PUPIL DISCIPLINE. CONTRACTOR shall maintain and abide by a written policy for pupil discipline that is consistent with state and federal law and regulations. When CONTRACTOR seeks to remove a XXX pupil from his/her current educational placement for disciplinary reasons, CONTRACTOR shall immediately submit a written discipline report to the LEA. Written discipline reports shall include, but not be limited to: the LEA pupil’s name; the time, date, and description of the misconduct; the disciplinary action taken by CONTRACTOR; and the rationale for such disciplinary action. A copy of the LEA pupil’s behavior plan, if any, shall be submitted with the written discipline report. CONTRACTOR and XXX agree to participate in a manifestation determination at an IEP/IFSP meeting no later than the tenth (10th) day of suspension. XXX shall notify and invite CONTRACTOR representatives to the IEP/IFSP team meeting where the manifestation determination will be made.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. 11.7.1. Each school site principal, in concert with the staff and governance team, shall develop a student discipline plan which conforms to the provisions of this Article and with district procedure. Each student discipline plan shall be reviewed and evaluated at least annually by the site supervisor and unit members. All unit members shall be informed and given a copy of the existing written site student discipline plan within ten (10) workdays of reporting to their work location. At a minimum, the site discipline plan will include the following: Expectations and consequences for student behavior. Responsibility for implementation.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. APA/clerical personnel will not administer disciplinary action to pupils when referred to the office for disciplinary action.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. The District must notify unit members of previous student expulsion, and or conviction pursuant to Education Code 49079
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. The teacher has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within the classroom. The Board also recognizes its responsibility to give reasonable support and assistance to the teacher with respect to the maintenance of discipline in the classroom.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. A. Teachers and administrators shall maintain discipline in the schools including school grounds which are owned or leased by the Board and are used for school activities. In all matters relating to the discipline in and conduct of the schools, and the school children, they stand in the relation of parents and guardians to the pupils. This relationship shall extend to all activities of the school including all athletic and extra-curricular programs.
B. Teachers agree to never use corporal punishment as a means for discipline. However, the teacher may use reasonable force in order to maintain safety for other students and themselves.
C. Teachers may remove a student from the classroom for a gross offense, persistent misbehavior, or disruptive behavior, however, they must provide appropriate due process (i.e., give student notice of disruptive behavior and allow him or her to respond) to the student.
D. When a teacher removes a student under subsection (C), they must inform the building principal or his or her designee, in writing, of the disruptive behavior that required the removal of the student and the due process procedures taken. The administrator or his or her designee will communicate to the teacher, prior to the student's readmittance to the teacher's class, in writing, any actions taken with respect to the disciplinary referral.
E. In the event a teacher, other than that students classroom teacher, refers a student to the administration for the purpose of discipline, that teacher shall be informed within one school day of any action that the principal or his or her designee may deem appropriate.
F. Any case of assault and/or battery or harassment against a teacher shall be promptly reported to the building principal or their designee and the building representative of the Classroom Teachers' Association. At the request of the teacher or CTA representative, the legal counsel of the Board of Education will advise the teacher of his/her rights and obligations with respect to the situation and shall render assistance to the teacher in connection with the handling of the incident by law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities. Cases of assault and/or battery will be reported by the teacher to the local law enforcement authorities immediately after the occurrence of the alleged attack. The administration will give the teacher release time, within the school day of the occurrence of the attack to file a police report. A copy of the report or the rep...
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. 13.1 Each building must develop a student discipline plan and submit a copy to the Superintendent and a copy to the ZEA president. Each building staff member shall also be provided a copy of the plan. Said parties shall have a copy of the student discipline by the beginning of the third week in November. The principal is responsible for the equitable enforcement of the building discipline plan. Student discipline shall be a subject of discussion for the building advisory committees. If the concerns of the bargaining unit members cannot be resolved at that level, they may be forwarded to the Superintendent's Advisory Committee for further attempts at resolution.
