AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 33.3.1 All personnel in Adult School programs shall be employed under offers of employment. These offers shall specify the duration of the employment, and shall terminate on or before June 30 of the year in which they are issued. If the duration of the offer is to extend beyond June 30, a second offer shall be issued to cover the balance of the employment period. 33.3.2 The term for a person hired to complete the term(s) of employment of another person shall be for the duration of the original term(s). All offers of employment shall be terminable at any time prior to expiration, but only for lack of funds, elimination or reductions of the educational offering, insufficient enrollment or attendance, unsatisfactory performance, or any of the causes listed in Education Code §44930 et. seq. 33.3.3 Provision of Teachers’ Names and Addresses to Federation The Adult School Administration shall provide the Federation with name and number of hours assigned to all newly hired teachers. Names and number of hours for current teachers shall be provided to Federation every August.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 1.1 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Board of Trustees of the MIRACOSTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (“District”) and the MIRACOSTA COLLEGE ACADEMIC ASSOCIATE FACULTY CCA/CTA/NEA (“Association”), and shall be binding upon themselves and their successors for the term hereof. For the term of this Agreement, the District recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all credit part-time faculty, part-time librarians, part-time counselors and noncredit part-time teaching faculty in the following departments: English as a Second Language (ESL), Other Noncredit, and Adult High School Diploma Program (AHSDP)/Career Development and Workplace Preparation and noncredit counselors. It is expressly understood that excluded are all faculty teaching in fee- based, not-for-credit courses and programs, POST instructors, FET instructors, faculty coordinators, physicians, MFCC interns, EOPS counselors; all full-time faculty, librarians and counselors; all management, supervisor and confidential employees; and all other employees who hold positions not requiring certification qualifications. 1.2 This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapter 10.7 Sections 3540-3549 of the Government Code, which shall be referred to as the “EERA” and shall control over individual contracts with a unit member as to bargaining unit work. 1.3 The parties to this Agreement recognize the value of the work provided by bargaining unit members, and it is not the intent of the District to eliminate the use of unit members. 1.4 In those instances where past departmental, instructional or institutional practices or procedures are in conflict with this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. A. All personnel in adult education programs shall be employed under contracts appended to this agreement. Employee contracts will be issued prior to each Adult school session. These contracts shall specify the duration of the employment, and shall terminate on or before June 30 of the year in which they are issued. If the duration of the contract is to extend beyond June 30, a second contract shall be issued to cover the balance of the employment period. Teacher contracts must be signed and returned to the Principal or designee within ten (10) business days of issuance, or the contract is null and void. All teacher contracts require board approval. B. The contract term for a person hired to complete the term(s) of employment of another person shall be for the duration of the original term(s). All contracts of employment shall be terminable at any time prior to expiration, but only for lack of funds, conclusion of special funding, elimination or reductions of the educational offering, insufficient enrollment or attendance, unsatisfactory performance, or any of the causes listed in Education Code 44932 et. seq.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. This is an agreement by and between North Central State College (hereinafter referred to as the “College”) and the North Central State Faculty Association-American Association of University Professors (hereinafter referred to as the “NCSFA-AAUP”). Term “Faculty” will refer to the full-time faculty at North Central State College.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 301 All personnel in adult education programs shall be employed under contracts appended to this agreement. These contracts shall specify the duration of the employment, and shall terminate on or before June 30 of the year in which they are issued. If the duration of the contract is to extend beyond June 30, a second contract shall be issued to cover the balance of the employment period.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 1.1: This is an Agreement between Youngstown State University (hereinafter referred to as the University or YSU or the Administration) and the Youngstown State University Association of Professional/Administrative Staff, an affiliate of the National Education Association and the Ohio Education Association (hereinafter referred to as the YSU-APAS or the Association). 1.2: The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the understanding between the parties as to the terms and conditions of employment of members of the bargaining unit specified herein. The parties reaffirm their mutual belief in and acceptance of good faith collective bargaining as a means of pursuing their mutual goals of excellence in education and academic standards. 1.3: This Agreement shall constitute the sole and entire Agreement between the parties with respect to matters set forth herein. All personnel policies or practices in conflict with the provisions hereof are discontinued. 