AUTHORISED ABSENCE. England Hockey is sympathetic in cases of personal or family tragedies which require leave of absence. Such circumstances should be discussed and agreed with the Head Coach as far as is reasonably possible before any arrangements are finalised. England Hockey is committed to developing junior players into world class talent and realising their potential whilst nurturing them and providing an environment dedicated to player well-being. In order to achieve this, there must be cooperation from both players and parents/guardians. By signing this Player Agreement, players and parents/guardians agree to abide by this code of conduct. Any breaches, depending on the nature, may result in disciplinary action as outlined in appendix 1, section 8 (conduct and disciplinary issues). All players should have: - Participate in hockey with a positive attitude and with the right spirit - Attend all training days and camps, making every effort to be on time - Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance - Commit to the England Hockey programme and all that it entails (nutrition, fitness etc) - Always thank the opposition, coaches, umpires and officials after every game or training session - Accept success and failure, with pride, a positive attitude and set a positive example to others - Everyone involved should be valued whether they are: a player, official, umpire, coach, opponent or spectator - Respect the decisions of umpires and officials and follow the instructions of coaching/management staff - Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and from other forms of threatening or intimidating behaviour such as bullying - Leave all rooms and facilities clean and tidy at all times and ensure they are as you found them upon check in. If you notice any damage in your rooms when you check in, please report it immediately to your team manager - Use social media in a positive way and treat others with the same respect you would in person (as outlined in section 3 of the standard terms and conditions – social media). - Be committed to self-development and working towards reaching one’s potential in hockey - Do not smoke, drink alcohol, vape or take drugs of any kind (other than prescription) - Never use inappropriate language, signs or gestures - Wear suitable clothing for the activity in which you are taking part - Respect the facilities where you play and the equipment that you use - Tell someone you trust if the behaviour of other make...
AUTHORISED ABSENCE. Wherever possible, students should attempt to arrange non-school activities outside of their course timetable. Where this if not possible, the following is a list of reasons for absence, which would be authorised: ⏹ A hospital or orthodontic appointment ⏹ A family bereavement and/or attendance at a funeral ⏹ A religious observance ⏹ A visit to a university, either to attend an open day or for an interview ⏹ A careers interview ⏹ An appointment with a Youth Family Support Service personal advisor ⏹ A work experience placement ⏹ Moving house (1 day only) ⏹ A job interview ⏹ Driving test (not a lesson) For each of the above, evidence will be required e.g. screenshot of an appointment text, a forwarded email etc. By law, Headteachers are unable to authorise an absence for the purpose of a term time holiday other than in a very limited set of exceptional circumstances:
AUTHORISED ABSENCE. Osteopath Pharmacist Physiotherapist Podiatrist Psychologist Chinese Medicine Practitioners (Acupuncturists, Chinese herbal medicine practitioners and Chinese herbal dispensers) The following absences will not constitute an occasion for the purposes of the Attendance Guidelines where leave for the purposes listed below is approved by the Company: • Annual LeaveLong Service Leave • Approved Overseas Leave • Military Training • Bereavement/Compassionate LeaveJury Duty • Accepted WorkCover/Journey absence • Occupational Health and Safety Leave • Parental/Maternity Leave • Approved Education Leave • RDO/PDO • Emergency Service Leave • Approved Personal/Xxxxx's leave (includes approved unpaid carer's leave of up to two days on each occasion) • Hospitalisation (in patient) • Medical specialist referral • Other Approved Leave
AUTHORISED ABSENCE. For every postgraduate programme, a programme calendar is included in the course guide. The course members are responsible for participating in all educational activities of the course units they enrolled in. Every absence is reported to the department secretariat. Authorised absences at educational activities are a.o.: medical reasons (illness, accident), force majeure, familial reasons (wedding or funeral ceremony of a family member up to the second degree), civic duty, judicial grounds (a.o. summons to go to court), professional obligations certified by the employer.


  • Notice of Absence If Tenant plans to leave the Property for 7 (seven) or more consecutive days or expects long, frequent or customary absences, Tenant must notify the Landlord in writing. Tenant hereby agrees that any such absence, whether a singular occurrence or customary, shall not obviate Tenant's obligation to pay timely Rent.

  • Notification of Absence A unit member shall contact the office of the division xxxx whenever there is a need to be absent and at least thirty (30) minutes prior to missing any work assignment. Should circumstances prohibit this notification, the unit member shall notify the division office in writing within one week of returning to work, providing the reasons why the advance notification was not given.

