General Salary Provisions. A. The administrative management salary structure is based on classification placement on a Broadband salary schedule. The structure includes an “advertised minimum” salary rate which increases to an “advertised maximum” salary rate (the control point), and upon approval and adoption of the eligibility criteria by the Board of Supervisors, additional compensation reserved only for outstanding performance.
B. Manager’s salaries may reach the top of the administrative management “advertised maximum” rate through annual increases provided to eligible management employees.
C. The outstanding performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges shall not be used for the purposes of recruiting, market adjustments or other non-performance related reasons. Under no circumstances shall the outstanding performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges be utilized for salary adjustments outside of a Board adopted and funded performance management program.
D. See Article XX (Compensation) for other provisions relating to managers’ compensation. Adoption of a new compensation system may alter the foregoing provisions (Section 2A.-C.) regarding employee compensation.
General Salary Provisions. The annual salary of a teacher is earned over the course of the school year and is paid bi-weekly over 22 equal pays. The Board shall direct a portion of the teacher’s net pay to a teacher-designated account for purposes of providing summer pay for those teachers who elect to do so. The Board shall direct a portion of the teacher’s pay to the Board’s approved 403B/457 plan for those teachers who elect to do so.
General Salary Provisions. 13.1 Employees will be paid according to the salary scale applicable to the classification to which they are assigned with credit for industry experience by the Authority at the time of hiring. The placement of a new hire on the salary scale will be at the discretion of the Authority.
13.2 Progression along the salary scale within each classification will occur at the start of the pay period nearest the employee’s anniversary date of employment.
13.3 When a full time employee is promoted to fill a vacancy in a higher pay classification, the employee shall move into the higher pay classification on the first day of the next complete pay period. This date shall become the employee’s anniversary date for pay purposes and for progression along the salary scale in the higher pay classification. The promoted employee shall be placed in the step in the higher pay classification that provides an increase of at least 4.5%.
13.4 The basic salaries set out in Article 40, are minimum basic salaries. It is agreed that the Authority may continue its policy of granting discretionary increases or payments.
General Salary Provisions. (1) Wages for all unit members shall be paid in accordance with the schedules provided in this Agreement (See Appendix "A").
(2) The initial position on the wage schedule of each person appointed shall be set by the District using initial wage placement guidelines for new hires that shall be developed by the District, in consultation with the Association, and implemented by the District as soon as is practicable. Initial wage placement may be made on any step between Step 1 and Step 4 based on the following, as detailed within the initial wage placement guidelines: (1) prior paraprofessional or teaching assistant experience, (2) other prior vocational experience, (3) delineation for “special circumstances” as agreed upon by the Chief of the Office of Human Capital and the RAP President (ex. shortage areas). All newly appointed personnel shall be assigned to the appropriate rate on the salary schedule and based upon satisfactory service, wages shall be advanced one step each year.
(3) All unit members shall receive pay biweekly beginning the second pay day after Labor Day using a method that reflects the District's positive payroll reporting system.
(4) The District will continue to work on a process by which they will annualize pay for RAP members commencing July 1, 2012. Effective June 2018, unit members shall have the option to choose between pay pursuant to regular payroll practices and the current process identified as annualized pay. Members must Opt-In to annualized pay on or before June 1 of each school year for their payroll method to be effective during the following school year.
(a) 11-month unit members are not eligible to participate in the first payment of the annualized pay process.
(b) Unit members on an unpaid leave of absence shall be eligible for participation in the upcoming year annualized pay option if they opt-in on or before June 1 and are approved by the Office of Human Capital Employee Benefits team to return to work on or before August 15 preceding the start of the school year. If the member does not return to service on the first day of school, then the member will revert to the regular payroll practices for the remainder of the school year.
(c) An employee participating in the annualized pay process that is placed on an unpaid leave projected to last more than two (2) pay periods may be removed from the process. The District shall attempt to recoup any missed deductions over the remaining paychecks for the school year.
(d) For c...
General Salary Provisions. A. The administrative management salary structure is based on classification placement on a Broadband salary schedule. The structure includes an “advertised minimum” salary rate which increases to an “advertised maximum” salary rate (the control point), and upon approval and adoption of the eligibility criteria by the Board of Supervisors, additional compensation reserved only for outstanding performance.
B. Manager’s salaries may reach the top of the administrative management “advertised maximum” rate through annual increases provided to eligible management employees.
C. The outstanding performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges shall not be used for the purposes of recruiting, market adjustments or other non-performance related reasons. Under no circumstances shall the outstanding performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges be utilized for salary adjustments outside of a Board adopted and funded performance management program.
General Salary Provisions. 37.1 Employees will be paid according to the salary scale applicable to the classification to which they are assigned. The salary grades and scales may be adjusted by mutual agreement.
37.2 The placement of a new hire on the salary scale will be at the discretion of the Employer.
37.3 The salary grades set out in this article are minimum basic salaries. The Employer may grant increases, above-scale salaries or bonus payments to employees who consistently meet or exceed the expectations of their job.
