DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. SECTION 1. This article applies to employees covered under the CMLA as described by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Employees may be non-competitively detailed to another position at the same grade level, a higher-grade level or a lower grade level; or to a set of duties, which have not been classified, with no change to the employee’s grade and pay.
SECTION 2. Details of more than thirty (30) consecutive days to a position of a different title, series and grade must be documented and recorded in the employee's OPF. Details of thirty (30) days or less will be documented by the supervisor in writing and provided to the employee.
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. Section 1 - General A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period of time, with the employee returning to his or her regular duties at the end of the detail. Details are intended only for the needs of the Department’s work requirements when necessary services cannot be obtained by other desirable or practicable means. Employees shall be recognized for the work they perform. Details of one week or more shall be recorded and maintained in the Official Personnel Folder/electronic Official Personnel Folder (OPF/eOPF). In addition, employees may document in the eOPF details of less than one week, by submitting an SF-172 or a memorandum. The Department will provide notification of all details to the local union President. Where the detail did not result in changes to conditions of employment, the notification will be at least weekly. Where changes to conditions of employment would result, the Department will provide reasonable advance notice. When a detail is known far enough in advance and affects conditions of employment, the notification should occur as soon as practicable but no later than 10 days prior to the employee being detailed. The following procedures shall apply when offering noncompetitive details of 10 consecutive workdays or more to both classified and unclassified positions: The Department will canvass the qualified employees to determine if anyone wishes to be detailed. If the same number of volunteers as vacancies exist, they shall be selected. If an employee believes he/she is qualified and is excluded from consideration for a detail because of lack of qualifications, the Department, upon request of the local union, will articulate in writing the qualifications required for performance of the detail that the employee lacks. If more employees volunteer than vacancies exist, the Department will select from the qualified volunteers. Seniority will be the selection criterion, except when management demonstrates and determines that the position to which an employee will be detailed requires unique skills and abilities that are not possessed by another qualified employee or that a medical or operational need requires or precludes the detail of a particular employee. If there are no volunteers, then the least senior qualified employee(s) will be selected, except when the Department demonstrates and determines that the position to which an employee will be detailed requires unique skills and abilit...
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. SECTION A: Management and the Union agree that Details and Temporary Promotions are an effective mechanism to cross-train, and provide career development opportunities for employees.
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. Section 1. This article applies to employees covered under the CMLA as described by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Employees may be non-competitively detailed to another position at the same grade level, a higher-grade level or a lower grade level; or to a set of duties, which have not been classified, with no change to the employee’s grade and pay.
Section 2. Details of more than thirty (30) consecutive days to a position of a different title, series and grade must be documented and recorded in the employee's OPF. Details of thirty
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. Section 14.01 - Definition. A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or a different set of duties for a specified period, with the employee returning to his/her regular duties at the end of the detail, as the employee continues to be the incumbent of the position from which detailed.
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. Section 1. A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or set of duties for a specified period, with the employee returning to his regular duties at the end of the detail. Details of employees will be kept within the shortest practicable time limits as set forth in this agreement, applicable regulations, and Office of Personnel Management guidance.
Section 2. The Employer recognizes the basic principles that an Employee should be assigned to the duties of the position in which he is employed. However, to meet temporary needs of the work program when necessary services cannot be obtained, details may be used.
Section 3. Supervisors are responsible for selecting employees for detail on an impartial basis; for informing employees of details, reasons, duties and estimated duration; and for establishing proper controls to ensure that details are recorded and terminated on time and that any extensions are requested sufficiently in advance for necessary approval.
Section 4. Records of detail of one (1) through thirty (30) days will be the joint responsibility of the supervisor and the employee. Short term details of 30 days or less days will be recorded by the supervisor on the AF Form 971, Supervisor’s Record of Employee. Nothing in this Article shall prevent an Employee from submitting to the Civilian Personnel Office information which may have a bearing on merit promotion or information that he believes has a bearing on his qualification for future assignments.
Section 5. Details shall be distributed equitably among qualified employees with consideration being given to such factors as the character of the work, availability, organizational location of employees, and knowledge of the particular type of work involved.
Section 6. Details of thirty-one (31) consecutive calendar days or more will be documented on the appropriate form, a copy of which will be filed in the Employee’s OPF. When details to the same position total thirty-one (31) days or more in a twelve month period, the detail will be documented on the appropriate form, a copy of which will be field in the employee’s OPF.
