Release Time Bank Sample Clauses
Release Time Bank. 1. Members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to donate accrued but unused vacation time and/or personal leave time to an AOCE release time bank subject to the conditions set forth in this Article. The contributions shall be in two (2) or more hour increments. Contributions in fractions of hours will not be allowed. Contributions to the release time bank shall not exceed seven hundred fifty (750) hours during the term of this Agreement. Any balance remaining shall be considered as part of the seven hundred fifty (750) hour cap for the following biennium.
Release Time Bank. 2.7.1 Unit 8 employees shall also be permitted to contribute to the CDF FIREFIGHTERS Release Time bank for use by CDF FIREFIGHTERS representatives in conducting business with the State. There shall be no limit on the amount of time donated. The time donated may be from: CTO, vacation and/or holiday hour credits. Twenty employees designated by CDF FIREFIGHTERS may regularly draw upon the bank for meeting and conferring, handling grievances, representing members, and other legitimate Association business that does not conflict with the goals and operation of the CDF. Four designated representatives may authorize the other employees to draw from this bank to carry on bona fide Association business upon reasonable (normally 72 hours) advance notice to CDF management. CDF management shall reasonably grant requested release time based upon the operational needs of the Department.
2.7.2 All hours shall be treated equal for purposes of this Section. Hours shall be recorded and used at the 40-hour clock. CDF FIREFIGHTERS shall provide verification, upon request, that any employee withdrawing from the bank was indeed on bona fide Association business.
2.7.3 Employees will voluntarily execute such necessary forms as provided by CDF FIREFIGHTERS and utilize a code number on their attendance report form, to be established by the Department, to authorize transfer of existing hours credit to or withdrawal from the Bank. The form provided by CDF FIREFIGHTERS shall include a box to indicate what amount of time is to be transferred. The Department shall keep records of donations by employees for examination and verification upon request by CDF FIREFIGHTERS. Such verification shall be provided no more than quarterly. The hours each employee contributes shall be transferred into the Bank, with a quarterly total of the hours available in the Bank to be provided CDF FIREFIGHTERS upon request.
2.7.4 Hours shall be donated in full-day increments and withdrawn in half-day increments.
Release Time Bank. A. A CCPOA release time bank shall be established to which members may contribute any earned, leave credits, with the exception of sick leave. The contributions shall be in two (2) or more hour increments. Contributions in fractions of hours will not be allowed. Contributions to the release time bank shall be computed once a month, provided they are received by the second Friday of that month.
B. Establishing the Bank CCPOA shall make available to Bargaining Unit 6 members an information sheet explaining the means by which a member may contribute time into the release time bank. CCPOA shall make forms (with built-in carbon copies) available for that purpose. When a member desires to make a contribution to the release time bank, the member will complete the three-part form provided by CCPOA and give this form to a Xxxx 0 xxxxxxx. The Unit 6 xxxxxxx will deliver the form to the institution, facility, camp, or parole personnel. The personnel office will determine that the member authorizing the release time bank contribution has the earned CTO and/or vacation time (depending upon the number of hours desired to be contributed by the member), prior to posting the contributed time to the release time bank. Members may voluntarily execute such forms to authorize transfer of existing CTO hours and/or vacation credits. The form shall provide a space to indicate the amount and type (CTO and/or vacation) of time contributed. Each party to this MOU shall be responsible for jointly creating a record keeping system. Records shall be compared, verified, and adjusted/corrected as the parties agree is necessary.
C. Withdrawal From the Bank Any of five (5) designated CCPOA paid representatives or Bargaining Unit 6 representatives may authorize time withdrawal from the release time bank for use of a Unit 6 member to conduct bona fide Association business. CCPOA shall notify the department’s labor relations office of the identity of the five (5) representatives by August 1, of each year. Members authorized may be released with seven (7) days or more advance notice for regular, ongoing time off or twenty-four (24) hours on an ad hoc basis. There will be no releases with less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice unless approved by the Undersecretary or their designee. In all cases, the granting of time off shall be subject to the approval of the Hiring Authority, operational needs, emergencies or other standards limiting usage. CCPOA authorization for use of bank time shall be p...
Release Time Bank. A. A CCPOA release time bank shall be established to which employees may contribute their earned CTO hours and/or vacation credits. The contributions shall be in two (2) or more hour increments. Contributions in fractions of hours will not be allowed. An employee may only make one (1) donation between July 1 and December 31, and one (1) donation between January 1 and June 30, during the contract year. A maximum of ten thousand (10,000) hours may be credited and used by CCPOA during the above contract year. The ten thousand (10,000) hours shall be divided in proportion to each department's (CDC/CYA/DMH) unit membership, i.e., fifty-eight hundred (5,800) hours, CDC; and forty-two hundred (4,200) hours, CYA. With prior notice to CDC/CYA headquarters labor relations, credit may be transferred between facilities within a department. Credit may not be transferred between departments. Contributions to the release time bank shall be computed once a month, provided they are received by the second Friday of that month.
