Recall Lists Sample Clauses
Recall Lists. Names of regular employees who have separated from the service of the State in good standing by recall or who have demoted in lieu of layoff shall be placed on layoff lists in seniority order established by the classification from which the employee was laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff. Employees may remain on layoff for up to two (2) years and shall not loose previously accrued seniority when employed within two (2) years.
Recall Lists. Any employee that is laid off or sustains a reduction in classification shall have his/her name placed on a recall list for that classification. The recall list for a given classification shall continue to exist as long as one or more persons remain on the list. Employees shall be placed on the recall list in order based on the employees’ classification seniority, from highest seniority to lowest seniority. The City shall transmit to the Association a copy of each recall list upon request. Employees who are laid off or reduced in classification shall remain on the recall list for his/her classification until he/she is: (1) recalled to their prior position, (2) removed from the list for failing to respond to a notice of recall, or (3) after two (2) years of being placed on the list, whichever occurs first.
Recall Lists. Agency recall lists shall be maintained by seniority for each class and level and employment type in each series for each Agency or work location affected by layoff. Each laid-off employee shall automatically be placed on the Agency recall list for the class and level from which he/she is laid off. An employee who has been laid off from a closing Agency shall have the right to designate one other open Agency as their home Agency and shall be placed on the Agency’s recall list. The Employer shall, when issuing the layoff notice, inform the employee of his/her rights under this Article and Section, and shall provide to the employee at that time the proper form for designating the several recall lists, classifications, work locations, etc., as required below. Each laid-off employee shall have the right to have his/her name placed upon a Departmental Recall list, in order of seniority, for the class and level from which he/she is laid off, for each work location or Agency at which he/she will accept recall to employment. The employee shall notify the Employer in writing of his/her designation within seven (7) calendar days subsequent to being laid off. Return from a Departmental recall list shall be in order of seniority. In addition, the laid-off employee shall have the right to have his/her name placed upon the Agency recall list in seniority order, for such additional classes and levels in which he/she has satisfactorily completed a probationary period prior to being laid off. Such employee shall also have the right to have his/her name placed on Departmental lists(s) for such position(s) as provided above. Use of approved class clusters for recall is a proper subject of bargaining at the secondary level. Employees with ten (10) or more years of seniority, who are currently on layoff or who are laid off during the term of this Agreement, shall have the opportunity to place their names on the Agency recall lists, for the primary class only, in seniority order for Agencies within their Department other than the one from which they were laid off in accordance with this Section. These employees shall continue to have the opportunity to place their names on the Departmental recall list in accordance with this Article. An employee who accepts or refuses recall to employment from such Agency recall list shall have his/her name removed from recall lists in accordance with Section I, (4) below. An employee may delete in writing a classification or designated work lo...
Recall Lists. Definitions. For purposes of this Article the following definitions apply:
43 1. The Primary Class is the class and level from which a unit employee is initially 44 laid off or bumped.
46 2. The Secondary Class is a class and level in the Bargaining Unit, other than the
Recall Lists. Copies of recall lists will be available to the Union upon request. Copies of all notices of recall will be sent to the Union Office.
Recall Lists. Definitions. For purposes of this Article the following definitions 13 apply:
14 1. The Primary Class is the class and level from which a unit employee is 15 initially laid off or bumped.
16 2. The Secondary Class is a class and level in the Bargaining Unit, other 17 than the primary class, in which the unit employee has achieved Civil 18 Service status or has satisfactorily completed the required probationary 19 period (2,080 hours), and any lower level class in that class series.
20 3. A Layoff Unit Recall List is a list of each layoff unit, by class and level, of 21 each unit employee who has been laid off or bumped from a position in 22 that Layoff Unit, and for which he/she is eligible under subsections 1 and 2 23 hereinabove, and has requested recall to such class and level.