37.4 The Employer shall have the right to create senior classifications where reasonable and merited for existing employees who are considered experts in their discipline, consistently strong performers, and who demonstrate leadership ability, accountability and the ability and willingness to train and assist other employees. Senior classifications will be established in the next higher salary scale from the regular level of a classification. Appointments to senior classifications shall be determined by the Employer and will be based on merit. Employees who are promoted into a senior classification shall receive a minimum 10% salary increase upon appointment. Salary scales:
Grade 1: Receptionist
General Salary Provisions. A. The administrative management salary structure is based on classification placement on a Broadband salary schedule. The structure includes an “advertised minimum” salary rate, advertised midpoint, which increases to an “advertised maximum” salary rate (the control point), and upon approval and adoption of the eligibility criteria by the Board of Supervisors, and an additional compensation portion reserved only for outstanding exceptional performance.
B. Manager’s salaries may reach the top of the administrative management “advertised maximum” rate salary range through annual increases provided to eligible management employees in accordance with Section 4 below.
C. The outstanding exceptional performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges shall not be used for the purposes of recruiting, market adjustments or other non-performance related reasons. Under no circumstances shall the outstanding performance component of the Administrative Management salary ranges be utilized for salary adjustments outside of a Board adopted and funded performance management program. In limited circumstances and upon recommendation of the Department Head, the County Executive Officer may authorize salary placement in the “Reserved for Exceptional Performance” portion of a salary range for any of the reason described in Section 3 through 6 below, when there is a direct and measurable benefit to the County from such salary placement. Placement into the exceptional area will require pre-approval from the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Deputy CEO (for non-elected departments heads), and the County Executive Officer. Due to the implementation of the new classification and pay range structure, the continued need for the above language regarding salary placement in the “Reserved for Exceptional Performance” portion of a salary range shall be discussed at the end of the contract term.
D. Salary adjustment or placement within the “Reserved for Exceptional Performance” component of the salary range due to salary compaction with the highest paid subordinate shall not be based on salaries which exceed the advertised maximum of a salary range.
General Salary Provisions. (1) Wages for all unit members shall be paid in accordance with the schedules provided in this Agreement (See Appendix "A").
(2) The initial position on the wage schedule of each person appointed shall be set by special action of the District. All newly appointed personnel employed for more than ten (10) hours per week shall be assigned to the base wage rate on the salary schedule and based upon satisfactory service shall be advanced one step each year. Newly appointed personnel employed for ten (10) or less hours per week may be assigned to base wage rate commensurate with Step 2 of the appropriate hourly wage rate and based upon satisfactory service shall be advanced one step each year.
(3) All unit members shall receive pay biweekly beginning the second pay day after Labor Day using a method that reflects the District's positive payroll reporting system.
(4) The District will continue to work on a process by which they will annualize pay for RAP members commencing July 1, 2012.
(5) Unit members upon retirement may be offered part-time employment and be compensated at their last rate of pay.
(6) Unit members who are required to attend after school hour events (meetings, parent-teacher conferences, etc.) shall receive their hourly rate for such attendance.
General Salary Provisions. (1) Wages for all unit members shall be paid in accordance with the schedules provided in this Agreement (See Appendix "A").
(2) The initial position on the wage schedule of each person appointed shall be set by the District using initial wage placement guidelines for new hires that shall be developed by the District, in consultation with the Association, and implemented by the District as soon as is practicable. Initial wage placement may be made on any step between Step 1 and Step 4 based on the following, as detailed within the initial wage placement guidelines: (1) prior paraprofessional or teaching assistant experience, (2) other prior vocational experience, (3) delineation for “special circumstances” as agreed upon by the Chief of HCI and the RAP President (ex. shortage areas). All newly appointed personnel shall be assigned to the appropriate rate on the salary schedule and based upon satisfactory service, wages shall be advanced one step each year.
(3) All unit members shall receive pay biweekly beginning the second pay day after Labor Day using a method that reflects the District's positive payroll reporting system.
(4) The District will continue to work on a process by which they will annualize pay for RAP members commencing July 1, 2012. Effective June 2018, unit members shall have the option to choose between pay pursuant to regular payroll practices and the current process identified as annualized pay. Members must Opt-In to annualized pay on or before June 1 of each school year for their payroll method to be effective during the following school year.
(5) Unit members upon retirement may be offered part-time employment and be compensated at their last rate of pay.
(6) Unit members who are required to attend after school hour events (meetings, parent-teacher conferences, etc.) shall receive their hourly rate for such attendance.
General Salary Provisions. 1. Each unit member shall be assigned to an appropriate salary schedule described in this Article. Administration of the respective salary schedules shall apply uniformly to all affected unit members as set forth in this Article.
2. Unit members serving less than the required number of working days shall receive an annual salary which bears the same ratio to the established annual salary as the number of required working days served bears to the number of days required for the school year.
3. Mandatory deductions from gross earnings are those required by law and include such items as federal and state income tax and State Teachers Retirement System or any deductions contained in this Agreement.
4. Optional deductions are those deductions the unit member may elect to have taken from gross earnings. Such deductions are made for items and services provided for by law, made available by the Association and approved by the Superintendent. Optional deductions must be initiated in writing by the unit member and will continue to remain in effect until the Office receives in writing from each unit member a notice withholding the authorization for such deduction.