in hours of work, the Employer will provide written confirmation of the change in hours of work to the employee, with a copy to the President of the Association. The reduction in hours of work shall be for no longer than one (1) year although the Superintendent has the discretion to renew the arrangement on a year-to-year basis, at the request of the employee and with notice to the President of the Association. In filling the remaining hours of the employee’s schedule, consideration will first be given to employees in the same classification who work less than full-time hours, on the basis of seniority.
17.05 An employee covered by this Collective Agreement may, subject to available funding, voluntarily work up to two (2) weeks during the summer months. The Board will notify the Chapter President of any employee covered by this Collective Agreement who is working during the summer months, prior to the commencement of the voluntary assignment.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. A. The work year shall extend from September 1st through June 30th for ten (10) month employees. The work year shall extend from July 1st through June 30th for twelve (12)
B. month employees. The regular workweek for all personnel covered by this Agreement shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week and the regular workday shall be seven (7) hours per day when school is in session, and for the first two (2) Superintendent Conference days of each school year. Whenever school is not in session, the regular workweek shall be thirty (30) hours per week and the regular workday shall be six (6) hours per day.
C. Time worked beyond thirty-five (35) hours per week when school is in session and thirty (30) hours per week when school is not in session and on Saturdays shall be compensated at time and one-half.
D. Time worked on Sunday and legal holidays shall be compensated at double time.
E. An employee may elect compensatory time not to exceed 21 hours per year at the above rates, provided there is prior approval by the supervisor and the Assistant Superintendent for Business. Compensatory time must be utilized by September 1st of the school year following the school year in which it is accrued. Any compensatory time not utilized shall be lost.
F. Employees hired after September 1, 1999, may, in the discretion of the District, have their work schedules modified to suit the needs of the District. Employees may be scheduled to commence work anytime between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
G. Employees hired prior to September 1, 1999, may have their work schedules modified as follows:
1. Employees may be scheduled to work anytime between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
2. The work schedule modification will be based on a demonstrable need of the District.
3. Prior to any change in the work schedule, the District will obtain the consent of the Association. Such consent may not be unreasonably withheld.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. 17.01 The standard work week shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week, normally 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, including an unpaid lunch hour and two fifteen (15) minute rest periods each
L17.01 A Member’s daily salary will be calculated on the basis of seven (7) continuous hours (exclusive of an unpaid lunch break), Monday to Friday inclusive, between the hours of 7:30 am and 5:00 p.m
L17.02 Members will be provided with a 30 minute unpaid lunch break scheduled at the mid-point of the shift where possible and will receive fifteen (15) minute paid breaks as follows: Six hours or more = Two fifteen-minute breaks Less than 6 hours but more than two hours = one fifteen-minute break Two hours or less = no breaks, no lunch.
L17.03 As circumstances require, on an individual basis, adjustments to work schedules may be arranged with the supervisor by mutual agreement. This may include flexing the normal work day to accommodate early morning meetings or late afternoon/evening meetings.
L17.04 Time spent travelling between work locations during the work day for the purpose of board business shall be considered timed worked. Members will be reimbursed for mileage in accordance with Board policy and procedure. When a member is required to start or end their workday at a worksite other than their assigned working base which increases their travel time, meeting times shall, where possible, be scheduled to accommodate travel. If necessary, with the mutual agreement of the supervisor and member, the work day may be flexed to accommodate the increased travel time.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. The work year for the _ shall be 12 months and consist of 260 working days less holidays provided to all District employees. To the extent that it is necessary to determine the per diem rate, said rate shall be determined by dividing annual salary by 260 days. The shall work the number of hours necessary to perform all the duties and responsibilities of position. Due to the unique nature of this employment, it is understood and agreed that, in order to properly perform the job required, the may have to expend additional time beyond the normal work day and _ agrees to do same as is required. Such additional time includes but is not limited to time required to attend evening meetings and school-related functions that occur outside the normal working day. The shall attend evening, emergency or such other meetings or conferences as requested by the Committee and/or the Superintendent, including meetings of Town Boards and Committees. It is acknowledged that the position is that of an Executive/Administrative nature as that term is used in the Fair Labor Standards Act, its rules and regulations. There shall be no paid overtime or additional compensation for said additional time.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. Superintendent shall render twelve (12) months of full and regular service to District in the form of two hundred twenty (220) actual workdays during the fiscal year, inclusive of any paid sick days (see Section 8 of the Agreement, below). Prior to July 1 of each year of this Agreement, Superintendent shall submit a proposed calendar of their two hundred twenty (220) workdays to the Board for Board approval. It is understood that the demands of the position of Superintendent will require more than eight (8) hours per work day and/or forty (40) hours per work week. Superintendent is not entitled to receive overtime compensation.
1. Unit members with classroom assignments will be on duty the days school is in session and other days in accordance with the calendar adopted annually by the Board of Trustees.
2. Unit members with non-classroom assignments will be on duty as the Superintendent may direct, but no longer than one hundred eighty-four (184) days.
3. The certificated work year is to be no more than 184 days for returning unit members and 186 days for the first-year unit members, including those who return after an absence of more than thirty-nine (39) school months.
4. The number of instructional days will number 180, with one non-instructional day occurring at the conclusion of each semester. This day will be used exclusively for individual teacher classroom work and preparation. Should an emergency decrease the number of instructional days to less than 180, the District and Association will recommend a revision of the school calendar to the Board of Trustees.
5. The counselors’ and the library media teachers’ work year will be 189 days. The additional five (5) days beyond the regular certificated work year will be paid at the counselors’ and the library media teachers’ prorated daily salary. By mutual agreement of the unit member and the supervisor, a counselor or library media teacher may work up to an additional three (3) days beyond 189 days for a total of 192 days. The counselor or library media teacher may elect to take either comp time or pro-rated daily pay for these additional days beyond 189 days.
6. Unit members may volunteer to work the 1A instructional day schedule. Unit members working the 1A period will remain for the number of consecutive periods that constitute a full instructional day at the site where the employee serves or may elect to split their periods of assignment. Staff meetings will be scheduled to accommodate those teachers assigned to the 1A schedule.
7. All certificated employees holding the position of Athletic Director will be placed on an extended work year contract and will be compensated at the rate of one-fifth (1/5) of their annual base pay. The 40 additional days of service will be rendered in addition to the regular 184 day certificated work year. Athletic Directors will perform the duties and responsibilities of the Athletic Director job description and will not be assigned classroom teaching duties.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK. The standard work week shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week, normally 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, including an unpaid lunch hour and two fifteen (15) minute rest periods each day. Where the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate requires an employee to work beyond the normal working hours, the employee shall be entitled to receive compensation at one and a half times ( 1 ½ x ) their hourly rate, either in time off or pay. Time off shall be taken at a time mutually arranged between the employee and the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate. The overtime worked and manner in which it will be paid out (i.e. time off or pay) shall be mutually agreed to by the employee and the appropriate Supervisory Officer or designate.
WORK YEAR AND HOURS OF WORK a. The work year for Bilingual Resource Specialists shall commence five (5) working days prior to the first day of school for students and shall end the last day of school for students. Work days during the school year shall conform with the teacher calendar as set forth in Section V-K, except as noted herein.
b. The hours of work shall be established and assigned by the supervisor. Full- time for BRS is an assignment of at least 37.5 hours per week. Bilingual Resource Specialists working four (4) hours or more will be provided an unpaid lunch period. The unpaid lunch period shall be thirty (30) minutes.