Union Time Bank. The Union President or his designated representative(s) shall have available a bank of three hundred (300) hours maximum per contract year to conduct Union business. This means the combined hours used by the Union President and his designated representative(s) to conduct the activities described in this Article shall not exceed three hundred (300) hours per contract year. No hours from this bank shall be carried forward past the expiration of the contract year.
Union Time Bank. The City and Union agree to establish and maintain a time bank to provide for backfilling of positions vacated by union members while attending union functions or conducting the business of the Union. All requests for use of the time bank shall be submitted to the Union President or designee. The Union President or designee shall have sole discretion as to the granting of time bank leave.
Union Time Bank. NOTE: The Union time bank allotments for the first year of this Agreement will be pro-rated based on the number of full monthly scheduling periods remaining in the year following the effective date of this Agreement.
11-3.01 The Union’s executive (President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary and Treasurer which may change upon mutual agreement between the Company and the Union) will be allotted a combined total of one thousand two hundred (1200) Company paid hours annually as of January 1st of each year. Any f light release in excess of one thousand two hundred (1200) hours shall be reimbursed to the Company in accordance with 11-7 below. The Recording Secretary shall advise the Company when UFR is to be deducted f rom this bank at the time it is requested.
11-3.02 In addition to the UFR granted in accordance with 11-3.01 above, the Company will allocate a bank of two thousand three hundred (2300) Company paid hours on January 1 of each year. Any f light release in excess of two thousand three hundred (2300) hours shall be reimbursed to the Company in accordance with 7. below. The Recording Secretary shall advise the Company when UFR is to be deducted f rom this bank at the time it is requested. 11-3.03 Union time bank hours in 11-3.01 and 11-3.02 above shall only be accessed for time spent performing Union business in relation to the Company. Time bank hours may not be accessed for any f light release for Union members and representatives while participating in recognized Union activities including but not limited to: Union conventions, executive meetings, Union committees not referenced in Article 12 – Union-Management Relations, meetings to discuss internal Union business, Union workshops, training, conventions, grievance preparation meetings, mediation, and arbitration.
Union Time Bank. A Union Time Bank shall be maintained, allowing members of Local 3501 designated by the Union President to utilize the time bank for union activities. Use of Union Leave shall be approved through the time-off request process and shall not be unreasonably denied by the City. To contribute vacation hours to the Union Bank, an employee must submit a "Voluntary Authorization for Deduction of Vacation or CTO Hours" form provided by the Human Resources Division. The City shall deduct vacation or CTO hours in the pay period following receipt of a completed authorization form. There shall be no retroactive deductions, pay-offs, or use of these hours for non-union business. Participating employees can voluntarily elect to contribute an unlimited number of vacation hours (or compensatory hours) to the Union Bank. The Union can initiate this process on an annual basis in February of each year, or as needed on an emergency basis as determined by the Union. These hours will be immediately converted into dollar values based upon each employee’s hourly rate in effect on the dates listed above. When a member takes Union Business Leave, a dollar amount shall be charged to the Union Bank at the hourly overtime cost of that employee’s replacement. Union Business Leave is authorized only to the amount of credit existing within the Bank. An employee will always be hired back to fill a Union Leave position, regardless of the current staffing level. The Union Bank of vacation hours contributed by employees shall be maintained by the Human Resources Division. The Finance Division will issue a report twice-yearly (January and July) detailing amounts of contributions and deducted leaves.
Union Time Bank. 11-3.01 In the event a Flight Attendant gets elected to the Union’s executive (President, Vice-President, Swoop Base Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, which may change upon mutual agreement between the Company and Union), each such elected Flight Attendant will be allotted ninety (90) Company-paid hours annually as of January 1st of each year. Any flight release in excess of ninety (90) hours shall be reimbursed to the Company in accordance with 11-7 below. The Recording Secretary shall advise the Company if UFR is to be deducted from this bank at the time it is requested. 11-3.02 Union time bank hours in 11-3.01 above shall only be accessed for time spent performing Union business in relation to the Company. Time bank hours may not be accessed for any flight release for Union members and representatives while participating in recognized Union activities, including but not limited to: Union conventions, executive meetings, Union committees not referenced in Article 12 – Union-Management Relations, meetings to discuss internal Union business, Union workshops, training, conventions, grievance preparation meetings, mediations, and arbitrations.
