Xxxx and Personal Leave Sample Clauses

Xxxx and Personal Leave. The purpose of Sick Leave is to protect teachers from the loss of income due to personal illness and to protect the welfare of the students. Personal Leave is for private business, family matters, civic or fraternal activity, or other personal activity. All full time teachers shall be granted ten (10) days of Sick/Personal leave per year. Any unused leave from previous years shall accrue, provided the total does not exceed sixty (60) days. Sick/Personal leave shall be prorated for any teacher who is contracted for less than full time employment or who begins employment after the beginning of the normal contract year or ends employment prior to the end of the contract year. Anyone who does not complete the school year shall have deducted from his or her paycheck any leave used beyond the amount “earned.” Sick leave days shall be used only for the personal illness or disability of the teacher, except as otherwise provided in this agreement. Teachers may use their accrued sick leave, beyond their 10 personal days allowed each year, for immediate family illnesses. Teachers will be paid for unused sick leave days in excess of fifty (50) days (to a maximum of 60 days) at the daily rate of one-half of the base rate of a beginning BS teacher, Step 1. Payment will be included in the teacher’s June pay check of the contract year. The number of days used for Personal Leave within any school year shall not exceed the number of Sick/Personal Leave days awarded for that contract year. Teachers desiring to take personal leave must file a written request for personal leave at least two days prior to the date the leave is to be taken. Personal leave shall not be taken during the first or last week of school, during scheduled in-service days or Parent/Teacher Conference day unless the leave is due to an unavoidable circumstance approved by administration. The Superintendent may grant exceptions because of an emergency or extenuating circumstances. A maximum of three (3) teachers (district-wide) will be allowed to take a day’s personal leave immediately preceding or following a holiday. The Superintendent may grant exceptions because of an emergency or extenuating circumstances. A teacher may use one day of their accrued leave as personal leave, contingent upon the following stipulations: 1) the staff member submitted a personal leave request on or before October 1st of the current school year, and 2) the staff member has no current year allocated leave available to use.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. Following the first year of employment, full time and part time employees are allotted both sick leave and personal leave each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) as follows:
Xxxx and Personal Leave. All twelve month custodial employees shall receive twelve (12) days sick leave and four (4) days personal leave. Such sick leave days shall be allowed to accumulate and be used as needed in subsequent years.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. 1. There will be total of fifteen (15) days leave granted each teacher per year for all purposes. Leave not used will be accumulated to a total of two hundred seventy (270) days. Not more than five (5) days leave per tenure teacher will be taken in any one school year for personal reasons with no restrictions; provided, however, personal leave may not be used to extend holidays or vacations. In rare and unusual circumstances, two (2) days of personal leave could be taken before or after a vacation for a graduation, wedding, or significant event in the immediate family, when the request was submitted at least ten (10) days in advance with prior approval of the Superintendent in consultation with the Association President. The remaining days may be used for personal illness or for illness in the teacher’s immediate family. Up to five (5) leave days may be used for bereavement leave at the time of the death of a member of the teacher’s immediate family and charged as sick leave.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. 1. Except for the first year of employment, there will be a total of fifteen (15) days leave granted each ten-month bargaining unit member and seventeen (17) days granted each twelve-month bargaining unit member per year for all purposes. Leave not used will be accumulated to a total of 180 days for ten (10) month bargaining unit members and 200 days for twelve (12) month bargaining unit members. Effective upon the date this agreement is signed, not more than four (4) days leave per bargaining unit member will be taken in any school year for personal reasons. No more than three bargaining unit members may take personal leave on the same day. Should more than three bargaining unit members request personal leave on the same day, the Association shall determine w hich bargaining unit members may take the day. During the first year of employment, a bargaining unit member will receive one (1) leave day per month worked. Subsequently, the bargaining unit member will be credited with the proper amount of leave at the beginning of each school year. Brushton-Moira Support Staff Contract, 2011-2016 8 a. Part-time bargaining unit members who work four hours or less will receive the same leave benefits as other bargaining unit members and their entitled days will be equal to their work days. b. Leave shall also be available to bargaining unit members for illness in the family of his or her husband, wife, or children. c. The maximum leave as set forth in this provision may be increased at the discretion of the Board, d. Each bargaining unit member shall receive with the last check in June a statement of the amount of leave- the bargaining unit member has accumulated. e. Ten (10) month bargaining unit members who are employed by the District for summer work of any kind will carry over sick leave to be used for personal and family illness with doctor’s excuse after two (2) or more days and bereavement for immediate family only. All sick leave taken will be deducted from the bargaining unit members’ accumulated sick leave during such summer work.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. 1. Personal leave is to be used for personal business matters which can only be transacted during the regular work day. Employees desiring to use such leave must submit a written request to the Superintendent three (3) workdays in advance, except in cases of emergency. No specific reason need to be given for taking the leave, but the employee shall sign a statement verifying the leave is for personal business matters which can only be transacted during the regular workday. However, employees shall not be allowed to use personal leave on the day preceding or following a holiday, vacation or recess. 2. Employees absent for more than five (5) consecutive days, or where the number, timing and/or duration of absences raises a concern, may be requested to submit a doctor's certificate. 3. At the close of each school year, employees will receive a statement covering the number of days used and cumulative days to date.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. During employment, the Chief Executive Officer shall be entitled to the maximum sick leave and personal leave as provided to regularly-appointed full- time administrators of the District, pursuant to State law, which is currently fifteen (15) days of sick leave and three (3) days of personal leave annually. The Chief Executive Officer shall be allowed to use all accrued sick and personal leave while employed by the District, subject to the same eligibility limits for use as regularly-appointed full-time administrators of the District. The Chief Executive Officer shall be eligible for payment for accrued unused sick leave, if any, at the Chief Executive Officer’s then current rate of compensation upon retirement, subject to any limits established by State law, including Ohio Revised Code § 124.39, or Board policy.
Xxxx and Personal Leave allowance for an employee who is employed after the commencement of the school year or who resigns during the school year shall be prorated on the basis of the portion of the school year during which they were employed.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. 1. There will be a total of eighteen (18) leave days granted each administrator per year. Xxxx leave not used will be accumulated to a total of two hundred twenty .(220) days.
Xxxx and Personal Leave. 1. Adm inistrators shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of fifte en days per year for each year of service in the District. Sick leave may be used for personal illness and/or fam ily illness. Adm inistrators are required to furnish a doctor's certificate for absences w hich extend beyond ten consecutive w ork days. The District w ill provide an accounting of each adm inistrator's sick leave accumulation by October 1 of each year. 2. Sick leave may be used for personal illness or up to th irty days for the illness of the adm inistrator's spouse, minor children or persons permanently living w ith the adm inistrator if tha t illness requires his or her presence at home. 3. Five days shall be allowed each year for personal business purposes. Three of these, if used, shall require a stated approved reason. T w o o f the total of five business days may be requested w ith o u t a stated reason. Personal business days th a t are not used shall be added to the adm inistrator's accumulated bank o f sick days. All personal business days m ust be approved by the Superintendent. 4. The maximum of combined sick days and personal days an adm inistrator may accumulate is tw o hundred and fo rty days.