APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 33.01 In filling a new position or a vacancy, appointments shall be made on the basis of the qualifications and seniority of the applicants. The qualifications for the new position or vacancy shall be consistent with the responsibilities specified in the position profile. Qualifications may include job related skills, training, and knowledge provided these qualifications are specified in the job posting.
33.02 When a new position is created or when a vacancy occurs in any classification covered by this Collective Agreement, such position or vacancy shall be posted on the appropriate form and electronically on the Employer’s intranet for seven (7) calendar days as a general posting throughout the organization, stating the responsibilities and qualifications, location (Department, work site), existing shift schedule and Basic Rate of Pay for the position and to whom applications should be submitted.
33.03 Requests for transfer or applications for vacancies shall be in writing according to the procedures established in the work site by the Employer. Facilities will be provided to accept applications for posted positions at any time within the seven (7) calendar day posting period.
(a) When making promotions and transfers and filling vacancies within the Bargaining Unit, the determining factors shall be the most requisite job related skills, training, knowledge, acceptable performance and other relevant attributes and where these factors are considered by the Employer to be equal and satisfactory, seniority will be the deciding factor.
(b) Regular Employees in the Bargaining Unit shall be given preference over other applicants.
33.05 When a vacancy is posted and circumstances require the Employer to fill a vacancy before the expiration of the seven (7) calendar day posting period, or prior to the availability of a qualified applicant, the appointment shall be made on a temporary basis only. The Employer shall fill such vacant position on a permanent basis as soon as a qualified applicant becomes available.
(a) A copy of all postings shall be forwarded to the designated Officer of the Union, and when the appointment has been made, the designated Officer will be notified of the appointee's name and the Department concerned.
(b) The Employer shall post the name of the successful candidate and the competition number on the posting board within seven (7) days of the appointment. The successful candidate will be informed in writing of the details of the competition ...
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. In filling a new position or a vacancy, appointments shall be made on the basis of the qualifications and seniority of the applicants. The qualifications for the new position or vacancy shall be consistent with the responsibilities specified in the job description.
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 23.01 (a) New Employees shall be given a probationary period of five hundred and twenty (520) actual hours worked from the date of commencement of work. If a new Employee is found unsatisfactory, such Employee may be dismissed at any time during the probationary period without notice. A probationary Employee who is dismissed may grieve the dismissal to, and including, Step II of the Grievance Procedure but does not have access to Arbitration. The Employer shall keep the Employee advised of her progress during the probationary period. The Union will be notified of such dismissals.
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 7.01 (a) If a vacancy within the bargaining unit for a full-time, part-time or temporary position of three (3) months or more, is to be filled, and there are no Employees requiring accommodation, the vacancy shall be posted not less than ten (10) calendar days in advance of making an appointment. First consideration shall be given to Employees of the bargaining unit.
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. (a) The Employer agrees to post vacancies in reasonably accessible locations for a period of not less than six (6) working days prior to an appointment being made. The job posting shall be based on the current job description and will indicate:
(i) Position summary;
(ii) Qualifications;
(iii) Location;
(iv) Pay scale;
(v) Where to submit application;
(a) Vacancies for Regular and Temporary positions shall be posted for seven
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 33.01 In filling a new position or a vacancy, appointments shall be made on the basis of the qualifications and seniority of the applicants. The qualifications for the 50 new position or vacancy shall be consistent with the responsibilities specified in the job description.
(a) Vacancies for:
(i) regular positions; and,
(ii) relief positions scheduled to be greater than fifteen (15) hours per week, and of an expected duration of more than ninety (90) calendar days, shall be posted for seven (7) calendar days as a general posting throughout the Region, stating the responsibili- ties and qualifications, location (Department, Physical Plant), existing shift schedule and basic rate of pay for the position and to whom applications should be submitted.
(b) The Employer may limit subsequent postings for a relief vacancy to two (2) postings.
(c) An employee off work for ninety (90) calendar days or more shall give the Employer fourteen
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. (a) The qualifications for a new position or vacancy shall be consistent with the responsibilities specified in the job description.
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 9.01 When a new position is created or when a vacancy occurs in any classification covered by this Collective Agreement, the Employer shall post notices of all vacancies not less than five (5) working days in advance of filling the vacancy.
(a) The posting shall contain the following information:
(i) qualifications and competencies as required;
(ii) employment status (Regular, Temporary, Casual);
(iii) classification and Full-time equivalency (FTE);
(iv) range of rate of pay;
(v) if temporary, the anticipated duration of such position;
(vi) shift schedule — number of hours per shift, shift pattern and the shift cycle; and
(vii) department.
(b) All applications for job postings shall be made in writing to the contact person designated on the posting.
9.02 A copy of all job postings shall be forwarded to the Chapter Chairperson.
9.03 At time of hire or transfer, or change of hours or master work rotations or change of status or FTE, the Employee shall receive a letter, confirming the appointment or
APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. The qualifications for a new position or vacancy shall be consistent with the responsibilities specified in the job description. When making promotions and transfers and filling vacancies within the bargaining unit, the determining factors shall be the most requisite job-related skills, training, knowledge, acceptable performance and other relevant attributes and, where these factors are considered by the Employer to be equal and satisfactory, seniority shall be the deciding factor. When a new position is created or when a vacancy occurs in any classification covered by this Collective Agreement, such position or vacancy shall be posted for five (5) calendar days for applications from regular Employees within the classification of in the Centre where the new position or vacancy exists. The posting shall state the classification, shift schedule, and average hours per week. The Employer and the Union may mutually agree to waive the five (5)calendar day posting requirement when appropriate. When the provisions of Sub-clause (a) do not result in a successful applicant, the new position or vacancy shall be posted for seven (7) calendar days as a general posting throughout the organization and Clause shall apply. All with respect to Sub-clause shall state the responsibilities and qualifications, location (Department, Centre), existing shift schedule and basic rate of pay for the position and to whom applications should be submitted. Requests for transfer or applications for vacancies shall be in writing according to the procedures established in The CAPITAL CARE Group. Facilities will be provided to accept applications for posted positions at any time within the posting periods referred to in (a) and The following order for consideration of applicants shall apply with respect to Sub-clause