Union Time Bank. 3.3.1 On January 1st of each year, the Company shall grant the Union fifteen hundred (1500) time bank credit hours per calendar year. Unused time bank credits can be carried forward to the following year for the duration of this contract. Upon completion of this contract, the unused time bank credits may be used for the purpose of negotiating the following agreement.
3.3.2 If the Union requests a travel day(s) before and/or after an office day, a CUPE day can be blocked with no credit value. If, because of scheduling of CUPE days, the employee’s total hours for the month are below the Minimum Monthly Guarantee the difference will be covered by the CUPE bank of hours. All Union business will be withdrawn from the time bank which shall include but not be limited to: • Credit for meetings called by the Company • Credit for meetings called by the Union • Credit for work conducted by any Committee
3.3.3 The time bank may be used by the Union Executive and their designate representatives. The time bank shall be administered by the Union Executive. Where time bank credits are being used for the time of the Union President the rate for the credits will be the maximum CSM rate.
3.3.4 Time bank credits shall be assigned at the discretion of the Union. Time bank credits shall be identified as “CUPE” on a Union Executive or designated representatives’ monthly schedule.
3.3.5 In the event the time bank is exhausted prior to the end of a calendar year, the Union shall be responsible for all additional time bank credit hours.
3.3.6 The Union Executive will provide the Company with an audit of the time bank at the end of each year.
Union Time Bank. 5.3.1 On January 1st of each year, the Company shall grant the Union one-thousand three hundred (1300) time bank credit hours per calendar year. Unused time bank credits can be carried forward to the following year for the duration of this contract. Upon the completion of this contract the unused time bank credits may be used for the purpose of negotiating the following agreement.
5.3.2 On January 1st of each year, the Company shall grant the Executive of the Union a combined total of 600 time bank credit hours per calendar year. The Executive time bank is only available to those listed in 5.1.1. The hours will be assigned as “PMTG” and no other duties will be assigned in that time. In the event that a Union Executive is laid off, they may use “PMTG” Days to do work as needed in a layoff situation. For clarity, the 600 executive time bank credit hours are in addition to 5.3.1.
5.3.3 The Company and the Union will strive to plan PMTG Days prior to the release of the next month’s bid, to avoid meeting on an FCMs GDO. If an FCM needs to be removed from a Pairing in order to attend a PMTG, the Pairing credit will be replaced with a PMTG credit. PMTG credit will always be paid at straight time.
5.3.4 All Union business will be withdrawn from the time bank which shall include but not be limited to; • Credit for meetings called by the Company; • Credit for meetings called by the Union; • Credit for work conducted by the Crew Scheduling Chairperson; • Credit for work conducted by any Committee.
5.3.5 This time bank may be used by The Union Executive and their designated representatives. The time bank shall be administered by The Union Executive.
5.3.6 Time bank credits shall be assigned at 4 credits hours per Day. Time bank credits shall be identified as "PMTG" on a Union Executive or designated representatives' monthly schedule.
5.3.7 In the event the time bank is exhausted prior to the end of a calendar year, the Union shall be responsible for all additional time bank credit hours.
5.3.8 The Union Executive will provide the Company with an audit of the time bank at the end of each year.
5.3.9 Time bank credit will be disbursed when; • The Union Executive or designate requests a meeting with the Company; • The Union Executive or designate assigns schedule relief for Union related duties.
5.3.10 The credits associated with Days spent in bargaining for the purpose of contract negotiations will be paid for by the Company. The Company’s contribution will be limited t...
