HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. 28.1 An employee on weekly hiring shall be entitled without loss of pay to public holidays as follows:
28.2 When employed on a Sunday, the employee shall receive double the respective rate provided always that each employee shall receive payment at double the respective wage rate for not less than one-half day’s employment for any time so worked between 7.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
28.3 When work is performed on any of the public holidays specified in 28.1, an employee shall be paid at the rate of double time and a half for work done, such rate to continue until he/she is released from duty.
28.4 An employee who works on a Sunday or a public holiday and (except for meal breaks) immediately thereafter continues such work shall on being relieved from duty be entitled to be absent until he/she has had 10 consecutive hours off duty without deduction of pay for ordinary time off duty occurring during such absence.
28.5 An employer who terminates the employment of an employee except for reasons of misconduct or incompetency (proof of which shall lie upon the employer) shall pay the employee a day’s ordinary wages for each public holiday or each public holiday in a group as prescribed in 28.1 which falls within 10 consecutive calendar days after the day of termination.
28.6 Where any two or more of the holidays prescribed in this agreement occur within a 7 day span, such holidays shall for the purposes of this agreement be a group of holidays. If the first day of the group of public holidays falls within 10 consecutive calendar days after termination, the whole group shall be deemed to fall within the 10 days. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day shall be regarded as a group.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. Section 1. Overtime work performed on Sunday shall be paid at twice the respective hourly rate.
Section 2. If one of the following legal holidays falls within the regular work week Monday through Friday, the employee shall have no deduction in pay.
Section 3. Any work performed on these legal holidays when the holiday falls on a regular work day, Monday through Friday, shall be paid at the rate of two and one-half times the hourly rate in addition to holiday pay unless the legal holiday is observed on a different calendar date.
Section 4. Should any of the above holidays fall on Saturday or Sunday and are not granted on the preceding Friday, succeeding Monday, or on another date during the current fiscal year, that holiday will be added to the employee’s vacation entitlement.
Section 5. An employee must be in paid status the day before and the day after a holiday to be paid for the holiday. If an employee is ill the day before or after a holiday, a physician’s statement may be required in order to obtain holiday pay.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. (a) An Employee shall be entitled to holidays on the following days
(i) New Year's day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day; and
(ii) the following days, as prescribed in the relevant States, Territories and localities: Australia Day, Anzac Day, Queen's Birthday and Eight Hours' Day or Labour Day, and
(iii) one additional holiday which shall be: Cup Day (Victoria), August Bank Holiday, (NSW), Foundation Day (WA), Regatta Day (Hobart), Recreation Day (Nth Tasmania), and the appropriate Show Day in other areas or such other day as is generally observed in the locality as a substitute for any of the said days.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. It is also understood that employees in the 600 series stores who were eligible for Sunday and holiday premium prior to March 22, 1993, will continue to receive such pay as follows. Employees will receive six paid holidays during the year which are: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday Full-time employees must be employed thirty (30) days and work the last scheduled day before and the first scheduled day after the holiday. Part-time employees who work eight (8) weeks prior to the holiday and average at least twenty (20) hours per week will receive four (4) hours holiday pay at their straight-time hourly rate, provided they work as scheduled during the holiday week. If a holiday falls during a vacation week, employees will be given an extra day off with pay. All time worked by full and part-time employees on a paid holiday will be paid at the rate of time and one-half excluding birthdays which can be substituted by mutual agreement with Management. Personal days with pay may be taken when an employee is ill or for any other reason, except to extend vacation or paid holidays. Full-time employees with twenty-four (24) months or more of service will receive two personal days with pay. Full- time employees with twelve (12) months of service will receive one personal day with pay. Employees hired prior to 11/4/90 who work on a Sunday and are full-time employees will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times their regular hourly rate of pay. Employees hired after 11/4/90 will receive straight-time pay for Sunday hours. Employees hired after March 22, 1993 will become eligible for the five (5) basic holidays named in Article 11, as of their first anniversary date. These employees will not be eligible for any other holidays listed in this Agreement. For employees covered by this provision, the following shall apply: Effective after two (2) years service, each employee will be eligible for a personal holiday to be observed on a mutually agreed upon day. Effective after four (4) years service, each employee will be eligible for a second personal holiday to be observed on a mutually agreed upon day. Employees in 600 series stores on F.T. or P.T. clerk wage scale will stay at their current rate and on next increase date will move to the next highest rate on the appropriate wage scale. Employees in 600 series stores on wage scale other than F.T. Clerk, P.T. Clerk, or Department Manager will be red-circled. If em...
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. 30.1 An Employee on Weekly Employment will be entitled without loss of pay to public holidays as follows: or such other day as is generally observed in a locality as a substitute for these days.
30.2 Provided that a Sprinkler Fitter / Fire Protection Worker will be entitled to such other holiday as may be applicable to and on the same terms and conditions as the majority of building workers in that State or Territory or in accordance with Governmental proclamation.
30.3 By Agreement between any Employer and his/her Employees other days may be substituted for the said days or any of them as to such Employer’s undertaking.
30.4 When employed on a Sunday, the Employee will receive double the respective rate provided always that each Employee will receive payment at double the respective wage rate for not less than one-half day’s employment for any time so worked between 7.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
30.5 When work is performed on any of the public holidays specified in 30.1, an Employee will be paid at the rate of double time and a half for work done. Such rate is to continue until he/she is released from duty.
