– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. 20.01 Where any job vacancy occurs or a new job is created which the Employer intends to fill it shall post a notice of such vacancy on the employee’s notice board. Such posting shall be for a minimum period of seven (7) calendar days whenever possible, and no less than three (3) calendar days, and a copy of the notice shall be sent to the Union. The notice shall set out a description of the job, hours of work (shift), wage rate and the qualifications required of applicants for the job. Any employee who is absent at the time a posting occurs and who has made a request in writing for consideration to fill any posted positions prior to such absence shall be considered for job postings occurring during the period of such absence. It is understood and agreed that there shall be no "standing" notice and that a fresh notice must be given in advance of each leave granted.
20.02 In filling job vacancies, the Employer shall be governed by the following factors: qualifications, experience, skill and ability to do the job. Where two (2) or more employees’ exhibit factors that are relatively equal, then seniority shall govern. Until such time as an appointment is made by the Employer, the vacancy shall be temporarily filled at the Employer’s discretion, and no grievance may be filed concerning such temporary arrangements, until after a selection is made. The Employer need not consider any employee who has not made a formal written application. The Employer agrees to use its best efforts to make an appointment within fourteen (14) calendar days of the end of the posting period, and if a longer period of time is required, the Employer shall advise the Union of the extended period required, and the reason for the same.
20.03 Ability to do the job, being qualified or the like, means that the employee has the skill and ability to perform the requirements of the job in accordance with the Employer's quality standards so that the person performs such after being given general information concerning it. In other words, the performance of work does not require a trial period or a training period but does permit a 480 hour familiarization period. The Employer is not obligated to keep the employee in the new position for the familiarization period, and if the employee is not meeting the requirements in a manner satisfactory to the Employer, the Employer may return the employee to his former position prior to the expiry of the 480 hour period in accordance with this Article.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. (3)5.1 Any new full-time post added to the establishment within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards, in a prominent place, for fourteen (14) calendar days or such other period as the parties may agree and applications shall be received subject to the procedures which follow. In the event the posting is cancelled, the poster shall be so marked, dated and left on the bulletin boards for a further fourteen (14) calendar days.
(3)5.2 Where a job vacancy occurs within the bargaining unit in any Branch covered by this Agreement and involves a job provided in the authorized establishment, the City shall, before filling such vacancy with a new employee, make the vacancy available to existing employees within the bargaining unit. The same posting procedure shall apply as outlined in Subsection 5.1 above. An employee selected as a result of a posted temporary vacancy will not be considered for a further temporary vacancy for a period of up to three (3) months from the date of his or her appointment.
(3)5.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management. The Union shall be informed by the Employer concurrent with the appointment.
(3)5.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must apply on the proper form to the Human Resources Department. *(3)5.5 First priority of selection shall be given to the most senior qualified employee in the Branch in which the vacancy occurs. If there is no senior qualified candidate, second priority, in the case of employees within Transit Fleet Maintenance and Transit Capital Projects & Facilities Management, shall be given first to the most senior qualified employee of those branches and then to the most senior qualified employees of Transit Services.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. (3)8.1 Any full-time post added to the est ablishment w ithin the Bargaining Unit shall be post ed on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received.
(3)8.2 Where a job vacancy occurs w ithin the bargaining unit, the City shall, before f xxxxxx such vacancy w ith a new employee, make the vacancy available to exist ing CUPE, Local 5500 employees, and employees on lay-off from the bargaining unit w ithin a xx xxxx (12) month period of lay-off. It is the responsibilit y of the employee on lay-off to contact the City on a regular basis.
(3)8.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management, but the Union shall be informed of the appointment by the Human Resources Depart ment on a monthly basis.
(3)8.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must meet the minimum qualifications for a posit ion and apply in accordance w ith the post er to the Human Resources Department.
(3)8.5 If a posit ion cannot be f illed sat isf actorily f rom exist ing CUPE, Local 5500 employees w ho apply, the City may recruit externally.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. 15.01 Prior to the beginning of the school year, the Transportation Manager shall confirm if regular bus drivers and monitors want to maintain their regular routes and shuttles. Regular routes and shuttles that are vacant or become vacated will be posted and awarded prior to the start of the school year as outlined in Article 15.02 and 15.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. (3)8.1 Any full time post added to the establishment within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received.