Section 7. Employees detailed to established positions of a higher grade shall be temporarily promoted to the higher grade (if otherwise qualified) effective the 36th day of the assignment. Where a temporary promotion is to be effected to a position with a known promotion potential or for a period in excess of 120 days, such promotion will be made unde...
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. The Employer will ensure that when an Employee is initially detailed or temporarily promoted to a position for one hundred and twenty (120) days or more, the Employer must develop a performance plan within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the assignment and issue a copy to the Employee. Upon development, the plan will be communicated to the Employee for the Employee’s input. A summary rating will be prepared to document the Employees’ accomplishments at the end of the detail or temporary promotion. For details or temporary promotions of less than one hundred and twenty (120) days, no summary rating will be developed. However, some documented record of the Employee’s performance during the timeframe will be kept and considered when the annual rating of record is prepared.
a. A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position, work area or set of duties for a specified period of time with the employee normally scheduled to return to his regular duties at the end of the detail. A detail does not change the employee's official title, grade, or pay rate. The statement on each job description "performs other duties as assigned," shall not be used to have employees perform work outside the scope of the position on a regular or recurring basis without adherence to the rules and regulations pertaining to details and temporary promotions.
b. Detail and temporary promotion procedures will be governed by Fort Xxx Houston Regulation 690-4, Merit Placement and Promotion, and other applicable laws and regulations (Sections 2301 and 2302, Title 5, U.S.C.), and the following: Section 16-2. Managers are encouraged to rotate details equitably among those employees who have been determined by management to have the capacity and requisite skills for assuming the responsibilities of the assignment unless competitive procedures are used. Details should be on a fair and equitable basis, consistent with employee qualifications, and without discrimination or personal favoritism. Details should not be used as forms of reward or punishment.
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. In the interest of effective employee utilization, detailing bargaining unit employees to unit positions that may require higher or different skills will be consistent with the spirit and intent of applicable regulations and the merit system. Details may be used to meet emergencies occasioned by abnormal workload, change in mission or organization, unanticipated absences, etc. A detail is a temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or the same position at a different location for a specified period with the employee returning to his/her regular duties at the end of the detail. The Employer is responsible for keeping details within the shortest practicable time limits and assuring that details do not compromise the open competitive principles of the merit system.
DETAILS AND TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS. Section 1. A detail is a temporary assignment of an Employee to a position or duties other than their permanent position. A detail may be at an equal, higher, or lower grade level than the Employee's official grade, for a specific period of time. Details to higher grades will not exceed 120 calendar days in a 12- month period, unless made under competitive procedures. Details to the same or lower grade can be made in increments of 120 calendar days and can be extended in increments of 120 calendar days up to one year, unless the depot is in a reduction-in-force (RIF).
Section 2. A temporary assignment to the same job number, as the Employee's permanent position is not a detail. However, the selection and treatment of overtime for an Employee working outside his/her permanent cost center will follow the Articles for selection (for details) and for offering, crediting and working overtime.
Section 3. Selection for details to the same or lower grade will be made from volunteers, if available, or by inverse seniority within the immediate organizational unit by classification and grade. Selection will be made in seniority order when there are more volunteers than needed. Once an Employee is detailed by inverse seniority order, he or she will be exempt from further details during the leave year, unless all in the cost center are detailed out or all have been detailed out individually.
Section 4. Details will be terminated upon expiration or sooner, when necessary. Details may be extended IAW regulatory time frames. Details not terminated are extended. When two or more Employees are detailed to the same organizational unit, termination of the detail will be by volunteers (most senior and then by least senior).
Section 5. Details in excess of 30 calendar days will be documented by a Request for Personnel Action (SF-52). Details of thirty (30) calendar days or less can be documented by supplemental experience, submitted by the Employee to XXXX/CPOC for inclusion in the Employee's OPF.
Section 6. Non-competitive temporary assignments to higher-graded positions (details or temporary promotions) will normally be accomplished to the extent practical on a rotational basis from among Employees in the normal line of progression, at the next lower level in the organizational unit.
Section 7. When an Employee is non-competitively (NTE 120 days) assigned to a properly classified vacant position at a higher grade, for a period exceeding thirty (30) calendar days, the assignme...