Work Loads and Assignments Sample Clauses
Work Loads and Assignments. A. The Employer believes that equalization of work assignments within a division within the District is desirable. It is recognized that job assignments are the right of management. In making assignments, the employee's length of service with the Employer, experience, qualifications, competency and other relevant factors shall be considered.
B. A written general job description for each position shall be on file in the personnel office. Upon interview or reassignment, a written general job description shall be given to each employee, including description of the job duties, requirements and the qualifications necessary for the performance of the job.
C. The provisions of the Agreement and the wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status or participation by employees in the activities of the Association. FOOD SERVICE
A. Newly bid assignments will take effect with the start of the ensuing school year and shall not be subject to the forty (40) day probationary period.
B. Bids will be made every two (2) years (in the even-numbered years), except where the Employer intends to open another facility requiring food service in the ensuing year, or in the event of closing a facility in the ensuing year, in which case bids will be entered for that year, whether or not the year is even or odd numbered. Mini-Job Bidding for Food Service Each year, at the Food Service Back to School Workshop Meeting, all open positions within the Food Service Division will be posted for bid. Food Service members will be able to “bid” on any posted position within their job classification, in the order of most seniority, one at a time, starting with employees who hold a manager position if an open manager position is available.
C. Food service employees will be notified at least 30 days in advance of the job bidding date. Descriptions of all positions are to be made available to all employees at least 15 days prior to the scheduled job bidding date and are to be posted in each of the Employer’s kitchens. Employees unable to attend job bidding but still wishing to bid may make arrangements with the Food Service Supervisor or Association Representative via written statement of the job they wish to bid for, and up to several alternates in order of preference. The employee’s designee will then bid for the employee by seniority.
D. An Association Representative, chosen by food servic...
Work Loads and Assignments. A. The primary responsibility of the Secretary shall be in the performance of secretarial or clerical duties.
B. The Employer shall take all reasonable measures to equalize work assignments and workloads.
C. The Employer recognizes the principal of a standard forty (40) hour workweek and will set work schedules and make work assignments which can reasonably be completed.
D. All work which will require a unit member to work more than a forty (40) hour work week shall be compensated at either comp time or pay at time and one-half (1½) for all hours worked beyond forty (40) hours per week. The immediate supervisors shall be notified as soon as possible when a unit member believes the workweek will exceed forty (40) hours. One of the two (2) alternatives listed above will be chosen mutually between the unit member and the immediate supervisor before the work is completed.
Work Loads and Assignments. Efficient school operation is promoted when employees are working within their area, as prescribed in the job description; therefore, employees shall not be assigned unreasonable work.
Work Loads and Assignments. The Board agrees to avoid splitting assignments between two buildings whenever possible. The Board will also make every attempt to make all positions include continuous work time, with the exception of regular breaks and lunch periods. The Board agrees to offer positions to Bargaining Unit Members on the basis of seniority and previous work assignments, taking into consideration individual preferences wherever possible within such framework. It is understood if a Bargaining Unit member bids into a classification that is deemed to be “instructional” as described by the State of Michigan, that the member must meet the federal “highly qualified” guidelines for paraprofessionals as defined by federal law prior to working in that assignment. If a Bargaining Unit Member shall be considered to have given up the right to be called for another job until all other Bargaining Unit Members on the seniority list have been contacted for future job openings for that year. The foregoing provision shall not be enforced if the job offered to a Bargaining Unit Member would result in a reduction of working hours from the previous year.
Work Loads and Assignments. In order for each College employee to understand the assigned duties and responsibilities, the Human Resources Department shall develop and maintain job descriptions for each job classification. These descriptions will include a brief job summary, listing of major responsibilities, and a detailed outline of typical duties.
Work Loads and Assignments. A. The provisions of this Agreement and the wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, or marital status or membership in or association with the activities of any employee organization.
B. Secretaries are not required to assume administrative duties in the absence of the administrator. In an emergency:
a. Wait for the return of the Principal, if possible;
b. Call the Assistant Superintendent or Director of Special Education;
c. Call the Superintendent.
C. Each secretary will be provided a job description. Changes to the job descriptions will not be made without consulting the Association.
D. If any secretary is complained against or sued as a result of any action taken by the secretary while in pursuit of her employment, the Board will provide legal counsel and render all necessary assistance to the secretary in her defense.
Work Loads and Assignments. A. Since efficient school administration is promoted when Administrative Assistants are within their area of competence without excessive and overburdening demands, Administrative Assistants shall not be assigned work which should be properly distributed to other personnel.
B. The Board shall take all reasonable measures to regularize work assignments, work loads, and the relationship of the Administrative Assistants to persons who delegate assignments.
Work Loads and Assignments. Prior to any changes in the current work load or job description the Association shall receive the proposed changes in writing. Within (10) ten days the Association and district shall meet to discuss the proposed changes.
Work Loads and Assignments. A. Written job descriptions, which are presently being updated, will be made available to any employee upon request from the Office of Human Resources/Legal Affairs to define his/her responsibilities, and to facilitate the performance of his/her duties. The Board reserves the right to change workloads and job descriptions from time to time after consultation with the Union.
B. When the regular procedure for attaining substitutes has been exhausted, paraprofessionals may voluntarily be assigned as emergency substitute teachers, in their building, at the discretion of the building principal. Paraprofessionals will not be assigned to supervise students unless under the meaningful direction and supervision of a classroom teacher. Paraprofessionals accepting such an assignment will be compensated twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per day in addition to their regular daily rate or twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) for one-half day or less.
C. When the student or students assigned to a one-on-one paraprofessional is absent, the paraprofessional will receive his/her assignment for that day from the building principal. It is agreed that the assigned duties will be within the scope of a paraprofessional in the special education program. Classroom special education paraprofessionals who are not one-on-one will not be required to be isolated with a child where that child needs to be separated from other children for behavioral reasons for extended periods. When the assigned students are not in attendance, the paraprofessional will be assigned duties in the appropriate program, as set forth below, after the 1st day or upon prior notice of the absence of student.
1. At the building level if program services are needed.
2. At the nearest building in the zone where program services are needed.
3. When all other options have been exhausted where program services are needed. In making any assignment above, the building administrator, or special education administrator, will consider the length of the assignment, the needs of the program, and any special circumstances of the paraprofessional. However, the overriding factors will be the needs of the students and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
Work Loads and Assignments. A. In order for each College employee to understand the assigned duties and responsibilities, the Human Resources Department shall develop and maintain job descriptions for each job classification. These descriptions will include a brief job summary, listing of major responsibilities, and a detailed outline of typical duties.
B. Employees, at the time of hire, will be assigned to the proper job classification according to Exhibit C.
C. When any new positions, not included in the rate schedule, are established, the College may designate the job classification, rate structure and working conditions consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
D. A non-member of the bargaining unit shall not perform duties appropriately assigned to bargaining unit members. The use of co-op students, work study students, student aides, temporary employees hired for peak work periods, or as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and regular part-time employees is permitted. When any bargaining unit member is on layoff status, the College may not reassign the work of a position previously held by a bargaining unit member to a non-bargaining unit member, if any bargaining unit member wants it and is qualified to perform the work.