Example Two Sample Clauses

Example Two. An employee’s Service Award Date is February 24, 1987.
Example Two. For COLA Payment Year 1, the agreement year is 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023. The wage increase under the Agreement is 4% on 1 September 2022. In April 2023, the ABS releases the CPI figure for March 2023 as 7.5%. The COLA Payment is calculated as the difference between 4% and 7.5%, i.e. 3.5%. However, because the COLA Payment is capped at 3%, the COLA percentage is 3%.
Example Two. State VR counselors and educators are both responsible for the development and completion of the employment component of a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) in concert with the student, the parents, and the IEP team. State VR involvement in the IEP development and completion will be determined by individual student need, not student age or grade. IEP teams and VR counselors will consider four factors to determine when employment preparation should start and the intensity of the services that should be provided: Student knowledge and skills; Student learning characteristics, including student response to ease of accessibility and accommodations; Complexity of support needs; and, Number of environments affected. The more intense the need for services, the earlier preparation should start and the more people who have specialized knowledge (e.g.; work experience counselors, VR counselors) should be involved. This involvement may be provided by VR without a case record, but instead as part of the pre-employment transition services provided. These services can be conducted in a group setting and will require collaboration to determine the pre-employment transition service activities that are needed by that specific LEA and will suit the students in that setting. When appropriate due to scheduling and other factors they may be provided individually Those students who require more intensive services in order to learn, understand and apply the information from pre-employment transition service activities will be encouraged to submit an application for VR. These individualized services may not be provided without the student having been determined eligible and served under an Individual Plan for Employment (IPE). VR staff will review information for students who submit an application for services and Area Education Agencies (AEA)/LEAs will share existing information which will assist VR in determining a student’s eligibility. If needed, students will participate in additional assessment(s) to determine eligibility services. The scheduling of these assessment(s) will require collaboration between VR, LEA and AEA staff members. Once an eligibility determination has been made by VR, the decision will be shared with the LEA and AEA staff. This information will be considered as part of the student’s transition plan within the IEP. VR counselors will develop an IPE for each individual determined to be eligible for VR within 90 days from the date of eligibility ...
Example Two. The Buyer Group wins $30m from Alcatel but Alcatel appeals the judgment. At that time, the Buyer Group’s costs are $2m and $8.4m would be required to be paid to the Seller Parties (30% of $28m). If the matter were Finally Determined, the Net Recovered Sum would be $19.6m and 70% of $19.6m ($13.72m) would be payable to the Relevant Sellers. Before the appeal is heard, the Buyer Group and Alcatel agree that $2m should be repaid to Alcatel in full and final settlement of the Alcatel Claim. The Buyer Group’s costs at the relevant time are now $3m and $7.5m (30% of $25m) is ultimately required to be paid to the Seller Parties. The final Net Recovered Sum is therefore $17.5m ($30m minus $7.5m minus $5m) and 70% of that amount is $12.25m. Accordingly, $12.25m would then be payable to the Relevant Sellers.
Example Two. All attempts should be made to resolve disputes at the lowest operational level (at the School, School District and/or DVR office level).
Example Two. Cynosure Sells a Cynosure Combination Product (“Product Two”), e.g., Cynergy III System, with only a Cynosure Hair Module, e.g., 1064 Nd:YAG laser. The Net Sales attributable to such Sale is $160. Cynosure owes Palomar royalties of $12 ($160 x 100% x 7.5%). Cynosure then Sells a Cynosure Other Module, e.g., 585nm pulsed dye laser, for use with Product Two, with Net Sales attributable to the Sale of such Cynosure Other Module of $90. The Aggregate Net Sales for Product Two, with the Cynosure Hair Module and the Cynosure Other Module, is $250. Cynosure has paid Palomar the previous royalty of $12. The total amount of royalty now owed is $9.38 ($250 x 50% x 7.5%), so Cynosure may take a credit of $2.62 ($12 — $9.38) on future royalty payments owed Palomar.
Example Two. Neither the XX Department of Education nor a local education agency in xx will enter into an arrangement with an entity holding a special wage certificate under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act for the purpose of operating a program under which a youth with a disability is engaged in work at I a subminimum wage.
Example Two. State Educational Agency (SEA) Agreement Department of Human Services Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and The Department of Education Special Education Services Parties Involved/Authority Both the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (the Rehabilitation Act), as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), require State Educational Agencies (SEA) and Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies to plan and coordinate transition services, as well as pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities through a formal interagency agreement (Section 612(a)(12) of the IDEA and Section 101(a)(11)(D) of the Rehabilitation Act). Additional references used in this document include Sections 113 and 511 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the final implementing regulations: State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program; State Supported Employment Services Program; and Limitations on Use of Subminimum Wage (34 CFR Parts 361, 363, and 397). The XX Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division's Bureau of Services to Persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired and/or (if only one VR agency in a state) Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (jointly called “XX VR”) and the XX Department of Education (XDE) hereby define their relationship including their respective roles and responsibilities to a student with a disability. Purpose
Example Two. Neither the XX Department of Education nor a local education agency in xx will enter into an arrangement with an entity holding a special wage certificate under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act for the purpose of operating a program under which a youth with a disability is engaged in work at I a subminimum wage. Construction Clause Nothing under title I of the Rehabilitation Act shall be construed as reducing a LEA’s obligation under the IDEA to provide or pay for transition services that are also considered special education or related services and that are necessary for ensuring a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities. Consultation and Technical Assistance XX VR will provide consultation and technical assistance to the SEAs and LEAs to assist in planning for the transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school employment-related activities, pre-employment transition services, and competitive, integrated employment. The consultation and technical assistance provided to SEAs and LEAs by XX VR may be provided through alternative means, such as conference calls, video conferences as well as shared in-person training opportunities. Examples include joint training opportunities, sharing conference opportunities, being a strong partner with the SEA and LEAs in receiving technical assistance from recognized technical assistance providers. Attend and participate in quarterly meetings for Special Education Directors when invited. DVR will provide consultation and technical assistance to DOE staff in planning for the transition of students with disabilities from school to post-school activities, including vocational rehabilitation services. Consultation and technical assistance will be provided by the administrative, supervisory, and direct service delivery levels of DVR and will occur formally and informally throughout the school year. During the spring of the school year, the DVR Statewide Transition Coordinator (DVR Coordinator) will arrange an annual meeting co-facilitated by the DOE Statewide Educational Specialist (SES). Areas of consultation and technical assistance may include the following information: Description of DVR services including pre-employment transition services Special Education- Vocational Rehabilitation (SE-VR) annual reports SE-VR budget reports Use of funds DVR Branch Administrators and Section Supervisors will be responsible for providing consultation and technical assistanc...