1.4: Where this Agreement makes no specification about a matter, the University and the Union are subject to all applicable federal, state or local laws or ordinances pertaining to the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment for public employees, as specified in the Federal and Ohio Revised Codes.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. Section 1.01 This is an agreement by and between North Central State College (hereinafter referred to as the “College”) and the North Central State Faculty Association-American Association of University Professors (hereinafter referred to as the “NCSFA-AAUP”). Term “Faculty” will refer to the full-time faculty at North Central State College. Section 1.02 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the understanding between the parties as to the terms and conditions of employment of Members of the Bargaining Unit specified herein. Section 1.03 The provisions of this Agreement shall take precedence over any practices, policies, or procedures which are inconsistent with its terms. Such inconsistent policies shall be null and void. Section 1.04 The College recognizes the NCSFA-AAUP as the sole and exclusive representative as defined by law for the members of the bargaining unit described below. Exclusive recognition means that the College will not deal with any other organization, or any individual, in a manner or for a purpose inconsistent with this exclusive recognition. Section 1.05 The bargaining unit shall include all full-time Faculty at the Mansfield Campus and Shelby Center of North Central State College, including Clinical Coordinators and Program Directors. Excluded from the bargaining unit are President; Vice-Presidents; Deans, Assistant Deans, and Associate Deans of colleges; assistants to the President and Vice-Presidents; Division Coordinators, and Academic Chairs; Librarians; Adjunct, part-time, temporary, visiting, and research faculty; College NOW Instructors; contract professional employees, supervisory employees; and all other employees of North Central State College. Section 1.06 As a former full-time faculty member of North Central State College, the Assistant Xxxx of Liberal Arts may elect to return to full-time faculty status under the following conditions: (a) Faculty contract will reinstate and continue from point prior to moving to Assistant Xxxx. (b) If faculty member holds the status of non-probationary faculty upon return to the bargaining unit, length of continuous full time service at the College will be considered in determining seniority for a reduction in force. (c) If faculty member holds the status of probationary faculty upon return to the bargaining unit, length of probationary service will be considered in determining seniority for a reduction in force.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 1.1 This is an Agreement between the Oxnard Union High School District Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as "District", and the Oxnard Federation of Teachers and School Employees, Local 1273, hereinafter referred to as "Federation". 1.2 The District recognizes the Federation as the exclusive representative for that unit of employees described in Appendix A. 1.3 The representatives of the District and the Federation, having met and negotiated pursuant to the provisions of the Educational Employment Relations Act, have agreed to jointly and unanimously recommend to the Board of Trustees and unit members that the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement be adopted for the period beginning July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall become effective only upon adoption by the Board of Trustees at an official meeting and following ratification by the unit.
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Board of Trustees of School District No. 221, hereinafter referred to as the Board, and the Gem County Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association, for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 and is pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho. For the 2021 – 2022 school year, the Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all professional employees of School District No. 221 except as follows: Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Principals, Vice-Principals, Director of Special Education, Director of Curriculum, and any other supervisory personnel. Pursuant to Idaho Code, the recognition requires satisfactory evidence that the Association, in fact, represents a majority of such employees. Upon the request of the Board, the GCEA will provide evidence within ten (10) days of its representation of a majority of such employees. Such evidence shall be in the form of a letter that attests to the required representative status, signed designation cards, or by election as may be determined by the Association. Expires June 30, 2022
AGREEMENT AND RECOGNITION. 1.1 This is an Agreement made and entered into this November 15, 2015, between the Oxnard Union High School District Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as "District," and the California School Employees Association and its Chapter 260, hereinafter referred to as "Association." 1.2 The District recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for that unit of employees described as Campus Supervisor, Adult Education Campus Supervisors and Lead Campus Supervisor. 1.3 The representatives of the District and the Association, having met and negotiated pursuant to the provisions of the Educational Employment Relations Act, have agreed to jointly and unanimously recommend to the Board of Trustees and unit members that the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement be adopted for the period November 15, 2015 and ending November 14, 2018 (3 year agreement), except as otherwise set out in a specific article. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall become effective only upon adoption by the Board of Trustees at an official meeting and following ratification by the unit.