HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. The Employer Health and Welfare Program is covered in Appendix "B" and forms part of this Agreement.
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. The Employer will pay the premiums for all Employees and their eligible dependents for the following benefits
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. Section A. The Board shall provide eligible full-time employees with a comprehensive health, accident, and life insurance program. Further, the Board agrees to continue providing employees the opportunity to select insurance coverage through either the Mesa Unified School District Number 4 Employee Benefit Trust or a health maintenance organization.
Section B. All part-time employees are entitled to participate in the health and welfare program as follows: Employees working less than a .5 contract may not participate in the health and welfare program. Employees working a .5 to .59 contract may participate in the health and welfare program by contributing one-half of the premium. Employees working a .6 to .74 contract may participate in the health and welfare program by contributing one-quarter of the premium. Employees working a .75 or greater contract may participate in the health and welfare program with the Board contributing the full premium. Eligible part-time employees may purchase, through payroll deduction, sickness and accident insurance coverage for themselves and their families. This coverage is underwritten by an insurance company and continuation of this coverage is dependent upon an acceptable level of participation as determined solely by the insurance company.
Section C. During the 2007-2008 fiscal year, the District shall fund four thousand six hundred ninety-two dollars ($4,692.00) per eligible enrolled employee for the purpose of providing health, life, dental and vision benefits. If, because of a financial crisis within the Employee Benefit Trust, the Board considers implementing measures to ensure the Trust’s continued solvency, eligible employees shall be provided an opportunity to provide input regarding those measures and any options thereto prior to their implementation.
Section D. The Board shall provide each eligible full-time employee with life insurance coverage in the amount of their annual contract salary rounded up to the next $1,000.00 not to exceed $50,000.00. The Board shall provide each eligible .5 through .74 contract employee with life insurance in the amount of $20,000.00
Section E. The Board shall provide each employee the opportunity to participate in Mesa Flex benefits Plan. This IRC Section 125 Plan allows participating employees to pay for the following with pre-tax dollars: health care premiums for themselves and/or their dependents in a District sponsored health care plan; life and vision insurances; co-payment...
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. Adopter shall care for the adopted dog humanely, including but not limited to providing adequate food, shelter, water, monthly heartworm preventative for the life of the dog, treatment for prevention of internal and external parasites, fleas, ticks, and routine and emergency veterinary care. A routine vet exam is required once a year along with recommended vaccinations. The dog will be licensed in accordance with the laws in the jurisdiction in which s/he resides. The dog is to be exercised in a fenced area or on a leash or supervised off leash.
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. It is hereby agreed that the Health and Welfare programs as set forth in Schedule E attached hereto is made part of the Agreement. ARTICLE XI
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. 13.01 In order to protect employees and their families from the financial hazards of illness, the Employer agrees to pay one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) per hour for all hours worked by all employees to the Health and Welfare Plan, administered by the CLAC Health and Welfare Trust Fund, on behalf of all eligible employees as per Article 13.02. An outline of the Plan is listed in Schedule “B ”.
13.02 a) Employees are eligible to receive coverage on the first of the month following three hundred and fifty (350) hours worked. It is the responsibility of the employee to complete the enrolment form for the benefit plan, which is a condition of coverage.
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. 16.01 In order to assist in protecting the employees and their families from the financial hazards of illness or accidents, the Employer agrees to contribute, on behalf of all employees who have completed three (3) months’ employment, sixty-five percent (65%) of the monthly premium cost of the following:
a) Medical Services Plan of British Columbia, providing required medical, surgical, and obstetrical services;
b) Extended health benefit plan, covering medically required services and supplies, including prescription drugs (twenty- five dollars [$25.00] deductible per person/family);
c) Group insurance plan providing:
i) life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment equal to two (2) times basic annual earnings, rounded off to the next highest one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), to a maximum of fifty thousand dollars ( $50,000.00);
ii) long term disability insurance -- two thirds (2/3) of basic monthly earnings, to a maximum monthly benefit of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) per month, payable after seventeen (17) weeks;
iii) weekly indemnity -- two thirds (2/3) of basic weekly earnings to a maximum weekly benefit equal to the EI maximum, payable on the first day of hospitalization or an accident and on the eighth day of sickness, for a maximum period of seventeen weeks (1-8-17). Benefits are payable per day at one seventh (1/7) of the weekly maximum.
d) Dental coverage, on the basis of current fee schedules providing:
i) one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of basic services;
ii) fifty percent (50%) of the cost of restorative services including crowns, bridges, and dentures. The combined annual maximum benefit is two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per covered individual, payable following a deductible of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for singles and of fifty dollars ($50.00) per family.
16.02 The employee's contribution shall be applied to the total cost of weekly indemnity and long term disability coverage and shall be deducted from the employee's pay.
16.03 All benefit plan coverage, terms, conditions, and specific eligibility requirements shall be governed by the actual terms or conditions of the benefit plan as amended from time-to-time. The benefit plan descriptions contained in this Agreement are provided only for the purpose of general information.
16.04 It is understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of each employee to be familiar with the specific details of coverage and eligibility requirements of all benefit plans...
HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM. SECTION 1. Be it further resolved that the signatory contractors agree that there is hereby granted a Welfare Fund to be known as the Employee Painters' Trust Fund. Effective July 1, 2022, Seven Dollars and forty five Cents ($7.45) per hour shall be remitted for the hours worked by each employee in their employ.
SECTION 2. All Employers shall file reports with the Welfare Administrator every month. Payment for all hours worked during the month shall be made no later than the twentieth (20th) of the following month. Failure to comply with the above conditions shall constitute automatic violation of this Agreement.
SECTION 3. Workpeople shall be notified and shall not continue to work for Employers who are in violation of this Article.
SECTION 4. Any Employer who fails to make the payment for the insurance benefit as provided herein and in said Agreement shall be personally responsible to the employees herein covered for the benefits which would have accrued by such insurance coverage.
SECTION 5. The Trustees shall be entitled to and may file legal action for the collection of any and all contributions and liquidated damages due and owing by any and all Employers hereunder, and in the event such action is maintained and filed, in addition to recovering of payments due and owing, liquidated damages and legal rate of interest, the Employer hereunder agree to pay all cost of such suit or suits together with reasonable attorney fees.
SECTION 6. Employer’s office personnel may be participants of this Fund.
SECTION 7. Pursuant to the terms of the Employee Painter's Trust Fund documents, the Employer signatory hereto, hereby becomes a party to said Trust document and hereby agrees to be governed by the terms thereof and such amendments and extensions as may be made thereof or thereto.
SECTION 8. If an Employer fails to make contributions to the Employee Painters' Trust Fund (Health and Welfare) after the date required by the Trustees, the Union shall have the right to take whatever steps are necessary to secure compliance with the Agreement and other provisions hereof to the contrary notwithstanding. The Employer is liable for payment under this Article and if the Union so desires, it shall not be subject to, or covered by any grievance or arbitration procedure, of any "no-strike" clause which may be provided or set forth elsewhere in this Agreement.