30.6 An Employee who works on a Sunday or a public holiday and (except for meal breaks) immediately thereafter continues such work will on being relieved from duty be entitled to be absent until he/she has had 10 consecutive hours off duty without deduction of pay for ordinary time off duty occurring during such absence.
30.7 An Employer who terminates the employment of an Employee except for reasons of misconduct or incompetency (proof of which will lie upon the Employer) will pay the Employee a day’s ordinary wages for each public holiday or each public holiday in a group as prescribed in 30.1 which falls within 10 consecutive calendar days after the day of termination.
30.8 Where any two or more of the holidays prescribed in this Agreement occur within a 7 day span, such holidays will for the purposes of this Agreement be a group of holidays. If the first day of the group of public holidays falls within 10 consecutive calendar days after termination, the whole group will be deemed to fall within the 10 days. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day will be regarded as a group.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. (a) Prescribed Holidays
(i) An employee on monthly hire shall be entitled to public holidays, without loss of pay, as follows: New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen’s Birthday, Eight Hour Day or Labour Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day (or such other day as is generally observed in a locality as a substitute for any of the said days respectively). “Therefore making a maximum total of 10 paid public holidays per year”. Picnic Day (employees are entitled to one (1) Picnic Day per year to be taken by agreement between the parties.
(b) For the purpose of this agreement:
(i) Where Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday and Tuesday shall be observed as Christmas Day and Boxing Day respectively;
(ii) Where Boxing Day falls on a Saturday, the following Monday shall be observed as Boxing Day;
(iii) Where New Year’s Day falls on a Saturday or on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as New Year’s Day, and the said Saturday and/or Sunday shall be deemed not to be holidays.
(c) By agreement between any employer and his employees, other days may be substituted for the said days or any of them as to such employer’s undertaking.
18.1.1 An Employee shall be entitled to Public Holidays as provided for in the NES which will include the following:
(a) New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day; and
(b) the following days, as prescribed in the relevant States, Territories and localities: Australia Day, Anzac Day, Queen's or King’s Birthday and Eight Hours' Day or Labour Day; and
(c) one additional holiday which shall be: Cup Day (Victoria), August Bank Holiday (NSW), Western Australia Day (WA) Regatta Day (Hobart), Recreation Day (Nth Tasmania) and the appropriate Show Day in other areas or such other day as is generally observed in the locality as a substitute for any of the said days; and
(d) any additional days declared or prescribed as Public Holidays in a State, Territory or locality.
18.2 Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year's Day
18.2.1 When Christmas Day is a Saturday or a Sunday, a holiday in lieu thereof shall be observed on 27
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. Shift workers on continuous shifts for work on a rostered shift the major portion of which is performed on a Sunday or a Holiday shall be paid as follows:
(a) Sundays – at the rate of double time.
(b) Holidays as prescribed in Clause 15, Holidays and Sunday Rates of Pay, of this Agreement at the rate of double time and one-half. Shift workers on other than continuous work for all time worked on a Sunday or Holiday shall be paid at the rates prescribed in Clause 15, Holiday and Sunday Rates of Pay, of this Agreement. Where shifts commence between 11.00 p.m. and midnight on a Sunday or Holiday, the time so worked before midnight shall not entitle the employee to the Sunday or Holiday rate; provided that the time worked by an employee on a shift commencing before midnight on a day preceding a Sunday or Holiday and extending into a Sunday or Holiday shall be regarded as time worked on such Sunday or Holiday. Where shifts fall partly on a Holiday, that shift the major portion of which falls on a holiday shall be regarded as the Holiday shift.
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. 19.1 An employee will be entitled to holidays on the following days:
HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAY WORK. 12.1 The days upon which New Years Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are observed, together with any day gazetted or proclaimed as a public holiday for the district in which the employee is employed.
12.2 In addition to the holidays specified in 13.1, one additional paid holiday (in lieu of a Picnic Day) shall apply in each calendar year to a weekly employee. Such holiday shall be taken by agreement between the employee and the Company. This holiday must be taken within the year it becomes due.
12.3 Subject to 13.5, 13.6 and 13.8, payment for any holiday shall be at the rates prescribed in Appendix A for the level at which the employee is employed.
12.4 Subject to the provisions of 13.1, if any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday and are not observed on any other day, then employees shall not be paid for such Saturday or Sunday.
12.5 An employee absent as the result of an accident sustained in the course of their employment or in the periodic journeying to or from their place of employment and who is receiving payment under the Workers’ Compensation Xxx 0000, shall not be entitled to payment for any of the holidays prescribed in 13.1 and 13.2, hereof occurring during such absence, but shall only be entitled to the difference between the payment received for such day under the Workers’ Compensation Act and their ordinary wage for the holiday.
12.6 An employee absenting themselves from work on any portion of the working day preceding or following a holiday provided for in this clause without a reasonable excuse, or without permission from the Company, shall not be entitled to payment for such holiday.
12.7 Any employee who is employed on a Sunday shall for all time worked on that day be paid at the rate of double time and one half. Provided that where by agreement between the Company and an employee/s, shift/s are re-arranged to commence on Sunday instead of Monday ordinary rates shall be paid for Sunday work.
12.8 An employee who is employed on any holiday provided for in this clause shall for all time worked on that day be paid at the rate of double time and a half.