Union Time Bank. 28-3.01 The Company will allocate a bank of three thousand (3000) Company paid hours on January 1 of each year. Any Union release in excess of three thousand (3000) hours shall be reimbursed to the Company in accordance with 28-6 below. The balance of unused hours on December 31st shall be carried over to the following year for the duration of this Agreement. The Union shall advise the Company when Union release is to be deducted from this bank at the time it is requested. 28-3.02 Union time bank hours in 28-3.01 above shall only be accessed for time spent performing Union business in relation to the Company. Time bank hours may not be accessed for any Union release for designated Union representatives while participating in recognized Union activities including but not limited to: Union conventions, executive meetings, Union committees not referenced in this Agreement, meetings to discuss internal Union business, Union workshops, conventions, mediation, and arbitration.
Union Time Bank. Upon request of the Local 2400, the Department shall create a Union time bank. Employees may utilize the Union Time Bank for attending Union/SMCFDFFA sponsored meetings, training, and events. Local 2400 shall provide the Fire Chief or designee by April 1, of each year the specific amount that the employee shall contribute, under no circumstances shall the designated contribution exceed 2 hours per year. The employee’s contribution shall come from their earned vacation balances in the first full pay roll period in July of each year to the Union Time Bank. An employee may contribute additional accrued vacation balance. Additional contributions must be made in one (1) hour increments and are irrevocable. All requests for use of the Union Time Bank shall be submitted to the District Vice President or his/her designee. The District Vice President or his/her designee shall submit release time requests in accordance with the Departments backfill procedures. All withdrawals from the Union Time Back shall be done on an hourly basis. Tracking of deposits shall be done on an hourly basis and withdrawals done on an hourly basis. The Department shall develop a system to account for the Union Time Bank. The Department shall provide quarterly statements to the District Vice President of the San Mateo Consolidated Firefighters Association IAFF Local 2400, which shall include: • An accounting of all hourly deposits • An accounting of all hourly withdrawals • The current hour balance of the Union Time Bank
Union Time Bank. A. The Union President and their designated representative(s) shall have available a bank of two hundred (200) hours maximum per fiscal year of this Agreement (“Union Leave Hours”) as described in Subsection B to conduct Union business (including but not limited to attending, preparing for, or traveling to meetings, training, conventions, or seminars) which is not covered by or in excess of that which is provided for in Section 10.01 or elsewhere in this Agreement.
B. The City will provide the Union with one hundred (100) hours of Union Leave each fiscal year of this Agreement. The Union may accrue up to 100 additional leave hours through donations of accrued vacation leave from bargaining unit members. Contributions must be in the amount of at least one (1) hour and up to a maximum of ten (10) hours per member per year. Contributions will be in whole hours only and are irrevocable.
C. Unused amounts of Union Leave Hours from one year may carry over into the next year, but at no time may the bank of Union Leave Hours exceed 200. Once such leave is exceeded, annual leave, compensatory leave, or leave without pay may be used by the Union President and/or designee for such purposes. De minimis actions (less than 15 minutes) will not be required to be logged or be counted against the time bank.
D. Union Leave Hours cannot be used when an employee is not scheduled to be on duty or is in an unpaid leave status. Union Leave Hours cannot result in an employee incurring unscheduled overtime hours.
E. The Union will notify the City which bargaining unit members may use Union Leave Hours on an annual basis. The Union must promptly notify the Department of any changes in the list of bargaining unit members eligible to use Union Leave Hours.
F. On a quarterly basis, the City will provide the Union with records of Union Leave Hours for Union to review and, if applicable, to reject as unauthorized. In the event the Union identifies unauthorized hours, the employee who used the hours will be debited vacation or other accrued leave in the amount of the unauthorized time.
G. The employee must provide at least 72 hours’ notice of the need for Union Leave Hours to their immediate supervisor unless the need for leave could not have been reasonably anticipated. The request will be subject to the Department’s standard leave approval process.
H. Union Leave Hours must be used in a minimum increment of one (1) hour.
I. Union officers or representatives receiving paid time off to a...