(3)8.2 Where a job vacancy occurs in any section covered by this Agreement and involves a job provided in the authorized establishment, the City shall, before filling such vacancy with a new employee, make the vacancy available to existing employees, and employees on lay-off from the bargaining unit within a twelve (12) month period of lay-off. It is the responsibility of the employee on lay-off to contact the City on a regular basis.
(3)8.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management, but the Union shall be informed of the appointment by the Human Resources Division.
(3)8.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must apply on the proper form to the Human Resources Division.
(3)8.5 If a position cannot be filled satisfactorily from existing employees who apply, the City may recruit from applicants who are not at the time employees.
(3)8.6 When a vacancy occurs for the position of Transit Law Enforcement Officer and there are no fully qualified candidates, consideration will be given to employees who are currently enrolled in the Law and Security Program of a Community College and who have accumulated a minimum of sixty (60) credits towards the appropriate diploma.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. (3)8.1 Any full time post added to the establishment within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received.
(3)8.2 Where a job vacancy occurs in any section covered by this Agreement and involves a job provided in the authorized establishment, the City shall, before filling such vacancy with a new employee, make the vacancy available to existing employees, and employees on lay-off from the bargaining unit within a twelve (12) month period of lay-off. It is the responsibility of the employee on lay-off to contact the City on a regular basis.
(3)8.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management, but the Union shall be informed of the appointment by the Human Resources Service Division.
(3)8.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must apply on the proper form to the Human Resources Service Division.
(3)8.5 If a position cannot be filled satisfactorily from existing employees who apply, the City may recruit from applicants who are not at the time employees.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. (3)8.1 Any full time post added to the establishment within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received.
(3)8.2 Where a job vacancy occurs within the bargaining unit, the City shall, before filling such vacancy with a new employee, make the vacancy available to existing CUPE, Local 5500 employees, and employees on lay-off from the bargaining unit within a two (2) year period from the date of the original lay-off. It is the responsibility of the employee on lay-off to contact the City on a regular basis.
(3)8.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management, but the Union shall be informed of the appointment by the Human Resources Department on a monthly basis.
(3)8.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must meet the minimum qualifications for a position and apply in accordance with the poster to the Human Resources Department.
(3)8.5 If a position cannot be filled satisfactorily from existing CUPE, Local 5500 employees who apply, the City may recruit externally.
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. If a Full-time employee resigns, retires or otherwise leaves from their position and the employer has not deleted the position, a job vacancy will exist, and the job will be posted. If the position left vacant as described above is a position to which a Premium is attached and the Employer has not deleted the position, then the job posting will specify the vacancy as the position to which the Premium applies. If an unposted position is performed for 32 or more hours per week for 13 consecutive weeks, that position will be posted as a Fulltime position. All job postings will be posted for 7 calendar days and shall include the area of work, days, and shift. If application is made from within the plant, the job shall be filled according to the seniority of the applicants provided they have the qualifications and abilities to perform the work. Qualification and abilities being equal, seniority shall prevail. An employee will be given a reasonable amount of time to qualify for the position. If there is no applicant from within the plant, the job may be filled by the hiring of new staff.
(3)8.1 Any full t ime post added to the establishment w ithin the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received.
(3)8.2 Where a job vacancy occurs w ithin the bargaining unit, the City shall, before f xxxxxx such vacancy w ith a new employee, make the vacancy available to exist ing CUPE, Local 5500 employees, and employees on lay-of f from the bargaining unit w ithin a xx xxxx (12) month period of lay-of f . It is the responsibility of the employee on lay-off to cont act the City on a regular basis.
(3)8.3 Any appointment shall be a function of Management, but the Union shall be informed of the appointment by the Human Resources Depart ment. * (3)8.4 In order to be considered eligible, an employee must meet the minimum qualifications for a position and apply in accordance w ith the poster to the Human Resources Depart ment .
– VACANCIES/JOB POSTINGS. Any full time post added to the establishment within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted on the appropriate City bulletin boards in a prominent place and applications shall be received. Where a job vacancy occurs within the bargaining unit, the City shall, before filling such vacancy with a new employee, make the vacancy available to existing CUPE, Local 5500 employees, and employees on lay-off from the bargaining unit within a twelve (12) month period of lay-off. It is the responsibility of the employee on lay-off to contact the City on a regular basis.