Procedure for Filling Vacancies. A. The Human Resources Department will make every effort to post vacancies within ten (10) working days of receipt of a requisition from the principal or program manager.
B. Position vacancies within the bargaining unit that cannot be filled by a qualified laid- off employee will be posted in all District facilities for five (5) workdays.
C. Bargaining unit employees may apply for any posted vacant position. Employees currently working in the job classification or building/workgroup of the vacant position shall be given preference by district seniority provided they are qualified.
D. If no one in the current job classification or building/workgroup applies for the open position, the employee with the earliest seniority date who is fully qualified to perform the work involved shall fill the vacant position when qualifications and performance are substantially equal with others who sought the vacancy. Where it can be clearly substantiated that an outside applicant or substitute possesses greater qualifications, the Employer may fill the position with such person.
E. Employees not selected for a vacant position will be notified by the Human Resource Department within five (5) workdays following the close of the selection process. The notification will state that the employee was not selected for the position and inform them that they can follow-up with one of the interviewers, citing proper contact information, to discuss the Employer’s reasoning. If there has been a bypass of a senior bargaining unit employee in lieu of a more qualified applicant, such notification to the senior employee will also include the reason the employee was not selected for the position.
F. Employees promoted to a new position may be placed in the position for a trial period of forty (40) workdays until he/she demonstrates the skills and abilities necessary to assume the position on a permanent basis. After a period of twenty
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. (a) All vacancies identified in accordance with Clause 38.01(a), will be posted within the public service prior to outside applicants being considered, except where in the opinion of the Public Service Commission, it is not in the public interest to comply with this provision.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. A. When the City determines a vacant position will be filled, a vacancy announcement shall be posted at City Hall. The City shall provide the Association with a copy of an employment vacancy announcement at least five (5) days prior to advertising. The announcement shall list the duties and all qualifications for the vacant position.
B. City employees interested in being considered for the position must submit a written request to the department head responsible for filling the vacancy. The City may request all necessary and relevant information about the applicant which will show the applicant’s qualifications and fitness for employment with the City of Winnemucca. The application of any person shall be rejected when not filed within the time period specified or which indicates that the applicant does not possess the minimum qualifications required for the position or the applicant has made any false statement of facts or practices or attempted to practice any deception or fraud in their application.
C. Defective applications may be returned to the applicant to amend the same and the application may be amended and re-filed providing the time limit for receiving applications has not expired.
D. Persons presently employed by the City, excluding temps, and applying for vacant positions will be considered for the position. In the event an existing employee is deemed qualified for the vacant position they may be offered the position before an outside applicant is considered for the position.
E. In the event a City employee is selected to fill a vacant or newly authorized or created position that is a higher classification than the employee’s current post, the City employee will be placed on the salary schedule of the higher position at the hourly rate on the salary schedule of the higher position that is to the nearest dollar above the employee’s current hourly rate. The filling of the position will not affect the leave or seniority of the employee.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. (a) No position will be filled from outside the bargaining unit until the applications of present employees have been fully processed.
(b) Where, in the Employer's opinion, a temporary bargaining unit position is expected to exceed a period of thirteen (13) continuous weeks, or where a bargaining unit position exceeds thirteen (13) weeks, such position shall be posted in accordance with Clause 13.01.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. (a) No position will be filled from outside the bargaining unit until the applications of the present employees have been fully processed. All union members with more seniority than the successful applicant who apply for such positions and are unsuccessful shall be provided in writing, upon written request by the union member, with the reasons for the applicant's failure to acquire the position(s). No position of a permanent nature will be filled by keeping temporary employees on in excess of thirteen (13) weeks without posting the position.
(b) Where, in the Employer’s opinion, a temporary position is expected to exceed a period of thirteen (13) continuous weeks, or where a position exceeds thirteen
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. The number of employees needed in any classification and the determination of existence of a vacancy shall be at the discretion of the Company.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. (a) In order that employees may know about jobs that are to be filled (other than by step-up or temporary assignment) in the Coal Equipment Operator-Senior, Harbor Pilot, Control Technician-Junior, Control Technician-Senior, Equipment Operator-Junior, Maintenance Machinist, Maintenance Mechanic-Senior, Maintenance Welder, Performance & Industrial Hygiene Technician-Junior, Performance & Industrial Hygiene Technician-Senior, Stores Attendant-Junior, Stores Attendant-Senior and Unit Operator job classifications, the Company will post a notice on the bulletin board indicating that such jobs are open for bid. These notices shall remain on the bulletin boards for ten (10) calendar days from date of posting. Employees may submit bids for these jobs to the Human Resources Manager during the period specified. However, the Company is not obligated to honor the job bid of an Equipment Operator-Junior who submits a bid to change lines of progression within such entrance job. Those employees who were absent from the plant for the entire period of time that the opening was posted will be given the opportunity of applying for the job if their desires are made known within seven (7) calendar days after they return to work, or thirty (30) calendar days from the date the job was posted, whichever occurs first
(b) An employee holding the job classification of Equipment Operator-Junior must acquire within such time frame as determined by the Company, the qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the next higher job classification in the line of progression for which he was placed into the Equipment Operator-Junior classification (i.e., Coal Handler in Yard, Equipment Operator in Operations, or Maintenance Mechanic-Junior in Maintenance). Similarly, an employee holding the job classification of Stores Attendant - Junior must acquire within such time frame as determined by the Company, the qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the Stores Attendant's job. An employee's failure to qualify during such period shall result in his removal from the job.
(c) When an Equipment Operator-Junior is qualified to fill the Coal Handler, Equipment Operator, or Maintenance Mechanic-Junior job in his line of progression, or when a Stores Attendant-Junior is qualified to fill the Stores Attendant job, his classification shall be so changed and the Company shall not be required to post a notice in accordance with Section 6(a) above.
(d) An employee holding the job classificati...
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. A. Whenever a vacancy in a permanent classification occurs, as determined by the BOARD/Administration (except for a route in the Transportation Department which will be handled utilizing the procedure set forth in Article 13, Section 13.04), such vacancy shall be publicized by a posting of a bulletin for four (4) days not including the day of posting or Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays.
B. During the regular school year such vacancy notice shall be posted:
1. In each school building in the Main Office;
2. In the Transportation Building;
3. In the Buildings and Grounds Building;
4. In the Central Office.
C. During the Summer vacation period, when school is not in regular session for students, vacancy notices shall be posted:
1. In the Central Office;
2. In the Transportation Building;
3. In the Buildings and Grounds Building.
4. In the Main Office at each building (to be addressed to the head custodian).
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. Among those employees who have applied for a vacancy and who have the basic qualifications to be trained, in accordance with the following paragraphs, the employees with the greatest Company seniority shall be selected.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies. 14.4.1 The District will review and screen transfer and promotional applicants (within the bargaining unit) before considering applicants outside of the bargaining unit. Transfer and Promotional applicants will be notified of interview times and will have twenty-four (24) hours to respond before external candidates are notified. Unit members requesting a transfer to a vacant position shall be given first consideration.
14.4.2 All applicants will be reviewed by the District to determine if the applicants meet the qualifications based on the description of the vacancy.
14.4.3 A bargaining unit applicant who meets the minimum qualifications will be offered an interview provided that they have submitted a fully completed online application. Any bargaining unit applicant not offered an interview will be notified by the District at least twenty-four (24) hours before interviews are held.