Tuition Refund Sample Clauses
Tuition Refund. Employees wishing to enrol in courses of studies which will better qualify themselves to perform their job, and intending to ask the Employer to refund the cost of such course(s), must make application to the Employer prior to taking the course(s). If the Employer agrees that the course(s) would be beneficial both to the Employer and the employee, then the full cost of the course(s) will be borne by the Employer upon successful completion of the course(s). It is understood that there may be occasions when the Employer may pay less than the full cost of course(s) if the course(s) is(are) not taken solely for the purpose of self-improvement on the job. It is further understood that second language courses will also be included.
Tuition Refund. (a) The Employer will reimburse one-hundred (100) percent of the cost of tuition upon successful completion of the course, provided that
(1) The course is approved in writing by the Employer before registration;
(2) The course is related to the employee's current position or is required to gain the qualifications necessary for a more senior position, and
(3) The employee supplied proof of successful completion (70%+) in a form acceptable to the Employer.
Tuition Refund. A. Effective January 1, 2020, the annual maximum reimbursement will be three thousand seven hundred dollars ( $3700) for courses successfully completed with a grade of "C" or better. Full and part time employees must have been employed by the Hospital for at least one (1) year prior to be eligible for receipt of tuition reimbursement benefits. Employees who receive tuition reimbursement, and voluntarily separate their employment within twelve (12) months of the receipt of a reimbursement shall refund the Hospital the amount of the reimbursement received. If a staff member takes a course at a school that allows for deferred tuition reimbursement, the staff member will not be required to pay the school first and then be reimbursed by the Hospital. Provided that the staff member successfully completes the course with a grade of “C” or better and submits an appropriate invoice, the Hospital shall issue a check to the staff member (within the maximum amounts set forth in this paragraph) and the staff member shall submit such check to the school. However, it is the responsibility of the staff member to make such payments and the Hospital shall be held harmless from any disputes between the staff member and the school regarding tuition payments.
B. There will be no reimbursement for incidental fees incurred in the courses.
C. The Hospital will reimburse staff members within six (6) weeks of submission of tuition receipts and grades by the staff member.
D. There shall be no cap on the number of semesters for which a staff member can receive tuition refund.
E. Staff members in the Mental Health and Social Work professions shall be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement for course work at post-Master’s degree “institutes” or equivalent programs in their fields.
F. If a staff member is laid off and has received tuition reimbursement, the staff member will not have to return such reimbursement.
Tuition Refund. The University will reimburse all Full Time bargaining unit members one hundred (100%) per cent of tuition costs, up to a maximum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) annually for courses completed in an accepted School of Nursing with a grade of "C" or better. The University will reimburse all Part Time bargaining unit members (excluding per diems) fifty (50%) per cent of tuition costs, up to a maximum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) annually for courses completed in an accepted School of Nursing with a grade of "C" or better. The University will reimburse one hundred per cent (100%) of tuition costs annually for courses completed with a grade of "C" or better at a UMDNJ School of Nursing, up to a maximum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) for Full Time employees, and three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) for Part Time employees. A bargaining unit member cannot be reimbursed simultaneously for non-UMDNJ School of Nursing courses as well as for UMDNJ School of Nursing courses. Therefore, each calendar year, a selection must be made by the employee to accept reimbursement for either non-UMDNJ School of Nursing courses or UMDNJ School of Nursing courses.
Tuition Refund. The employer agrees to refund the cost of tuition to employees on job related courses approved by the employer.