13.2 The principal and bargaining unit member have a shared responsibility for all activities, including discipline, taking place within the schools. Each bargaining unit member is expected as a part of his/her duties to assist the building principal in the maintenance of proper discipline and control of all students within the assigned building and school area. Conduct of pupils on their way to and from school is within the scope of authority in carrying out this responsibility. Pupils' conduct outside school hours, whether on school property or not, which directly relates to and affects the conduct of the school is also within this scope of authority. Each administrator is expected as a part of his/her duties to assist and support bargaining unit members in the maintenance of proper discipline and control of students within the assigned building and school area.
13.3 Students found guilty of bringing dangerous weapons onto school property, after having been afforded due process of law, shall be disciplined. At a minimum, students shall receive a one day suspension so the administration can conduct an investigation. If the administration is unable to locate parents, the student will be isolated until parents arrive. The intent of the Board of Education/administration is to expel for the maximum number of days permitted by the law students who are convicted of using or threatening to use a dangerous weapon after having been afforded due process. However, the Board of Education/administration retains the right to mitigate any disciplinary action. Students found guilty of a felony shall be subject to exclusion, as provided by law, after having been afforded due process. (See Policy and Guidelines 5772).
13.4 Information about individual students who may pose a danger in the school setting or who are p...
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. A. The Board recognizes that the teacher has the primary responsibility for the discipline within his/her classroom. The Board also recognizes when necessary, the Administration will give support to the teacher with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom.
B. Board policies dealing with pupil discipline shall be distributed to each teacher on the opening day of school.
C. Procedure for suspension and expulsion of pupils from school shall be distributed to all teachers prior to the first day of pupil attendance of each school year.
D. All complaints by a parent, student or other citizen of the district against a teacher shall be called to the attention of the teacher by the teacher's principal or assistant principal within twenty-four (24) hours or the next school day from the time of the complaint. The teacher shall be informed in writing of the nature of the complaint and the name or names of the individual(s) making the complaint. No administrative action shall be taken against the teacher until such information has been supplied to the teacher and a conference of the complainants and teacher has taken place if so requested by either of the parties involved. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to investigations conducted by law enforcement agencies, including DCFS and investigations pursuant to Board Policy 2:260.
E. It is recognized that discipline problems are less likely to occur in classes which are well taught and where a high level of student interest is maintained. If discipline problems occur, the principal and/or assistant principal will schedule a conference with the teacher(s) to discuss areas of concern.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. Site administration, in concert with the staff, shall develop a student discipline plan that includes restorative practices and implementing behavioral and interventional support. The plan will include expectations and consequences for student behavior and define suspendable offenses. Each student discipline plan shall be reviewed and evaluated at least annually by the site supervisor and unit members. All unit members shall be informed and given a copy of the existing written site student discipline plan within ten (10) workdays of reporting to their work location. A unit member may suspend a student from his/her class for the day of the incident and the day following for any of the acts enumerated in Education Code 48900 a-k. The unit member shall immediately report the suspension to the principal or designee and send the student to the principal or designee for appropriate action. No student shall be placed in another classroom for the duration of the suspension. As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. The student may not be returned to the unit member's classroom during the length of the suspension except by mutual agreement of the unit member and principal. Unit members shall immediately report cases of physical or verbal threat suffered by them in connection with their employment to their principals or other immediate supervisors who shall immediately report the incident to the police. The principal or designee shall arrange for a conference with the unit member as soon as possible to discuss actions taken, and further action needed to ensure the safety of the unit member. A flag in the student information system will notify unit members of students assigned to their classrooms or caseloads who have engaged in acts enumerated in Education Code 48900 a-k. Unit members may request more information on a flagged student from site administration.
PUPIL DISCIPLINE. The Elmira Teachers Association and the Board of Education are committed to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment. The District’s Code of Conduct shall govern student discipline.