Working Conditions of Teachers Sample Clauses

Working Conditions of Teachers return to part­time positions, as well as full time positions in their “right to return” school up to one (1) day before the first teacher day in the same school year or during the spring assignment and transfer process in the following year if the teacher’s position is restored. The School District shall notify those on file who have filed such a “right to return” provided, however, that such individuals may be assigned to one (1) or more schools to keep that employee in full time status. An employee who has been forced transferred may file a right­to­return to their former work location within one (1) year of the effective date of their new assign­ ment. The right­to­return transfer must be refiled each year in order to remain valid. (f) Elementary school support positions. (1) A teacher in an elementary school support position who wants to return to a grade assignment, and is so qualified, shall indicate this desire in writing to the Principal by March 15 for the following term. If there is a vacancy, and subject to the agreement of the Principal and teacher, reorganization for the following term will include said teacher as a classroom teacher. (2) If no vacancy exists, the Principal may assign any of the three (3) least senior grade teachers to the specialist position. (g) Teachers appointed to Early Childhood Programs shall be eligible to apply for transfer to vacant positions in the public school program subject to transfer provisions and certification requirements. The same applies to public school teachers who wish to transfer to any of the Early Childhood Programs. (h) Transfers shall be permitted between elementary, middle and senior high schools. Transfers shall be based on the provisions of this Article. (i) Assignments and transfers of teachers will occur in the following order: (1) The Office of Talent honors right to return, rights to follow and reten­ tion requests. (2) The spring site selection process shall occur for employees and new hires, with Early Access Site Selection opening first and then Site Selection shall open for remaining vacancies. Early Access Site Selection may begin on or after January 2, for vacancies in schools, not to exceed twenty­five schools, as designated by the District. If a school is designated as eligible for Early Access Site Selection during the term of this Agreement, then the school shall remain eligible for the duration of the term of this Agreement. Early Access Site Selection is intended to provide sch...
Working Conditions of Teachers. 7. In each school, the Principal and the Building Committee shall meet to review the Student Code of Conduct and establish best practices for implemen­ tation of the Code and its enforcement in the school. These behavioral expectations shall be distributed to parents, students and staff no later than the first week of school. The Principal shall give teachers effective and consistent support to enforce these behavioral expectations. As part of their regular monthly meetings, the Principal and Building Committee shall review the enforcement and implementation of behavioral expectations. Unless the School District and the Federation mutually agree to an exten­ sion, these pilot programs shall end on June 1, 2012. 8. Each school shall establish a process that is in line with the Student Code of Conduct for dealing with disruptive students who need to be removed from the classroom. 9. Teachers shall exercise their best judgment in appraising student misbe­ havior; and determining what instructional strategies may address the student’s behavioral problem. 10. A teacher may use reasonable force to protect themselves or others from attack or injury, or to quell a disturbance which threatens physical injury to a teacher or others. Reasonable force shall mean the same degree of physical control over a pupil that a parent would be legally privileged to exercise but which in no event shall exceed the amount of physical control reasonably neces­ sary to protect the physical safety of teachers or others. 11. Teachers faced with emotionally disturbed pupils and pupils who present severe disciplinary problems in their classes shall be given early additional sup­ port to help them deal with resulting problems by making available to them the counseling, psychological and psychiatric services of the school system and by giving serious consideration to the removal of such pupils from the class, not for the purpose of punishing the pupils involved but rather to find the causes of such behavior and to attain remedies therefor. 12. Mentally, emotionally and educationally handicapped children shall at the earliest possible opportunity be placed in classes and involved in instruc­ tional programs that are best prepared to meet their needs. This shall be done following careful study made promptly upon indication of need therefor of the characteristics, development and unique problems of the child requiring special attention. The combined judgment of the Principal and teacher or te...
Working Conditions of Teachers with the most senior psychologist. In the event no such psychologist indicates their willingness to perform such assignment the psychologist with such special qualifications and competencies with the least seniority shall be assigned to such special projects on a rotation basis beginning with the least senior such psychologist. 21. Assignment to such projects within a Network shall be made in accor­ dance with the procedure enumerated above from among the psychologist assigned to such Network. 22. A psychologist shall be permitted to transfer from one Network to an existing vacancy in another on the basis of seniority. Such transfer shall be effec­ tive on September 1. 23. Psychologists shall not be required to report on days when all schools are closed by administrative action. 24. To the extent permitted by budgetary allocation and the availability of personnel, and regardless of class size, a kindergarten class shall be provided with a kindergarten assistant or supportive services assistant who shall be assigned to provide the teacher with the same relief provisions as are provided other elementary school teachers. 25. The library shall be available for library purposes to students and teach­ ers at all times during the school day, except that Administration may schedule meetings on occasions that would not unreasonably interfere with the use of the library. 26. To insure minimum standards of privacy and confidentiality (a) provision shall be made in new school buildings for each counselor to have their own office with floor to ceiling sound­conditioned partitions; the same provision shall be made in old schools, the floor to ceiling partitions dependent upon the reasonable availability of existing natural or mechanical ventilation and (b) in any event, a counselor’s office shall contain a door that can be closed, a tele­ phone for the use of the counselor and file cabinets that lock. 27. The caseload for occupational and physical therapists shall be equivalent to the caseload established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for speech therapists as they may be amended from time to time, until such time as the District implements a workload staffing model. During the 2022­23 school year, the District shall implement a workload staffing model for occupational thera­ pists, physical therapists, and speech therapists. Within sixty (60) days of ratification, a committee shall be established comprised of three (3) representatives designated respectively by th...