  • Excused Absences Absences will be excused only under the following circumstances.

  • Unauthorized Absence An unauthorized absence from the work site or failure to report for duty after a leave request has been disapproved, revoked, or canceled by the appointing authority, or at the expiration of a leave, shall be without pay. Such absence may also be grounds for disciplinary action.

  • Extended Absences In the event Tenant will be away from the Premises for more than 7 consecutive days, Tenant agrees to notify Landlord in writing of such absence. During such absence, Landlord may enter the premises at times reasonable necessary to maintain the property and inspect for damages and needed repairs.

  • Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).

  • Unpaid Leaves of Absence 24.01 An employee who has completed one (1) year of continuous service with the Employer may be granted a leave of absence without pay or benefits because of injury, illness, education purposes, employment by the Union, or other personal reasons, including maternity leave. The decision to grant the leave or the length of the leave period will be at the discretion of the Employer with due consideration given to the reasons and evidence presented by the employee to the Employer. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. 24.02 All leaves of absence (and any extensions thereof) must be applied for and granted in writing on forms provided by the Employer (with a copy to the employee). Except in cases of emergency, the leave request shall be filed with the employee's Department Head not later than two (2) weeks prior to the date on which the leave is to start. Along with the request for the leave, he shall supply any and all available documentation in support of said leave. This documentation shall consist of medical proof of disability in cases where the leave is for medical purposes and the specific reason for the leave when the leave is for other purposes. An employee will be notified in writing within five (5) working days from the date the application was made of the approval or disapproval of the leave of absence request for ten (10) working days or less. For a leave request in excess of ten (10) working days, the employee will be notified within two (2) weeks from the date the application was made of the approval or disapproval of the leave. An employee who is granted such a leave shall not accrue any benefits during his absence, including seniority. 24.03 Leaves of absence will not be granted for the employee to seek employment with another employer, nor shall any employee work for another employer during the time period he is on leave. Any employee who works for another employer while on leave shall have his leave canceled immediately and be subject to disciplinary action. 24.04 When an employee returns to work after a leave of absence, he will be assigned to the position which he formerly occupied or to a similar position if his former position no longer exists at the applicable rate of pay, provided the employee is able to perform the work. 24.05 An employee may, upon request, return to work prior to the expiration of any leave of absence, provided that such early return is agreed to by the Employer. 24.06 Employees absent from work without authorization or approval shall be considered on an unauthorized leave. An unauthorized leave for a period of more than four (4) eight (8) hour consecutive working days may, at the Employers discretion, subject the employee to disciplinary action, including discharge.

  • STAFF ABSENCE a) When CONTRACTOR is an NPS and CONTRACTOR’s classroom teacher is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher in the absent teacher’s classroom in accordance with California Education Code section 56061. CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA documentation of substitute coverage on LEA substitute teacher log. Substitute teachers shall remain with their assigned class during all instructional time. XXX shall not be responsible for payment for instruction and/or services when an appropriately credentialed substitute teacher is not provided. If a teacher is absent and a non-qualified substitute has been provided, CONTRACTOR will notify the LEA immediately. The LEA will determine how to address the denial of FAPE. b) When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, and CONTRACTOR’s service provider is absent, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified (as defined in section eight (8) of this Master Contract and as determined by LEA) substitute, unless XXX provides appropriate coverage in lieu of CONTRACTOR’s service providers. XXX will not pay for services unless a qualified substitute is provided and/or CONTRACTOR provides a mutually agreed upon plan evidencing the provision of “make-up” services by a qualified service provider within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the services should have been provided. Provider shall notify XXX immediately of the development of the plan for any missed services that include: 5 or more consecutive days of specialized academic instruction (SAI) or more than 2 weeks of missed related services. CONTRACTOR shall not “bank” or “carry over” make-up service hours under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CONTRACTOR and XXX.

  • Authorization for Leave The Chief Superintendent or designee shall be authorized to grant leaves in accordance with the Adoptive Leave Section, with the exception that additional leave requested in accordance with Section 3.6 shall require approval of the Board.

  • Unpaid Leave of Absence If an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, then vacation leave, compensatory time, or sick leave cannot be used for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for an Employer Contribution by keeping the employee on a State payroll for one (1) working day per pay period.