Personal Unpaid Leave Sample Clauses
Personal Unpaid Leave. A personal leave without pay may be granted per 11 the SHS Employee Time Off policy. Personal unpaid leave will only be 12 granted if operational needs can accommodate the absence. If a personal 13 unpaid leave is denied, the nurse may request the reason for the denial and 14 the reason will be given within seven (7) days. If the nurse fails to appear for 15 work after the end of the leave, they will be considered to have voluntarily 16 terminated employment.
Personal Unpaid Leave. 1. Employees may be granted unpaid leave for up to one (1) fiscal year or the remaining portion of a fiscal year for compelling personal reasons. Requests for unpaid leave shall be submitted to the supervisor at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance. Preference shall be given to leave requests based upon date of receipt, unless otherwise agreed. Requests in excess of three (3) consecutive days must be approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Every effort will be made to act quickly and favorably upon such requests. In the event the request is either denied or unreasonably delayed, the employee may appeal to the Chief Human Resources Officer.
2. Upon return from leave, the employee shall be reassigned to the prior job title on a position available basis. If unavailable, the employee shall be assigned to an equivalent job title for which qualified on a position available basis. Employees returning from leave shall be reinstated with length of service rights accumulated as of the date of their leave and shall not be required to serve the initial probationary period. Wage step movement shall not occur if the leave exceeds half of the employee's yearly workdays. Employees returning from leave who are not reassigned due to position unavailability may extend their leave for up to one year during which time they may apply for open positions and receive preferential consideration, consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreements. Following this year, the District shall have no further obligation to reinstate the employee.
Personal Unpaid Leave. 12.9.1 Unpaid leave may be approved at the discretion of the District for reasons not specified under other leave provisions of this Agreement. Leaves up to ten (10) working days may be approved by the Superintendent or designee. Requests for leaves of greater than ten (10) working days may be approved by the Governing Board.
12.9.2 Advance approval is required. Requests are to be made on the appropriate District form and submitted to the District Office.
12.9.3 One full day’s pay shall be deducted from the employee’s salary for each day of leave taken.
12.9.4 Upon the expiration of a leave without pay of greater than 30 working days, the employee shall be assigned to a position within the employee’s classification, pursuant to Section 13.5.
Personal Unpaid Leave. A maximum one (1) year personal unpaid leave may be applied for after five (5) consecutive years of District employment status. An additional one (1) year unpaid leave may be applied for after every subsequent five (5) years of District service. These unpaid leaves may not be accumulated. Applications must be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or designee prior to March 1st, preceding the requested year of leave.
Personal Unpaid Leave. Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the superintendent for up to one thirty (30) day period per school year. Such leave shall not involve loss of seniority. No two (2) employees shall be granted leave at the same time. Leave, due to critical illness in the immediate family, may be an exception if the individual receives approval from the Board of Education. Personal leave days may be granted while other individuals are on leave without pay.
Personal Unpaid Leave. A nurse who has completed at least one year of 2 continuous employment may take such leave in thirty-day increments up to 90 days as 3 an unpaid personal leave of absence with the approval of the manager and the Vice 4 President of Patient Care Services and return to his or her position. Personal unpaid 5 leave will only be granted if operational needs can accommodate the absence. If a 6 personal unpaid leave is denied, the nurse may request the reason for the denial and 7 the reason will be given within seven (7) days. If the nurse fails to appear for work after 8 the end of the leave, he or she will be considered to have voluntarily terminated 9 employment.
Personal Unpaid Leave. Any tenured instructor upon recommendation of the superintendent/president may be granted a leave of absence without pay or employer’s contribution towards benefits for one year, and an extension of the leave may be granted for one additional year. (Education Code sections 87763 & 87764). A tenured faculty member on unpaid leave may be entitled to pay the District medical, dental, vision, group disability, life insurance, and/or other voluntary benefit premiums, in which case the District will continue coverage, subject to approval of the carrier. Such payments must be made in accordance with District procedures.
Personal Unpaid Leave. Leaves without pay and without benefits, including PERS contributions, for up to one (1) year for reasons deemed sufficient by the Board, including but not limited to health and pregnancy, may be granted. The time during such leave shall not be recognized for advancement on the salary scale or for seniority. Unpaid leave will not be considered a break in service toward early retirement. Employees on unpaid leaves under this Article shall have the right to purchase, at their own expense, insurance available through the District if agreed upon by the carrier. An employee on personal leave without pay is expected to return to the District the year following such leave of absence; however, this does not exclude the employee from provisions of ORS 342.513(2). The employee shall notify the Board in writing by April 1 of their intent to return the ensuing school year.
Personal Unpaid Leave less than 1 year): An employee may be granted an unpaid leave time for personal reasons with prior superintendent approval. Personal unpaid leave time is granted with the understanding that the employee will make the request three (3) days in advance to the superintendent, will provide lesson plans for his/her classes, not to exceed ten (10) student contact days. Approval will also depend upon availability of a satisfactory substitute. Request for unpaid leaves that exceed ten (10) contract work days may be granted at the superintendent’s discretion; however, the insurance premium paid on behalf of the employee during this absence shall be the financial responsibility of the employee, payable to the District in advance to the leave and upon written approval of the personal unpaid leave. For each day over ten days’ absence is one-thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly premium.
Personal Unpaid Leave. The Employer may grant a leave of absence without pay upon written application by the employee for a period not to exceed six (6) months. As appropriate for the type of leave requested, paid leave accruals will be utilized prior to unpaid leave.