24 4. A Departmental Recall List is a list by class and level, and by Layoff Xxxx 00 of each unit employee who has been laid off or bumped from a position in 26 that Department, and for which he/she is eligible under subsections 1 and 27 2 hereinabove and has requested recall to such class, level, and layoff 28 unit.
29 5. A Statewide Recall List is a list by class and level, and by county of each 30 unit employee who has been laid off or bumped from a position in the 31 state classified service, and for which he/she is both eligible under 32 subsections 1 and 2 hereinabove and has requested recall to such class, 33 level, and county.
Recall Lists. 9 A. Placement on and Recall from Recall Lists Employees who are subject 10 to layoff will be placed on a recall list for the classification(s) held immediately 11 preceding layoff. Employees will be placed on a recall list only for the FTE status the 12 employee held at the time of layoff, though at the choice of the employee, a full-time 13 employee may choose to fill a part-time position or a part-time employee may choose 14 to fill a full-time position. Employees shall be recalled to available vacancies in the 15 classification and FTE status for which the recall list is established, and to which the 16 employee would be eligible to bump in a layoff situation under section 4 above, in 17 descending seniority order. An employee who is passed over because he or she 18 lacks special skills or certifications shall be advised in writing by the department’s 19 Human Resources Manager of the qualification(s) the employee lacks that the 20 position requires. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the County from offering 21 recall to an employee on the layoff list for an FTE status different than that held by 22 the employee at the time of layoff if there are no remaining employees on the layoff 23 list for that classification and FTE status.
Recall Lists a. The Employer shall maintain two (2) recall lists: one (1) for Permanent employees and one (1) for Student Employees and Designated Assistants, and shall make these lists available to the Union.
b. Permanent employees shall remain on the recall list for two (2) years.
c. Student employees shall remain on the recall list for three (3) semesters.
d. Employees on the recall lists shall be listed and recalled in order of seniority, provided that they possess the skills, knowledge and ability, based on the job description, to perform the necessary job functions.
e. Employees on layoff are responsible for providing the Employer with up to date contact information including telephone number and mailing address. Notice of recall shall be by telephone, or if unsuccessful, by registered mail to the last known address of the employee. A copy shall be sent to the Union. If an employee fails to respond to a notice of layoff within five (5) working days, their recall rights will be lost.
f. If an employee is not recalled prior to their recall rights expiring, seniority will be lost.
Recall Lists. (a) A recall list showing the names and status of all teachers employed by the Regional Centre under a term contract issued pursuant to subsection (1) of clause 33.01 of the Teachers’ Provincial Agreement shall be prepared by the Regional Centre and after consultation and approval by the Union, a copy of the list as finally approved shall be initialed by a representative of the Union and the Regional Executive Director or designate and such list shall be conclusive evidence of the status of said term contract teachers employed by the Regional Centre. This list shall be revised yearly.
(b) Notwithstanding Article 7.01(ii)(a), term teachers shall require a satisfactory evaluation for the term in order to be placed on the recall list. An evaluation which states “requires more time to assess” shall be considered a satisfactory evaluation. The evaluation shall be provided to the teacher on or before seven (7) days from the end of the term contract or prior to the commencement of the filling of positions pursuant to Article 11.
Recall Lists. 1. For purposes of this Article the following definitions apply:
a. The Primary Class is the class and any other class(es) in the approved class cluster from which an employee is initially laid off or bumped.
b. The Secondary Class is a class and level and any other class(es) in the approved class cluster in the Bargaining Units, other than the primary class, in which the employee has satisfactorily completed the required probationary period, and any lower level class in that class series or approved class cluster.
c. A Departmental Recall List is a list in seniority order by class and level, approved class cluster, and by county or Agency/facility of each employee who has been laid off or bumped from a position in the Department and for
d. A Statewide Interdepartmental Recall List is a list in seniority order by class and level, Department and county of each employee who has been laid off or bumped from a position in the State Classified Service, and for which he/she is both eligible under both a. and b. above and has requested recall to such class, level, Department and county.