B. Establishing the Bank
Release Time Bank. Employees within this unit may contribute hours of vacation time or CTO time to an Association Release Time Bank. The release time will be used by the Association for Association business or other lawful activities of benefit to the Association or the members. All time used from this bank will be done under the same guidelines as vacation or CTO usage and is conditioned upon receipt of prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. This change shall not affect the current provisions n the County Employer/Employee Relations Policy regarding release time off for the meet and confer process.
Release Time Bank. The City shall establish a release time bank for employee contributions of vested leave time (vacation or CTO). Bargaining unit members may contribute vested leave time in full-hour increments to the release time bank. This time will be converted to release time on an hour-for-hour basis. The Union shall designate elected officers or members who may use the time in the release time bank for up to fifty (50) working days paid leave of absence during each year of the term of this Memorandum, subject to approval of the department head, to attend educational and training programs for labor and employee relations. The time is to be utilized by such persons when said seminars, conferences, or conventions are held at a time or location which precludes attendance in addition to the performance of his/her regular duties.
Release Time Bank. An employee may voluntarily contribute any earned compensatory or benefit time, subject to the provisions of this Section, to a separate Release Time Bank to be maintained by the District and thereby waive his/her right to the usage of, or payment for, such compensatory or benefit time. Such irrevocable contributions shall be in hourly increments and shall be made on a signed District form submitted to the designated time reporter during the pay period in which the time is earned. The Union shall have the right, upon request, to be informed as to the balance of hours in the Release Time Bank. For purposes of this Article, “compensatory or benefit time” shall include earned vacation and compensatory time.
6.1 Up to four (4) designated employees at any one time may then use any contributed time-off in order to be released from duty without loss of pay to 06-08-2016 F: DATA: CONTRACT UNIT H 2014-2017: ART IV
Release Time Bank. An employee may voluntarily contribute any earned compensatory or benefit time, subject to the provisions of this Section, to a separate Release Time Bank to be maintained by the District and thereby waive his/her right to the usage of, or payment for, such compensatory or benefit time. Such irrevocable contributions shall be in hourly increments and shall be made on a signed District form submitted to the designated payroll clerk during the payroll period in which the time is earned. LASPA shall have the right, upon request, to be informed as to the balance of hours in the Release Time Bank. For purposes of this Article, for non-sworn employees, “compensatory or benefit time” shall include only earned vacation, and shall be contributed on the basis that each hour of vacation shall equal a one-half (½) hour contribution to the Release Time Bank. For sworn employees, “compensatory or benefit time” shall include earned vacation, and compensatory time accrued for holidays which fall on the employee’s regular day off. In addition to the voluntary contributions of earned compensatory and benefit time referenced above, the District shall transfer four (4) hours from each sworn employee’s Fourth of July holiday pay to the Release Time Bank.
6.1 The Office of Staff Labor Relations shall be informed in writing each school year as to the names of fifteen (15) employees designated by LASPA, pursuant to its own procedures, who shall be eligible to draw against the Release Time Bank. Up to three (3) designated employees at any one time may then use any contributed compensatory time-off in order to be released from duty without loss of pay to conduct official LASPA business, provided, however, that such usage does not conflict with the operations of the District. Such usage shall be in hourly increments of no less than one (1) hour. Exceptions may be made in the sole discretion of the District.
6.2 Use of the Release Time Bank shall be subject to at least two (2) days advance written notification on a District form to be submitted to the Chief of Police or his designee. Such notification shall include the reason(s) and estimated length of the requested release time. The Chief of Police will not unreasonably deny any such request. The Chief of Police may deny the request if it is contrary to the intent of this Section in which case the designated employee shall be informed as to the specific reason for such denial. The decision of the Chief of Police in such cases shall ...
Release Time Bank. An employee may voluntarily contribute any earned compensatory or benefit time, subject to the provisions of this Section, to a separate Release Time Bank to be maintained by the District and thereby waive his/her right to the usage of, or payment for, such compensatory or benefit time. Such irrevocable contributions shall be in hourly increments and shall be made on a signed District form submitted to the designated payroll clerk during the payroll period in which the time is earned. The Union shall have the right, upon request, to be informed as to the balance of hours in the Release Time Bank. For purposes of this Article, for non-sworn employees, “compensatory or benefit time” shall include only earned vacation, and shall be contributed on the basis that each hour of vacation shall equal a one-half (½) hour contribution to the Release Time Bank. For sworn employees,
Release Time Bank. A. A CCPOA release time bank shall be established to which employees may contribute any earned, leave credits, with the exception of sick leave. The contributions shall be in two (2) or more hour increments. Contributions in fractions of hours will not be allowed. Contributions to the release time bank shall be computed once a month, provided they are received by the second Friday of that month.