DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 9.01 Disciplinary action by the Employer, including written reprimand, suspension or dismissal, will be taken within fifteen (15) days (excluding Saturday, Sundays and Named Holidays) of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act. The Employer will provide a copy of written disciplinary action (including written reprimand, suspension or dismissal) to the Union within five (5) days (excluding Saturday, Sundays and Named Holidays) of the discipline. An Employer request to extend these time lines, in order to complete a proper investigation, shall be by mutual consent in writing by the Parties.
9.02 After eighteen (18) months of continuous service from the date the disciplinary measure was invoked, an Employee’s official Human Resources file will be deemed cleared of any record of the disciplinary action, providing the Employee's file does not contain any further record of disciplinary action, during that eighteen (18) month period, of which the Employee is aware.
(a) The Employer agrees that access to an Employee's Human Resources file shall be provided to the Employee, upon written request, once in every year.
(b) Upon written request, a grievor shall be permitted to review their Human Resources file in the event of a difference or grievance. They may request a representative of the Union to be present at such time.
(c) Upon written request, an Employee shall be given a copy of any documents in such file pertinent to the difference or grievance.
(d) Employees may be charged a fee for copies where there is more than one request in a twelve (12) month period.
9.04 Any Employee who is to be disciplined, apart from discipline of a minor nature which does not become a part of the Employee's Human Resources file, shall be entitled to have a Union Xxxxxxx present at the meeting. Where circumstances permit, the Employer shall schedule a disciplinary meeting with the Employee by giving reasonable advance notice which shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours in order to arrange the attendance of a Union Xxxxxxx. The Union may request an extension of twenty-four (24) hours in order to arrange the attendance of a Union Xxxxxxx or Union Representative, such request shall not be unreasonably denied. During such a meeting, the Union Xxxxxxx shall not become involved in discussions other than to advise the Employee of their rights or recommend a course of action to the Employee. The right of the Emp...
14.01 The University may discipline or dismiss an employee only for just cause. In all cases of discipline and/or dismissal, the University bears the burden of proving just cause.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 9.01 Disciplinary action by the Employer, including written reprimand, suspension or dismissal, will be taken within fifteen (15) days (excluding Saturday, Sundays and Named Holidays) of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act. The Employer will provide a copy of written disciplinary action (including written reprimand, suspension or dismissal) to the Union within five (5) days (excluding Saturday, Sundays and Named Holidays) of the discipline. An Employer request to extend these time lines, in order to complete a proper investigation, shall be by mutual consent in writing by the Parties.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 9.01 Except for just cause, when the Department terminates the employment of a probationary Employee or a permanent Employee, such Employee shall be given notice or paid, in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standards Act.
9.02 An employee shall be given sufficient notice to arrange union representation to accompany them, if they so desire, at an investigation/disciplinary meeting. In the event the employee declines union representation, the employee will sign a union waiver form at the meeting confirming their decision to waive union representation. A copy of the waiver form will be emailed to the Union.
9.03 All Employees shall have the right to review the entire contents of their personnel file held in the Human Resources Department. All requests shall require an appointment to be made with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours’ notice through a representative of Human Resources.
9.04 Both parties acknowledge the principles of progressive discipline. The degree of discipline administered by the Employer will consider the severity of the issue and the mitigating and aggravating factors.
9.05 The Employer shall take disciplinary action within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the Employer becoming aware of the issue. These timelines may be extended by mutual agreement. The Union shall not unreasonably deny requests to extend timelines.
9.06 Letters confirming disciplinary action shall be removed from the employee’s file two
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 11.1 The purpose of the disciplinary code and a grievance procedure is to –
(a) ensure that employers exercise discipline in a fair and consistent manner;
(b) protect participants from arbitrary action;
(c) provide a mechanism for managing grievances and complaints.
11.2 The disciplinary and grievance procedures apply to all persons employed in the EPWP.
11.3 Employers should make use of the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal (Schedule 8 to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995) as a guideline when exercising their powers of discipline and dismissal.
11.4 An employer may only dismiss a participant if – (a) there is a good reason for the dismissal; and (b) the employer has followed a fair procedure.
11.5 The reason for a dismissal or termination may relate to –
(a) the participant’s misconduct (for example late coming, drunkenness);
(b) the participant’s capacity (the participant does not have the skills or ability to perform a job despite receiving training);
(c) Participants who do not attend required training programmes;
(d) Participants who regularly do not turn up for work.
11.6 A participant’s contract may also be terminated due to operational requirements. This would be the case if employment is terminated because the EPWP is stopped.
11.7 A fair procedure means that the employer should –
(a) investigate the charge;
(b) notify the participant of any allegations against the participant in a form and language that the participant can understand; and
(c) give the participant an opportunity to respond to the allegations. A fellow participant may assist the participant, if the participant chooses.
11.8 There is no requirement that the employer hold a formal inquiry. However, the employer may decide to give a participant charged with a serious offence a formal hearing at which the participant can test the evidence on which the charge is based.
11.9 An employer must exercise discipline in a consistent and clear manner.
11.10 A participant may only be disciplined for contravening a workplace rule or standard that the participant was aware of or should reasonably have been aware of. Therefore, it is important that an employer informs participants of workplace rules and standards. A participant will be assumed to know that conduct such as late- coming, leaving early, drunkenness, fighting or disobeying instructions are disciplinary offences.