Working Conditions of Teachers. 1. For purposes of Sections B and C of this Article, the following positions are hereinafter referred to as teacher or teachers: Classroom teachers, counselors, librarians, teachers on leave, special education teachers, itinerant teachers, demonstration teachers, collaborating or consulting teachers, provisional teachers, long term substitute teachers, department heads, coordinators, administrative assistants, and released teachers. 2. For all other purposes of this Agreement,“teacher” will include all employ­ ees represented by the Teachers’ bargaining unit.
Working Conditions of Teachers. (c) Notification of appointment to summer school shall be made by June 1 for at least ninety percent (90%) of the number of teachers estimated to be needed for the program. (d) Teachers will be provided a choice of schools and, where administratively possible, that choice will be honored in making assignments. (e) Seniority in summer school shall govern when it becomes necessary to reduce positions. Where such summer school seniority is equal, then systemwide seniority shall apply. (f) Information regarding the number of allotted positions by level and sub­ jects as well as teachers appointed to such positions shall be made available to the Federation on a timely basis. (g) Additional appointments to summer school shall be made as needed dur­ ing the summer school sessions in accordance with subsection (b) of this Article. If a list is exhausted, then teachers certified in that subject and on another current summer school list (though not appointed from it) shall be given the opportunity to fill the position as a temporary appointee. If the name of such temporary appointee is reached on the eligibility list for a regular appointment, they shall continue in the temporary position for the duration of the summer session. However, their seniority for summer school purposes, in the subject of the eligi­ bility list shall begin from the date their name was reached on such eligibility list. (h) A summer school teacher may take an unpaid leave of absence for up to two (2) xxxxxxx if they are on sabbatical leave from regular school. A teacher taking such leave of absence shall retain their position and continue to accrue seniority and all other benefits as though they were teaching. (i) A summer school teacher shall be permitted, during the summer session, to use sick leave accumulated during the regular school year. (j) A summer school teacher will be permitted the same funeral leave as during the regular school year. (k) A summer school teacher shall be permitted to use accumulated personal leave from regular school for the same reasons as such leave is used during the regular school year.
Working Conditions of Teachers event the Parties cannot agree on a date, spring site selection shall be completed no later than no later than July 1st. (d) The School District shall use its best efforts to accurately allocate the proper number of teachers for each school. To reduce disruptions, the leveling of classes will begin not later than ten (10) student days after the first student day of the school year and shall be completed by the Monday following the twenty­first (21) student day. 2. Transfers — General Rules (a) In order to permit the prompt identification of vacancies, retiring or resign­ ing teachers, nurses, therapists, and psychologists shall provide at least sixty (60) days’ notice of their intention to retire or resign. (1) Teachers, nurses, therapists, and psychologists who notify the Office of Talent by January 15th of their intent to retire or resign at the end of that current school year will receive a one­time lump sum payment of $1,000 payable pursuant to the provisions in Article XIII Section H.1.(a). Teachers, nurses, therapists, and psychologists who notify the Office of Talent by March 15th of their intent to retire or resign at the end of that cur­ rent school year will receive a one­time lump sum payment of $750 payable pursuant to the provisions in Article XIII Section H.1.(a). The lump sum payment shall be payable no later than the last day in July, provided the employee has terminated service with the School District. (2) Retiring or resigning teachers, nurses, therapists, and psychologists who provide such early notice of their intention to separate from School District service shall not be precluded from working in the School District’s summer programs to provide instruction in the summer of their separation from service, excluding participation in professional development. (3) Retiring or resigning teachers, nurses, therapists, and psychologists may receive health insurance benefits for July and August provided that by the last day of the school year they give written notice of their intent to retire or resign. (b) Newly hired teachers who completed their student teaching in that school or had worked in that school as a long­term substitute within the preceding two
Working Conditions of Teachers seniority:
Working Conditions of Teachers. 14. Where possible, children shall be placed in an appropriate setting within thirty (30) days of the receipt of a psychological evaluation. 15. When, in the opinion of a teacher, the assignment of a child to a spe­ cial class warrants a re­evaluation, the request of the teacher for such a re­ evaluation shall receive expedited attention. When the re­evaluation is made, the teacher shall be involved. 16. If a child exhibits anti­social behavior, such essential information shall be recorded in the pupil pocket and maintained for a period of eighteen (18) months if the pupil has not exhibited similar and/or related behavior. Such information should be considered relevant to decisions by teachers and admin­ istrators regarding the appropriateness of additional supports or alternative placement. 17. To the extent practical, each school shall establish an in­house “accom­ modation” room for disruptive students who are removed temporarily from their classrooms. 18. Pupils shall not be assigned to the school library or instructional materi­ als center as a disciplinary measure. 19. Health information for shared­time students shall be forwarded to the receiving school by the home school. 20. The School District will give every consideration to the achievement of the Parties’ goal to have art and music instruction available in all grades. 21. The School District shall provide teachers with training and professional development related to restorative justice and other best practices in keeping children safe, responding to fights and other disturbances, working with stu­ dents impacted by trauma, and building a respectful environment in schools.
Working Conditions of Teachers dred (400), a maximum caseload for middle school counselors of one hundred and fifty (150) and a maximum caseload for high school counselors of two hun­ dred (200). There shall be at least one (1) counselor in each school as soon as possible but no later than September 1, 2005. 13. Money collected within the school in connection with the circulation of library books shall be allocated to that school for its library needs, at the librar­ xxx’s discretion after consultation with the Principal. 14. Counselors shall not be required to mete out discipline or maintain atten­ dance records in the performance of their counseling duties except during whole class instruction and class coverage.
Working Conditions of Teachers. 9. The mutual goal of the parties is to eliminate split classes in elementary schools. To that end, split classes shall be eliminated unless they are required to meet the physical constraints of a school building or for budgetary require­ ments. In such cases, the Principal shall provide the reason(s) in writing to the teacher of the class in which this has occurred.