Tuition Refund. The Hospital will reimburse all eligible Full Time negotiations unit members one hundred (100%) percent of tuition costs, up to a maximum of three thousand seven hundred dollars ($3,700) annually for courses completed in an accredited School of Nursing with a grade of "C" or better. Those Full Time employees that are matriculated in the Rutgers School of Nursing program as of October 1, 2016 will be grandfathered and are eligible to receive a maximum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) annually for courses completed at Rutgers School of Nursing with a grade of “C” or better. The Hospital will reimburse all eligible Part Time negotiations unit members (excluding per diems) fifty (50%) percent of tuition costs, up to a maximum of one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ($1,850) annually for courses completed in an accredited School of Nursing with a grade of "C" or better. Those Part Time employees that are matriculated in the Rutgers School of Nursing program as of October 1, 2016 will be grandfathered and are eligible to receive a maximum of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) annually for courses completed at Rutgers School of Nursing with a grade of “C” or better. Full and part time employees must have been employed by the Hospital for at least one (1) year prior to be eligible for receipt of tuition reimbursement benefits. Employees who receive tuition reimbursement, and voluntarily separate their employment within twelve (12) months of the receipt of a reimbursement shall refund the Hospital the amount of the reimbursement received.
Tuition Refund. A. After advance notification to the Personnel Department and approval by the Mayor or Personnel Director and dependent upon funds being available, course reimbursement for tuition, registration fees and related texts will be made upon successful completion (grade of “C” or higher) of any course taken in a field directly performed on behalf of the City. Registration and lodging for seminars may also be charged to this benefit. Reimbursement from an accredited institution shall be paid at the rate of 90% of books, tuition, and fees expenses. Should an employee resign or be discharged within five (5) years of receipt of a particular tuition reimbursement, employee shall repay to the City the reimbursement(s) received as follows: termination date within: twelve (12) months of receipt of reimbursement – 100%; within 1-2 years – 80%; within 2-3 years – 60%; within 3-4 years – 40%; and within 4-5 years – 20%. Employee has no obligation to reimburse after serving five or more years with the City. Should an employee be discharged due to a change in administration, “no cause termination”, the payback provisions in this article are null and void.
Tuition Refund. Upon recommendation, and after prior approval of the department head and the City Manager, the City of Pueblo may reimburse a permanent, full-time Fire Fighter upon successful completion (grade of C or better) of an approved course or courses in an approved Fire Service related Degree Program or Emergency Medical Services Degree Program. The amount to be reimbursed will not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the total cost of tuition, fees, and books. The amount reimbursed shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per year per person.
Tuition Refund. The City shall assume the full cost of tuition up to a maximum of $400 each fiscal year for any employee who pursues a course that has a direct relationship to his/her work which has been approved by the Department Head and/or City Manager. If such tuition is granted to an employee and that employee terminated his/her employment with the City within twelve (12) months after completion of the course, the amount of tuition paid by the City will be deducted from his/her final pay. Effective November 25, 2002, the tuition refund annual maximum shall be increased to $600 for each Fiscal Year. Effective May 27, 2009, the City shall make available for all unit members each fiscal year a total pooled amount of $5,000 for tuition reimbursement for employees who pursue a course that has a direct relationship to the employee’s work, which has been approved by the Human Resources Department and/or City Manager. This pooled amount is subject to the amount being included in the annual budget. For the first two semesters (semester equals 15 weeks) $1,000 maximum per class, per semester, per employee. For the third semester, if funds are available, $1,000 maximum per class unlimited per employee until funds are depleted. Once the $5,000 is expended, no further tuition reimbursement will be available for the remainder of the fiscal year. If such tuition reimbursement is granted to an employee, and the employee terminates employment with the City within 12 months after the completion of the course, the amount of tuition paid by the City will be deducted from the employee’s final pay. Reimbursement shall further be based on Grade “B” or better 100%, “C” to “B-“ 75% Grade below “C” 0%”. .
Tuition Refund. 13.01 The Company proposes to increase its promotion of this program whereby employees are encouraged to improve their vocational development in the Company through educational courses. Where the employee attends such a course, upon successful completion, the Company will reimburse the employee for the full cost of tuition provided the course was pre-approved by the Human Resources Manager. Eligible course will be those offered at an accredited University, Community College, High School or Technical Training Centre. Courses must be related to the employee's trade or occupation, related to the logical development of an employee's career, elective courses in a degree program, or courses required to complete or upgrade for a high school diploma.