11.11 An employer should keep a written record of any disciplinary action taken.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 14.01 a) Except in cases of dismissal for just cause, Employees or the Employer shall give twenty (20) working days' notice of termination of employment. If twenty (20) working days' notice is not given by an Employee, Article 23 .10 shall apply.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 28.01 Disciplinary action consists of the issuance of a letter of reprimand clearly identified as disciplinary in nature, suspension, or dismissal. Notice of disciplinary action shall be delivered in writing to the Faculty Member and shall state the reason or reasons for such disciplinary action. A copy of the notice, for information only, shall be provided to the Faculty Association.
28.02 The College may terminate a member’s employment at any time for just cause. Dismissal for just cause is without notice or payment in lieu of notice.
28.03 The College may terminate a member’s employment at any time while on probation and is not subject to just cause. Probationary termination shall be with notice or payment in lieu of notice calculated as two (2) weeks for every year of service (prorated for partial years served).
28.04 In the event of termination, written notice shall be provided by the President and CEO to the member, and a copy to the President of the Association. PERMANENT AND LIMITED TERM FULL-TIME FACULTY, PERMANENT AND LIMITED TERM PART-TIME FACULTY and COUNSELLOR(S) Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Step 1.1 58,292 Steps will increase based on the arithmetic average of the national and Alberta All-items CPI index according to Statistics Canada as at January 2018 Steps will increase based on the arithmetic average of the national and Alberta All-items CPI index according to Statistics Canada as at January 2019 Step 1.2 61,524 Step 1.3 64,756 Step 2 67,988 Step 3 71,362 Step 4 74,690 Step 5 78,016 Step 6 81,486 Step 7 84,788 Step 8 88,210 Step 9 91,442 Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Permanent and Limited Term part-time faculty members will receive a prorated annual salary based on the full time equivalent of their appointment. APPLICABILITY: LIBRARIANS Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Effective Date July 1 2016– June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 This letter of understanding applies to current permanent and permanent probationary faculty who apply for, and are offered, an Academic Administrator position.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 38.01 There shall be no discipline or dismissal except for just cause.
38.02 Written warning notices may be given to employees for poor conduct, unsatisfactory job performance or infractions of the Employer's rules, regulations and/or policies or any other misconduct related to their employment. The Employer will ensure that such rules, regulations or policies are applied in a fair and reasonable manner.
38.03 When the Employer deems it necessary to discipline an employee, progressive discipline shall be used in applying such rules, regulations or policies and the Employer will act on the matter within ten (10) days from when they became aware of it.
(a) Where disciplinary action cannot be determined within this time period, the Employer shall inform the employee and Union in writing within ten (10) working days of the alleged incident or misdemeanor, of its intent to investigate the matter and that further action may be taken.
(b) Such further action must be taken as soon as reasonably possible and in any event, no longer than ninety (90) calendar days of the event that initiated the investigation, unless mutually agreed by the Union and the Employer, because of extenuating circumstances.
(c) If no discipline is applied within this time, the notice of investigation is deemed withdrawn.
38.04 A copy of all warnings or letters of discipline shall be provided to the Union and the employee. Copies of all warnings shall be signed by the employee and the Employer. Signing shall only be an acknowledgement of receiving the warning.
38.05 An employee shall have the right to have a Union Representative present when discipline, in writing, is issued or when there is an investigative meeting that may result in disciplinary action.
38.06 After twelve (12) months without additional offences, prior warnings or letters of discipline shall be removed from the employee's file and considered void.
38.07 Nothing in the foregoing prevents the Employer from pursuing the employee's immediate suspension without pay or immediate dismissal without notice, or pay in lieu of notice, for just cause, subject to the grievance procedure.
38.08 Upon the employee giving the Employer at least one (1) day's notice, an employee shall be provided access to their personnel file and upon the employee's request, a copy of the file shall be provided.
38.09 An employee who wishes to terminate their employment must provide the Employer with two (2) weeks' written notice.
38.10 Any employee who is a...
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. 9.01 Except for just cause, when the Department terminates the employment of a probationary Employee or a permanent Employee, such Employee shall be given notice or paid, in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standards Act.
9.02 An employee shall be given sufficient notice to arrange union representation to accompany them, if they so desire, at an investigation/disciplinary meetings. In the event the employee declines union representation, the employee will sign a union waiver form at the meeting confirming their decision to waive union representation. A copy of the waiver form will be emailed to the ATU 1374 Financial Secretary Treasurer.
9.03 All Employees shall have the right to review the entire contents of their personnel file held in the Human Resources Department. All requests shall require an appointment to be made with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notice through a representative of Human Resources.
9.04 Both parties acknowledge the principals of progressive discipline. The degree of discipline administered by the Employer will consider the severity of the issue and the mitigating and aggravating factors.
9.05 The Employer shall take disciplinary action within twenty one (21) calendar days of the Employer becoming aware of the issue. These timelines may be extended by mutual agreement. The Union shall not unreasonably deny requests to extend timelines.
9.06 Letters confirming disciplinary action shall be sealed within the employee’s file two (2) years after the date of the incident provided there are no incidents of a similar nature within that two (2) year period.
9.07 Employees shall be paid the regular rate of pay for each one-half (1/2) hour or portion thereof if called in by management during their time off in regard to complaints or accidents.
9.08 A permanent or probationary Employee who desires to sever their employment shall give two (2) weeks’ notice to The City.
DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND TERMINATION. Any tenured teacher who fails to fulfill their job responsibilities or follow the reasonable directions of their supervisor(s) or who conduct themselves on or off the job in ways that affect their effectiveness on the job, disrupts the operation of the District, or conducts themselves in other such ways that the law determines to be good cause shall be subject to discipline, dismissal and termination.